Panic Attack
-Author's Note:
Mention of abuse, strong language, panic attack, and self harm.
Jason, Dick, and Tim entered the BatCave after a tiny mission, nothing too big, but had left them with a couple of cuts.
Tim quickly removed his cowl and was about to head off to the changing rooms when Alfred stopped him in his place.
"Master Timothy. I have a message here for you, from your mother. Also, your phone was constantly going off.'' said Alfred walking slowly towards Tim, with Tim's cell phone in his hand.
Tim took the phone and looked up at Alfred.
"What did my mom want?" asked Tim. He could already feel his heart beginning to beat faster, along with his hands becoming sweaty. He inhaled sharply, he dreaded what the old man's response was going to be.
"She simply wanted for you to join her and your father for dinner this evening. It has been quite some time since you last spent time away from the manor. A break might do you some good." Alfred said and pointed at Dick to follow him over to the medical wing. Dick sighed behind Tim and patted him on the shoulder.
Tim's chest was tight, he couldn't breathe at all. He lowered his head, his gaze focused on his phone. He saw he had two missed calls from him mother and a voice mail from his dad. His hands began to shake. He raised his head back up to see Jason coming out of the changing room dressed in his civvies and was heading upstairs while busy texting on his phone. He turned and saw Dick sitting on one of the medical tables with Alfred hovering over him.
Dick had a mid size cut on his forehead, his right shoulder was dislocated.
"Master Timothy, why don't you get dressed and come back here for me to give you a once over glance. It appears that once again Master Dick received most of the injuries tonight.'' said Alfred, turning to face Dick with a small smile.
Tim was semi paying attention, his mind was fixed on the voice mail he had on his phone. His hands were shaking, he was nervous to hear his father's voice. He pressed play and brought the phone slowly towards his ear. Turning around to have his back to Dick and Alfred.
-voicemail message:
"Tim, you piece of shit answer your phone!! We didn't allow you to have it to refuse to answer it when either me or your damn mother called ya. You are coming home tonight or else. You are such an embarrassment for a son. You better be here tonight, you little shit!"
Tim wasn't focus of his surroundings at all or the people in the room. He just couldn't be there any longer.
Tim turned around quickly and ran directly into Jason, who without Tim's knowledge returned back down into the Batcave.
"Watch where your going replacement!" yelled Jason as Tim continued out of the room. His head was down and he moved quickly away from everyone. He couldn't be there right now, he felt trapped, which felt stupid because the manor and the cave was his escape from everything else. It was the place that made him feel safe and free.
"Tim?" Dick questioned watching his little brother burst the hell out of there. Dick was very confused and glanced up at Alfred, who shared a similar to the one Dick had.
"I'll go check on the Master" said Alfred but Dick stopped him before he got to far.
"No Alfred, I'll do it. I got a feeling he might need his big brothers for this." said Dick.
Alfred gave a small nod of understanding and head upstairs, leaving them all alone with one another.
"Jay?'' asked Dick, looking back at his brother. "Are you coming?"
"No. I don't care what's up with the replacement." Jason said and began walking away. Dick took a step forward to go after Jason, but Jason being stubborn wasn't anything new and showing emotion has always been one of his struggles. Dick sighed and made his way towards the changing room, towards his baby brother.
"Breathe, breathe. You can do it." Tim thought.
"No you can't. You're weak, pathetic, worthless. No one cares about you."
Tim shut his eyes tightly. His mind was spinning and his breathing was coming quicker now, he was in a full blown panic attack. Tim pressed his back against one of the walls. He felt dizzy and lightheaded, he needed something to support him at the moment.
"Get a hold on this Tim, come on.... Breathe!" thought Tim. But no matter how much he tried to tell himself that he was okay and to just simply breathe, he couldn't calm down.
Tim's legs felt weak, he allowed himself to slid down the wall and fall to the ground. He leaned forward on his knees. One hand was pressed against the cold tile floor, while the other gripped his chest tightly. He whole body was shaking, his heart was beating faster than ever thought possible and he felt like the room was growing smaller. He had to get out of there but he didn't trust his weak legs to carry him far.
He rubbed his wrist and he tried to calm down but it wasn't working. "I need to cut! I need it! I...I can't!" Thought Tim.
He couldn't breathe, focus, nothing. All that was constant was his inner doubt and his father's cruel voice. Time seemed to slow down and everything was fading around him. Darkness began to creep up in his eye sight.
"I can't pass out here, not here. They would find me, what would happened then? I'll be kicked off the team, benched and sent home as a failure. Home...oh crap! I'm supposed to be home right now for dinner. I can't be late, dad he'll..." thought Tim. He couldn't even finish his thoughts, everything was becoming too difficult for him at the moment. Tim didn't even hear Dick come in or hear him frantically calling out his name.
