Say yes to the dress (Genderbend)

Disclaimer! I barely own five dollars much less DC or say yes to the dress or x-men for that matter. I own nothing but the plot!!!!

Hey y'all! I'm back!!! I'm hoping to be here more often since it is the summer time now but we'll see where life takes us! I'm starting from scratch with this book and hope things go better since I have learned a lot in the last year since COVID-19 has locked us all down. Just got my second dose! My arm is killing me and I have a killer headache 🤩😎🤩😎! I've been watching a lot of say yes to the dress recently for some reason and this chapter is a reflection of that lolll. WARNING! I know nothing about fashion.

______(Pre-appointment interview) _____

Dixie sits in a fancy champagne coloured chair. Her natural ringlets pulled into a half up hairstyle with two pieces out in front framing her face. She's wearing a white top with ruffled sleeves and denim overalls. A gold necklace seals together the look.

Dixie: "My name is Karla Mary Grayson, and I'm from Gotham city. Everybody just calls me Dixie though. I actually got that nickname when I was nine, my best friend Wally and I were at the store and I tripped and knocked over a whole role of Dixie brand cups off the shelves and took one of the shelves down with me."

Dixie laughs remembering the incident while a photo of her and Wally as kids flashes on the screen.

Another photo of the two of them now.

"He told me when we were kids that he would marry me someday. We used to play prince and princess, wedding, house, all those sorts of games. We were always joking, it was good fun. Turns out, we had the right idea all along."

The photo changes to a six or seven year old Dixie Grayson in a blue acrobat uniform

"I am an acrobat, I grew up in a travelling circus, then was thrust into high society when I was adopted at eight. Wally's always been there for me since I met him. It was pretty early on actually in the adoption process, at my friend Roy's birthday party. He's one of my first friends, he's been there for me through it all. I know he'll always be there to catch me when I fall."

Dixie starts tearing up and when she wipes her eyes we see that her nails are a sparkly sapphire blue.  And the interview ends.

___(Imma just leave this Page Break here)___

12:30 pm Gotham city

On a very normal, (normal for Gotham anyway) foggy day, five ladies and one exhausted looking dad walked into Kleinfield bridal shop. Inside the shop, they were greeted by Randy, the consultant and designer extraordinaire, and a very pretty, very surprised young lady who introduces herself as Donna Troy.

Now, Donna is in Dixie's wedding party, but they play along for the sake of the appointment and because they all thought it was funny that she worked here and had no idea that they were coming.

Randy sits them all down, and the appointment begins.

_________Appointment begins_________
Each of the guests sitting on the sofa were all so different, both in style, and in demeanor. The man, was wearing a black turtle neck and gray dress pants. He looked almost uncomfortable being in an outfit this casual.

The littlest one looked bored, she had light brown skin and short dark hair that was pulled into two low pigtails. She looked just like the man sitting next to her, so viewers could only assume (if they didn't already know) that this was his daughter. The girl looked to be about 12 or 13 years old. She was also wearing a black turtle neck and a gray skirt, which just enhanced the similarities more than anything.

The African American girl sitting on the other side of the man looked about 16 or 17 maybe? Her hair was pulled into a puff with a yellow satin scrunchie. The scrunchie matched her yellow cable knit sweater she wore with blue jeans and checkered vans. She looked appropriately interested in what was going on at the present moment and very happy for her sister to pick out a dress.

The Latina girl sitting on the other side of the youngest looked in awe of absolutely everything going on in the shop around her. You can sometimes tell when somebody who watches "say yes to the dress" comes one the show, and this girl is definitely in that population. She was obviously judging the other costumers and their taste in dresses. Her freckled nose wrinkling with distaste or eyebrows lifting with appreciation with every glance around. She was the only member of the party without dark hair. She had long curly red hair that was pulled up into a high ponytail and white streaks in front pulled out to frame her face . She was wearing a green vintage x-men sweatshirt with light blue ripped jeans and black heeled combat boots.

The Asian girl on her other side was also wearing a superhero shirt. She was wearing a Superboy shirt (the back drop is black rather than blue) that was tucked into a pair of white jean shorts. she had on black converses and her dark hair was pulled back into a messy bun with a red scrunchie. She had multiple Dora the explorer band-aids on her left leg all in one place, that left Randy concerned and Donna sympathetic, her own shaving accidents fresh in her mind. This girl was only about half awake but somehow the viewers could tell that she was hanging onto every word uttered, scanning everybody around her, analyzing. She was clutching a half-full reusable Starbucks cup in her right hand and had walked in and sat down halfheartedly glaring at everything, like 'How dare the bridal store be all bright and pretty at this ungodly hour of 12:30 pm!'

And then there was Dixie herself. She was a very pretty young lady. She had brown skin and black curly hair that was done in a half up style with a blue hair elastic. She was wearing blue denim overalls and a white ruffle sleeve top. She was wearing Nike air force 1s and had a gold heart necklace hanging around her neck to tie the look together and to match her gold heart earrings.

