Stutters ~ Damian Wayne/Robin

Readers POV

I walked through the traffic in the hallways ducking under arms and the occasional flying object.

'All this work all to get to class on time' I thought as I sidestepped out of the way of someone running with the traffic.

Making my way to Biology a few minutes early I weaved my way through the small crowd of girls who were nearly cheek to cheek with each other to look at the resident neighboring my table that, The Damian Wayne sat at.

Getting a few glares and growls from a few of the girls I stood by my occupied seat where a brunette was sitting.

I didn't speak for her to move knowing she'd refuse anyways and simply waited. Turning my attention instead to the male getting all this unwanted attention.

At seeing his expression all I could think of to match his look was a cage bird who was forced to sing and wanted to be left alone.

I looked straight ahead to the clock waiting for the class to begin knowing the teacher would take care of this crowd soon enough. However I humored myself and listened to what the girls said and what Damian shot back. They were desperate and try as they might he didn't budge to any of their offers. And I mean try because it was one rejection after another and it took a bit of me not to laugh at how desperate they truly were.

Okay a lot of me but you get the idea.

The bell rang to signal that class had started and that the teacher was going to give a detention to whoever was still standing.

The girls gave Damian there goodbyes, winks, and all that before heading to their own seats. As soon as the brunette moved I plopped down and set my things down with a huff as my arms had gotten tired from the time spent holding it in the halls and just now.

The action wasn't unnoticed by my neighbor as he gave me a sideways glance. I could blushed as I felt his eyes trained on me, but I acted like I could care less, as I looked ahead at the teacher.

Mr. Gomez (random teacher name) came in as per usual with graded work, and the assignment of the day as usual.

Walking down the isles he distributed the papers of last weeks test giving a comment to a few students here and there.

"Well done Ms. (l/n) a perfect score. And to you as well Mr.Wayne." He said as he passed us.

I gave the teacher a small shy smile and collected my test and smiled at it before stowing it away. I got a few dirty looks or comments like, "Lucky" or "Cheater". Where as Damian got the usual praise like, "Smart dude" or "I should study with him".

Damian scoffed at this like it was to be expected. And it was really.

I didn't take the few bad comments to heart. The score was to be expected with me.

My shy natural and lack of friends made it easy for me to go to a library and bury my nose in a book or study for a few hours a day.

It became a normal thing for me to be shy. It also got easy to hide a few things.

Like a crush on Damian Wayne.

Yes you heard me, a crush. It was easy for myself to decipher when I say him the first time. When in the presents of him I get quiet, stuttery, and flustered easily.

Is easier to hide it though when you can just excuse it as you antisocial nature, or your shy behavior.

I've thought it over in my head of ways to gain his attention or confess...

But how does a shy nerd that blends into the crowd a get the attention of the most popular person in the school? Yeah... not that simple.

As all the papers were handed out and everyone's glares and comments of praise or jealousy of one another died away the teacher returned to the front and began explaining what we were to start today.

A partner project was being discussed and the students began looking at friends expectantly only for their dreams to be crushed as the teacher added to his speech.

"The partners have already been chosen by me. Meaning you'll be paired up like so: Rob and Katie, Julia and Jesse, Kasey and Don, (Y/n) and Damian, Carl-"

I froze when I heard the name after mine, the majority of the classes attention went to me and Damian. The girls were burning holes into my back as the girls started gossiping about the arrangement with some of the other.

I blushed in embarrassment as the limelight was on me and him. Damian growled lowly as he didn't like the sudden attention either, that or didn't like the partner choice.

"-you will have 2 weeks as well as the rest of the period to do your projects. Begin."

Composing myself I looked at Damian's direction to only come face to fa-well...chest.

I gulped and flushed bright red even after my attempts to look presentable and slowly looked up to see Damian staring down at me with his bright green eyes, his usual scowl still on his face.

I gulped and tried to form words.

"S-should we g-get s-started?"

He looked at me as if he had better things to do but nodded slightly.

I smiled a little and grabbed a pencil out of my bag and signed our names on our shared paper as he got a chair.

