A Robin on the edge.

A/N: This chapter deals with a suicidal Robin, who is on the ledge of a buildings, preparing to jump and take their life.

He's gone.
I'm alone...once again.
I'm empty.

It was late into the night, the wind was blowing strongly at the moment.

High up, above the city's streets, on the edge of the ledge stood a broken and distraught Robin.

Fresh tears were painted upon its rosy red cheeks from the wind and all of the crying.

He stared out not looking at anything in particular. For he was lost within his mind. The wind blew his ebony hair. He inhaled sharply and closed his eyes shut tightly.

He soon felt a presents behind him shook his head. You wanted to be alone for he just lost his best friend, the one person who knew him better than he knew himself, who was always there for him no matter what.

"Hey" he said detached. He didn't turn to see who it was because a part of him truly didn't care at the moment. He was so lost within his pain to care about anything.

"What the hell are you doing Dickie bird?!?" said the voice.

The air got trapped within his lungs when he heard that voice.
It couldn't be, could it?
He thought but didn't want to turn around and see. For he couldn't truly believe that they were there right now.

"I... I don't know." Dick said and opened his eyes and looked up at Gotham's night sky.

He could feel the person, the individual that I couldn't believe was here, moving closer towards him.

"Well, from where I'm standing, it looks like you got a pretty good idea as to what the hell your doing." said the voice with a bit of harshness within it.

"Maybe"said Dick and moved a little bit closer towards the ledge.

He had no grappling hook in hand. All he had, was a shaky grasp on a rusted metal bar.

This emotions were flowing wild inside him, along with his rising heart rate, his labored breathing. He took one last sigh, before preparing himself to leap, to fall. Leaving behind everything, everyone he cared deeply about, even the person he was talking to for he was just a hallucination to begin with.

His eyes opened up the to the city below him, calling his name, mocking him to jump. He let go of the bar, ready to go into a free fall one last time.

The last fall he saw was his parent's death. That moment, that fall seemed to be an endless and unforgiving moment in his life. He would still get flashes of memories from that terrible night. He would still wake up from a nightmare, a silent scream trapped within himself.

He could hear the person behind him inhale loudly, sounding a tad fearful of what was to come. But this felt like the answer and who was behind him shouldn't have a say after all the horrible, painful tragedies he has went through in the small time he has been alive. His mom and dad were dead, which left a wide hole inside his heart, and now...he felt hollowed out for his best friend, his brother who was always there for him no matter what was no gone forever just like his parents.

He felt like he was never supposed to be happy in this life, for caring about someone always ended up in pain, so maybe if he took himself out of the equation then he could possibly spare those still around that he cared about some pain.
For his whole self ached in pain. That was all he truly was, pain.

"Dick..." said the voice in a whisper.
Dick glanced over he shoulder suddenly and looked at the person how he believed to be a hallucination. For just a tiny moment he allowed himself to hope, to feel so kind of joy but deep within he felt...knew that this was all a lie. This person was gone...dead like almost everyone who he cared about deeply and he wasn't about to put anyone else at risk.

"...Jay..." Dick said and smiled a bit. It sounded like so much like his lost little brother, but the person standing there was different, his hair, his height and the look within his eyes.

Jason stood frozen with shock by the scene before him.
Dick, his big brother, the always happy and kind person, always willing to go above and beyond for someone no matter what he must sacrifice for himself, was standing on a ledge about to take his own life.

It sent something cold throughout his body, for the whole scene felt so wrong.

Jason had just gotten back to life but hid from his family, he watched from the shadows in pain. That all changed when he discovered that Kid Flash, a.k.a. Wally West, his big brother's best friend just died.
He went out to search for his brother so he went to the manor, a place at one time he had called his home with his family. But his big bro didn't show up and this worried him. No longer staying in the dark, he went out in search for his big brother.
He was beyond shocked when he came across him standing on the ledge. An icy coldness attacked his heart causing everything to stop.

Jason slowly moved closer, he needed to be as close as he could to Dick, in case he decided to jump any second. Jason couldn't think of how hard and horrible this whole thing must be for Dick, he was about to jump, fall to his death just as his parents did. He knew he must be having some kind of flashback.
He felt sad, watching as the tears fell from those empty blue eyes, that once held so much light and life in them. Dick was always shinning no matter how dark the day got. He truly cared about so many others, more than he seemed to care about himself, so he knew that deep down that Dickie was most likely doing this for the others, to try and ease their pain maybe, he didn't really know.

"Dick, I know what happened. But man you don't want to do this, not to those how care about you. I-I...need my big bro not a grave sight." Jason said. Dick shook his head and glared over at him.

"What do you care anyways what I do or don't do. You're not even here! You're not real! You're dead...just like him. I-I...can't anymore" said Dick.

"Dick I am here. I am alive damn it, and am as hell not going to let you do this! Dickie..." Jason said.