"Alright, so who's the bride?" Donna asks, feigning ignorance but giving her friends a wink nonetheless.

"I am!" Dixie replies, beaming with a Wayne family grin and showed off her wedding ring: A blue diamond shaped like a heart on a silver band.

"Oh!" Randy and Donna cooed over it for a minute before stepping back.

"So," Randy continues. "who have you brought with you on this adventure?" He asks scanning each guest with a smile.

"Well, this is my dad, Mr Wayne here." she begins, gesturing to the man.

"And these are my sisters, Jayda," she says pointing to the redhead.

"Timara," she continues giving the sleep deprived girl a hug.

"Duchess," she fist bumps the girl in the yellow cardigan.

"and Damiana!" She finishes, giving the youngest a quick kiss while the young teenager just rolls her eyes.

"Alright, lovely to meet you all! Do we have a theme for this wedding yet?"

"Yes the theme is Cinderella's ball. Because we both grew up on that movie, and it's a black tie event."

Now tell me about the lucky guy..." he leans in a bit to nudge Dixie playfully. The girl in question giggles and replies.

"Wellll..." she draws it out. "His name is Wally, and he's been my best friend since I was eight." She smiles dreamily. "And he's such a nerd, and totally ready to jump on board with whatever wild idea that I come up with."

Pictures flash on the screen of little Wally and Dixie trick or treating as Peter Pan and Wendy, but with Wally as Wendy Darling and Dixie as Peter. A picture of them as adults sneaking out the window at Wayne manor dressed like 'Thing one' and 'Thing two'. and a picture of them dying their hair rainbow in a school bathroom as teenagers.

"Alright well why don't you tell me a little about the kind of dress your looking for?" He asks, intrigued.

"Well," Dixie starts, pulling out her phone, for her list.

Bruce rolls his eyes good naturedly. "She's been keeping a list since she was thirteen."

"Daddy!" She whined playfully slapping his wrist.

Bruce Wayne chuckled. "Okay, okay. But in all seriousness, I want my little girl's day to be perfect. Don't worry about the price tag. I'll pay whatever it is."

Dixie's eyes widened. Usually, despite being pretty much the richest man in the world, Bruce still makes them operate under a strict budget. This is the first time he's given them free reign.

"Oh the perks of being a millionaire." Randy joked. Donna laughed along as well, suitably shocked herself.

Dixie laughed. "Well I want a very simple dress-" Jayda yawned way to exaggeratedly to be real. Timara elbowed her while Duchess stifled a laugh.

"But," Dixie continued, with an unwavering smile on her face, "I'm open to other suggestions. Whether it's simple, busy, or halfway there."

Damiana rolled her eyes. "Grayson cannot do anything halfway."

Randy laughed and the others joined in barely masked nervous laughter except for Donna who looks like she's about to start crying from laughing so hard. She remembers discowing fondly. Dixie ruffled Damiana's hair jokingly right before Donna led her away to talk dress design.

____Now we gotta pick out some dresses ___

"This is what happens when Alfred doesn't come shopping with us for important things."

Dixie complained while Donna helped her into the gown. The bat-butler had to take a trip to England to visit his niece Barbara. Since her mother died the year before she didn't want to spend spring break alone. The teenager couldn't be away from her studies long enough to come to America. Dixie personally thought that Alfred secretly didn't want to be here for the inevitable gong show that was going to happen and she didn't blame him.

She returned her attention to the dress. She hated it. Point blank. However, Bruce picked it out so she said she would at least try it on. The look of horror on Timara's face from behind Bruce is one that Karla Grayson will never forget. Timara knows barely anything about fashion, deemed it a waste of precious time years ago, but even she could see how atrocious the dress was. Dixie felt bad though. Bruce was only trying to help. She didn't believe that the man actually cared what dress she wore, as long as she liked it.

The dress was a mermaid vintage dark ivory lace wedding gown, which would have been quite lovely if not for the green and purple flower jewels going down the back like miss Mary Mack's silver buttons. The ginormous pink puffed sleeves shaped like hearts weighing down her shoulders didn't help either.

Oh good gracious!" She groaned looking in the mirror. "That's a valentines day nightmare waiting to walk down the aisle."

Donna was trying so hard to not crack and stay professional "D-do you w-want to show them?" She asked, barely containing her laughs.

Dixie stared at herself in the mirror before busting out laughing. Donna joined her. The-bride-to-be wiped her tears and replied. "Yeah. I think I will show them. Let this be a warning to you Bruce!" She wagged her finger. Just watch and quietly give your input but do not interfere in the art of dress selection."

Donna's laughs calmed down. She picked up the train (a red colour just loud enough to be clashey rather than complementary.)

They walk into the room and their guests are silent and Dixie goes and stands in front of the mirror. Even Randy is struggling for words.

"Well?" Dixie spins. Donna is trying to keep her amusement off her face.

Timara broke first.

"I saw Dad pick up that one oh my goodness." She clutched her sides and doubled over. Jayda followed while Duchess was stifling her laughter and Damiana smirked in amusement. Bruce looked throughly embarrassed.

