Consuming Deaths.
*Please be careful reading this* I'm not going to put too much detail in this, I want you to read and discover it for yourself. All I will tell you is that it is a Reverse!Batfam,Dick is the youngest at age 10, it's only mentions he has brothers but nothing else, plus it is post failsafe.
-Enjoy! And please vote and leave a comment, I would really like to know your thoughts about this chapter. Thanks-
And this was a request from:
I hope you like it!
It had been just two days after the failsafe mission the team had done in the mountain. That mission had changed everything, every little thing. The air, the room, everyone and even himself felt different. The air felt heavy and tight all around him. The room at times felt very large and then other times so tiny that it prevented him from breathing.
Then the biggest changes where everyone around him, everyone he cared so much about. Everyone he was friends with, everyone single person who he considered and claimed as his family after losing his original one just a few years ago. Everyone who was in his life and made him feel happier and safer with them around now all hated him. They hated him so much, the love that they had for him vanished the second he opened his eyes from the failsafe mission.
Angered, hateful and pain looks were sent his way, burning into his skin. Each glare slowly burnt his flesh, causing immense, white hot pain through him and embedding itself inside his fragile heart that had already many cracks and scars from all the pain, loss and tragedy he has been through and witness in his short life.
All of this, all of affected him. It affected him so much but no one noticed. No one noticed how they walked around him, spoke and looked at him hurt him so deeply, so much so that he was shattering right before their eyes and no one noticed a thing.
No one noticed him.
It was cold.
Robin hadn't expected to wake up, but he did and a piece of him wished he didn't. He wished he had died, at least then he wouldn't feel this overwhelming guilt and pain filling him up, drowning him from the inside out.
Robin quickly glanced around the room, looking at everyone who he just lost standing there before him, all breathing, all alive. He closed his eyes, remembering those last seconds. Remembering seeing the time slowly click by him and Wally, seeing those last few seconds hitting them.
Him saying good-bye to Wally, feeling tears form within his eyes but having to always keep the act up, the appearance of being totally fine, of being 100% in control.
Maybe I'll get to see Bruce again, and my brothers with Alfred.
Maybe I'll get to see my parents again.
Robin thought as time disappeared before him, like sand through his fingers. his surprise he felt nothing.
Nothing at all. There was no pain from the explosion, no injuries whatsoever. But what he did feel was his heart pounding within his chest. He was...alive?
Robin couldn't believe it, no...he couldn't understand it.
"How could I be alive, how could my heart still be beating inside me? Why? Why was I still here? I was going to die, I should have died! I...I was sorta okay with dying. Everyone I ever cared about and loved was gone, there was no reason, no need for me to stay around and suffer more, so why was my heart still beating, why were my lungs breathing in air? Why on Earth was I still here?!? All I want is to be back with my parents! I've had enough! I've done enough so why was this curl world still keeping me alive? Was it some kind of punishment? Why must I always be punished? Why do I deserve so much pain? All I want is to be....gone.
And maybe...that has been what he has truly wanted for a long time, what he wanted from the beginning of all of his pain. The beginning of his pain began when his parents fell before his bright, blue shinning eyes.
So maybe, he wanted it to end. Wanted it to stop just like the time did just moments ago before him, before the explosion went off. Just like when everything came to a screeching halt when his parents fell,his mother's hands out stretched for him.
Maybe he should have jumped, taken her hands in his, then...he wouldn't have been all alone. He wouldn't have to keep suffering everyday, every second of every minute of thee hour. To feel so much pain, so much emptiness within himself. To be broken, lost and numb. He was so broken that he didn't think that there was anyway to restore himself, to make himself truly happy again, to not feel anymore pain, to be warm and innocent again. A piece of him died the second they fell, stealing them, his innocence and his life from him with no care in the world or how it would destroy and affect his life and everyone else's. Now, he wished he would have died fully, not just a piece of him with them, his parents. Even looking back, he knew deep down he wanted to join them, to be dead along side them because the pain that he felt, the pain destroying him suddenly and slowly at the same time was killing him bit by bit.He wanted to be given his life back, to have life given back to him again because he wanted to be whole. He wanted to feel love and want but all he felt was sadness and emptiness.
He wanted to scream out in agony for the longest but all that came out was silence.
He now wish that he knew all of this then, so he could have jumped and fallen along side his parents, then they would have all been together instead of being separated these two years which brought nothing but hurt to him, and probably some to his parents as well.
He could remember so clearly the looks within both of his parent's faces.
His father's, the look of realization of falling, and fear of dying with the love of his life joining him, leaving their boy by himself.
