A/N: Based off of 2x04 of Young Justice. Roy is dealing with a lot after learning himself to be a clone, but when he is down someone else very close to him brings him back up without even trying to or realizing it because they are so lost that their pain breaks through to Roy. Both he and Wally have to come together no matter what to help their broken baby bird.
*Warning: Strong language, Self Harm, mentions of possible suicide and has suicidal thoughts/actions*
Dick was at the mountain, he was currently dressed as Nightwing and was busy with much team work when suddenly his com buzzed. He on reflex reached up and pushed it, he didn't say a word and just allowed the other on the other end speak to him.
"I found him, but it's pretty bad. Worst than I could have imagined." voiced Green Arrow.
Dick cut off his com link and reached for his cell phone. He pulled up his contacts and hovered over Wally's name for a moment. Dick sighed and closed his eyes. Wally, his best friend, had left the life and even though Dick didn't like it or could fully understand it. The hero life was everything to Dick, he couldn't think of living without it. But Wally, both he and Artemis had decided to quite and live a normal civilian life. Dick looked back at his phone, he hated to bother Wally with anything connected to the hero life style, but for Dick, that was everything.
Right now, their friend, Roy, was in need of some help but Dick wasn't so sure if dragging his best friend into this was such a great idea. Yeah he knew that Wally would come right over to help Roy but at what cost? Wally's new life meant so much to him and Dick didn't want to be the one to screw it all up. So Dick clicked his phone off and slammed it onto the desk and went back into his work.
A few hours later Green Arrow sent Dick or rather so Nightwing coordinates to both his and Roy's location. He quickly got up and headed out.
On a dark and cold roof top, Nightwing along with Green Arrow and Black Canary.
They watched in silence as Roy shot an arrow out and moved quickly towards them, not noticing them just yet. He quickly stumbled and fell to the ground with a loud thud sound. Green Arrow was the first to step out of the shadows to confront Roy, Red Arrow.
Green Arrow held his hand out for Roy to take but he slapped it away and pushed himself up onto his feet. He swayed back and force for a moment before finding his footing. He looked at all of them, both anger and pain written across his face.
"I have nothing to say to any of you. Just Leave Me Alone!" he said and went to turn and leave but Nightwing stepped forward and placed his gloved hand on Roy's shoulder. Dick could feel small tremors from him. Roy quickly slapped Dick's hand away and shot him an evil look, causing a tiny pained one in Dick's face.
Roy quickly noticed this and took a step away from Nightwing then looked over at Green Arrow.
"I have to find Speedy, the Real Roy Harper. So Leave Me The Hell Alone! I'm Worthless! I'm nothing at all....I-" yelled Roy with hurt dripping from each word he shouted.
Black Canary walked forward, patted Dick's shoulder before walking directly in front of Roy.
"I know that you are hurt...lost. But that doesn't mean that anyone of use has stopped caring about you. Roy, you are not worthless. You-'' said Black Canary but was cut short when Roy yelled and moved backwards.
"Don't call me that! I'm Not..." yelled Red Arrow and reached up and pulled at his long red hair.
"Hey..." Nightwing began but Roy yelled even louder now.
"I'm a cheap knock off! A copy of the original. A....clone. I AM NOTHING!!" he yelled then quickly turned around and jumped off the roof top, leaving them all alone with their thoughts.
Now back at the mountain, Nightwing sat in the living room, all alone. It was super late and those who resided at the cave were off in their rooms.
He went over a few different files but couldn't get Roy out of his head. He quickly grabbed his cell phone and called Roy but to no surprise, he didn't answer. Dick tried one more time, hoping that his friend would just pick up the phone but it didn't happen so he then called Wally, but he didn't answer, Artemis did.
"Dick? Why are you calling so late? Is everything alright?" asked Artemis. Dick sighed and didn't any of her questions.
"Where's Wally?" he asked and he could hear her sigh and some faint movement.
"He's in the shower. He had a very long and late day at school today. One of his exams, didn't go so well. What is it you need Dick?" she asked. Now knowing that Wally didn't have a great day and he could kinda hear the irritation buried within Artemis voice, Dick exhaled and closed his eyes. He just couldn't dump more stuff upon his best friend's shoulders, he couldn't because what kind of friend would he be, but he knew that both Wally and Artemis deserved the right to know about Roy.
"Nothing. I...just wanted to let him know that GA found Roy and spoke with him but nothing changed.'' said Dick.
"Oh. Did-'' said Artemis but Dick cut her off.
"Arty...could you tell Wally'm sorry. Sorry for everything that has h-happened and...I..." Dick said, hardly being able to get it all out.
"Dick, are you alright?" she asked him. He had to quickly tell her that he was and get off the line before she began to ask too much or before Wally got done with his shower and took the phone from Artemis to talk to him.
"Yeah. I'm...fine. Look Artemis, I-I got to go. Sorry for interrupting your evening, and have a good night the both of you and...bye.'' he rushed to get out and ended the call hearing Artemis say his name as he pushed the end button and then slid his phone into his pocket and left the mountain.
The bathroom door opened just a tad. Warm steam quickly flowed out and into the bedroom and Wally peeked out.
