Tim X Reader

I was just day dreaming in math class. Why is this even necessary the majority of this stuff will never use in the world.

"Y/N!" Athena whisper yelled then I realize the bell had rang.

"Oh shit sorry Athena I was Day dreaming."

"No shit. Now come on we have Lunch our favorite subject of the day." Athena said laughing.

When we entered we sat at our table. We arnt the popular kids but we're not the so called losers. But the bad thing about not being losers is that some of the popular guys look our direction especially me.

Why you ask because my eyes. I have no idea why but according to all the guys who ask me out they say my eyes draw them.

My eyes are gray like a light gray that sparkles. Why because it holds the eye color of the person I'm supposed to. God know why and how the fuck this works. All I know is in supposed to be with someone with blue eyes.

When I meet the person I'm supposed to be with it's supposed to feel like a huge wight is taken off. Like when your in love your heart races and your lights are brighter. As well with the other well that's what my mum told me when she met Dad.

After I ate my food Brittny decided to pay us a visit.

"Hey Pretty Little Bitches."

"Oh Fuck No! Did this bitch just insult PLL." Athena said. That one thing u don't do is insult PLL to her face.

"Who gives a fuck about you I need to talk to Y/n". Brittny said pointing to me.

"Just tell me I don't have all day to look at all your caked makeup." I said motioning at her face.

"Fine I'm waning you to stay away for Tim. Ok and you'll be on my good side." She said.

"No problem the but you should tell him that not me." I looked over to Athena who was just smirking.

"Oh your gonna regret that." She said turning around going over to the 'popular' table.

"Oh I'm quaking in my shoes." I laughed.

I finally decided to go dump my food. I had to pass the popular table and I tripped over someone's foot (*cough Brittny *cough) then the entire cafeteria bursted into laughter except for me friend. My favorite Red Robin shirt was ruined by meatball sauce. I was going to cry because I really loved this shirt. When I heard someone say to Bitchnny.

"Hay Brittny why did you do that what did she do to you." Freaking Timothy Fucking Drake- Wayne.

"Look at her Timmy she deserves it." Brittny said.

"No she doesnt." He started walking over to me.

"Hay you want some help." He asked holding out his hand and I took it.

"Yeah I need a new shirt." I said while trying to clean my shirt.

"Here I'll take you to get a new one." He offered.

"I'm ok dude."I said forgetting who the fuck this bitch is.

"No seriously I wanna get you a new one." I looked up at him like was he stupid but before I could answer I felt as if I was being dragged then I realized I was he was dragging me out of the cafeteria I was honestly baffled I looked to my friends who we giving me thumbs up. Then I looked at Brittny who was furious I just flipped her off and continued following Tim.

"I saw that."Tim said. Time to play innocent Y/N

"Whatever do you mean."

"You flipped off Brittny." He said. Shit Y/N think.

"Nice never really liked her to much of a.. what's the word." Tim said

"Slut." I said

"Yep." He said genuinely

We spent the rest of the school day at the mall but my parents won't care they don't come home till 6 hours after school and go back 3 hours later. But I don't blame them there lawyers.

"So why Red Robin." Tim asked out of no where.

"I don't know he's more of Batmans partner than his side kick unlike the current Robin who looks like if he had the chance will actually kill Red Robin." I said and Tim nodded in agreement as if he knows that's exactly what would happen.

"I like him to he's my favorite of the Bat family." Tim said I just rolled my eyes. I don't know but I have a connection with him but it can't be Tim can it?

"Why is it even called the Bat family it should be called Batmans and his Robins like it shows more to the ex robins but the current name it's like the justice league witch everyone knows it's just Batman and His Bitches." I started laughing at the last comment and some of the lemonade that Tim was drinking shot through his nose.

"Dude it wasn't that funny." I said still laughing.

"Yes it was Y/N" Tim said cleaning his nose.

"Anyways thanks for the shirt Tim I'll pay you back tomorrow ." I said getting up from the table we were sitting at when Tim pulled me to sit again. The I felt it all the feelings. How. How can it be Tim and I can't tell if he feels it two.

"You don't have to pay me back Y/N. But can you come back to my house."

"Whoa whoa Tim we barely know each other I'm not like Brittny. " I said in shock.

"No no oh gosh no! No I mean like come over just to hang out you know." When he said that I calmed down a lot.

