Deaged Dick

A/N: This chapter is for- BelieverzQuinn I hope you like it!!

On a late night patrol, Nightwing is hit by, well, something. They haven't actually figured that out yet. But now he's 8 years old, with temporary Amnesia.
-I used google translate, so if anything is wrong I do apologize for that.-
*Possibly a part two!!*

Bruce quickly entered the dark and chilled Batcave with a tiny figure wrapped tightly up in his cape. The tiny figure was fast asleep after being hit by some weird purple ray. He hadn't figured out what it was but he was aware of what it had done to his eldest son, Dick.

Bruce slowly, gently laid the tiny boy on the medical table as he heard a set of foot steps coming his way. He ran his gloves hand through the boy's hair and sighed before turning to leave him at the aid of his oldest trusted friend and father figure, Alfred. 
Alfred got right to work, trying his best to help but not knowing what to really do in this situation that laid before him.

"Father! Where is he?!?'' yelled Damian as he rushed forward, yanking his mask from off his face. His green eyes held a glimpse of worry and fear in them as he looked up at his father standing before him.

"Alfred is with him now'' said Bruce as he pulled his cowl off his head and walked over towards the batcomputer and began typing quickly. The sound of hurried foot steps came rushing in, revealing an upset Tim.

"How is he?" asked Tim as he made his way to Bruce's side.

"He's alive. More than that, I don't have the answers for...yet'' said Bruce as his eyes were locked on the batcomputer before him.

"Master appears that he is coming to'' said Alfred who nodded his head towards Tim and Damian. Bruce quickly pushed up out of his seat and began to head towards the medical wing but Alfred stopped him just before he entered the small room.
"Has anyone informed Master Jason about this?" asked Alfred but he was met with silence as Bruce walked past him and entered the room that held his eldest child.


Bruce inhaled slowly as he crept over towards the bed. He stood beside the bed, glancing down at the tiny figure whom he hasn't seen in for years. He inched forward and slowly ran his hand through the dark locks on the small child's head.

He watched for a second, just glancing down at the sweet, familiar face he met so many years ago that changed his whole life for the better.

The small boy's eyes started to flutter open. His big, bright blue eyes glanced up at Bruce who was standing beside him.

"Hey chum'' said Bruce in a whisper as the corners of his lips turned upwards. 

"Ce-Ce se întâmplă?'' [Wh-What's going on?] Dick whispered in Romanian. His eyes glued to Bruce's face, and he could clearly see them widen at him speaking. Dick turned his head and glanced around the room. His heart rate began to pick up pace as his eyes met the unfamiliar scenery that surrounded him. He pushed himself up into a sitting position and looked around the room, his blue eyes searching for something or....someone.

"Dick'' said Bruce and Dick quickly turned back to look at him. Bruce could clearly see the confused look within his son's bright blue eyes. "What's the last thing you remember?'' Bruce asked. Dick looked down at his hands and closed his eyes for a second.

"Unde este mama mea și tati? Unde sunt?'' [Where is my mommy and Daddy? Where am I?] said Dick, the worry and panic heavy within his small voice.

Bruce narrowed his eyes at his son before him, not only was Dick the size when he first came to live with Bruce but it looked like he had amnesia as well, but not fully because he knew about his parents.

"E bine Richard, ești în siguranță aici. Îmi poți spune cât ești?" [It's alright Richard, you're safe here. Can you tell me how old you are?] Bruce said to Dick in Romanian in hopes that it would calm his son down somewhat.

Dick's eyes scanned over Bruce's face, for some odd reason he felt connected to the man standing before him. He couldn't figure out why but there was something about this man that made him feel safe, plus it didn't hurt that this man both knew his name and he spoke Romanian as well.

''Am opt ani. Știi unde sunt mama și tata? Pot să le văd? Sunt ... mi-e frică! Vreau părinții mei să vă rog.'' [I'm eight years old. Do you know where my Mommy and Daddy are? Can I see them? I'm...I'm scared! I want my parents please.] Dick said and pulled his knees up to his chest, hugging them tightly. Deep down he felt that something was wrong, something about why he was here and where his mom and dad where was bad, he just didn't know why.

