New Little Brother

A/N: The order of the brothers are reversed, so Damian is the eldest and Dick is the youngest. 
Has Self harm within this chapter. This chapter is when Damian, Jason and Tim meet Dick for the first time. Dick will be speaking Romanian and it will be translated by google, so sorry if it isn't 100% correct. 
Dick: 3

The Wayne family was at the Haly's Circus. The day was going very well, little fighting and yelling between the brothers. They had their share of games and sweets and now they were about to finish the night off inside the largest tent. 

At one point both Damian and Jason was complaining about wanting some popcorn and drinks. Alfred decided to take them, leaving only Bruce and Tim inside the tent. They watched the act called: The Flying Graysons, when suddenly the rope snapped and their bodies fell towards the ground. Bruce stood up from his seat as he watched along with everyone else in horror. Their bodies crashed against the floor, their bodies broken and bloody. 
Just then, a blood chilling scream echoed throughout the whole tent. Bruce quickly looked up to see a very small child with the brightest of blue eyes screaming and looking down at the people on the ground. The child quickly got down and ran over to the bodies. He fell to his knees and continued to cry. People began to exit the tent, while a few stood around watching. 

The little boy held his mother's hand in his and he fell onto her body and cried out.
"Mami! Tati! Nu! Nu, nu, nu!" [Mommy! Daddy! NO! No, no, no!"] cried out the child. 

Bruce who understood many languages knew that this was Romanian. He was about to walk over towards the boy for he could relate to him, for he had watched his parents die before him. He moved closer then froze as cops rushed in, one tried talking to the boy and even tried to pull him off of his dead parents's bodies. Tim reached up and pulled on Bruce's sleeve. Bruce looked down at his son and saw tear within his eyes. Bruce quickly bent down and picked his son up within his arms. 
Just then Alfred, Jason and Damian came rushing in and quickly stopped when they saw the bloody mess before them, all eyes on Bruce now. He walked over and left Tim with them then he turned and walked over towards Jim Gordon. 

They spoke for a bit, while the small child still cried and was finally pulled away from his parents. Bruce learned that his parents was all the family the small boy had. Also that all the orphanages were full and sadly the boy was being sent to the juvenile center. Bruce shook his head, that was no place for that small child to be at, especially after watching his parents die before his eyes.

Bruce looked over at Alfred and then walked slowly towards the small child who was now sitting off to the side. His knees where pulled up to his chest and his face was buried as his whole body shook with sobs.

"Hello Richard'' said Bruce as he knelt down closer towards Richard. He looked up and Bruce inhaled sharply seeing Richard's eyes. They were a unnatural bright blue, but they were filled with so much pain as tears filled in them and raced down his face, leaving tear tracks. 

"Cine esti?'' [Who are you?] Richard asked Bruce before him. Bruce looked over his shoulder for a second before focusing on the small boy before him.

"Numele meu este Bruce Wayne.'' [My name is Bruce Wayne.] said Bruce in Romanian which earn him a look from Richard. He seemed a bit relax seeing that someone could understand him, but then Bruce could see all the sadness flood quickly on his face. Richard's eyes had moved off of Bruce and onto his parent's bodies behind him. Bruce saw this and looked over at Jim Gordon who ordered someone to cover them up. Richard quickly buried his head within his arms and began to cry once more. Bruce sighed and moved back from him, making his way over towards Alfred and his sons. Alfred could clearly see the look within Bruce's eyes, he could tell that he wanted to help this small boy out. Damian seen this look too for he stormed out of the tent and was cased after by Jason. Alfred reassured Bruce that he would get his sons safely home. Alfred called after Tim to come along but he paused and looked up at his father.

"He's all alone. He has nobody, it's sad.'' said Tim. Bruce nodded his head. "Can we help him? Like how you helped me and Jason?" he questioned Bruce.

"I don't know Tim.'' said Bruce and watched Tim leave with Alfred. He then turned around to face Dick once more.

Paramedics came over towards Richard to check him out. Right away Richard began to freak out, he didn't want anyone to touch him. 
"Nu! Nu, nu, nu!" [No! No, no, no!] he screamed and kicked at them. He wanted them to leave him alone, he wanted his parents. Bruce quickly walked over towards Gordon and spoke with him quickly then went over towards Richard.

"E în regulă, Richard. Nimeni no să-ți facă rău. Esti in siguranta. Iţi promit."  [It's okay Richard. No one is going to hurt you. You're safe. I promise.] said Bruce as he knelt down in front of him. Richard look up at him, tears flowed quickly down his face. He shakily inhaled before he spoke to Bruce.