"Who was that babe?'' asked Wally looking at Artemis. She was sitting upon the bed, her brows crunched up and she was just staring down at the phone that laid within her hands. She didn't seem to have hear Wally so he quickly got dressed and in two seconds was by her side, placing a hand upon her shoulder.
Once his hand touched her skin, she looked up at him and he now looked even more worried about her and slowly sat down.
"Huh?'' she questioned remembering that she heard his voice a moment ago. He sighed.
"I asked who was on the phone. the looks of it, it wasn't good. What's wrong? Did something happen Babe?" asked Wally.
"I-I don't know." she said and looked up at Wally then continued, "It was Dick, but...something was off."
"Off? Off how?" questioned Wally.
"I'm not sure. Something was just off about him, how he spoke, I don't know.'' she said.
"Well, what did he want?" Wally asked her.
"Oh, umm...he wanted to let us know that Ollie found Roy. They chatted but Dick said nothing changed.'' she said and she lean over, laying her head on his head. He reached up and cupped her head, his fingers twisting into her golden blonde hair.
"Wally?" she suddenly asked after a moment of silence. He looked down at her.
"Yeah?" he responded and she pushed away from him, now sitting upwards.
"Dick said he was sorry, for everything. But Wally, I'm telling you something was up with him. I don't think he's fine like he said he was. I just go this bad feeling, I don't know.'' she said and ran a hand through her hair real quickly.
"Come here,'' he said and reached out and pulled her back into his warm chest. Once her head was on his chest, she reached a hand up and bunched up his t-shirt in it and closed her eyes, relaxing in his touch. He brought his chin down on top of her head as he held her, his mind racing very quickly, worry and fear for both his best friends tugged at his heart.
"It's going to be fine beautiful'' he whispered to her and held tighter on her, for he didn't know if that was going to be correct or not.
Roy entered the dark and dark apartment. His phone was going off a lot and finally he decided to answer it, not bothering to see who the hell it was first.
"WHAT?!!?" he yelling into his phone and waited for an response, hoping he scared the person off and he could finally be left alone.
"Roy, it's me. It's Wally.'' said Wally. Roy sighed and sat down on the edge of the kitchen table.
"What do you want Wally? If your calling to try and talk to me, like Ollie and Dick tried tonight then you might as well go ahead and hang up. I'm tired and I am not in the mood.'' said Roy.
"Wait, Dick was there too?" Wally questioned him. Roy crunched his brows for a moment then answered the speedster.
"Yeah. Why? Didn't he tell ya?'' asked Roy.
"Well kinda. He called me and told Artemis that GA spoke to ya, but nothing changed. He said nothing about himself being there. Maybe...'' said Wally rambling now quickly, partially to himself.
"Shut up!" Roy yelled to silence Wally for a moment. "Maybe what?" he now asked him.
"Maybe that what's up with him'' said Wally.
"What do you mean?" Roy asked, peaking his worry and concern for his friend.
"I don't know..." began Wally but Roy angrily cut him off.
"What Do You Mean 'You Don't Know'?!?!" yelled Roy.
"I mean, Artemis answered my phone while I was in the shower. She spoke to Dick, not me. But she said something was off with him, that something just didn't seem or feel right. I don't know. But I'm worried about him and he's not answering his phone for either me or Artemis and that is so unlike him. And-" Wally said.
"Wally, shut up for a second and let me damn think for a minute'' said Roy and he could hear Wally whisper a sorry to him and stayed silent until Roy spoke once more to him. Roy remembered how for a moment out on top of that roof top that he had see hurt flash over Dick's face, how he took a step backwards. Yeah, now Roy agreed with the speedster, something was up with their friend. But what?, that was the question that they shared.
"Okay, West. Try calling him one last time then if still no answer, then....then I guess you can get your ass over here and we can go find him.'' said Roy who heard Wally agree and before Wally could say anymore Roy hung up on him. He sighed and ran a hand through his long hair.
He wanted to block everything out, for it felt overwhelming at this moment. He felt totally and completely numb.
He reached for a beer and a blade.
Roy then got up and flipped face first onto the old, busted up couch in an vacant apartment. He laid there for awhile, feeling sorry for himself when he then heard the sliding of a window open. He was partially drunk and he didn't have the slightest idea when he actually slept last so he didn't even bother to move and see who was possibly entering the room. He had a guest and a part of him hoped he would be correct but another part hoped that he wasn't because he really wasn't in the right head space to be dealing with a possible broken little birdy at this late hour.
"R-roy?" questioned a very quite voice.
Once he heard Dick's voice, he could basically see the tears and hurt on his friend's face without even looking at him. He slowly touched his phone and pressed Wally's name, he left it on upon the couch as he stood, he could faintly hear Wally's voice, but he didn't answer him. He wanted Wally to hear Dick, to let him know to get here now.
"Dick, what's wrong?" asked Roy as he looked into the direction of his friend. He couldn't see his face yet because Dick was hiding within the shadows of the room. Dick didn't answer him and he sighed taking a small step closer towards him. "Are you alright?'' Roy asked him, hoping Dick would just say it instead of fighting with opening up, it was like pulling teeth. Both difficult and painful, a real struggle.
