reader x Jason

This takes place in under the red hood


I stared at Jason's Robin suit waiting for Bruce and my brother Dick to come back they went looking for the read hood I told them to take me with them but they said that he was to dangerous.

"I miss you." I said touching the glass Jason's costume was in. We had a thing when he was here before he...died.

"Y/N! We're the hell did you go!" Jason yelled.

"I'm right behind you Jay." I said piping out behind Jason. He jumped in surprise.

"How do you still do that."

"Because I'm faster and way more sneaker than you."

"Yeah what ever." He rolled his eyes.

"Wanna go in the pool." I suggested

"Race you." He took of racing as I ran behind him I was met with his shirt on the floor along with his pants.

"Boys." I proceeded to take off my shirt and pants showing my bathing suit. As I got to the pool I saw no sign of Jason any where I looked every where.

"Jason where did you go!?" Then out of no where ice water was poured in me.

"Oh your so dead Todd."

"Catch me if you can!" Jason yelled running around the pool. I was so close to him so I ran as fast as I can and tackled him into the pool. As we fell into the pool together I still had my arms wrapped around him. We were still under water he wrapped his arms around me witch got me surprised. We were looking at each other deep in our eye I almost forgot I needed to breath. Before I went up for Air Jason pulled me closer to him were our chest touched. Then he pulled me into a kiss. We swam up still kissing. Then we finally pulled apart I couldn't help but smile.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"Fun."He smirked. I smirked and pulled him into another kiss.

"What was that for?" He asked.

"Fun." He just shook his head and we continued kissing. After that he asked me to be his girl friend and of course I said yes. Little did I know 3 mouths later I would lose him.

3 months later
Jason told me about finding out that his mother was alive.

"Jay I'm telling you I don't have a good feeling about this."


"Because out of no where she shows up and in Gothem of all places. Doesnt it seem..i don't know spacious."

"Y/N don't you want me to be happy."

"Jason don't try to pull that on me you know i do.."

"Then why don't you support me in going."

"Because I want you safe Jason!"

"And I want to see my Mom Y/N!"

"Fine do what ever you want! But don't come back to me telling me it wasn't what you expected or it was a joke."

"Who said I'll be coming back." And with that he got on his motor cycle and left.

Later that night
"Y/n have you seen Jason." Bruce said.

"Yeah he left a few hours ago." I said bitterly

"Where?" He said with concern in his voice.

"To go see his mother somewhere in gothem." When I said that he broke out in pure panic. He told me it was a trap his mother is still dead and Joker was on the lose and wanted a bird for him self.

It was 4 am when we got the call Jay wasn't coming home at all I was with Dick and Alfred in the Bat-cave then Bruce called told us everything I was angry but all I could've done was cry on Ducks shoulder. I never got over that.
End flash back.
I Sined. I never got over that or him. I had to go through a ton of shit like I had a fight with Bruce and Dick about why not kill the Joker. We had a fight about it but I kinda under stood. A year after Bruce let me become Batgirl. Every time we came face to face with Joker I had to hold all of my anger in so I wouldn't have had killed him.

"Y/n/n " I was pulled out of thought when I heard Dick call me. Bruce was already sitting in front of the computer with a face of shock, confusion and anger. I turned around to see Dick with a black eye.

"Dick what happened?" I was shocked because it's been forever since he got one last time he got one was from Jason.

"Red Hood."

"Of corse. Why aren't I surprised. Ever since he's came here shits gotten worse." I said tossing Dick an ice pack then I started to put on my Batgirl costume.

"Y/n what are you doing?" Dick asked

"Going after the Red hood what else."

"Y/n don't you don't know what he's capable of I mean look at what he did to me."

"Dick I can handle myself."

"Y/n/n this dude is bad."

"And I'm worse." With that I left the bat cave to find the red hood. I went to an abandoned apartment building right we're the Red Hood was.

"Hay isn't it past your bed time. I mean the Bat wouldn't want his little bird out this late." Red hood said in a tanting way. But I wasn't in the mood for tanting I just wanted to punch something.

"Not in the mood to hear your shit so hears how it's gonna work I'm gonna kick your ass then take to to Arkham is that good, oh wait I don't care."

"Oh look she's a little feisty isn't she. You know it's sad, I kinda like you the other one wasn't so.. I don't know."

"I'm done talking." I growled tackling red hood from the roof to the alleyway.

We were on a punch, kick, hit battle.
I kept punching him I don't know why maybe out of rage and just to hit him. But I don't see when he pulled out a taser. He tezed me making me back away to regain my balance. But I couldn't he attacked me. He was way more stronger than me. He kept punching me in my stomach, face, side he punched me so hard to were I couldn't feel my arm for a minute. He hit me so hard that the knocked my mask off. I couldn't feel much to care I wouldn't have even cared if he killed my right there and then.

