Destined~Damian Wayne x reader

This was requested by Puppeteer_Raquel
It's a soulmate AU your the white half of the necklace.
Dami: 14
You: 14
Your POV
Why must destiny be so cruel.
I wanted it to be a normal day but my necklace half was getting warm and was feeling like another persons heart was on my chest.
A sign my soulmate was supposed to meet me soon.
But right now I only want to go to school without any of that drama.
Being unpopular though it won't take to much to go unnoticed.
"Let's go start Hell, wait no it's school. Eh, same difference."
Dressing fast and eating I said goodbye to no one in particular.
The joys of having parents that are off someplace to work for a year and leave ya alone.
My uniforms white button up covered the necklace half as its beating was more noticeable.
He must be coming within the school hours then.
I sighed as I walked to the entrance of Gotham Academy ignoring the beating warmth and the dull light from it.
Not knowing my soulmate was in a similar predicament.
First class of He-school.
Whoopty do da day! Kill me now...
I sighed again as I looked at the board bored outta my mind.
It didn't help that everyone was chattering on about everything other than English.
"Did you hear? Damian Wayne is starting school here."
"I heard he got here just today!"
"Really? I bet he's hot!"
"What if someone is his soulmate though?"
"Damn lucky then!"
"I wish it could be me!"
I snickered at them.
Desperate they'd go googly eyes at his money before thinking of feelings.
The day passed by fast and all I heard was Damian Wayne this and Damian Wayne that.
Honestly I could care less.
Though only a few people have seen him yet.
Me not being one of them.
But, again, I could care less.
6th period let's do this so I can go home and pity all the love sick girls.
Walking to science I noticed a giant commotion around the entrance.
All of them seemed eager to look inside.
And I could only think of as an explanation was, one person.
I swear if he's a typical rich playboy brat. I'm gonna shoot myself, we already have enough of those in this school, don't need another.
Shoving my way through much to the other girls disagreement I made it to my seat which just had to be next to rich boy.
God damnit world.
I sat next to him not looking at him only looking at the board as the teacher droned on about a project.
Sneaking a few looks at him from the corner of my eye I couldn't help but slightly fawn over his looks.
Like damn
I stiffened at the heartbeat I felt from my necklace get harder and the glow more noticeable. A hot burning feeling on the bare skin of my chest.
Damn! Was it like this for other people?!
I crossed my arms to hide the light as best I could just as the teacher started ending his discussion on what to do.
"This will be a partner project."
The girls in the class excluding me perked at and gave side glances at Damian.
I scoffed and clicked my tongue only for the sound to be repeated in sync with me.
Looking to my right I looking in forest green eyes that seemed to glow.
The eye contact was broken fast and we both looked at the board as the heart beat on my chest started getting hot, and a little uncomfortable.
"The partners will be determined by who you sit next to, cause heaven knows what happened the last time I let you choose on your own."
I huffed through my nose.
"Great I'm stuck with rich brat." I muttered to myself.
"The feelings are mutual."
I looked at him and glared, he looked at me with a similar one.
We glared until we snapped the eye contact as a tightening in my chest became almost unbearable.
The papers were given out and I skimmed over it in seconds.
Here's what we gotta do.

-Meet up with your partner for at least 2 hours a week and have a parent or guardian sign off and say you did.
-Create some sort of project that included the measurement of the Ph level in certain things.
-And then return it in by the end of the month

