
-Author's notes:
Based off the episode 1x12 of Young Justice. Jason is Red Hood and is Bruce first son and Dick's big brother, Dick is Robin.

Jason was just about to get onto his bike when Batman turned away from him and walked quickly towards the computer. Jason tried his best to listen but Bruce was also trying his best to not let him listen. Bruce quickly made his way towards Jason.

"I am needed at Mt. Justice. You continue on patrol tonight, alone." said Batman. He walked towards the zeta-beams but was stopped when Jason laid a hand on his shoulder.

"What happened? Is Dick okay?!" Jason asked, allowing the fear he was feeling into his voice.

"I don't know. All I know is there was an attack at the mountain and I am needed there right away." Batman said shaking off Jason's hand.

"Well, I'm coming with you!" yelled Jason as he walked pasted Batman. Batman grabbed Jason's shoulder and turned him around to face him.

"No, you are not! You are to go onto patrol and meet back here afterwards. Do i make myself clear?" said Batman in a harsh tone.

Jason didn't answer, which gave Bruce his answer. He walked passed his eldest son and headed towards the zeta-beams to his youngest son. As soon as Batman had left, Jason ran over to his bike, hopped on and sped off into the distance. He made his way quickly towards the nearest zeta-tubes and headed off towards his baby brother.


The zeta-beams lit up and Jason made his way out and into the mountain. Dick had made it possible for Jason to come to the mountain, no one knew this, not even Batman.

Batman turned and looked over and saw his son walking into the room. He shot him a bat glare but he brushed it off and went straight towards his brother. Dick didn't seem to hear his announcement which worried Jason even more. Batman placed a hand on Dick's shoulder and spoke quietly to him.

Jason sighed and stood still. Everyone else in the room was looking at him, most didn't know who he was. The league knew who he was but not the young justice league, well except for Wally. He was his little brother's best friend. He had spent many nights at the manor, he was the only one to be allowed to know their secret ids. Wally shot him a smile. Jason smiled back but turned his attention back to him family. Dick still didn't seem to notice him there and Batman didn't look thrilled by him being there so he hadn't informed his brother that he was there either.

"Robin." was all Jason said, he awaited for his little brother to turn to him.

Robin turned around slowly and once he saw Jason standing there, a smile crept onto his face. He was about to run over to him but Batman prevented him. He prevented him of showing any kind of emotion and it was really bothering Jason right now. He could tell by his brother's face, by everyone's face that something serious had just happened and it looked as though Dick right now needed to be comforted not lectured.

Batman soon moved away from Dick, Dick stood still next to him, his hands behind his back but every once in awhile he would look over towards Jason, who would shot him a reassuring smile. Batman talked to everyone and soon everyone was told to go home and rest, and to let the league deal with what happened tonight. Batman told Dick to follow him as he went to speak to Superman. Wally quickly raced over to Jason and told him everything.

Jason's eyes widen when Wally told Jason that Dick had nearly drown to death and was unconscious for sometime before he finally woke up and to only be knocked back out by the lack on oxygen in the room because of Red Tornado.
Wally soon left Jason alone and headed off with his uncle. After it seemed all official business was finished and they were allowed to return home, Dick ran over to Jason, wrapping his arms tightly around his big brother. Jason returned the hug, he could feel his little brother shaking, so he gripped tighter onto him. Batman walk in.

"That's enough." Batman said and the two broke apart from one another. Robin still remain closely to his brother's side, not stepping to far from him, which placed a smile on Jason's face.
"I am heading to the watch tower. Agent A has already been informed about what happened. Red Hood, take Robin home and he is to be checked out before anything. Understood?"

"Yeah, loud and clear old man" said Jason, which earned him a glare from his father but a small chuckle from his brother, which made his world.
Batman turned and left the brothers alone. He, Green Arrow and Black Canary walked away. Artemis walked away from her mentor and walked over to the bat brothers.

"So, you got a brother? And who is Agent A?" she asked.
Robin tensed up next to Red Hood. Jason noticed this and brought his arm around his baby brother.

"Well, Little miss it is no concern to you who I or Agent A is." said Jason.

"Well...." said Artemis but was cut off by Robin.

"Yeah, he is my brother but we are leaving now. After everything I'm so not feeling the aster." Robin said and gain a smile from his friend and team mate.

"Alright. Night Robin." said Artemis and walked passed them and patted on Robin's shoulder. She entered the zeta-tubes and departure to Gotham. Jason sighed and took his brother with him and headed home.


Once inside the BatCave, Alfred took Dick to the medical wing and looked over him. Alfred didn't like it when Jason finally spoke up and told him that Dick was knocked out twice. Dick huffed and threw a glare at his brother, telling him to shut up. He wanted everyone to believe that he was totally fine but Jason was still very worried.

After a while Dick seemed to be alright, Alfred gave an order to rest for awhile and to maybe skip going on patrol for a day or two but Dick just shocked his head and told them that he was okay. He jumped off the table and made his way to change from his uniform and head upstairs to his bedroom.

Jason and Alfred talked for a bit and then Batman arrived. Jason took that as his que to head upstairs and check on his little brother.

He knocked on the door but got no answer, so he decided to got in anyways. Jason walked in, the room was dark. He turned the light on to find Dick sitting in the corner of his bedroom. He had his head buried in his arms.

"Dickie?" called out Jason. He raised his head and looked up at his big brother. Jason could tell that Dick was tired and warn out from the events that happened today. He slowly walked over to him and sat down beside him. Jason laid his head back to rest against the wall. He waited there for a bit when finally Dick began to talk.
He told Jason everything, all the details. He told him that he was stressed out and panicking but he couldn't show it, like he is never allowed to. He had to be strong for everyone else and he was so worried about Wally. Then he talked about the water and how he tried to stay awake but couldn't, how his chest was tight with a ton of pressure and how his lungs burned as if they were on fire. Then Dick told Jason about waking up and then all the air being out of his lungs once again. His body was now shaking and Jason lean over and gave his little brother a warm and tight hug.

Jason reasured him that everything was all okay and how proud he was of his little brother, and what a great leader he was and going to be when the time came.

Just outside Dick's bedroom door was Bruce listening to the whole conversation with a smile on his face. He soon left as Jason picked his little brother up and placed him into bed for the night. Jason leaned forward and planted a small kiss on Dick's forehead which was a bit warm. Jason looked over his brother as he drifted into sleep. Jason turned to leave the room to be met face to face with his father.

"I think he might have a fever" said Jason, Bruce nodded his head and looked back towards Dick's door.

"I wouldn't be surprised after all that he has been through today." Bruce said and turned away, walking. Jason followed quitely hide his father. His mind was going over everything Dick had told him. He was so thrilled that his little brother was alright. Things could have turned out so differently, they all were so lucky.

"He did a great job today, he was so brave." Jason said with a smile on his face.
"Yes he did. Jason, would get Alfred to check on Dick. I'm going out to patrol, since no one else did." Bruce said and turned to give a look before he continued on towards the Batcave.
Jason smiled. Bruce wasn't mad at him, not really. He was there for his baby brother and that is all that matter because Dick was the most important person in the world to all of them.

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