Panic Attack Part Two

-Author's Note:
Mentions of abuse, self harm, with panic attacks and strong language.

Tim was now leaning up against Dick's shoulder. He was still breathing very fast and heavily but he was beginning to slowly calm down. Tim was very grateful to have Dick by his side right now, this panic attack was probably one of the most difficult ones he has ever experienced in his life.

Dick had finally got him to the point where he could almost speak clearly. Dick stayed right there for Tim, listening to everything and calming him down whenever he began to get upset.

At some point during the whole panic attack, Tim felt claustrophobic and hot and without thinking removed his tunic and reveled to Dick a few self harm scars on his wrists. Once Dick saw them, his eyes grew wide and he felt a pit within his stomach. He began to question himself as to why he never notice, how awful he was as a big brother and a friend to Tim. Tim quickly tried to knock those thoughts away from Dick, because Tim could see in his brother's face what he was thinking. So he began to explain just a little about then and that it was never Dick's fault or Bruce or Jason's but his and how he felt and most importantly his family.

"Timmy...Tim?" Dick sighed. They were talking so well about Tim cutting but once they got to the topic of his father, Tim shut down.

"Tim, I know something bad happened to cause you that much fear. I need you to talk to me, please. All I want to do is help you Tim. You are worrying me here man.'' Dick said.
Tim raised his head and looked up at his big brother.

"My dad...he sometimes, he hits me." Tim said in a whisper as Dick brought his arms tighter around Tim as to protect him from everything. Tim begin to shake and cry and Dick sat there rocking him. Tim finally drifted off into sleep when Jason and Alfred came in. Dick turned to face them. They could see the angry burning through his blue eyes. He was pissed.


Bruce soon came home from the office and was hit for full force of a very angry, pissed off Dick Grayson, a concerned Alfred and a murderous and concerned big brother Jason Todd. Bruce had no idea as to what happened near two hours before his arrival home.

"What happened?'' Bruce said more as a statement than a question.

"Well...." said Jason but was cut off to quickly by Dick.

"Tim's freaking piece of crap father is what is going on! He is abusing Timmy and he is not allowed to go back there! Tim had a fucking panic attack, no! Two attacks Bruce. It was awful. I can't believe someone would mess with Tim! He is so sweet and smart and the things he said his dad has said and done to him, there is no fucking way in hell we are sending him back there Bruce!! We Can't!!!'' said Dick.

"Language Master Dick. Why don't you and Master Jason go check up on poor Master Timothy, see how he is resting, alright sir?" said Alfred, trying to calm Dick down and to explain everything to Bruce in a calm manner.

Dick huffed but made his way upstairs towards Tim's room, with Jason walking heavily behind him, not saying a single word to Bruce. Jason's own chest was tight, he had issues with his own father and felt like he could relate to Tim somewhat. He also felt awful, felt like he should have been nicer to Tim, he hoped how he treated Tim never ever lead him to inflict pain upon himself.

"Why don't you take a seat in the sitting room sir? I'll bring you some tea.'' said Alfred before Bruce could speak. His mind was going over everything Dick had screamed at him.


Jason and Dick knocked on Tim's door but got no answer, they slowly pushed the door open to see a still form of Tim laying in his big bed. He appeared to not have moved since Dick had carried him up here burial style. Jason reach forward and placed his hand on Dick's shoulder. Dick was shaking with anger.

Dick looked at Jason, he could see that Jason was tired and also struggling with his inner demons at the moment. Dick nodded his head, understanding what Jason wanted. He wanted to be alone and to go to sleep. Dick smile and watched Jason leave. Dick stepped inside Tim's dim lit room and shut the door tightly behind him. He walked slow paced over to the edge of the bed and sat down. 

Dick sighed and watched in silence Tim's chest rise and fall with every breath he took. Flashes of earlier played in Dick's mind. Dick hated this. He felt like he failed and he was blaming himself as everyone else in the manor was doing at that moment. Dick, along with Bruce who was downstairs in his study was going over in their minds of any red flags, any signs that they missed that could have told them what was really going on at the drake household.

And sadly they both had found some red flags. Like Tim jumping at loud sounds, or when someone touched him without his knowledge. Tim apologized way too much, he would say sorry for saying sorry. It made Dick smile at how cute and innocent Tim was but now he knew that Tim probably had to apologize for everything and was always in fear of disappointing someone or making them upset with him. Dick wanted to punch something, no someone. He wanted to hit Ti'm dad, but he couldn't. It would make things worst and he knew Tim would feel bad about it once he woke up and found out.

Dick pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes very tightly. He wish things were different and he so hoped Bruce could fix this, that Tim never ever had to go back home to his parent. Tim's home was here at the manor, with them. They were his family not his parents.

Tim woke up and saw Dick, he smiled but could see how upset Dick seemed to be.

Tim reached out and touched Dick's knee. Dick jumped and his eyes focused of Tim. They were full of hurt, sadness but also love. Tim smiled at Dick.

"Hey Dickie." Tim said as his eyes grew heavy, threatening to close and to pull him into a deep sleep.

"I'm so sorry Timmy. I should've...I..." Dick said, his voice breaking.

"It's okay Dick, it's not your fault at all.'' Tim said as he drew his hand back but Dick caught it and held onto it.

"Yeah, but I could've done something! I could have been a....''Dick said, he was clearly upset and he felt close to tears.

"A better brother?" Tim cut him off. "Dick, you are an amazing brother to me. I am so grateful to have you in my life. I look up to you, you are my role model Dick, your my hero. I wouldn't still be here if it wasn't for you, believe me on that. Don't ever think less of yourself Dickie, you are amazing.'' said Tim as his eyes began to water. 

A tear slid down Dick's face and he whipped it away quickly. Dick seemed to be at a lost for words and that was so unlike Dick, so Tim pulled Dick down onto the bed. Dick understood what Tim was doing. Dick wrapped and arm around him as Tim laid his head upon Dick's shoulder.

"Please, please don't blame yourself Dick. I...I don't think I can handle seeing you hurt because of me.'' Tim said in a whisper.

"Tim..." Dick began but was cut short by Tim.

"I'm tired Dick, can we talk about this some more in the morning?'' Tim asked his big brother. Dick stayed silent for a few minutes before he tighten his hold on Tim and smiled down at his little brother.

"Sure thing Baby Bird. Get some rest." said Dick.

"Night Dick.'' said Tim and closed his eyes.

"Night Tim, sleep well.'' said Dick as he let his head lay close to Tim's and closed his eyes.

They fell asleep together, while Jason blasted his music in his head phones, Alfred was in the kitchen making cookies. And Bruce was in his study making a ton of phone calls. 
He one hundred percent agreed with Dick, there was no way that they were sending Tim back there.
Tim was his son and like his other sons, he would do anything to protect them. He loved them more than anything.

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