
Suggested by @pinkdanse -thank you!

Damian- 10
Tim- 15
Jason- 17
Dick- 20
Bruce- ? You choose

Bruce and Damian had just gotten back from a rough patrol. Everyone was in the bat-cave when they witnessed Bruce pulling Damian out of the bat-mobile, unconscious. Dick was the only one to run over to see what was wrong. Of course the other brothers were worried as well, they just chose not to show it.

Bruce placed Damian on the medical bed they kept whenever someone was injured, which was quite often. Dick took sight of the huge gash, still bleeding, on the side of Damian's head. "What happened?" Dick asked, not releasing his gaze on the unconscious boy. "Harley hit him in the head with the butt of her pistol." He replied, gathering supplies to patch Damian up with.

After cleaning and stitching up his wound, Bruce let Damian rest. Dick stayed for a bit, waiting intently for Damian to wake. He left a while later, going to join his brothers again. Damian didn't wake up that night.

The next morning, after everyone had eaten breakfast, Dick, Jason, and Tim were all in the bat-cave again. They were mostly doing their own things when they heard Damian stir in his bed. Dick walked over to make sure he was ok, only to find that the boy was finally opening his eyes. "Guys! He's waking up!" Dick shouted, gaining the others attention. The two walked over to the bed, waiting for Damian to fully wake.

When Damian finally got his eyes open, he looked around, confusion showing on his face. He squinted at the people in front of him. His heart began to pound, thinking he had been kidnapped. He jerked up, looking to see if he could remember where he was. "Who are you?" He said finally, his voice wavering showing just how frightened he was. The batboys stood there in shock. He didn't remember them.

"Tim..go get Bruce." Dick said softly. Tim hesitated but nodded, going back up to the manor to retrieve their father-figure. "I'm Dick, and that's Jason. Do you really not remember us?" Dick said in shock. "Am I supposed to know you?" Damian replied. "And where am I?" He added on, glancing around the cave. Suddenly, Tim rushed back in, Bruce trailing behind him.

Bruce knelt beside Damian, placing a hand on his arm. Damian jerked away at the contact. "It's ok, we're all your family. I'm your father, Damian." Bruce explained. 'Damian?' He thought. 'So that's my name'. He calmed down slightly but still stayed alert. "He must've gotten hit harder than I thought." Bruce said to himself. He stood up and walked over to the bat-computer, typing things down.

The brothers all looked at each other awkwardly, not knowing what to say. "So, if he's my dad," Damian started, pointing to Bruce in the distance, "then who're you three?" He asked. "I'm your cool uncle." Jason said, grinning. Dick hit the back of his head. "We're all your brothers." He said, smiling. Damian smiled slightly at Dicks expression.

Their jaws almost hit the floor. They've never seen Damian smile before. Damian stopped smiling and looked at them, confused. "..what?" He asked. They all composed themselves and played it off. "Nothing, nothing." Jason said.

Damian then tried getting out of the bed. He swung his legs over the side and tried standing. He almost fell instantly but quickly grasped the bed and held himself up. He put his free hand up to his forehead and felt the stitches. "Ow, what happened to me?" Dick came up and helped him a bit. "Um, you fell down the stairs. Yeah, bad fall." He lied. Damian raised one eyebrow up at him. "Uh-huh." He replied, but didn't press further.

They all walked over to Bruce at the computer. He spun towards them in the chair. "He should get his memories back by tomorrow." He assured, looking at Damian. "How're you feeling?" Bruce asked. "Not too bad, just feel like I've been hit with one hundred bricks. No big deal." Damian replied, sarcastically. Jason laughed at his remark.

"Alright Damian, what do you wanna do today while you have no regrets?" Jason asked. Damian raised a questioning eyebrow at him. Jason groaned like it was obvious. "You won't remember anything tomorrow." Damian realized what he meant. "Um, I don't know. I do want to get out of this cave though. It's creeping me out." Damian replied, looking around nervously.

All four brothers left the bat-cave and up to the manor. They went to the kitchen and sat at the table. Tim, Jason, and Dick were all discussing something they could do while Damian sat on his knees, staring at the cookies on the counter. Dick noticed how unfocused Damian was and followed his gaze to the plate of cookies. "You want a cookie?" Dick asked, amused. Damian looked over at him and slowly nodded, trying to suppress a smile but failed. Dick chuckled and got up to get the plate. He was really starting to like this Damian. He was a lot

Dick set the plate on the table and Damian immediately grabbed two. Soon all the brothers had eaten the cookies and sat in silence. Tim looked over to see Damian had fallen asleep. He had his chin in his palm, breathing calm breaths. "Hey guys, look." Tim said, gesturing to the sleeping boy. "He looks almost..cute." Jason said, disgusted with the words he was saying. He reached over and pushed Damian's arm away from his face, causing him to slam against the table then jerk up with a start.

"Jason! He has amnesia for crying out loud. Can you at least try not to hurt him?" Dick scolded, while Jason and Tim tried not to laugh at the kid's surprised face at being woken up. Dick looked over and he couldn't even hide a smile.

Damian looked around frantically, his eyes wide, trying to find what caused him to bang his head. He looked over at his brothers with a pout, realizing what happened. The pout just made Jason end up laughing. "Did you even figure out something to do?" Damian asked, wanting to silence his brother. Dick stood up and picked up the plate, walking over to put it in the sink. "No, not really. Nothing sounded fun." He said, walking back, poking Damian's side on the way. Damian let out a piercing laugh.

They looked over at him oddly, not even comprehending that the noise just came out of him. Damian Wayne. Laughing. It was just so foreign to them. Wanting to hear it again, Dick poked his side. Again, the piercing laugh filled their ears. The brothers each looked at each other, mentally knowing what the other was going to do. They all looked at Damian, who looked back at them suspiciously. "..what?" He asked. As soon as the words left his mouth, all brothers pounced on him, tickling every ticklish spot.

Damian Wayne was ticklish, he laughed, he smiled. All it took was amnesia to find the child and human side of the stubborn, lack-of-emotion, Damian.


Ayyy, I finished something AND it's at 1200 something words sooo, I hope you enjoy! The ending is kinda rushed but eh, I wanted to get an update out.

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