'2 weeks, 2 weeks I got this, I got this.......I'm not gonna survive this!!!' I screamed to myself as I set to work on the project to distract myself from his presence. Not aware of his gaze, and how he studied me.

Damian's POV

I sit and cross my arms on the back of the chair the backing against my chest as I stared at the paper on her desk. Her hand moving fluidly as she worked.

This is annoying having to require a partner. But its better that having to be paired with one of those idiotic males who'd probably ditch the project or one of those girls who'd just flirt with me rather than work.

However as I watched (Y/n) she seemed more absorbed in the work, her hand never stopping as she kept to writing, her (e/c) eyes looking over everything she had previously written and changed it as she pleased.

Unfortunately her tactic of hiding behind her (h/l) (h/c) hair didn't seem to work as much as she'd liked as I could see the crimson on her cheeks.

It's obvious she still likes me. It's not hard to notice her as she ducks away from view to head to the library to study in peace, or sit under a tree and enjoy her lunch away from the chaos. But mainly when she'd look away as soon as I turned in her direction, or when she excused herself from a rare conversation whenever I came within a certain distance.

Honestly it grew obvious her liking to me. All I had to do was see the signs. And as much as I don't want to admit it. It's kind of Adorable seeing her avoid me. Unlike most other girls who'd drop anything and practically hang on my shoulder. Made me thankful she wasn't one of them or else I'd have many more problems with this arrangement.

In fact she seemed to almost dislike this arrangement as well.

"Y-your thoughts D-Damian?"

My eyes darted up from the paper to her (e/c) eyes as my train of thought was broken.

Almost immediately she blushed and looked down at the paper to avoid my gaze.

"U-um... What-What's your o-opinion? O-on the p-paper of co-course..."

Seeing what she wanted I look back at the paper only for my eyes to widen.

'How?! The page is done!' I yelled to myself as I saw the paper on the animal we were assigned to nearly completed.

"I used all the time we had left of class." She said as I looked at her as she was looking down a bit in a bashful pride. Her tone changed and caught me off guard.

'No stutter' I noted.

She looked at me in confusion at my silence as I only said. "No stutter huh?" With a teasing grin.

She turned red in the face and looked down and began to stuttering I had grown used to hearing.

"W-well you see I-I... Wh-when... We-well..."

Before she could finish saying anything else the bell rang as we both looked to the clock.

I stood up and watched as she quickly packed her things but stopped and looked at the project in her hand before looking at me.

"D-Do you want t-to hold o-on to-to it?"

I looked at it and shook my head and she packed it as well before pulling on her bag.

"S-So Damian?"

I looked her in the eye and raised an eyebrow at her.

"W-Where would y-you like to w-work on t-this. The l-library probably isn't a-a g-good choice b-being t-the herd of g-girls you b-bring e-everywhere."

It took a little bit of me not to laugh, yes those girls were annoying but still the way she said it was funny to me.

"W-We can g-go to m-my ho-house to w-work un-unless y-you have a b-better pl-place."

I opened my mouth to speak but saw said "herd" of girls clumping up to crowd me again.

She looked at them and her body shrank a bit.

"H-hey D-Damian yo-you c-can wait u-up front s-so we c-can talk, w-while I-I go t-to my locker. I-Is that alright?"

Not hesitating I nodded as I looked for my escape from the crowd.

"Al-Alright s-see you..."

She walked out before I could give her another answer most likely to escape having to witness these girls smother me with affection.

'Looks like I'll wait...' I thought as I made my way through the girls to the front of the building.

Reader POV

I ran through the empty halls to get to my locker so I could meet Damian up front. I didn't want to leave him waiting.

'That is if he's still going to wait for someone like me.'

I turned the corner to my locker to find a semi-circle of girls surrounding my locker.

I froze as I began backing up behind the corner as I heard them planning something. My name was thrown in the mix and I didn't want to stick around and figure out if that was good or bad.

I spun around fast and tried running but ended up falling on my butt as I ran into something.

I looked up at the obstacle I hit and paled.