"Oh ok yeah sure why not."

We walked to the oh so popular Wayne Manor

"Hello master Tim I see you have brought a friend. My name is Alfred."

"Hi Alfred I'm Y/N ."

Tim just pulled me inside and we were met with utter chaos.

"Jason! Damian! Chill your shit." An older guy who looked like he was in his early twenties

"Those are my brothers." Tim whispered.

"What's there names."

"The one who yelled his name is Dick."

"Who names there kid Dick do they want him to get his ass kicked."

"No it's his nick name his real name is Richard John Grayson."

"Oh...well good luck to him."

"He doesn't need luck he is what you would call a man whore."

"Dang ok then good luck to the women who get his baby." We both started laughing at the comment.

"Ok what about the others?"

"Ok the one the little one is on top of is Jason. He has a fascination with guns. " I just nodded.

"Ok so don't mess with him or he'll blow my brains out." I said.

"You have no idea." He said shaking his head.

"And the little one" I asked pointing at the one who's holding a sword to Jasons neck this explanation should be interesting.

"His name is Damian he's Bruce's actual son and the sword. Um.....it's a hobby." I didn't believe that, one bit but whatever.

"Hay guys...we have company." Tim said making everyone stop in the middle what ever the hell they were doing.

"Um hi my name Y/N." I introduced myself.

"No one asked you." Damian said already know I'm gonna hate him.

"Well no one asked for you to be born but we can't always get what we want now can we." I said and everyone started smirking.

"I already like her." Jason said.

"Well thank so much Jason."

"Wait how?"Jason asked confused.

"Tim told me and explained stuff. "

"What type of stuff." Dick said

"I'll explain like this. Fuck boy/player. Gunman and asshole." I said pointing at them who fit the description.

"She made those descriptions so well I can't even." Jason said holding his stomach and rolling in the floor.

"Tim can I ask you a question?" I said pulling him away from his brothers.

"Yeah sure."

"Isn't Jason supposed to be dead." I think I said that to lound because the room went quite and I felt the burning sensation of someone staring directly at me. I looked behind me to see all of Tim's brothers standing straight up looking directly at me. I slowly turned back around to Tim.

"How did you know you weren't even born when it happened" He asked suspiciously.

"My dad who was a directive thought it was weird that he died not 9 months after Bruce adopted him and thought he killed him I have no idea why though so he had a bunch of papers newspaper articles you know." I said and Tim nodded his head.

"But that doesn't explain why he is still alive." I said then Tim took a huge gulp he's about to lie. My parents are lawyers so I know the signs of a lier even the good ones.

"I faked my death!" Jason yelled. I gave him a look of utter confusion but I knew he was lying his fingers were twitching slightly.

"Why though." I said playing along I have to win these people's trust to get them to brake.

"I have no idea I just wanted to leave so I picked fake my own death." Jason said sweating a bit.

"O...k then that was extremely stupid." I rolled my eyes at the stupidity of that lie and do they honestly think I believe it as if.

"Hay let's change the subject and watch a movie." Tim said the all nodded and they dragged me away to the movie room but we happened to pass by a trapeze witch caught my attention.

"Whoa." I said in awh.

"Do you know how to use it." Dick whispered in my ear so I hit him in the gut.

"Why the fuck would you do that you scarer the shit out of me!" I yelled at Dick as he held the stomach and the others laughed.

"He thought he could whoa you like the other girls." Tim said.

"Ok I have two things to say to that. First Bitch I'm fucking 14 chill your man tits. And second I'm not like other girls ok, ok then we're cool." I said next thing I hear is everyone brakes down laughing even Damian.

"Anyways yes I know how to use it want me to show you." They all nodded. I did an act I did for regional championship when I was 10. When I finished there jaws were on the floor.

"You could give Grayson a run for his money." Damian said.

We went to watch a movie in the theatre room when it was about nine I got a text to head home so they walked me out I had to pass though the bad part of Gotham to get to my 4 stories house on the other side of Gotham.

I felt something sharp being pushed against my neck and knife."

"Hay pretty girl give me everything you have and I'll let you go." So I took out my wallet when I felt another knife being stabbed at my side and I was deep. I fell to the ground bleeding out he took my wallet not even bothering to look for my phone. To bad for him he took my fake wallet it literally has nothing in it but cardboard.