''Sunt speriat. Vreau mami și tati. Vă rog!" [I'm scared. I want my mommy and daddy. Please!] said Richard. Bruce's heart broke a bit hearing the sadness within Richard's voice.

"Richard'' said Bruce but was cut off by the small child.

"Dick'' he said and Bruce look taken back. He then pointed to himself and Bruce understood.
"You prefer to be called Dick, right?" he said and Dick nodded his head. "So Dick, you understand English, do you speak it?" Bruce said and waited for Dick to respond to his question.

"" Dick question. He could understand English but speaking it was another thing. His mother had just recently began teaching it to him. He knew a few words but other than that he couldn't say anything in English.

"It's alright. Dick, I'm going to ask you a very important question, okay?" said Bruce. 
"Da.'' [yes] said Dick and his bright blue eyes searched Bruce's face.

"Would you like to come with me? To live with me and my sons. I have three of them and I think it would do you some good to be surrounded by caring people.'' Bruce said. 

Dick nodded his head and Bruce smiled. He turned to face Gordon and nodded his head. Jim then left the tent. Bruce had already told Jim that he was going to take care of this child, Gordon didn't have to ask twice, he has already watched Bruce take in two other children. So he set out to get the paper work started. Bruce held his hand out towards Dick. Dick slowly moved his shaking hand out and touched Bruce's hand. Bruce pulled Dick to his feet, but once he stood up his legs gave way and he would have fallen over if it wasn't for Bruce. Bruce quickly picked up Dick and carried him outside. The Paramedics looked him over for a few minutes and finally gave him the all clear. Bruce picked Dick up once more and headed towards his car. Alfred looked at the small boy in Bruce's arms.

"I suppose I shall be making up a room for our new house guess?'' said Alfred. Bruce nodded his head.
"Where are the boys?" he asked Alfred. Alfred looked in the mirror and spoke. 

"They are with Mister Clark. He arrived moments after we came home. He assured me that the boys would be looked after while I came back to get you, sir.'' said Alfred. As the drove towards the house Dick fell asleep in Bruce's arms.


It was in the middle of the night. Bruce and the boys had just gotten back from patrol with Superman. They all began to take off their uniforms when Damian could no longer bite his tongue.

"Why do we have another child here father?" he asked Bruce. Both Jason and Tim looked back and force between the two. Damian had been like this when both Tim and Jason were brought into this family, Damian didn't understand the reasoning behind it.

"Because he has no one and he needs a family.'' said Bruce who walked over towards the bat computer, clearly done with this conversation, for they have had it before. Damian huffed and stormed off towards his bedroom. 

He came to a stop by Dick's door and peeked inside. It was dark but from the light in the hallway Damian could make out Dick's form. He was twisting and kicking in the bed, clearly having a nightmare. Damian went to turn and leave when he heard a loud scream, he looked back inside the dark room and saw Dick sitting up, crying. Damian then pushed the door open and allowed the light to fall upon Dick. Dick jumped back and looked up at him.

Damian sighed. This child was so small unlike when Jason and Tim came along. Just then Damian was met with the brightest of blue eyes and for some reason he couldn't walk away from the crying kid. He felt bad for him and a part of him wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know why. Damian then walked slowly towards Dick and sat down beside him.

"It's alright Grayson, it was just a nightmare. You're safe here.'' said Damian and just as he was about to get up he felt tiny fingers grasping his wrist. He looked down at his wrist then up at Dick.

"I-I Dick.'' he said to Damian and then smiled.
"Damian Wayne, only blood son to Bruce Wayne.'' he said and watched Dick tilt his head to the side. The Dick moved and stood up upon his knees. He reached out and pointed at Damian's chest.

"Big D.'' he said and then pointed at his own chest. "Lil D'' he said and then crawled onto Damian's lap. Damian moved backwards, not used to this at all but stop and allowed Dick to lay on him. Damian smiled a bit and ran his hand through Dick's hair and he sighed.

"Goodnight little brother.'' Damian said and watched as Dick closed his eyes.
"Night Big D.'' said Dick and was soon fast asleep on Damian's lap. Damian smiled.
He soon after awhile moved Dick back up upon his pillows and looked down at the boy. For some reason unknown to him, Dick had touched his heart. Damian got up to leave. Once he was at Dick's door he turned around and looked at the sleeping form of Dick.

"Night Lil D.'' Damian said and left the room.

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