Nightwing/Dick Grayson x Reader

     Walking through the streets of Blüdhaven at night was definitely unsafe. But, walking through the streets of Blüdhaven at night in a short dress was even worse. You had just went to a party at one of your friend's house and even though you live only 3 blocks away, you soon realized (after already walking a block) that it wasn't a very good idea. It was just as unsafe to walk around at night in Blüdhaven as it is in Gotham. At this point, you were already running home. But what made you start to sprint was an older man appearing from an alleyway next to you, giving you a look that made you feel VERY uncomfortable.

     Unfortunately, you weren't as fast as you thought you were, so when you felt a hand on your shoulder, pulling you back, you regretted even leaving your home that day. You started to scream and fight back the arms that were now holding you back. You bit the man's disgusting hand and broke free from his grip. You were running again. You kept running until you heard a gun click that made you stop immediately in your tracks. You slowly turned around to face the man pointing the gun at you.

     "Look, I j-just want to get home." You cursed yourself for stuttering, but you couldn't help but be terrified. "I don't give a flying shit about what you want, bitch. Now get your whore ass over here and give me what I want." He barked at you, making you flinch. You slowly started to cautiously make your way towards him, trying to come up with any plan that could save your ass. You were almost in his arms reach when you stopped to notice a certain man in a suit come up behind him. Nightwing! You immediately noticed who he was and smirked. "What the hell are you smiling at you bitch? Come here now!" The man was about to lunge forward to grab you, when Nightwing grabbed him by the collar.

     "What do you think you're doing, buddy?" Nightwing questioned the man before knocking him out with one punch. "Thank you so much!" You said, jumping into his arms. (It's not everyday you get to see a hot superhero and jump into their arms.) He just laughed. "No problem. Now, how about I take you home?" He asked. You nodded, "Yes please, that would be very helpful." You replied, smiling. You were about to remove yourself from his arms, when he wrapped them around your waist. "You thought we were gonna walk?" He asked, laughing before pulling out his grappling hook and shooting it up to the closest building. You made small squeak from surprise and clung to Nightwing as you both flew up to the top of the building.

     "So, where do you live?" He asked as he set you down. You smiled and told him your address. "Sweet, we live in the same apartment complex." He laughed and added, "I hope you don't tell anyone!" He said before lifting you back up and grappling the rest of the way. After walking you to your door, he turned to your neighbors door, unlocking it...with the key to that apartment. Your eyes widened from realization, then you yelled, "YOU'RE DICK GRAY-?" You were cut short by his hand covering your mouth. "SHHH! I need a secret identity you know!" He whispered. You couldn't help but laugh. "Oh my god. I can not believe this." You kept laughing.

     You went to school with Richard Grayson, you weren't really that close but you knew him. When you moved into your apartment, you were glad that you knew someone in the complex. You both were still acquaintances up to this point, but clearly you were going to be closer from now on. You honestly didn't think that smarty-pants Grayson could even lift a 5-pound dumbbell, but, boy were you wrong. How you didn't notice the now Blüdhaven police officer's muscles whenever you ran into him was a mystery itself.

      "Well then, Nightwing, I did not know you were my neighbor. Is Richard your roomate?" You burst into laughter after saying your joke that wasn't really even a joke, but to make you laugh more, Dick decided to go along with it. "Oh, yeah, we're roomies. I've known him for a while now. He's a cop and stuff." He said laughing. His laughter was intoxicating and you couldn't get enough of it. Unknown to you, he also thought the same way about your laughter and smile. It wasn't long until you both started seeing each other more and more. 2 weeks after him saving you from that creep, he asked you out. "What took you so long?" was literally the first thing you asked before you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him.

" that a yes?" He asked.

"Yes, dummy." You replied before kissing him again.

Hope you enjoyed!

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