Explosion Coma.

A/N: Based off of Young Justice 2x09. After the Mountain blew up Dick is injured from it. He ends up in a coma.

The entire Mountain blew up. Flames and smoke were everyone. Everyone In Happy Harbor could see the thick black smoke rising into the dark night's sky.

-Duncan to WatchTower.
Mal pressed his com. His eyes wide as he watched the smoke rise. "Mount Justice is gone. I mean....There's been an explosion. The whole place is up in flames. I-I I don't know who or if...if anyone inside? Request immediate assistance! Get here now! Fast!"
Mal then drove towards the burning mountain. Fear flowing throw his veins.

As soon as he got there, he threw his helmet off and ran over and began to dig throw the rubble. He then heard what sounded like Sphere.

He stood up and looked around, his eyes searching for sphere. He began to cough, the smoke was all around him. The flames heating up his skin as he stood by searching for anyone.

He pulled out his cell phone and began to look through it, then locating Sphere in the ocean. He right away tossed his phone down and ripped off his jacket and ran straight into the ocean. he swam as fast as he could, until he got to Sphere. He inhaled sharply, finally allowing oxygen to fill his lungs.

Conner, Superboy laid unconscious on top of Sphere with Wolf. Nightwing laid near the seat, his head inches from the water. Mal looked back at the flames. He turned and swam closer, just as the water washed up, pulling Nightwing into the cold, dark freezing waters.

Mal went under the water. He then came back up to the surface with Nightwing in his grip. He was still unconscious. Nightwing's head drooping to the side, his skin very pale and now a light shade of blue. Mal didn't even know if he was breathing or alive at the moment, his attention now turned towards Superboy.

"Conner! Superboy! Wake up, wake up Now!'' yelled Mal, who then splashed some water onto Superboy. Conner then jumped awake, gasping for air. he began to look around, his eyes falling onto Mal and Nightwing.

"What? What's going..." said Conner but Mal cut him short.
"Questions later man, right now we need your help. Wolf. Grab Wolf, the s-cycle is going under!'' he said.

"Yeah, right. Right.'' said Conner as he grabbed Wolf who was unconscious as Sphere went under the water.

"Will Sphere be okay?" asked Mal, who watched Sphere go deeper and deeper.
"Yeah I believe so, she falls up to heal'' said Conner who looked towards him. His eyes widen when he saw the shape Nightwing was in. "Can you make it back to the sore with Nightwing?" questioned Conner. Mal nodded his head and looked at Nightwing.

"We gotta hurry, he isn't doing too well man.'' he said and Conner nodded his head, his eyes looking over at the flames behind them. His home, his home was gone.


Conner stood in the hallway of the hospital. His phone held in his hands, he just got off the phone with Wally. Told him that the cave was gone and that Nightwing was hurt. He was waiting for Wally to come. He glanced back inside Nightwing's room. He was still on the bed, Batman and Black Canary standing by. They were planing on moving him to the Watchtower in a moment, but they had to wait because Nightwing's heart stopped again.

After they got to the shore, he had to preform CPR on Nightwing, once they got him breathing again they waited for someone to show up, Mal had called when he first arrived. They didn't wait long, but Nightwing wasn't in a good way.

Then a gust of wish rushed by Superboy, he turned to look and saw Wally standing next to him. Wally looked at Conner.

"Where is he? What happened?" he questioned, Conner nodded his head towards the room and Wally's full focus was on Dick now. He reached up and ran his hands through his red hair.

"Kaldur attacked the mountain'' said Conner. With this Wally spin around quickly, shooting dangers into Conner.

"What?" Wally asks, his voice full of hatred and also fear.

"He placed inhibitor collars on us. Took Bart, Blue Beetle and Garfield. He had a bomb in place, right before us. Nightwing got us out of the collars. We almost made it out, but...but we got caught in the debris. If Mal didn't come when he did....Dick would be dead." said Conner. Wally shooked his hand and entered the room quickly. Conner turned and left.

"Wally'' said Dinah she glanced over at Bruce and nodded, leaving them alone.

"How is he?" Wally asked right away. He was worried about his best friend but also mad at him. He had recently began to fear that maybe Aqualad was really a traitor, that he was playing all of them. Now he had most of the team, but most importantly he had Artemis, the love of his life.

"He's barely alive.'' Bruce said breaking Wally from his thoughts, he explained just how bad Dick truly was and Wally could tell that Bruce was worried for his son's life. Wally walked closer towards Dick, taking his still hand within his, he was so cold. He closed his eyes for a second before dropping Dick's hand and facing Bruce.

"There's something you should know...'' Wally said. Bruce narrowed his eyes as Wally. He quickly ran over and closed the door and began to tell Bruce everything.


Dick was finally moved to the Watchtower. He was in a coma, he was on life support and everyone shared the fear of losing him. The whole league was very upset. They had know Dick since he was nine years old, some like Clark and Diana met him when he was eight when Bruce first brought him to his home. The small boy always had so much hope and light within him and now seeing his still and barely alive broke all their hearts.

Wally was sitting by his bedside, his legs shaking as the league had a meeting to discuss everything Wally had informed Bruce about.
"Come on Dick. You've gotta wake up man'' thought Wally. His hands were folded together, elbows resting upon his shaking knees, his knuckle pressed lightly on his lips, his hands were beginning to shake as well. He closed his eyes, allowing himself to be pulled into different memories.

[Flash Back]

"Wally? Wally, did you hear me?" Barry asked Wally. Wally quite shoving chips into his mouth and looked up at his uncle.