His mother's, the look of sadness and fear of him being left behind and being all alone.
Dick sat silently in the mountain, along with everyone else. They weren't speaking to him at all, and if they did it was hateful and hurtful.
The team was there for each other, to comfort them but no one was there for Robin.
So after he spoke with Dinah, Black Canary, he tried to push past it, push past all the hurt but he couldn't and he knew that but he also knew that Bruce would want to see him back to 'normal' very soon, so he had...needed to put on his famous act of being okay, of being strong and hoped that they all would buy it.
And they did.
It had now been weeks after the failsafe mission and everyone was alright, except that wasn't true.
Everyone placed blame on him, even when Black Canary and Batman told the team that it wasn't Robin's fault, he was just doing what he thought was correct, he just did what he was trained to do. But none of them saw it that way, all they saw was their friend, team mate, someone they trusted become leader and sentence them all to death, showing no emotion or concern for them.
In reality, it hurt. It hurt so much. It killed him on the inside to have to pretend that every one of their deaths, every second he became more alone wasn't a burden and pain on his chest. He wanted to give up but he couldn't so he did what he was trained to do and he tried to be like Batman but deep down he knew he could never be him and even though he looked up to him, even though he figured that one day that mantle would become his, he didn't want it.
He didn't want to be The Batman. He wanted to be something else, but all he wanted was to be dead.
He was already all alone. Everyone he cared about hated him. Even if Bruce and Dinah said it wasn't his fault, he still blamed himself, still carried the burden, the weight and pain of all of their deaths upon his shoulders.
But as time went forward as he was frozen still, they all saw him as strong, that he could handle anything, so putting blame on him was not a big deal.
He could handle it, he was Robin the boy wonder. He was Robin who was always cheerful and strong, who kept a clear head and followed the rules, who was young and brave.
Everything and everyone went back to normal, everyone that is besides Robin.
Dick couldn't move forward, couldn't move on.
Pain, hurt and emptiness grew within him, swallowing up all of his light and refilling it, the hole left inside him with sadness and darkness. His thoughts were no longer happy-ish ones, he was depressed and suicidal and nothing seemed like it would ever change it or fix it.
Fix him.
That day came.
It came and shattered everything.
Today was the day, they died.
His parents.
Dick tried his hardest to keep up the fake smile he wore every single day of his life after his mom and dad died before his eyes but he just couldn't today, especially not after what has happened in the last month and half.
To make matters worst, Bruce had forgotten what the day was, forgotten how important and awful it was, how the day was filled to the rim with pain and loneliness. So when Bruce noticed Dick slacking in training in the Batcave, he didn't even think, he just yelled at Dick, his son.
"Dick! Pick up the pace! Block! Stop Slacking off! Get your head on straight! Focus! Robin do it again! You messed up, fix it! Again!" Bruce/Batman yelled over and over again. Each time he yelled Dick felt worst about himself, he felt like more of a failure and disappointment. But things just kept on getting worst by the minute and it was clear Bruce couldn't see the light missing from Dick's blue eyes or the pain and sadness that had found it way into them and made it their personal home.
"Dick you've been off your game for awhile now, your benched as Robin until further noticed, do I make myself clear!?!" Bruce yelled and turned away from him.
"No! Bruce, you can't! It''s the only thing..." Dick began but stopped himself from saying too much. He was going to say that it was the only thing he had left keeping him alive but he couldn't tell Bruce that and even if he was going to tell him, Bruce quickly yelled at him. Hurting him even more so than before.
"You no longer Robin until you can be back to yourself and stop this nonsense that you've been doing lately. Now go!'' said Bruce, missing the anger and hurt written all over his face.
Heart broken and loss ran down his face in the form of a few tear drops, as he silently broken farther, crumbling right before Bruce, who he had recently come to think of as a father to him, a dad.
Dick moved quickly into the zeta tubes, he no longer wanted to be at the cave or the manor, for he felt unwanted.
He was broken. Alone. And he wanted the pain to end and that's what he decided to do. To end it, to end it all. End the suffering for once. To feel no more pain. He now set out to kill himself, he thought about falling just they did but for some reason it felt wrong, disrespectful to his parents, if he wanted to fall he should have fallen beside them years ago.
He thought about downing a bottle of sleeping pills but he didn't want his last moments to be filled with nightmares and darkness like every night he went to sleep was, to have his last moments reflecting the sad, broken boy in the mirror, to reflect all of his mistakes and pain and darkness.
Even though he wanted to pain to stop, to be over for once, to end it all, he also wanted to inflict some pain upon himself. To punish himself for anything and everything. To slice up his wrists for all of his problems and mistakes, for being a disappointment and a failure to his parents, to everyone including himself.