"Hey, Tim." Dick said as he entered the room but he got no answer. "Tim?"
Dick round the corner to find Tim on the ground, his whole body shaking. "Timmy!?!"
Dick rushed over to his brother's side, slamming his knees on the cold ground. He reached out, placing his hand on Tim's back between his shoulder blades. He could feel Tim shaking. Once Tim felt the contact he jumped back, pressing himself closer to the wall.
"Tim, it's me. It's Dick." Dick said calmly, rubbing small circles on Tim's back. Tim finally lifted his head up to met his brother's gaze. Dick could see pain and fear in Tim's face. Tim's eyes were filled with tears. Dick glanced over Tim, he could see that he was panicking but he didn't know why.
"Okay Tim, I need you to calm down. Breathe okay, in and out." said Dick but Tim dropped his head, not looking at Dick. Dick moved closer, and cupped Tim's face, lifting it up so they were eye level. Dick felt awful seeing his brother like this.
"Breathe Tim. Copy me, okay?" Dick said.
Dick began to breathe in and out at a very slow pace. Tim's eyes moved down to Dick's chest, he watched it raise and fall. He brought his eyes back to focus on Dick's blue ones. Tim was trying his best and it slowly seemed like it was working. Tim let a small smile creep onto his face. Dick returned the smile and brought Tim forward into a hug.
Dick sighed, Tim's panic attack seemed to becoming to an end.
Just as the panic attack was coming to an end, just as Tim was regaining control of his breathing, his phone rang. He turned and looked over towards it. Everything soon seemed to break a part once again. Dick noticed this and grabbed the phone away but not before he saw who was calling him, Tim's dad.
"Why was Tim panicking about his dad calling him?" Dick thought as he tighten his grip on his baby brother who was shaking like a leaf.
"Tim, breathe remember. In and Out.'' said Dick.
"Remember?" thought Tm, his mind was clouded, and foggy. He couldn't think straight.
All he could now see was his dad's name popping up on his phone. His father standing over him, about to take another swing at him. His father's voice screaming at him. His dad's hands around his throat.
"I-I I can't b-b breathe." was all Tm managed to get out. Tim looked up at Dick, he could read Dick like a book. Dick was scared and looked like he was about to have a panic attack right along side him.
"I know, I know. But you have to try. Nice slow deep breaths Tim.'' said Dick. Tim nodded his head but it felt like it was a lie for Dick's benefit. He felt like he was going to die right here and now. His vision began to swim and he felt faint all of a sudden.
"Shit." came a voice. Tim moved his head to glace up and see Jason standing in the corner of the room.
"What the hell happened here?" he asked.
"No talking right now, get Alfred." said Dick. Jason remained there for a moment, his eyes fixed on Tim shaking on the floor.
"Now Jason!" yelled Dick, which cause Tim to jump a little by his volume. Dick shock his head and rolled his eyes.
Jason turned an quickly left, allowing Dick to turn his full attention back on the shaking boy before him.
"I'm sorry I yelled." said Dick in a soft voice, it seemed like he was trying to talk quietly to make up for just yelling and causing Tim to jump.
Tim nodded but he didn't feel any better. It was getting harder to keep his eyes open, he felt so tired as if he hadn't slept in a week.
"Okay Tim, Timmy!?" said Dick, "I need you to stay awake and to focus on me okay? You think you can manage that?"
It took Tim a moment to allow all of what Dick said flow through his clouded mind. He soon looked at Dick and gave him a small shaky answer.
"Y-y yes." said Tim.
Dick smiled at this and moved closer to Tim as if he could sense that Tim was getting weaker.
Jason ran through the Batcave and up to the manor. Once there the darted towards the kitchen where he knew the butler was at, preparing their dinner.
"Alfred! Alfredddd!!!!" screamed Jason as he ran.
Alfred turned around quickly, almost knocking over what he was stirring and came face to face with an out of breath and worried Jason.
"What's wrong Master Jason?" Alfred asked the boy before him. Jason had to hold onto the a chair for a moment and to caught his breath before he could clearly.
"It''s Tim. Something wrong!" Jason said, and that was all Alfred needed to hear before running off to find the boy.
"I came down to the batcave but no one was there. Then I heard Dick, he sounded panic. So i rushed towards the changing room and...." Jason said but stopped at the top of the stairs. Alfred stopped before him and turned to face Jason.
"And what sir?" asked Alfred. Jason looked confused before he spoke.
"Alfred, it looked like Tim couldn't breathe." said Jason, allowing the fear he was feeling slip into his quite voice. They turned and continued towards the other boys
[To be continued......Part Two]
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