"Yeah..." a voice from Timara's phone sounded. "Dixie, honey, you somehow still look fabulous, but that's not the one."

"Babs! Oh my goodness! How's Australia?"

"Sleeping right now." She replied. "Hi Randy!"

In the background Dami and Duchess argued about who was the best My Little Pony character.

"Randy smiled and waved and greeted the girl." She was very pretty. She had red hair, and piercing green eyes hidden behind thick black frames.

"This is Barbara! My maid of honor."

"Hi!!! I cleared my schedule for tomorrow so I can stay up as late as you guys need!"

(Code for Bruce is giving everybody the night off so there's no hacking that they need help with)

"GOSH! Your a life saver Babs!" Jayda wailed. "Look at this disaster!"

"Ummm Dixie," She began nervously. "Weren't you looking for something simpler?"

"YES!" Dixie replied laughing to herself.

"Honestly," Timara added, "teenage Dixie would have loved this dress."

"Oh hush you." Dixie twirled her hair around her finger. "I look fantastic in disco dresses. Haters gonna hate."

"I'm sure you did." Randy cut in quickly. Eager to move this meeting along. And get the horrifying image of disco dresses out of his head.

"So is that a no for this dress?"

"Definite no."

"Alrighty then" Donna joined. lets get you back there and into something simpler.

___Lets pretend that dress didn't happen ___

"Here we go." Randy came in with a dress that was sparkling like the stars. It was a strapless sweetheart neckline A-line style dress that shimmered when Dixie walked. She liked it. She liked it a lot. She couldn't stop staring at herself in the mirror.

"Oh you look gorgeous!" Donna gushed. moving the train out of the way. "Are we showing the others this one?"

"Definitely!" She squealed. Dixie and Donna jumped together on the spot for a second before going out to show the others.

"OH MY GOSH!" was the first thing Dixie heard going out. She blushed.

It was Jayda. "So, you're getting that one right?"

"I really like this one."

Timara smiled at that. "Me too." She added.

Duchess was nodding along with Barbara. "Dixie I think you've struck gold with this one."

"My little girl." Bruce said. Looking up at her a little sad, but happy nonetheless. "You're getting married."

In the background Tim and Jay picked back up their on going argument about who was the best ninja turtle.

She smiled back. A little uncertain. Not about how she felt about Wally. She loves him with everything she had. But because she passed something in the hall that was unlike anything she had ever seen before.

Randy could see her hesitation. Damiana beat him to saying something about it though.

"Do you feel the feeling? The one brides feel when they've found the right one?"

Dixie smiled at her little sister. "Always so observant. It's missing something. I think. It's almost there."

Duchess tilted her head. "I see what you mean."

"Have you considered any colour?"

_____Last one fingers crossed guys!🤞🏽_____

Dixie couldn't even speak.

"W-wow!" Donna was speechless too.

She's never felt so pretty in her life.

Donna didn't even ask before she started gathering the train to help Dixie out of the room.

Walking down the hall towards the waiting room, Dixie couldn't even think of anything other than putting one foot in front of the other. The way she knew she has made it to the others was when she heard sharp gasps. The argument about who was the best sailor scout faltered. It was dead silent in the room. Dixie managed to turn around and look at herself in the mirror.

All her life she's been told that she looks like her dad. Like John Grayson. This was the first time in years that she can see how much like her mom she looks as well.

The new dress was an off the shoulder, sweetheart neckline A-line dress. The skirt was ruffled and very modern looking. The top was very simple, but beautiful nonetheless. Instead of a lot of lace, or razzledazzle, this dress came with a deep sparkling blue tulle sash that wrapped around her waist into a huge bow at the back. They couldn't decide what shade of blue this bow was because it looked light and dark depending on how the sunlight caught it.

But the bow didn't draw attention, but rather it directed the attention to her eyes. Her blue eyes. Mary Grayson's eyes.

She's always being told how pretty she is,

But now she really feels pretty to go along with it.

She LOVED this dress. More than she's ever loved any dress ever before. Even better, she felt like she was taking the Grayson family with her down that aisle.

Bruce nodded. "I'm gonna be honest with you. I was terrified when Duchess suggested colour. But you've really outdone yourself with this one Randy." When Dixie turned around, she could see how misty his eyes were becoming.

"Works perfectly with your Cinderella theme." Barbara added, dabbing at her eyes.

She started to cry too.

"I love it! I love it!"

There was a collective "AWWWWW" around the room a three different people rushed up to her for a hug. She looked up and saw Donna pull out a handkerchief to dry her tears.

She then turned around and Donna took out a bridle veil attached to a tiara she had picked out. Donna fitted it into her hair and everybody took a step back while she heard Randy say the famous words.

"Dixie? Are you saying yes to the dress?"

"I'm saying yes-" at that moment she subconsciously brushed her hand by the waist and felt something.

"Oh my Gosh this dress has pockets! AHHH THIS DRESS HAS POCKETS!!!! I'M SAYING YES TO THE DRESS!!!!"


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