But, he stopped. I don't know why but he did. I looked up to see he took off his helmet I looked at his face, and I saw a tear?

Then I passed out

Jason's Pov
Why would they let her be a super hero are they stupid. I mean she did give me one hell of a beating.

Oh god did I kill her.

I checked for a pulse there was one a strong one. I made her pass out. How could I have hurt her. I mean I didn't know. But still.

"I'm sorry Y/N ." I said holding her body trying not to cry. I missed her so much but I never thought I'd get to see her again I never lost my feelings for her. Then I heard footsteps running towards us. I let go of Y/N and went into the shadows. I saw Nightwing jump down from the roof.

Dicks pov
I told her not to go now look at her Alfred said she might have a concision. I knew she wasn't able to handle him but from the blood on her knuckles looks like she gave him a beating. Then she got up.

We're am I it looks like a hospital. I sat up but my head was pounding. The a man with dark hair like mine came running in.

"Y/N are you ok." He hugged me. I pushed him away.

"Who are you?" I asked my head was pounding I looked in the mirror I had bruises on my arms at least I don't have a black eye.

"It's me Dick." I gave him a questioning look.

"Richard Grayson, your brother." He said gently sitting next to me showing me pictures of us as kids he explained what happend to our parents and that Bruce took us in. And how he's Bat man.

"Hay Y/N it's been a long night and it's 6 so let's go to your favorite dinner and get y/f/f ok." I nodded because I don't even know what that is. I went up stares to put a sweater on as Dick went to get his car.

When we got there Dick told me to go sit at my booth as he ordered.

I just stared into space. Then the bell for the front of dinner went off. Someone with a black hood walked in he was going to pass my booth so I looked up at him he had a black eye. He glanced at me and gave a small smile then he looked as if guilt washed upon him. Then I looked at him closely as he stopped. He looked familiar. Then it hit me.

He looked up at me then everything hit me from last night. Freaking Red Hood but Jason's alive and In front of me.

It took a while for me to get up and walk over to him. But I did. I walked over to him and gave him a hug he hesitated for one quick second then bone crushingly hugged me.

"H-how are you here?" I asked with tears

"I-I can't explain that." He said I didn't care I mean I did but not at that moment.

"I missed you y/n/n."

"I missed you too Jay." Then Dick came and saw Jay.

"Y/n we should go." Dick said glaring at Jay now I'm confused.

"Why don't you see who's right in front of us." I said pointing at Jason.

"Yeah I know who's hear but I know stuff he's done." I backed away from both of them. Dick sat us both down at a booth.

"What's going in what did he do." I was mainly looking at Jason.

"Well Y/N he..." he stumbled.

"Y/N I killed people a lot of people!" I was kinda shocked but what ever.

"Oh and I mean Bruce went out with Selena and Talia before." I said just smiling and looking at Jason I guess love makes you blind but I guess I wasn't blind enough for the next thing to come out of Dicks mouth.

"Y/N that's not all." Jason went stiff and glared at Dick. His fist were clenched that the blood stoped circulating.

"What else is there." Then Dick Mumbled something.

"What was that." He told me to sit next to him so he can tell me.

"He's Red Hood." Those words that came out of his mounth made my entire world crumble. I didn't know weather to cry, run off, or slap someone. I just stared off into space. I mean the guy I love left me with out my memories and bruises. I don't know how long I was doing that for but I snapped out of it hearing Jason and Dick yelling for me to snap out of it.

"Y/n!" both Dick and Jason yelled.


"Are you ok." Dick asked

"That is such a stupid question to ask like I honestly didn't care about the killing and stuff it's just wow that means you've been here for a year a half now and didn't say hi."

"Well couldn't really dropped by. I'm sorry Y/N I didn't mean for anything to happen to you I didn't even know it was you I'm sorry."

"It's ok just as long as it doesn't happen again." I said sternly.

"I promise." He stuck his pinky out.

"Your always such a child."

"I missed you."
"I missed u to Jay".

Dang. He got fine I said on my head looking over Jason. I saw he was doing the same thing.

"I got lucky." We said at the same time we just giggled.

"Yall are wierd I'm leaving." Dick said getting up i gave Jay a kiss payed for our food and left.

I have my Jay bird back 😉

Yasssssssss finally I made and Jason x reader see I keep my promises even tho it takes like what feels like months and I'll be coming with a part 3 with the Damian X reader just give me some time. I have a list of ideas I wanna try to write before school starts

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