Deaths Grip~Red Hood/Jason Todd x reader
Requested by Batboys_Lover1939 vote if you like and comment requests THANKS!
A dark figure shot across the rooftops of Gotham.
Their blur was all anyone with binoculars could see.
It was always like this at the strike of midnight.
Just minutes before the peak of midnight the figure landed in the grassy lawns of a cemetery.
It was clock work.
The dark figure would always walk the same way.
To one grave only.
Kneeling down in front of the stone a small voice was heard.
"Hey Jason."
Your POV
A sad smile made it to my lips as I brushed the grave off and picked the moss out of the carved name.
Nightly patrol, my ritual before going out to the scum on the streets.
"Patrols been good...though I wish you were with me...we were always the partners in crime fighting weren't we? We were like glue. I never strayed from your side and we always promised to never leave each other alone."
I sniffled as I wiped a tear from my cheek.
"I should have killed that clown. Almost did if Batman didn't get me off him. Should have put him more than a body cast."
I gripped the fabric of my trench coat as I remembered that night.
"I hope I made you proud Jay...I'm sorry we had to leave before I could say how much I loved you."
Placing a red and white rose on the cold stone. I stood again and pressed the button on my choker.
The voice changer turned on and I smiled in satisfaction.
The idiots to come aren't going to like what happens next.
Grappling away I flipped the hood into place and watched for signs of a drug dealer I've been searching for.
This man has been selling drugs to children and I wasn't having anything like that.
I dropped down behind him silently as he stood with his back to me and him watching the deserted sidewalks.
Too easy.
Pulling out my gun from the right side of my waist I clicked off the safety and aimed it at the back of his head.
Nudging him he went ridged as I spoke.
( U is voice changer in use)
"Didn't your mother ever tell you drugs were bad?"
Whipping around he froze as he looked down the barrel of the gun. Then he looked at me. Though his efforts weren't going to do him much with the hood casting a shadow over my face and domino mask.
"You're one of those bat freaks! I thought you never killed?!"
I frowned as I brought the gun back.
"Your right...I don't."
I sigh of relief came from him till I flicked the guns sight down to his foot and shot an inch away from his toes making him jump back and fall to the ground. I smiled wickedly as he shook at my next words.
"I do much worse."
"Please I'm sorry I'll go to jail just don't drop me!!"
I smiled as I leaned against a stairway door on a tall roof.
He was hanging from a billboard above me upside-down with a 3 story fall below him.
"Tell me who supplied you and I'll think about letting you down."
"Alright! Alright! I will!"
I smirked at how easy that was.
"I'm listening."
"In an abandoned warehouse on the west side of Gotham! We meet ever weekend on a Saturday I don't know the guys name please!!"
I pressed a button on my glove and the recording stopped.
Walking up to him he started thanking me till I gave him a good punch to the temple knocking him out.
I sighed.
Jason would have loved that move.
Shooting a grapple I made my way to the manor and to the batcave.
Pulling off my hood I peeled the mask away and pulled off my gloves and massaged my temples.
Something was up.
Dick hadn't greeted me yet and usually he tackled me in a hug and being it didn't happen that usually meant something happened.
Making my way to the main area I saw Alfred and Dick in the med bay.
"What happened?! I left for patrol and this happens?!"
I didn't bother turning the voice changer off as I shoved my hands back into the gloves as I fumed in anger.
Bruce heard the outburst and flinched at the tone of my voice.
Even with the changer making me sound like a grown man he knew that without it I'd still be terrifying.
"(N/n) I'm fine just another criminal."
I turned to him fast enough that I would have made a speedster jealous.
The cave was silent as I took in gasps of air slowly trying to calm down as my fists tightened and trembled.
But to no avail.
"His name is Red Hood Nightwing and I had an encounter with him."
I looked at Bruce as he had a small look of defeat as he knew what I was going to do next.
"Don't follow me."
I turned around swiftly and ran to my bike and started it up before driving off the helmet not even fastened on.
If I was a Jackass wannabe in Gotham where would I go?
A beep went out on the computer in the bike and a stream of info scrolled down at his latest sightings.
Most of them had to do with illegal business such as drugs.
>Thanks Bruce.< (intercom)
I sped off to the latest sight he was found.
Of course it was jokers warehouse.
I walked in slowly not liking it.
Ever since Jason I hated anything to do with that sick clown.
Only that he ended up dead under fresh dirt.
Hearing voices I continued walking quickening my pace till I was in the center of the warehouse.
Looking from behind the crates I saw Joker and his goons.
I guess Bruce was wrong when he said he put him behind bars he got out earlier than expected.
I readied some smoke pellets as I scowled at the clown.
He should have killed him then he wouldn't need to worry about him escaping.
Throwing the pellets down they exploded with smoke.
Jumping in I started knocking out goons left and right.
My main objective was Joker.
Punching the last goon the smoke disappeared and I stood in front of the Joker the wicked smile still eternally stretched across his damned face.
Despite that he was sitting in a chair like nothing had happened.
But a face can tell you a lot of things.
This face...was the face of a killer.
A killer that took from me my other half.
That took Jason.
"It's amusing really. Is batsy going to come and stop you from killing me again? HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!"
I growled and punched him sending him and the chair backwards.
It took everything in me not to try killing him again.
How easy it would be to shot his head full of lead and leave him to the damned rats that are no better than him.
Who am I kidding those rats are probably better than Joker by a mile.
Stepping over the chair I grabbed his collar and brought him up to my face.