"I tried to make up for killing my parents, for not telling them, for not joining them in their fall by trying my hardest to be Robin and help people in need, to help the world but nothing made up for it, no matter how hard I tired. And I did, I did try so hard but I was just never good enough, because I'm not worth anything. I'm one.
I wasn't the robin that my mother called me, I wasn't one of Bruce's sons how were amazing heroes, I was just a stupid, broken kid, a charity case. I was nothing and when I needed someone, anyone no one was there, no one was around. I tried my hardest, my best to always be happy to be there for everyone else but in the end everything I did didn't matter just like me and my life. No one cared about me and how I was or if my life was continuing on so why so I. They were all busy with their lives that I didn't and never did fit into. I never belong in this world. I didn't fit into the hero equation, I could never measure up to Batman or my brothers, I was trapped behind their shadows, trapped within my own darkness from that evening at the circus." thought Dick.
Robin was not alright, not alright at all, she could see it, she felt it. And that was the reason that brought her there, brought her to his door, brought her to him just as he was trying to end it.
She walked farther into the room and could tell he had figured that she would talk to him, give him a big speech about not doing this, that he had so many reasons to live for, that she would take the bird-a-range out from his shaking hands to prevent him from causing anymore damaged to himself but she didn't.
She sat down beside him and glanced over at him.
"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault'' she said as tears began to escape her eyes, finally setting herself free from all she has held up inside her for so long and it dawned on him, she had felt all of his pain, the teams pain.
That she blamed herself as much as he did, maybe even more for the devastating fail-safe mission. Even though his pain ran deeper than that mission, it ran all the way back to his parents, Dick could tell from her eyes that all of this wasn't from just the mission either. He didn't know what was bothering her so much other than the mission, maybe it was how he was being treated or the teams collective thoughts and emotions or perhaps something he was unaware of from Mars.
They looked at each other in complete silence, both understanding it, everything clearly right now.
She reached over and took the bird-a-range blade from out of his hands and he for a split second thought he read the situation wrong but he clearly didn't when she brought it down upon her wrist and cut a big gash in it, spilling out all of her warm blood upon her lap and the floor.
After she cut she laid the blade down on the ground and watched as Robin slowly went over and picked it up. His masked eyes landed on her to see how she was doing. He then pulled his masked from off his face, to revel to her his blue eyes. A smile crept across her face as she leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes, feeling light all of a sudden.
"Does it hurt?" he asked in a broken child's voice. She shook her head 'no' and felt herself drifting off.
"Okay,'' whispered Dick who then brought the blade back down upon his wrist. He pressed down hard on his skin, piercing it and then pulling it downwards. He bit his bottom lip and winced in pain as he felt the sharp pain of the blade cutting down deep inside his arm. But he didn't let the pain stop him, he welcomed it for he believed he deserved it and then he brought it to his other arm and did the same. He glanced down at his bloody wrists and sighed and hoped that he would be seeing his mommy and daddy real soon. He then slowly moved over and laid his head upon her shoulder and shut his eyes, drinking in the feeling he got from his sliced up wrists. Her head then touched his and she smiled slightly down at him.
"You were like a big s-sister to me. Thank you for always be th-there,'' Dick said as he felt super sleepy now and his body feeling heavy. "I-I...I love you M'gann'' whispered Dick almost silently
"I love you too Dick'' said M'gann. She had discovered who he was not by seeing his eyes by feeling his pain and seeing into his mind and reliving his tragedy along side him. It hurt so much to see a friend, a young child who you came to think of as your baby brother hurt so much that he was so broken that nothing seemed like it would be able to fix him.
She could feel him slipping away, he was going before her. He was so much smaller than her, he has always been but seeing him as the baby brother she came to love she realized that she always pictured him, Robin, a strong, brave hero. Which he was but he was also a ten year old boy who had lost his whole world in seconds and continued to feel pain and suffer everyday of his life.
Dick's head became more heavy upon M'gann's shoulder as he welcomed the darkness in.
And in no time they were both gone, lost to the world and everyone else, completely unnoticed by everyone just how badly they were hurting and if they truly knew, truly understood then they would have done anything they could have to help.
But it was a little too late.
They were gone.
-How was this? Good?? Awful???-
I hoped you liked it and that maybe it brought some tears to your eyes.
This is the end of the evil one shot, sorry not sorry if it was sad.
*And the next chapter I write may or may not be sad, so please say along with this story, my other works and me! Love y'all and thanks to everyone who reads this and a big hug to all of my followers and the awesome, sweet people I've met on here.
Thank you!
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