"I-I don't know what I'm d-doing.'' he said in a low tone, hard for him to hear. He could hear Wally saying he was on his way and Roy then ended the call quickly. Dick then walked forward and opened his mouth to say something but froze when he saw Roy's wrist. He quickly raced over and grabbed a hold of it, Roy tried to pull his arm back but Dick's grip was very tight. Dick then rubbed his thumb slowly and gently over one of the fresh cuts.
"How long?'' he asked and Roy looked at Dick's face.
"Tonight. I just did it, because...." Roy said.
"I can guess why. You might have other reasons but I understand. I get it. Feeling down, lost, hopeless, worthless...numb'' said Dick. When Dick said numb Roy moved closer and brought his other hand towards Dick's wrist, which made Dick flinch.
"Dick-'' began Roy but Dick stopped him before he could say anymore.
"Don't.'' said Dick but Roy didn't listen. He shoved Dick backwards, his back harshly hitting the wall and he moved over quickly and yanked both of his sleeves up, revealing old and new cuts. Roy's eyes widen and he looked up at his friend's face, his baby brother's face.
"Roy, I know that you don't feel real. That you don't matter but you do! You matter okay! You are the only you that both Wally and I have ever known, so please....Please don't do this. I...I can't lose anyone else. I can't!'' he said and just then the door flew open and Wally ran in and stopped right away see Dick's arms.
"DICK!" he yelled and moved forward but Dick jumped at Wally's loud voice and pressed his back as far as it could go on the wall.
"N-no...'' Dick whispered and tears slowly fell from his face. Both Roy and Wally shared a look. The brand new cuts on Dick's wrist were deep and still bleeding, unlike Roy's cuts. His cuts he made upon his wrist were shallow and had stopped bleeding right away, they were more like scratched than anything.
"W-wally. I promised you that...that I-I would keep this stuff away from you, this life. The hero life. And now...n-now I...brought you here. I broke that promise, over and over again, I failed you. I ruined our friendship. Y-you must hate me, everyone must be. I...I can't live with myself!" cried out Dick.
Wally moved forward as slow as possible for a speedster, he was now terrified for his best friend, his brother. That last line Dick said froze Wally's insides. He could now feel his chest tight, scared that Dick was suicidal and was wanting to end it all.
"D-Dickie..." Wally began but Dick held out his hand in front of him, to stop Wally for coming any closer. In the light of the moon, both Roy and Wally could see Dick's hand shaking, while blood still ran from his open wounds. "It's okay. No matter what I'm always going to be here for you. Even if I'm not in the game anymore, I am not every going to just ditch you. It's okay, your my best friend, my brother, one of the only people that I trust most in the world. I Want To Be In Your Life, hero stuff included man.'' said Wally.
"NO! No Wally, No! What if something happens to you, just like something happened to Jason and...and m-my parents because of m-me!'' yelled Dick as he whole body began to shake.
"Dick.'' said Roy who now moved closer.
"No! Wait-wait! Wait! I CAN'T LOSE ANYONE ELSE! I-I CAN'T!!! It''s all m-my fault. I can't...I can't! I can't keep doing this.I can't hurt anyone else! I'M DONE!" yelled Dick and went to jump out of the window but both Roy and Wally tackled him to the ground. He kicked and screamed and cried out.
"NO! LET GO OF ME!!! I NEED....I-I HAVE TO DO THIS! IT'S FOR THE BEST! *sobs* Let...let me go! Let me DIE! I-I Can't do this anymore. *sobs* I've had enough! PLEASE WALLY!!! PLEASE! *sobs* Roy, fucking let me GO!!!!! Let me DIE!! I WANT TO DIE!" he screamed and cried and their grip on his tighten. He then began to sob and cried loudly shutting his eyes as he shocked.
He shocked and shocked until he passed out on the ground, still pinned down by his best friends. Wally looked over at Roy, tears running down his face. He has never seen Dick this bad off before and a part of Wally, like Roy himself was blaming himself. They knew Dick struggled with Depression before, after his parents death. They knew that after Jason was killed, that Dick shut himself off from everyone, blocked himself within his own mind, becoming emotionless like Bruce and he dove into his work. After Jason died, Wally and Artemis left cause they didn't want to die in this life, they wanted to live it to the fullest, together so they left. Wally closed his eyes, he and Dick got into an argument and truly haven't spoken with one another for most than months. Wally felt terribly guilty.
Roy felt bad as well, he knew that not joining the team all those years ago had sadden Dick somewhat and after all that went down with them learning that he was a clone, Dick was the first one by his side, saying nothing changed but Roy being too hurt pushed him away. Which broke Dick even more. Roy knew that Dick was probably a mess after Jason was killed but he didn't even bother to check up on someone who he thought to be his best friend, his baby brother. He also knew that a few things went down between Dick and Bruce but Roy couldn't even bother to call him or just to simply check up on him for a second.
There were so many different variables, some many different things that went wrong, that played a part in Dick, their dickiebird wanting to end his life. Both Wally's and Roy's hearts were broken, their sweet, once so innocent baby brother wanted to kill himself.
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