"Red Hood. He seems to favor you over all the other villains in Gotham. Why is that?"
He cackles at me but right now I need answers.
His cackles died down enough to let him talk.
"How's about you ask him your self?"
My eyes widened and I spun around and threw a batarang behind me only for it to get caught mer inches from a red helmet.
I growled.
"So your Red Hood? I've got a fight to pick with you."
Without looking I planted a foot to Jokers face and brought it down so the back of his head made contact with the concrete of the warehouse successfully knocking him out cold.
"So I guessed as much that you were looking for me. It seems the Bat replaced his old Robin for a sorry excuse for one."
Rage flared in me at the mention of Jason.
I brought my bow of my back and pulled back the string with an fish hook like arrow notched and ready.
"I have half the mind to kill you the same way that clown did."
I released the arrow and notched anyhow and continued to shoot.
He was skilled I'll give him that.
He got within punching range and swung at me. Jumping up and backwards I ended up on a crate.
Jumping and dodging we continued up the mountain of crates.
He didn't seem to tire out that's for sure.
Studying his moves and what he was wearing he seemed to use strength and guns as his tactic.
Making it to the of the crates I put my bow back on my back as I got into a fight position just as he made it up.
He lunged first but I side stepped and brought my knee to his stomach making his back arch upwards.
Still on all four I took my other leg and brought it up high and brought my heel down on his upper back defiantly cracking a few ribs as he yelled.
Taking my grapple I went to the rafters where I perched.
He got up quickly and looked for me.
Grappling to and anchor I swung like a swing gravity helping me as he turned to me only to get two feet planted on his chest kicking him through the warehouse window to the next roof over.
He lay on the ground as my body still fed off the adrenaline from my anger.
He was angry from what I could tell.
He stood up and faced me his helmet cracked open a left red domino masked eye could be seen.
Ripping off the helmet he lunged at me, tackling me to the ground he straddled my waist as he continued to punch.
This, this was blind rage.
He wasn't fighting anymore he was bloodthirsty.
Bringing up my legs I wrapped them around his neck and brought his head back slamming it into the concrete roof.
I jumped up but nearly fell over as dizziness nearly made me pass out.
That'll bruise up in the morning.
Looking like a fight is out of the picture with me.
I need to leave.
He got up again and charged me pushing me back against a wall making dots dance across my vision.
Hands went to my neck and squeezed.
Air was lacking in my body and I knew he would kill me if I didn't act.
Pulling one of my hands away from his I grabbed the brass knuckle in my belt and punched his jaws and did the same with the other but to his nose.
He let go instantly and stumbled back holding his face.
I took a chance I punched his sternum and stomach hopefully knocking the wind outta him.
I started running to the edge of the roof top my brass knuckle discarded as I grabbed my grapple gun.
I kicked off from the building and pulled the trigger latching onto another building.
I felt the pull as the grapple caught.
I was gliding through when I heard gunshots.
And felt pain erupt through my body.
I grunted I continued on.
My free hand holding my now bleeding side.
I reached the roof of the building and fell to the ground and rolled to a stop.
My side and shoulder were numb but I knew better.
I groaned as I slowly brought myself up.
As much as I wanted to sit and rest, I was slowly bleeding out.
I moved to stand but froze when I heard the whizzing of a grapple hook.
I jumped up as fast as I could ignoring the fact I nearly bled out on the spot just sitting there for a bit.
I grabbed my grapple and spot at a different building and shot through the night.
I cursed user my breath as I continued to grapple away like a coward.
My vision was starting to speckle over and it was getting harder to aim the grapple as more blood poured out of me.
But I kept going with the knowledge of the looney behind me wanted me dead.
The adrenaline was gone and hit me with red hot searing pain. It was all I felt in my shoulder and side as well as leg and spread to the rest of my body.
I stumbled on a rooftop but ran across it and grappled again.
Halfway through the air my fingers let go of the gun and I was falling mid air.
I was in too much pain and too dizzy to go on and care.
My back made contact with a hollow metal object.
It dented in the shape of my body and pooled what little blood I still had in my body like a bowl.
I gasped in shallow breaths. No doubt my ribs were broken. And a gurgling noise came from my throat like liquid was blocking my air.
I coughed and sure enough blood trickled from the corner of my lip.
I struggled to stay awake in the pain my body was in.
With a shaky hand I reached for the panic button on my belt.
Maybe Barbra or Bruce could get me before I died.
"Calling for back up?"
A hand was clamped around my wrist and pulled my hand away from the button that could save me.
His face was bruised and his nose and jaw looked broken blood trickled from his nose and mouth and his breathing was uneven.
But the anger was still there.
I failed
"You lose replacement. Any last words?"
My mind was beginning to blank as unconsciousness and high chance of death were soon to follow.
He cocked a gun and aimed at me his other hand still holding my wrist.
"Do me *cough* a...favor."
I looked at him as my breathing became more labored.
"Avenge the second...Robin...kill the clown...with a crowbar...t-tell him...I sent you..."
He looked slightly taken at the request, like he expected me to ask for mercy or try to negotiate for my life.
But my life, my reason for living was gone when Jason died.
I smiled as my head fell back against the metal I was on. The arm he held went limp as I was swallowed in a darkness known as death.
2512 words from my count.
There will be a part 2 cause I don't want to leave you on this where you never find out about Jason so wait for a part 2!
Vote and comment if you liked it and show others this if you like cause. This. Was. Hard.
See you next update!
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