Baby Robin
A/N: During a mission, Robin gets hit with a beam of some sorts and is transformed into a two year old. The YJ team has to take care of a little Robin and plus a secret will be reveled to the group. :D Robin will be speaking in Romanian for most of the story, so it will be translated from google, so sorry if it isn't 100% correct.
Mentions of self harm.
The Young Justice team were mid battle with the Injustice League. The Team were close to a victory when everything quickly changed. Robin turned around quickly and seemed to be the only one who noticed the ray pointed directly at Kid Flash's back.
His eyes grew wide under his mask and he shouted out towards his best friend.
"KF Move!" yelled Robin.
Kid Flash was on his knees at the moment, completely out of breath. He held his chest tightly, he probably had a few broken ribs. Blood was slowly flowing from a small head wound on his forehead, so when Robin called out to him, he couldn't make out what he said.
Robin clearly taking noticed raced forwards to his friend.
"Robin wait!" yelled Artemis, but it was too late. Robin shoved KF to the side and was hit in the back by a green ray. Robin let out a scream of pain, breaking Wally out of his daze as he landed face first in the sand.
Wally quickly turned over to look at what just went down. Dust and smoke clouded his and everyone's view of their team mate.
"No! Rob!" yelled Kid Flash moving closer to the dust, to where Robin was at.
After the ray went off the Injustice League began to depart quickly. No one on the Young Justice Team had time to stop any of them, their main focus was now on their youngest teammate. They all moved closer as the smoke decreased. All their eyes widen when they say what laid on the ground. It was Robin's uniform pile on the ground but where was Robin, was he?
Wally moved closer and could tell that there was something small under all the material. He hand reached out and touch the small bump and it moved quickly away. Wally's green eyes widen is shock.
"Whoa.'' said Wally and quickly turned to face the others. They all couldn't see what he saw so the inched forward to get a better look. Wally turned his attention back towards the small child before him.
"Rob? Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt ya.'' said Wally as he reached forward towards Robin. Robin moved quickly back and crying out.
"Nu! Nu nu nu!! Mami tati unde esti?" Robin yelled with tears running from his beautiful blue eyes.(Translation- "No! No no no!! Mommy daddy where are you?")
Wally sighed and closed his eyes for a moment. "Damn" whispered Wally.
"What the hell did he just say? And what the hell happened to him!?!" yelled Artemis, but her raised voiced scared the small Robin even more.
"SHH!" Wally turned to face her, placing a finger to his lips to quite her. She glared at him and crossed her arms over her chest. Wally shock his head and turned to face his crying friend before him.
"Bună. Sunt un prieten. Eu, Nu te rănesc." ("Hi. I'm a friend. I, No hurt you.") said Wally and sat there waiting for a response. He prayed that he said that all correctly, he has spoken Romanian in a few years.Robin quite crying for a moment, his big eyes scanning Wally's face. Just then his bottom lip came out and his eyes looked sad. He then quickly, in a blink of an eye leap forward, throwing his arms around Wally's neck. Wally was shocked at first then placed his hand on Robin's back and patted him. Robin began to cry a little more as his body shock. Fear was radiating off of him in waves. Wally reached down at unhooked Robin's cape from his uniform and wrapped small Robin up in it. Wally looked down, no matter what age Robin was his scars remain and just seeing them on his tiny body broke's Wally's heart a little. Most of his scars where from missions, the Joker but the ones on his wrists were caused by none other than himself. Wally was the only one who knew on the team about Robin self harming. He hasn't done it for quite sometime, well at least that's what Wally thought. Looking down now at his best friend's wrists, he saw a few bright red lines. Which only meant they were fresh, he started cutting again. Wally sighed, he could really use Roy's help right about now.
Wally then stood up with small Robin in his arms. He turned to face his team.
"Look, I don't think he has any memories of us." said Wally calmly as he looked down at Robin, who had buried his head into Wally's neck. His grip on his neck grew tighter as Wally spoke.
"How would you know Baywatch?!" said Artemis.
"Because for one he's not speaking English and two what he said proves he doesn't remember." said Wally.
"My friend, can I ask how it is you know what he said?" asked Aqualad. Wally sighed and glanced quickly down at his best friend who had finally drifted off to sleep. A tiny smile came across his face, memories of him first meeting Dick came into his mind.