Dick's heart skipped a beat as he looked over at Jason. He was alive and here and Dick couldn't believe it, let alone understand it. Jason could see all the emotions within Dick's eyes, he heard the brokenness within his brother's voice, Dick was going to kill himself, this was no show. Jason stepped forward, making his way towards his sadden brother.

Dick leaned back a bit, heals now on the edge.
Which sent fear traveling down his back.
Dick could hear his heart beating in his head, his lungs burning for air for he was hyperventilating right now. He could feel the pressure in his chest increasing with panic, he inhaled sharply.
His mind was racing way too fast for him to think. Everything and he meant everything felt like it was too much. He couldn't breathe, he just couldn't handle it any longer. He knew if he jumped now, Jason probably would go after him. That was something he did not want.

He didn't want to be saved. Why would he? So much pain was within him. He has lost so much, so many people. He just felt like he couldn't take it anymore. In his mind he thought it would be better for everyone else to lose him versus him losing all of them and once more being useless in not saving them.
He couldn't save his parents, he couldn't save or protect Jason, his little brother and now he didn't save Wally his best friend.
Who was next?

Tim? Alfred? Artemis? Roy? Kaldur? Clark? Dinah? Barry? Barbara? Oliver? What about... Bruce?
No, he had too many people he cared about, far too many to lose, far too many he couldn't protect.

"Stay away! Leave me be, please and it will all be over. I-I can't... I can't take this anymore. I c-can't keep going! I'm so tired, I just..." cried out Dick.

Even though those were the words coming out of his mouth, his heart was screaming out to be saved, to be held.

"Well that's not going to happen, not on my watch. Dick do you that I'm just gonna leave you here, like this? That doing this...it will all be over? What are you talking about man, it would never be over. For you yes, but what about all the people you would leave behind. It would be far from over for us. You would destroy us. Dick just...fuck man just take a moment and think about this this. If not for yourself then about them...about me." Jason said.

Jason's outburst shocked them both. Jason took a deep breath, calming his own nerves as he watched his brother's uneasy actions. He needed Dick to realized this wasn't the answer, it never is,but he was quite unsure if he could break through to Dick so he had to be prepared to jump in at a moments notice.

Some part of Dick understood and took Jason's words. He knows that suicide should never be the answer but he just felt so lost and hopeless right now.
Dick was shaking all over. Fighting with his heart and mind.
So many emotions and thoughts were flowing through him freely now. He felt like he was drowning and he didn't know how to stop all of this madness, this pain.

Dick was too distracted, to lost in his mind to notice that Jason had moved to stand before him. A warm hand held over his own. The shaking seemed to be amplified with that touch. Dick suddenly glanced up to look at Jason, his little brother he had lost, who like him, was crying as well, shaking slightly as well.

"Jay...I can't..." Dick began but Jason cut him off.

"But Dickie bird, this isn't the answer. It never is. If you jumped, do you really think it would be better for me? For Barbara? What about the team and Alfred? And Bruce, oh God. Do you know what your death would do to us all? Dick, we can't lose you, not you! You're the one who holds us all together, the one who keeps everyone else going." Jason said and gave Dick's shaking hand a squeeze.

Fear was all around them and inside them. Seconds felt like hours. Jason, he slowly pulled Dick closer, he was shaking crazily right now. Dick's head was pounding, he was so over whelmed right now.
He just wanted it all to go away, this pressure, this feeling that was smothering him beyond his limits. Jason's voice chased away the rising pressure, it was calming, almost lulling him into a slumber. He never thought he would hear it again, he missed hearing Jason's voice, he missed Jason.
He felt so tired, his mind was slowing down. His blue eyes met Jason's concern filled eyes. He smiled a bit looking at his baby brother.

"I missed you....i miss them and I-I...I miss him" whispered Dick as his eye lids got heavy.

"Shhh..." shushed Jason as he continued to pull him closer towards him and away from the edge.
Before blacking out, his mind realized he had just been injected with a sleeping sedative. He welcomed the warmth that held him as he fell into the darkness.
The darkness took ahold of him. He relaxed a bit, feeling safe and warm within Jason's arms.

"Please....Dickie...Don't leave me. I-I can't lose you again." Jason said and held Dick safety and tightly in his arms.
He looked down at his big brother and sighed. This a could have gone so bad so fast.

Jason closed his eyes and pressed his forehead against Dick's as a single tear ran down his face.

"I'm not leaving you again...I promise you Dickie bird."

And even though he was knocked out, Dick had felt Jason's words and allowed himself to believe in them, believe in Jason, to feel hope and happiness again.

To feel and know that he isn't as alone as he thought and felt, that there are others out there who so care.

He was safe within his brother's arms, something Dick was so happy about.

He wasn't alone.
He was going to be okay even if it took awhile, for he had those who love him and whom he loved.

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