I was on the cement everything getting heavy it was getting harder to breathe. Then someone fell from the top of roof. It was Red Robin.

"Hay, Hay it's gonna be ok just press onto it as hard as possible." He instructed me to do I tried my best but I lost feeling in my hands.

"Come on Y/N stay with me please." He said how does he now my name.

"He how do Y-you know my name." I asked then he put his hand on my cheek I got the same feelings i got from Tim with Red Robin. No it can't be.

"I know you feel them two Y/N please stay with me don't leave me."


"Yeah Y/N it's me." He said pulling of his mask.

" I'll explain everything if you just stay with me the others are coming." He started to explain but I pulled him into a kiss and he kissed back the feelings got stronger and I knew he felt them to as he brought me closer. We pulled away.

"Y/N will ypu be my girlfriend." Tim asked me i was in shock but also happy.

"Yes i would love to be your girlfriend Timothy Jackson Drake" i didnt know how long I had till I passed out but now I know as Batman, Red Hood , Nightwing, and Robin jumped from the roof top that's when I passed out from either lack of blood or pure Fandom shock.

Tim's pov

"You told her who you were." They said in unison as Y/N was unconscious in a pool of her own blood.

"Yes because I can trust her."

"How do you know Tim!" Bruce yelled.

"We all know she was bound to find out I mean she knew Jason was dead not even 5 minutes into the house."

"But she bought the I faked my death thing." Jason said.

"We all know she didn't."

"Now can you help me I don't want my girlfriend to bleed out."

"When did that happen." Jason asked

"5 minutes ago now help."

****Time skip*******

After getting a lecture from Bruce about next time keeping on my mask. I got him to agree to letting us reveal our identity when she wakes up. She's been asleep for 3 hours Bruce told her parents that she'll stay over and they said they they were going out of town so she could do what she wants.

I just want her to wake up soon

Y/N pov

I barley remember anything besides.. Tim's Red Robin, wait Tim is my boyfriend. He's my sole mate. And his family is the Batfamily

My eyes fluttered open I was greeted with a blinding white light. Oh no am I in Heaven or hell. Oh no I'm in worst a hospital room. I looked over to see Tim sitting right next to me on his laptop I looked at the clock it was 4 in the morning.

"Do you have sleep insomnia." He realized I was awake and put down his lap top and gave me a huge hug.

"You got me worried." He said.
After explaining that my parents left and Bruce want me to stay here till the get back and how he does have sleep insomnia. They all told me who they really were.

"Yeah I kinda figured that out. but two questions one who is Damians mother?" When I asked Bruces face turned red Tim whispered it into my ear even if understood ehy he was they way he was.

"Well that answered my second question."

"What was your second question?" Jason asked

"How you actually came back to life because I didnt bye that fake my own death shit."

"So let me guess villain killed u his grandfather brought you back and you wanted revenge on the person who killed you but her didn't let you because the whole no killing rule right." They nodded there head In shock of how accurate it was.

"So who killed u." I asked

"Joker" they all said in unison.

"Well he's in crime Ally right now so you can take him to Arkam if you want or not I'm going upstairs and sleep." I hacked into a cell phone Joker had witch let me find Joker and went upstairs leaving them with shocked faces. Alfred showed me my room that already had some of my stuff in there like my uniform clothes and my laptop my baby. I pooped down onto the bed and fell asleep.


I was sitting at my usual table with my friends Tim told me he would get my lunch for my while I put my books in my locker so we didn't go in as a couple yet but he said he wanted to sit with me today.

"Hello little miss cluts. " Brittny said.

"Hello bitch. " I greeted her.

"I thought I told you not to talk, look ,or even go near Tim." She said furiously

"I did tell you to keep him away from me but you didn't listen now look what happened."

She was about to say something bitchy until came bringing our lunch and kissing me shocking the entire cafeteria.

"When the hell did that happen." She yelled. I wonder maybe she's just on her period.

"Brittny I have to tell you thanks for tripping me on Friday of you didn't Tim and I wouldn't have found each other." I said as Tim put his had over me.

"Ya and it showed me how much of of a bitch you really are now if you can move in wanna spend time with my girlfriend and her friends." Tim said making me smile. T
Brittny just scoffed and walked away not before breaking her 6 inch heals and falling back into the trash. Best weekend ever.

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