"Uhh, no sorry. What'cha say?" asked Wally as he reached for his soda, downing the whole thing in one gulp. He smiled up at his uncle as Barry shocked his head an smiled. "Thank God this kid is a speedster or he would be huge'' Barry thought and chuckled to himself.

"I said, I want you to come along with me today and meet someone special. Does that sound fun?" said Barry who now had Wally's full attention.

"Meet someone? A League member? Oh cool!" Wally said. Barry moved closer towards Wally.

"Well, I suppose your gonna meet two people then." said Barry as he thought about it.

"Really? Who? Oh is it Superman, or Green Arrow? Or how about...." Wally began to spit out League members as fast as he could eat.

"Whoa! Hold up there kid!'' said Barry who smiled and took some of Wally's food.
"HEY!" Wally yelled but Barry was faster than him, which Wally hated.

"What if I told you, that you were going to met your idol'' said Barry as he watched Wally before him. Wally rushed over and patted Barry on the back.
"I've already did.'' said Wally who got up and headed towards the kitchen probably for more food.

"Okay, well what about a sidekick idol? Someone..." Barry couldn't even finish what he was saying before Wally rushed in and hugged him tightly, Barry could feel the kid vibrating with excitement over this. There was currently only one sidekick in the world and that was Robin, The Boy Wonder. Who worked with Batman in Gotham City. Barry knew after Wally became Kid Flash that he had been so excited to meet Robin, the very first ever sidekick, plus Batman's partner. Wally pulled back, beaming up at his uncle.

"Are you freaking serious?" shouted the very happy eleven year old. Barry just nodded his head and Wally was gone one second before coming back dressed in his Kid Flash outfit. "Then what are we waiting for?!" Wally ran out the door.

They were now in Gotham. Wally was bouncing with excitement. The Flash looked down at his sidekick and smiled at him, but then became all serious. He turned and knelt down before Wally, placing his hands upon his shoulders. Wally right away froze and stared at his uncle before him.

"Wally I need you to listen to me right now, okay?'' said Barry. Wally nodded his head. Barry exhaled and cleared his throat before he began.

"Before they get here, I need you to know something. Something about Robin.'' Barry said.

Wally nodded his head, he was totally focused on his uncle. He was so thrilled to be meeting the boy wonder. "Okay.'' said Wally.

"Robin, he's umm...he's been through a lot in his life. Seen way too much for a kid his age to ever see. He's very kind and smart and friendly but he is also shy and broken too Wally. He's been through a lot and meeting you is a lot for him as well. So go easy on him, try not to overwhelm him, okay?'' said Barry. he stood up as Wally nodded his head in understanding what he said. He really wanted to be Robin's friend and since Robin was only 9 and he was 11 he was going to look out for the kid, to keep him safe, like a big brother would do.

Someone then cleared their voice behind them, scaring both of the speedsters. They turned around quickly, eyes wide. Barry then placed his hand on Wally's shoulder.

"Kid Flash, this is Batman and....Umm Bats where's Robin?" asked Barry, he was worried that Robin might have became too nervous and back out. Batman nodded his head towards Kid Flash, Wally sent a small smile to him. Batman then looked down towards his feet.

"It's okay. You can come out now.'' said Batman, Wally looked up at his uncle then back at Batman.
Just then, the base of Batman's cape began to move and out came Robin poking his head out. His masked eyes falling upon Kid Flash's. Wally smiled and waited for Robin to come fully out of his protective spot. He came out and glanced up at Batman who nodded his head. Robin slowly walked up towards Wally but stopped and wrapped an arm around himself. Wally took a few slow steps forward, still smiling. He held out his hand as he stood only a couple inches before the boy wonder.

"H-hi, I'm Kid Flash. Wally'' said Kid Flash but then realized he said his real name and turned to face his uncle who mouthed: ''it's okay'' and then smiled at him. Wally felt better and turned back to the small boy before him. He was looking up at him with a smile now on his face, apparently saying his secret identity opened up the little bird before him.

Robin then moved and took Kid Flash's hand in his and shocked it. "I'm Robin.'' He said and smiled even bigger.

"I know! You're so cool.'' said Wally. Robin looked up him with a look of confusement written upon his face.

"Really?" questioned Robin. Wally didn't understand why he was asking, of course he was cool, the coolest. Then Wally remembered what his uncle said, that Robin had been through a lot in his life, that he was shy and broken. A sad smile crept onto his face. Wally nodded his head at Robin.

"Yeah Dude!'' Wally said and Robin chuckled, no one has ever called him dude before.

[Flash Back Ended]

Wally opened his eyes and moved then to look at Dick's still form on the hospital bed. After meeting Robin for the first time, they became instant best friends. They were so close that you could hardly separate the two when they were together.

Just then a knock was heard. Wally turned around to see no other than Roy standing there. He, Dick and Roy soon became close friends, brothers at one point. They did slowly grow a part from Roy, maybe because he was so much older than them, he didn't know. But the three of them were the first sidekicks ever and always had each others backs. Wally got up quickly and made his way towards Roy, throwing his arms around the archer, who returned the hug.


Conner soon came back with M'gann and she tried to reach Dick but all she said was she saw darkness. She apologized and rushed out of the room with tears in her eyes. Conner followed her out, closing the door behind him.

That didn't make Roy or Wally feel any better. Wally then told Roy the truth about everything. Roy was clearly pissed but could see what all of this was doing to his friend so he set aside his anger and focused of his two closest friends.

They sat their in silence for a long time, just watching the rise and fall of Dick's chest as memories both sad and good played out in their minds.

[Possibly a part two to this chapter]

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