"Cause when I first met Rob, he knew English and spoke it but if something bad happened he would go speaking in his native language. So me and Roy learned some of it over time to help Rob. Roy knows way more than I do, I'm not really good at languages." Wally said rubbing Dick's back. The team moved in closer.
"We should head back to the Mountain and inform Batman what has occurred here today.'' Aqualad said. Everyone nodded and began to head towards the Bioship.
Once in the Bioship Robin began to wake up and Wally hoped he wouldn't freak out too bad. He hated seeing Dick like this. He really hasn't seen Dick this way for awhile, Dick used to get nightmares all the time and would wake up crying or he would have panic attacks. Wally sighed and rubbed Dick's back.
"Maybe I could go into his mind and see if I can get him to remember us" said M'gann hopeful. Everyone else seemed to agree that that was a good idea, Wally almost did too but then a thought came to his mind.
"No! We can't.'' said Wally glancing up at his team mates.
"And...why not?" asked Artemis, she and everyone else seemed very confused.
"Because his walls are down.'' said Wally. He turned to looked down at his sleeping friend. Sadness etched across his face.
"His walls? I-I don't understand.'' M'gann said suddenly.
"Okay look. Robin's vulnerable right now, he's not thinking clearly right now, he's not focused. Robin's mind is open right now, if you go in, you could see his secret identity. He has been taught by Batman and also your uncle J'onn how to build up protective walls within his own mind to prevent someone from learning the truth. You've been in his mind before beautiful but those walls protected himself. Without them, you'll see it all. I-I can't let you do that. I gotta protect him.'' said Wally. He held tighter onto Dick now.
"Protect him? From us?! Come one Wally, this is-" began Artemis but was silenced by Aqualad who laid his hand gently on her shoulder. Artemis sighed and remained silent for the rest of the ride.
Batman, Black Canary, Flash, Martain Manhunter, and Green Arrow were all present at the mountain when the team arrived. Aqualad had radio in their location and briefly told them what had happened to Robin.
Getting off the BioShip, Robin woke up. He looked all around the mountain and Wally smiled. Batman quickly noticed how small Robin was and quickly moved towards his son, but Dick not knowing how he was panicked and held tightly onto Wally. Batman stopped moving for a moment but continued forward standing right infront of Wally.
"Richard e în regulă. Sunt aici ca să te ajut fiule." ("Richard it's alright. I'm here to help you son.") Batman whispered, not letting anyone hear him but Wally and Dick. Wally looked down at Dick, he couldn't make out all of what Batman said but whatever it was it freaked him out even more. Robin began to cry even more and then shouted for his parents.
"Nu! Nu sunt fiul tău! Nu ești tatăl meu. Mami! Tati! Unde esti? Ajută-mă să mami. Vreau mami și tati meu!'' ("No! I'm not your son! You're not my dad. Mommy! Daddy! Where are you? Help me Mommy. I want my mommy and daddy!" yelled Dick. Wally and everyone else were shocked by this outburst. Wally wanting to protect his best friend took a step back from Batman. Batman's eyes widen and decided that Wally seemed to be the only one to calm down his son, the only one Dick seemed to trust right now.
The team left with Black Canary to debrief about the mission. Batman, Flash, Martian Manhunter and Green Arrow all went into the missions room to talk about the situation at hand, while Wally sat with Dick in the living room waiting for Roy to show up. Wally had texted Roy the moment after he saw how Dick reacted to Batman.
The zeta tubes lit up and announced Roy's entering the mountain. Wally smiled and looked down at Dick who was now dressed in one of Wally's t-shirts.
"Hey Dick." Wally said but then stopped. He tried to think of the right words in Romanian but couldn't. He knew Dick understood English but he just couldn't speak it.
"Hey our friend Roy is going to come here and spend some time with us okay?"
Wally waited for a response from his best friend. Dick looked up at him and gave him a small smile and nodded his head then he went back messing with Wally's goggles. Roy rushed in and froze when he saw Robin in Wally's lap.
"Whoa. When you said de-aged I wasn't picturing a freaking baby.'' said Roy who slowly sat down on the coffee table infront of them. Dick looked up at Roy.
"Două. Sunt doi, nu un copil." ("Two. I am two, not a baby.") said Dick and tried to put Wally's goggles on his face.
