
A/N: The Wayne Manor catches on fire.
Dick: 15
Jason: 13 1/2
Tim: 10
Damian: 6

The alarms that were going off is what awoken the family to the fire.
That for one was very odd, the whole family were very light sleepers, they had to be with their life style and all.

Dick sat up quickly in his bed looking around, his mind had yet to comprehend the meaning of the sound of the alarm going off.

*cough* "...Dick?!" *cough*

Dick right away jumped out of his bed, hearing one of his brothers call his name.

"Tim?" Dick questioned as he then opened his bedroom door to be hit it the face with thick smoke and a wave of heat.
"Timmy!" Dick yelled as he saw Tim's legs give out from under him. Dick looked around quickly, taking everything in.

The manor was on fire.
His home was burning down to the ground.

Dick pulled Tim to his feet and helped walk him down the large staircase.

At the foot of the staircase, heading towards the door, Dick could make out Alfred and his little brother Jason.

"JAY!" shouted Dick from the tops of the stairs. Jason turns around quickly and a flash of relief flashed within his emerald eyes.

"Where's Dami and Bruce?!?" Dick yelled. He was hoping that they were alright as well.

"They're already out. Come on slow pokes!" Jason yelled and helped Alfred out the front door. Dick then picked Tim up and dashed down the stairs.

They made it outside and joined the others. Dick saw Damian on his hands and knees coughing along with his whole body shaking. He glanced over at Bruce and Alfred and saw them talking but couldn't make out what they were saying fully.
He heard, CO2, smoke and flames and Damian's name.

Dick looked back at the manor.
It was lit up in the dark night by the flames burning inside, destroying everything within. Dick's eyes suddenly grew wide. The air in his lungs got trapped within his throat. He then headed forward.
Jason saw Dick heading back towards the burning building. He jumped forward and wrapped his arms around him and pulled Dick back.

"Dick stop!" Jason yelled as his big brother tried to get out of his grip.

"No! Let me go! I have to...I have to go back in. It's all I have left of them! Jay! Let go!" Dick screamed. Jason shook his head and held tightly onto him.

"I'm sorry Dickie, but I can't do that" said Jason. Just then Dick twisted and flipped out of his hold and dashed inside the burning manor.

"DICK!!!" Jason yelled and ran forward after him, only to be stopped by a hand upon his shoulder.
Bruce shoved Jason backwards, towards Alfred, who was attending to both Tim and Damian who where both struggling to breath. Damian was very close to passing out on them.

Bruce pointed at his boys and yelled at Alfred.
He then ran inside his home, after his eldest son.

Once inside Bruce was almost blinded by the smoke. It was so thick, making breathing super difficult. Since the last time he was inside, the flames have increased, the heat coming off was now burning his skin.

"DICK!?!?!" Bruce yelled. He glanced around quickly and then decided to go upstairs to Dick's bedroom.

The door was open wide, flames were all over Dick's room, almost consuming it all up.
Bruce saw Dick at his desk, searching for something, then it hit him. He knew exactly what his son was looking for.
Bruce rushed forward, the flames now increasing. He quickly grabbed Dick and began to pull him backwards towards the door.

Dick was shaking and trying his hardest to get out of Bruce's grip.
"Dick stop it!" Bruce yelled.

"NO! I have to... It's... It's all I-I have left of them! I can't lose them...not again!" Dick cried. Bruce closed his eyes, his heart was breaking for his son as he pulled Dick away. Dick's arms were stretched out, reaching for the photo of his parents and the poster of them.

"Nooo!" Dick cried and collapsed within Bruce's arms.

Bruce quickly picked up his son within his arms and turned to leave but paused for one second before heading out to safety with Dick.
4 hours after the fire.

