Eating Disorder Struggles
A/N: Dick is bulimic and in this shot and he isn't doing so well.
*contains purging*
M'gann had just made a great lunch for the whole team and everyone enjoyed it. Everyone but Dick.
The food was great, everything tasted fine and sitting around and talking with his friends was awesome, everything about this lunch was good except half way through the meal Dick started to feel sick to his stomach and couldn't bring himself to eat anyone.
Once everyone finished their lunch they all decided to go into the sitting room and watch a movie. And at first everything was okay but the growing nausea inside of Dick began to grow and over power him til throwing up was the only thing on his mind.
Over and over again he kept telling himself that he had to get rid of it, that he had eaten way too much and that if he just got rid of it, if he just threw up then he would feel better.
Dick glanced around the room at all of his team mates. The movie was just beginning but he couldn't focus on it, he needed to escape and throw up. So when no one was looking he made his move and dashed down the hallway undetected by this friends.
He rushed down the hall and entered the bathroom quickly, closing the door right away and moving over towards the toilet. He stared down at it for a moment, trying to convince himself that he didn't have to do this but the tightness held up in his chest and the strong waves of nausea were telling him differently. Dick knew that this wasn't good at all but he just couldn't seem to be able to stop.
This whole week, no matter what he ate or how much he instantly felt sick and he had to throw up to calm his nerves down. When he tried to push it back and ignore the urge to go purge, he began to panic which only added to his anxiety levels. So in the end, Dick would purge no matter what. He felt like he was slipping away and drowning in all of this. He was losing control over this, but the sad thing was he never had control over this.
He might have thought in the beginning that he had the power over this but the second he shoved his fingers down his throat all control in the world, control within himself went right down the toilet bowl.
Dick fell to his knees and lifted the seat up and glanced down into the water. He then pushed his sleeve up and brought his hand to his mouth. He inhaled sharply before he leaned up on his knees, hovering right above the toilet bowl as he shoved two fingers inside his mouth. At first he just pressed down upon his tongue, making himself heave before he harshly shoved them down his throat, pressing down forcing his stomach to contract and force M'gann's lunch back up. He yanked his fingers out of his mouth quickly as he lean over the toilet and threw up, he didn't even wait for himself to draw in a breath of air as he shove his fingers back in and pushed harder this time, causing him to puke and his whole body to shake now. This continued on for about five minutes before blood began to drip down from his nose. He whipped the blood on the back of his hand he allowed himself to breath for a few seconds. He could still feel the weight of his lunch still in his stomach and it didn't matter right now that his head was killing him or that his nose was bleeding, he had to get every last bit out in order for him to feel better, for him to not feel nauseous anymore.
Dick pressed his fingers down his throat for one more time, getting the last bits of his lunch out of his system.
His throat was so sore right now, like from waking up from one of his regular nightmares. He slowly pushed himself onto his feet, and blinked quickly feeling kinda dizzy but tried to tell himself that he was okay. He walked over to the sink, swaying slightly with each step.
Dick rinsed out his mouth and washed his hands that were shaking now. He glanced up at the mirror and saw himself. His face was red and his eyes were glazed over plus his left eyes was blood shot red.
"Damn it" thought Dick, "I busted a blood vessel in my eye. Maybe I did do it too much.''
Dick ignored it and slipped back on his sunglasses before sighing and walking out of the bathroom to join his team mates in the sitting room for the movie.
Walking down the hallway began very difficult and Dick had to hold onto the wall to keep him up right as he pushed himself farther down the hall. Everything suddenly began to spin as black spots began to fill Dick's vision.
"Rahat" [crap] thought Dick as he felt himself falling and could do nothing at all to stop himself. His last second of consciousness he reached out with his mind to try and contact M'gann telepathically.
"M...M'gann? I-I...I-'' but the darkness took over and Dick's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he fell.
As soon as his body made contact with the cold floor, M'gann jumped to her feet, her eyes wide as she heard Robin's voice inside her head.
"Robin?" she tried to reach out and connect to him but she was met with nothing, while everyone in the room had their eyes glued on her and kept asking her if she was okay but she didn't respond as fear rose up in her as she kept trying to contact Robin but kept getting nothing, nothing but blackness.
Conner touched M'gann's shoulder breaking her out of her daze. His eyes scanned her face, trying to see what was the matter. M'gann turned to face the others in the room.
"Where's Robin?!?" she asked, panic clearly lanced within her words. Everyone looked around the room.
"He...he was just here'' said Artemis. Wally rolled his eyes and sighed. He really hated when Dick did his disappearing ninja act. Wally stood up and looked over at M'gann and just by the way she appeared, Wally knew something was wrong.
"I'll go find him!" yelled Wally as he ran out of the room at super speed. Just as he dashed out of the room he could hear Kaldur ask M'gann why she was so worried and she told him that she felt Robin reach out to her, through the mind link but she now she couldn't connect to him, all she could see is blackness which scared Wally so much.
He ran down the hall and came to a stop when he saw his best friend laying face down on the ground.
"Di-ROB!" yelled Wally as he rushed over towards his best friend's side and fell to his knees and cupped the side of Dick's face. His skin was warm and he gave him a shook but Dick didn't move or wake up.
"GUYS!'' screamed Wally as he ever so gently reached over and picked Dick carefully up in his arms, and he carried him bridal style down the hall quickly towards the medical room.
Wally was sitting beside Dick's bed in the med bay. Dick still hadn't woken up yet and it had been almost two hours now. Wally's leg was bouncing up and down quickly when suddenly the med doors opened wide to see an angry red head. His anger masked his fear and worry as he walking into the medical room, his eyes glued to the small form on the bed.
"What the hell happened!?!" Roy said loudly and Wally jumped to his feet to shush him, yeah he wanted Dick awake but he didn't want Roy to force him awake when something was wrong with their little birdy.
"I don't know'' Wally said and glanced over at his best friend in the hospital bed.
"What do you mean you don't know? And where in the hell is Bruce at?!?" asked Roy who crossed his arms over his chest.
"He's busy right now-'' said Wally but was cut off by Roy who now was really angry.
"Busy?!? Dick is in the med bay, passed out and he is busy! That piece of-'' said Roy.
"ROY! Watch it.'' shouted Black Canary as she entered the room, gaining both the red heads attention.
"Batman is on a mission currently. Once it is over he will be here, now please calm down'' she said and gave him a look daring him to disobey her.
"Fine.'' said Roy and walked over and sat on the edge of the hospital bed. "What's wrong with him?" he asked quietly. Wally was as worried as Roy was, Dick was their best friend but most importantly he was their baby brother.
"Bruce most likely won't like me telling you this and Dick when he finds out I told you will be furious but you two should know. You two are like brothers to him'' said Black Canary.
"We are brothers'' said Wally as he made his way back over by Dick and took his small, pale hand in his.
"Well?" questioned Roy and Black Canary wanted to go over to him and slap the back of his head.
"Dick...he has been struggling with an eating disorder for sometime now. But recently, it has gotten a lot worst'' she said and looked over at the shocked faces the two red heads had before her eyes landed upon Dick passed out in the bed.
After a bit, Roy and Wally sat all alone with Dick, their baby brother. They were so worried about him but one thing was for sure, no matter what they were going to be there for him. They were going to have his back whether he wanted their help or not. They didn't know much about eating disorders or the struggles Dick face day to day but that wasn't going to stop these two red heads.
Dick was their brother and they were going to help him and that was that because Dick was one of the most important things in the whole world to the two of them.
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