Deage Disaster
I know this has been done before but I really wanted to do it too! I always think these are adorable. Let's see if I can match up ( • ̀ω•́ )✧
Note: all Romanian said in this is all from google translate. If you know Romanian and want to correct it in the comments then I'll fix it!
Bruce didn't know what happened. Yesterday he had a 15 year old Dick Grayson and now, a 5 year old lay asleep on the bed.
Blaring music rang in Dick's ears. He couldn't hear even if someone yelled directly in his ear.
Dick had gone to a party, that Bruce may or may not had said that he couldn't go to. Dick wasn't planning on drinking or anything, he just wanted to have a good time. So far, Dick hadn't done anything illegal, well, on purpose.
About an hour earlier someone slipped something in Dick's Pepsi. He didn't notice really, until his head started to hurt. He decided to just sit down for a little bit but he just ended up feeling worse and worse as the night went on. Dick just decided to leave and go home. Batman was out on patrol so Dick wasn't worried.
He got home, went upstairs and instantly plopped on his bed and fell asleep.
The child began to stir and Bruce was slightly panicking. He had no idea how this had happened and no idea what he was going to do.
The small child slowly opened his bright blue eyes. He felt smaller for sure. Then Dick started to panic. Why was he small!? Bruce noticed Dick's eyes go wide after realizing. So he has his memories, Bruce thought. He noticed tears start to form in the corners of Dicks's eyes, "Dickie, it's ok, we'll find a way to reverse this." Bruce said, gently picking him up. "Can you speak English?" Bruce asked calmly. Dick went to speak but then closed his mouth and slowly nodded 'no'.
Bruce thought for a moment. He has his memories but lacks most things he's learned over the years, like English.
"Let's just go get some breakfast, alright bud?"
"Nu vreau alimente, vreau să fie din nou cincisprezece!" (I don't want food, I want to be fifteen again!)
"You'll eat and then I'll run some tests after and see what's in your system." Bruce said, poking Dick's cheek, which earned him a small giggle from the child.
"bine, numai pentru că face Alfred cel mai bun aliment." (Fine, only because Alfred makes the best food.)
The two had been downstairs for almost an hour now. Even if he had his memories, Dick was a 5 year old, and he acted like it.
"Dick, stop playing with your food." Dick just looked at him blankly, before playing with his food again. "The faster you finish, the faster we'll be able to turn you back." That got Dick eating. Dick hated being 5, he felt so small and vulnerable.
Dick finally finished his food and they both walked down to the Batcave. Bruce ran a few tests on Dick before the computer picked up something in his digestive system. "How did this get in your digestive system?" Bruce asked. Dick thought for a second, then it hit him. He forgot all about that party, someone must have put something in his drink.
He thought if he should tell Bruce or not about the party.
He chose living.
Dick shrugged is shoulders and Bruce gave him a skeptical look. "Well sense you ate or drank this, we'll have to wait for it to just go through your system."Cât timp va dura?!" (How long will that take?!) "I'm not sure, but for now we just wait, it shouldn't take too long, I promise." Bruce said, smiling slightly.
~~Do I add too many time skips?~~
"Richard! Get off the fridge." Bruce said, pinching the bridge of his nose. Dick had a lot of energy even when he was fifteen, but now it doubled.
Dick giggled and jumped off. Bruce sighed, "Why do you have to climb everything?" Bruce muttered. "im un acrobat" Dick said. "You already broke two vases and and smashed a window! I told you to stop doing acrobatics in here." Bruce said sternly. "unde altundeva am să o fac?" (Where else am I gunna do it?") "Just don't do it at all, you can wait a day to jump and climb on things in the Batcave." Bruce said. "de ce cant am ajuns acolo acum?" (Why can't I go in there now?) Dick replied.
"You'll for sure break something, so that's a no." Bruce stated simply.
~~I have a timeskip problem~~
"i dont vreau să fie de cinci! urasc asta, urasc asta!" (I don't wanna be five! I hate it, I hate it!)
"Dick, just calm down, it's alright."
Dick stomped his foot, then he immediately sighed, "vedea, im chiar acționează ciudat!" (See, I'm even acting weird!)
"Really? I thought all this whining was normal." Bruce said, smirking. Dick glared at him.
"Come on, Alfred made dinner." Bruce said, reaching his hand down for Dick to take it. He did, and they both walked into the dining room.
~~Next Morning~~
Dick awoke to his own room. When he was finally, actually awake, he shot out of his bed and ran for his mirror. "YES YES YES".
He ran out of his room, down the stairs and tackled Bruce who was standing at the kitchen counter. "LOOK BRUCE."
Dick was normal again.
"See, I told you it would reverse itself."
"I'm just happy to be back"
"Me too, bud"
This was actually a lot of fun to write. I hope you liked it!
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