"When I see you up there Richard, you make me think of a little Robin." Said Dick's mom.
"Dickie, we love you." Said Dick's dad and patted him on the shoulder with a huge warm smile.
"We'll have to give you a name" said Batman.
"how about, Robin?" Dick said and looked up at Bruce for approval.
"Like the bird?" Questioned Batman
"'s a family name." Said Dick with a huge smile.
"I'm Robin! The boy wonder!" Dick shouted with joy.
"DICK" his mom said to him, the last words she ever spoke to him.
NO! cried out Dick.

Dick suddenly shot up in the hospital bed, panting heavily.
"MAMI! TATI!" (Mommy! Daddy!) Dick screamed out, his eyes both wide and glazed over.
Suddenly, a blurry person came into his sight and hands where placed upon his shaking body. As soon as he was touched, he flinched slightly and moved back slightly from the person who seemed to be trying to comfort him.

"Dick?" said the voice and Dick's mind at the moment couldn't recognize the voice. "Dickie."

Dick closed his eyes tightly shut as he saw his parents falling to their deaths again.

"Nu!" (No!) cried Dick who brought the palms of his hands to his eyes.

"Dick, fiule am nevoie de tine să se uite la mine. fiule, vă rugăm." Said Bruce in Romanian.
(Dick, son i need you to look at me. Son please.)

Dick slowly pulled his hands away and looked over at Bruce. He blinked for a few seconds to clear his vision.
"Tati?....Bruce?" Dick questioned, his accent still present. Bruce nodded his head. Dick's face crunched up as he slowly began to cry. He quickly jumped into Bruce's awaiting arms.
Bruce wrapped them tightly around Dick. Dick after a moment, relax in Bruce's hold, burying his head in Bruce's chest.

"Chum, you had me so worried there." said Bruce who cradled Dick's head.
Dick began to shake more and his crying picked up as he muttered into Bruce's chest.

"I-I... I lost the l-last piece of them...t-that I-I...had. B-bruce... I..." whispered Dick.

"Shhh..." Hushed Bruce as he pulled away from him and looked down at his son.

Alfred suddenly entered the hospital room and smiled at Dick.
"It's good to see you awake young master Dick" said Alfred who handed Bruce something.

"It's good to see you too Alfie. How's..." Dick began to say but got interrupted by a fit of coughing. Alfred walked over towards him and placed an oxygen mask on Dick's face.

"They are all right Master Dick. Now rest sir" said Alfred who patted Bruce's shoulder and left the room. Dick turned to face him.
"How''s t-the manor?" Dick asked and watched Bruce sigh.

"It's still standing. The batcave was untouched by the flames. We did find a symbol left behind, they seemed....they seemed to be after you, Dick" said Bruce who looked away from him. Dick sat up quickly only to be pushed back down by Bruce.

"Who?" asked Dick.
"Isn't clear yet. But, we'll find out soon enough thought. Don't worry chum, it'll be fine." Bruce said and DICK sadly smiled him, not really believing him.

"Almost everything inside was lost. Almost...everything" said Bruce and pulled out what Alfred handed him and gave it slowly to Dick.
"I took it, only moments after you collapsed in my arms." Bruce said and Dick looked down and saw Bruce's hand wrapped up. Dick reached over and gently touched Bruce's hand and Bruce smiled at him.

"It's fine. Just a small burn, nothing for you to worry about, let alone feel guilty about Dick." Bruce said. Dick nodded his head and looked down at what now laid within his lap.

It was a semi burnt picture of his parents, only the corners were burnt, allowing Dick to still see his parent's faces. He then looked at the crumbled, old poster of him and his parents. He ran his fingers over the letters on the poster, "The Flying Graysons"
A sad smiled came across his face. He glanced up at Bruce, tears welling up in his blue eyes. He quickly lept over at Bruce, holding onto him.

"Thank you! Thank you so much dad! I-I.... I love you and I'm sorry about your h-hand" said Dick.
Dick could feel Bruce shaking his head 'no'. He pulled back and kissed Dick's forehead and allowed Dick to lay on him and slowly drift off to sleep.

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