There for Jason.

Dick was in the sitting room playing a video game on the TV, while Tim had drifted off reading in one of the arm chairs. Both Damian and Bruce were out on Patrol, while Alfred was off somewhere doing something. Dick kinda hoped he was making a fresh batch of his cookies. 

Just then Jason stumbled into the room. Dick leaned his head back against the couch to see Jason against the door frame.

"Jay, I didn't know you were here?" asked Dick, "Do you wanna play?"

Jason at first looked like he didn't hear Dick, and Dick noticed this. He looked more closely at his brother in the door way. His hair was a mess, his green eyes were glazed over, and beads of sweat lay upon his pale face. Dick laid the game controller down and stood up slowly, not taking his eyes off Jason.

"Jason....are you okay?" asked Dick, allowing the worry he felt slip into his voice. 

Jason lowered his head, avoiding eye contact with Dick. Dick moved closer towards him but kept his distance just incase it unsettled him. Now Dick was standing before him and he could see his hands shaking slightly just before he gripped them into tight fists.

"Jay?" Dick asked and the only response he got to his question was Jason raising his head and allowing his eyes to meet Dick blue ones. Dick sighed when he saw Jason, he looked broken in that very moment.

"It happened again...I-I I couldn't stop it." Jason said in a whisper. Dick reached out and grabbed Jason's arm and lead him over to the couch and sat down. Dick turned and sat on the couch with his legs folded under him, facing his brother.

"What happened Jay? You can tell me.'' said Dick, not taking his eyes off his brother's face.

Jason inhaled sharply before he began to talk to Dick.
"I've....I've been having umm flashbacks of the pit. I'm drowning and I can feel the pain as if i'm..." Jason said as his voice cracked. He was breathing slightly heavy now and Dick reached forwards to wrap his arms protectively around him. Dick held him tightly for awhile, allow Jason to cry and shake a bit and to feel safe also. 
They soon broke a part and Jason let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding in.

"So, do you feel like talking anymore about it or would you rather play some video games with me to get your mind off it?" asked Dick, smiling up at his brother. Jason already felt exsposed for coming down and being weak infront of Dick, he really was tired and didn't feel much like touching the subject, just yet.

"Games are fine." Jason said looking away from Dick. Dick reach out and patted his shoulder then tossing him a controller as he started the game.

They played for a few hours, Tim eventually woke up and patted off towards the Batcave, saying he had to research something. Alfred had made his way into the room to check on them before he left and shortly returned with two cups of tea, as if he could see or feel the mood in the room. 

After awhile both Bruce and Damian had return and Jason took this as an opportunity to make his escape to his room to avoid Bruce. Dick gave Jason a small smile as he got up and left the room. Dick made his way down to the Batcave. 
Tim was at the Bat-computer, Damian was off getting changed and Bruce was looking over the bat-mobile.

"Bruce." called Dick, making his way down the stairs. Bruce turned towards Dick and instantly made his way to him and laid a hand on his oldest son's shoulder. 

"What's wrong?" asked Bruce. Dick sighed before he answered him.

"It's Jason. He came downstairs all razzled and he told me he has been having flashbacks from the pit. I think...i think he might be suffering from..." Dick said but was cut off by Bruce.

"PTSD. Yes, I know. Or figured. I've noticed his behavior recently, he seems to be more distressed lately." said Bruce.

Tim looked over his shoulder, watching and listening to their conversation. Tim then turned to look back at the computer screens. Damian soon came on with a small limp.

"Grayson. What's this about Todd?" asked Damian. Dick moved pasted Bruce and over to his baby brother.

"Jason is struggling with flashbacks from the pit, but don't worry he got us and he will be alright Dami." Dick said with a smile across his face.
Damian huffed and quickly looked over at his father then back at his previous mentor. 

"I'm not worried about Todd's mental state. Weakling, and I dispose that ridiculous nickname you have given me Grayson!" Damian raised his voice at the end. Dick let a little chuckle out and wrapped his arms around Damian tightly.

"You know you love it!" said Dick as he kept his grip on his brother, while Damian tried to push him off of him.

"Unhand me Grayson! This is pointless!" said Damian just as Dick sat him back down on the ground. Damian straighten out this clothes before huffing and pushing past his brother. Dick smiled and made his way quitely over towards Tim, his other brother. Bruce had disappeared off somewhere. Dick came up behind Tim, while Tim was completely focused on the screens before him. Dick quickly wrapped his arms around Tim. He got a tiny jump and a sigh from the boy before him. Dick chuckled and let go of him. Tim turned around to face Dick.

"Dick." said Tim but his voice was very serious. Dick let the smile he held on his face fall.

"Yeah, I know." said Dick running his hand through his hair. He sighed and Tim reached out and grabbed his arm and gave it a little squeeze.

"It's going to be okay, but don't put it all upon your shoulders." Tim said. Dick closed his eyes and sighed again. Tim let go and got up. "We can go check on him if you like, together. Dick everything doesn't have to be more weight on your shoulders, you already hold too much." 

Dick patted Tim's check and nodded his head as a tiny tear danced upon his tan check. They left and made their way to the manor and up towards Jason's bed room. Once they got there Dick froze before the door, his mind spinning with a thousand different thoughts. Tim rolled his eyes and reached back and grabbed Dick's shoulder to pull him closer to the door and he knocked on it. They waited for a response. 

Soon the door open to revel a sad and angry Jason before them. 

"Can we come in?'' asked Tim softly. They waited for an answer but Jason never voiced anything. He just turned around and sat down heavily upon his bed and allowed his head to dropped into his hands. Tim let Dick walk in first and sit down by Jason. Dick laid his arm around Jason shoulders. Tim shut the door and walked over slowly. He stood close by, wanting to know if it was okay if he sat down as well. Jason knew that is what Tim was doing, Tim was too nice for Jason's like. He grabbed a hold of Tim and pulled him over. Tim sat uneven on the edge of the bed. They sat there awhile in silence. Soon they began to talk about random things and just touched a little about what Jason was going through.

Damian pushed the door open a crack and peeked in, listening to his older brothers speak.

Eventually, Dick sighed and laughed a little. "Damian you can come on in already, unless you want to stand out there all night." 

Tim and Jason looked at Dick then at the door. After about a minute the door was shoved open and Damian was standing there. He looked angrily at Dick before his entered the room. He walked over and sat on the ground by Dick. 
Dick reached down and ruffled Damian's hair. Damian then reached out and smacked his hand away and punch Dick's leg.

"OW!" yelled Dick and fell backwards on the bed, holding his leg and turning on the bed as if he was dying. Jason and Tim let small laughs escape their lips and Damian sat there shaking his head and rolling his eyes at his brother.

"Idiot." said Damian and Dick let go of his leg and sat up. He placed his hands on his chest.

"Oh! That hurts worst Dami" said Dick and he fell down upon Damian, just laying there as Damian kicked and hit him to get him up.

After awhile they had all grew tired. Dick was the first to lay backwards on the bed but he wasn't the first to fall asleep. They all eventually made it onto Jason's bed. Damian sitting next to Dick with his arms crossed over his chest. Jason was in the middle with Tim laying his head upon his shoulder, soon those two feel asleep. Damian with seeing them asleep began to get up to leave to only have Dick pull him down onto him and the bed. 
After a little fighting Damian gave up and allowed Dick to hold him as they both drifted off to sleep.

All the robins where there for their brother and Jason in awhile slept peaceful.

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