(If any of these are your name and somehow I guessed it change it if you want)

Jeremy Fishers Captain of the football team and secret admirer to Kasey Miller, Cheer Captain.

He's been wrapped around that girls finger to get as close to Damian as possible since he began school here. It was almost sad to thinks she used him as a mindless brute, toying with his emotions to help with anything she wanted.

"Well well well if isn't shy girl. Kasey's been looking for you."

I jumped up and tried running but he caught my wrists as I dropped my bag, spilling its contents on the ground. He dragged me to the gaggle of friends that had been waiting for me at my locker.

He shoved me to the ground on front of them. My back hitting the locker with a hollow metal thud. I lay on my side and sat up and looked to the ground as Kasey's white converse came into my view.

"Hey babe I found her!"

I heard their laughter as I sat up as best I could, still refusing eye contact.

'So much for trying to blend in...' I thought as I prepared myself for what was to come.

Damian's POV

I tapped my foot impatiently as (Y/n) has yet to come back.

"She sure is taking her time." I grumbled as I took out my phone.

I checked the time for what seemed like the upteenth time now to see she'd been gone for 20 minutes already and it was another 10 minutes till Pennyworth was to pick me up as he was late picking up and dropping off Drake and Grayson for a dinner back at the manor.

I released a sigh as another minute passed.

Over the 20 minutes I had been sitting here I had grown to actually miss that cute stutter.

She always was different from the other girls, she never approached me. And she never wanted this arrangement of partners while others would have killed for this opportunity.

Made me miss company that didn't want me for the money or popularity.

I looked down at my phone to see I had 8 minutes till Pennyworth came.

"Might as well check on her. The peasant probably got lost on her way back to the gates."

I walked through the halls aimlessly for her only for the sound of laughter and taunts were being through at someone.

I turned a corner and saw her bag on the floor. Jogging up to it and picking it up in my left hand I gathered her things I stepped past a corner to see a small crowd of maybe eight surrounding a figure I knew all too well.


The group turned around fast and I saw their horrified faces.


I growled and walked towards (Y/n)'s figure. Her knees were resting against the other as her feet were spread apart and her arms were limp at her sides.

She had a small cut in her lip, a bruise was barely forming on her chin and a few others on her legs were her socks and skirt didn't cover, her clothes had a few cuts and rips, but she was silent.

"(Y/n)?" I repeated.

Her face was covered in shadows but she made a movement that signaled she was listening.

I sighed and picked her up bridal style, her bag on my shoulder.

She tensed as I walked passed the group as they gawked at me till I shot them a glare.

The one I knew as Kasey cowered away the most as I left.

I kept walking through the halls, my heels clicking on the floor.

It wasn't until now that I realized there was tears dripping down her face and soaking into my jacket.

She was silent as we made it to the front and I made my way to a benched and seated her.

She was unresponsive. Just looking down at her feet as she hugged herself.

I looked at her and tried deciphering their motives as I sat down next to her.

"Did they do it because of me?"

She was unmoving and nodded slightly.

"They... They w-were jealous... A-accusing me o-of a f-few things..."

She didn't speak more and only sat up a bit more. I could see the start of a scratch under her eye.

I growled a bit and looked straight ahead as I thought of what to do. I didnt get to speak before she piped up.

"I-I can fin-finish the project a-a-at home... T-that way y-you w-won't have to be s-seen w-with me..."

I was surprised. She seemed to think I wasn't willing to work with her. Guess people had just left the work to her mainly.

She stood up to leave with her things when I held her back.

"I don't mind being your partner. And if we work on this I'll be with you whenever we work or attend classes."

She turned to look at me surprised. Her (e/c) eyes glimmering with surprise and happiness.

"A-alright then... L-let's get t-to work shall w-we?"

She smiled and I couldn't help the small smile that came to my lips.

She blushed at me and turned and buried her face in her hands and flushed a brighter red. Enough to the point cherries would get jealous.

I chuckled not noticing the dust of pink on my cheeks.

'This will be an interesting two weeks...'

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