"What did he say?" Wally asked Roy. Roy understood and spoke Romanian way better than Wally ever could.
"He said he was two not a baby.'' said Roy who got a chuckle from Wally. Roy then looked more closely at Dick and saw his wrists. Wally saw Roy looking and threw the blanket behind the couch over Dick's small body.
"He still has his scars. All of them. I don't know why but he does. And Roy...." Wally paused when his big brother looked up at him. "He started again."
"What!?!" yelled Roy, he was shocked to hear this. He moved forward towards Dick.
"Richard, can you show me your arms please?" asked Roy. Without second thought Dick moved his arms out from under the blanket and held them out towards Roy. He gently took them and turned them over to see the same bright red lines Wally saw earlier. He thought Dick stopped. Roy sighed and dropped Dick's arms.
"Did anyone else see? Did Bruce?" Roy asked looking directly at Wally. Wally shocked his head and Roy exhaled. "Good" he thought.
Wally, Roy and Dick watched some tv along wit some of the others. The day passed and it turned into night. Most of the team left the mountain. Bruce had tried talking to Dick again but this time without his cowl on. Dick seemed to listen to him more now with less fear but he still clearly remember what Bruce first said to him. He remained closely next to Wally and Roy, not leaving their side at all. Black Canary had returned later with some clothes that would fit Dick.
Seeing how close Dick was right now with both Roy and Wally, he allowed his son to spend the night with them at the mountain while the League looked for answers on how to help Robin out.
Eventually The League had found a way to turn Robin back but it wasn't until the next day.
That night, all three boys shared a bed. Dick was the first to fall asleep, giving Wally and Roy enough time to talk about their little brother. They had no idea if he would remember any of this but one thing for sure was that they were going to have to sit down and talk about what was going on.
Dick started cutting again, something must have been up. They both blamed themselves in small ways. They hadn't been spending as much time with Dick as they used too, their sleepovers had ended and just plain hanging out didn't seem to be happening much either. Although Dick and Wally hanged out a lot, Roy hadn't been around at all and he felt terrible about it, but he was going to make it up to their little brother.
That morning before anyone else came to the mountain, they transformed Dick back. Sighs of relief filled the room as Dick laid unconscious on the ground back to normal size and age.
Roy picked him up and carried him to the med bay for farther tests. Roy and Wally sat around the medical bed and waited for Dick to wake up.
His hand moved first then he slowly opened his eyes. Roy stood up and saw Dick blinking. He was awake. He looked over at Wally who had drifted off to sleep and punched him in the shoulder, causing him to wake up quickly.
Dick pushed himself up onto his elbows then moan in pain and grasped his head. Wally shot Roy a concern glance before he moved closer to his baby brother.
Dick then reopened his eyes and looked up at them, he was clearly confused. His brows bent and he quickly looked around the room before he finally spoke.
"Wh-wh...what happened?" Dick questioned.
Wally and Roy quickly explain and after Dick understood they looked at each other. Dick noticed and shot them a bat-glare for clearly hiding something.
"What is it? Spit it out!" said Dick.
Not saying anything Wally stepped forward and took Dick's wrist into his hand. Dick completely understanding lowered his head, guilt flowing through.
"When did it start again?" asked Roy as he sat on the end of the bed. Wally now moved to sit right beside Dick, through an arm around his shoulder and allowing Dick to rest his head on top of his shoulder.
"Just the day before the mission, that's it." said Dick in a defeated tone.
"Well good. Leave it at that. You remember how hard it was to stop the last time" Wally said looking down into Dick's eyes. Dick didn't answer only nodded his head and closed his eyes tightly as small tears began to flow from them. His body shock with silent sobs. Wally sighed and glance over at Roy, who them moved closer to Dick. They all cuddled together, holding their baby brother within their arms.
"It's okay baby bird. It's ok." said Roy as Dick's sobs picked up.
Shushing him back to sleep slowly. Wally squeezed tighter onto Dick, shutting his own eyes, wishing to take all the pain and hurt from his little brother.
Batman stood silently outside the med doors and listened. A tiny, sad smile crept up on his face. His heart broke hearing that his precious son was once again in so much pain within that he was causing pain upon his body. He then turned to leave the three heroes to themselves.
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