"Dick-'' began Bruce but was cut off when someone loudly entered the cave.

"Bruce!'' yelled Jason as he raced towards the medical wing, he shoved the current back and his eyes doubled at the sight before him. 
"Dickie-bird?" questioned Jason as he took a small step forward.

Dick peeked over his knees and his eyes connected with Jason's.
"Cine esti?" [Who are you?] questioned Dick and watched Jason glance over at the man beside him then his eyes turning to land back on him.

"Sunt Jason, esti frate'' [I'm Jason, you're brother] said Jason and Dick quickly shook his head 'no'. He didn't have a brother, all he had was his parents, the circus and peanut. Dick then lifted up the cover that laid on top of him, suddenly looking for peanut, cause he went nowhere without it.

"Dick?" questioned someone else and Dick looked up to see another person standing in the room. He didn't recognized any of them and that made him even more scared. He just wanted peanut, he just wanted his mom and dad.

"Tim, Jason could you give us a moment'' said Bruce more as an order than a question or request.

Tim nodded his head yes and quickly shoved Damian, who was peaking in away.

"-tt-'' could be heard from the small child who was now two years older than his current big brother.

"Jason'' said Bruce as Jason didn't move a muscle to leave, but instead walked forward.

"E în regulă Dick, cred că înțeleg.'' [It's okay Dick, I think I get it.] Jason said as he patted the end of the bed then quickly turned and left. Bruce looked at Jason then shook his head, not knowing what Jason was getting at.

''Unde-i mama și tata?!?'' [Where's my Mommy and Daddy at?!?] cried out Dick and buried his head into his knees as tear began to fall from his eyes.

''Richard, sa întâmplat ceva. Acesta este motivul pentru care sunteți aici chiar acum, dar am nevoie să vă liniștiți mai întâi pentru a vă putea spune adevărul. Va fi bine după ce rezolv asta." [Richard, there's something that happened. It's the reason why you are here right now, but I need you to calm down first so I can tell you the truth. It'll be alright after I fix this] said Bruce as he walked closer towards Dick and laid his hand upon his shaking shoulder, causing Dick to flinch at his touch.

"Stop!" shouted Jason as he entered the medical wing with Alfred close behind him. Bruce glanced over at his second oldest son and took a step back wondering what Jason was going to do. Jason slowly inched his way closer towards Dick who slowly looked over his knees at Jason.

"I...I brought you something that might help. Something I think you were looking for'' said Jason as he moved his hands from behind his back and brought forward a small, worn out stuff elephant.

Dick's watery blue eyes widen and he reached forward grabbing a hold of the toy elephant that he loved so much.

"PEANUT!" shouted Dick and brought the old stuff toy to his chest and hugged it tightly. Jason smiled at the sight before him and then glanced over at Bruce who mouthed 'good job' to him which made Jason smile even more.

Dick glanced up at Jason and now smiled for the first time this evening. He looked down at his elephant then back up at Jason, his blue eyes shinning bright with happiness.

"Th-Th-Thank y-you'' whispered Dick who hugged his elephant again just as Alfred had walked over and stuck a small needle in his arm, giving him a sedative. Dick's eyes widen for a moment at the needle then they fell back onto Jason who walked slowly closer towards him. He eased Dick back onto the bed and brushed his hand over his forehead as his eyes grew heavy, threatening to close that very second.

"Get some rest Dickie-bird, it will all be better soon'' whispered Jason and Dick gave a small nod before his eyes fell shut. Jason pulled the cover up on Dick's chest and made sure that his arm was around his stuff elephant. 
Jason then felt a hand upon his shoulder and could see how proud Bruce was of him. 

"Let's get to work'' said Bruce who turned and left to begin their search on how to turned their beloved Dick Grayson back.

Jason glanced back down at Dick, his role model, his big brother and protector. He gently brushed the tears that lingered upon his brother's checks and smiled down at him. He quickly leaned forward and planted a small kiss against his forehead. 

"It's going to be okay Dickie. I promise'' whispered Jason as he slowly exited the room, turning the light off that shinned so brightly upon his brother, hoping that he would have a peaceful sleep for once and that once he awoken that he would be back to normal.

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