Looking pissed at the necklace through my shirt with my peripheral vision I glared at it as Damian grumbled next to me about not liking doing it with a pheasant.
Yes he said pheasant.
"Well it takes one to know one doesn't it?"
I still crossed my arms as to not let the glow go noticed.
He started grumbling about something else but he was drowned out by the bell ringing.
Had we been grumbling long enough for the rest of class to end?
"Meet me in the front entrance to work on the project."
And just like that he got up and walked out.
I growled and stomped out, cartoon smoke billowing out my ears.
Stomping out after my visit to my locker I didn't bother looking at the now bright blinking like a heart necklace that was seen by many people as they watched me storm out as they predicted my soulmate.
Only when I caught the glances at my chest did I look down and notice before stuffing it behind my sports bra successfully hiding the infuriating beating glow.
I walked to the entrance and sure enough there was Damian being watched from afar by all the girls at school.
"Let's get this over with."
He nodded in agreement but he seemed to shiver uncomfortably.
He okay?
But I was unable to voice my concern as a sleek limo pulled up in front of us and an elderly Englishman appeared from the drivers side and opened to door. His eyes widened as he laid eyes on me.
"And who might this be Master Damian?"
"A project partner nothing more."
He climbed in as I rolled my eyes and stuck out my hand to him.
"(Y/n) (L/n), a pleasure to meet you Mr....."
"Pennyworth, Alfred Pennyworth miss."
I smiled at him and sat next to Damian when he told me to get in.
Him on the left side he looked away from me, while I sat on the right looking away as well.
The silence was thick and there was nothing to distract me from the slowly growing heat and light behind my bra.
God damn was mom and dad's like this too?!
I winced a little as a spike of heat came from it, not seeing Damian shiver.
But a certain driver did.
Alfred's POV
I sly smile made it to my lips.
It was about time we had another girl in the manor.
Master Dick is going to shatter a vase with that squeal from this morning.
It's shocking master Damian didn't notice before.
Damian's POV
I swear if this pheasant is like any other girl I'm going to murder her.
And stop shivering damn it, Damian Al' Ghul Wayne doesn't show weakness!!
The manor came into view letting a silence sigh of relief escape me.
I can finally get this over with.
And why the hell am I still shivering?
I swear a cloud of mist is going to escape my mouth.
And why is she wincing?
No matter, as soon as we get to the manor I'll be done with her and we can part our separate ways.
Pulling up to the drive way she got out and held the door for me.
At least she's got manners.
Walking up to the doors I held my fist to knock when the doors were flung open and Grayson grabbed me in a hug.
Oh joy...
The constant increased pressure stopped as he laid eyes on who's-her-face.
"You know just for that reason, I'm glad I'm an only child." she said. (If you aren't you are in this)
I couldn't agree more whoever your name is.
I was dropped and he ran inside, leaving me still on the ground in a daze. the others...?...! SHIT!!!!
Bolting upwards I shouted at the top of my lungs making it echo through the manor.
It was too late.
Drake and Todd stood at the top of the stairs staring at me and her.
And to make matters worse father had just walked into the room.
"Oh my god I never thought demon had one." Drake said.
"For once I agree with you replacement." Todd replied as Grayson sprinted down to her and scooped her up in a bone crushing hug as he squealed.
She had only one arm free and had her brow scrunched up in confusion before she pat his head awkwardly.
"Personally I go for handshakes but, whatever floats your boat, and helps you sleep at night."
Father was behind Grayson as he let her go.
He held a hand out to her.
"A pleasure to meet you..."
Taking his hand she gave it a shake with a warm smile.
Is it bad that I feel jealous of father? And for what I don't know.
"(Y/n) (l/n), a pleasure to meet you Mr. Wayne. There isn't any trouble with me being here is there?"
"No, not at all."
I finally interjected and grabbed her shoulder and pulled her away.
"Then I believe we shall start our project."
I lead her out of the room and up to mine but couldn't help but notice the cold that was forced away from my arms as I held her shoulders.
A sudden relaxation dawned on me and it seems to have dawned on her as we stopped immediately in the hallways.
She couldn't...could she?!
She spun around and looked at me.
"Don't tell me..."
She had a wide eyed look as she looked at me.
"Show me." She said
I grumbled in my head but didn't want to be taken for a fool.
"You first."
She looked impatient but non the less reached into her shirt and pulled out a clenched fist, as I did the same.
Opening our hands we both went wide-eyed.
3rd person POV
A squeal escaped Dick again and Tim and Jason snickered slightly.
Bruce was standing next to Alfred and was drinking coffee as he looked at the two kids in front of him on the couch.
They were in the library and Damian and you were blushing in embarrassment because you had only now realised how naive you both were.
And the fact that they couldn't figure out how to make the necklaces stop and had to seek out help.
"So we just got to kiss?"
Damian was silent as he was still confused as to how he hadn't noticed sooner.
"Yup that's what the book says."
Bruce was barely holding back a smirk.
Dick was calling Barbara about what was happening and Tim and Jason were laughing on the floor at the awkwardness.
It took a full minute for the information to process and in the end both your faces flushed in embarrassment as you both stood at the same time screaming out.
Damian began complaining about being with a pheasant and how it was fair for someone like him.
You on the other hand looked at him wide eyed and confused making for a funny face that let Dick join his brothers on the floor and a flush and snicker from Bruce.
"OH YEAH?!?!"
Before you took in consideration at what he would do, you promptly grabbed his collar and brought him within and inch of your face.
He yelped when you spun him and you to face the other direction, in other words you tripped him and dipped him like you were dancing forcing his arms to secure around your neck as a reflex.
And then promptly kissed him.
The burning of your necklace stopped immediately and the chill from his ceased.
And now everyone except Alfred was one the floor laughing.
Alfred held a camera and was video taping the entire exchange from the beginning.
Pulling away from the kiss Damian slapped a hand over his mouth as the red hue stayed on his face and his other held your bicep as you readjusted your hold on him from his collar to his back.
A smirk over came your features as you spoke.
"I guess it was just destined."
So sorry this is late Puppeteer_Raquel but I hoped you enjoyed and thank you for the request!

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