Damian X reader
Y/M pov
For as long as I knew I had these markings on my arm. My mother told me that it will glow when I find my beloved and so will his. We will have a tendency to be with one another and not even know that that our beloved. The tattoo will glow when 'I'm ready' to find out who my truck beloved is. But the thing is I'm 14 I kinda wanna know now only time will tell.
I heard the bussing from my phone. I got up before my alarm clock went off and went to my phone. I had received a text from my best friend Damian Wayne I had known him since he came to Gotham at the age of 10. He told me about the Batman and Robin thing when we were 12. I understood why he did tell me. Our friendship grew even closer that day. I all honesty I might have developed feelings for him. But I know he won't feel the same so I'll just keep it as friends and anyway I already have a beloved somewhere in the world.
My face lit up when I saw the text from Damian.
Damian: D
Y/n: Y/N/N
D: hay morning princess sorry I'm texting you so early you might not even be up but just wanted to tell u Alfred is still picking u up by ur house and if you wanna come over after school.
Y/n/N: hay Dami. YOU WOKE ME UP! but I'm okay with it and sure when do I ever say no to coming over.
D: sorry didn't mean to wake you up.
Damian always calls me princess it's funny honestly because he only does it because I call him Dami.
Y/n/N: it's ok so I'll see you in a hour and if I don't answer the door us the key a gave you I'm probably sleeping.
D: OK GOOD Luck getting back to sleep.
Y/n/n: Night Damian.
After that I went back to bed a fell asleep. My parents are rich but not as rich a Damians Dad but today was our butlers day off and mum and Dad left for a trip. So it was up to me to wake up but instead of being responsible I left it for Damian to do it. I mean he usually does it when no one else can. My parents gave him a key because he usually comes over when he gets in fights with his brothers so we made a room for him to sleep in when it's one of those nights but we end up sleeping in my room because we watched to much Netflix.
I woke up to the feeling of ice cold water in my bed.
"Are you fucking mental!" I screamed at Damian.
"No just doing my job as a best friend." He said smirking.
"I can get hypothermia." I said in a Duh tone.
" No you can't now get in the bathroom bath and change." He said while giving me my clothes.
"I go if you make breakfast." I said hopping he does.
"Fine now go." He said pushing me into the bathroom.
After getting out of the bathroom and changing I ran down stairs to see Damian cooking.
"Yes!" I shouted get a weird look from him.
"Never actually thought you would do it." I said sitting down while Damian dished out two plates of food.
"So how was patrol." I asked him
"It was boring we did absolutely nothing and I got into a fight with Todd." He said while eating.
"Why didn't you come over then Damian." I said getting serious. I heard saw it two I never actually call him by his name unless it's serious.
"I didn't want to disturb your sleep." He said.
"Who gives a flying fuck about sleep if you weren't comfortable there you come over immediately I don't care if I'm asleep or if the president is here. I care about if your gonna cry your self asleep again." I said remembering when I went to Damians house for a sleep over and walked in on him crying himself to sleep it hurt me.
"You know what I'm gonna talk to your brothers." I said. You can see the anger in my face.
" No please don't." Damian said trying to calm you down.
"Why shouldn't I you shouldn't have to be leaving your own house because of them."
"Y/n it's ok I'll be ok I promise as long as I have you I'll be ok." Damian said sending shivers down my spine and butterfly's in my stomach.
"Ok let's go to school." He said getting my now empty plate and I grabbed our book bags we headed for the car.
"Hay Alfred."
"Hello miss y/n "
" so will I be seeing you this afternoon miss y/n" Alfred asked .
"Yes Alfred you will." I said he just nodded and we drove of to hell.
When we got there Damian was instantly surrounded by girls and I got surrounded by boys they kept trying to ask me out and saying I can do better than Damian. I kept saying we're not even together. After a solid five minutes of pushing through crowds we finally saw each other and walked down the hallway together leaving a crowd of boys and girls shocked and each of them saying what do they see in each other?
In all honesty I don't even know ether.
"Hay Dami what you reading." I said hanging upside down from the willow Tree we eat at every day at lunch.
"A book about ruins and what they mean." when he said that my eyes great wide at the page he was on it was mine.
"What does that one say." I said pointing at the page hopping he would read for me.
"It says it's a ruin of love, a person is born with it and it let's them find there beloved. They know when they find it when the ruin glows. Males ruins glow the female name so he knows who Its. The females glow the males name 7 hours after." Why was he looking this up. All I told him was on got a tattoo I didn't tell him the meaning of this. I almost fell of the branch in disbelief.
"Hay y/n don't you have a tattoo like this." Damian asked and I was starting to get nervous so I shook my head no.
"Damian why are you looking this up." I asked Damian.
"Um... no reason" He said nervously.
"Your an terrible lire Wayne now tell me." I said sternly
" Fine fine so I had this ruin since I was born and this morning it was glowing." He said. My face was in shock I didn't even know he had one and he also found a beloved and I wasn't me. I couldn't take it so I excused myself and ran to the bathroom and cries my eyes out. After I cleaned my face is just sat on the bathroom floor until the door opened.
"Y/n. Y/n! Are you in here?" Damian yelled.
"Dude why are you in the girls bathroom. " I said smirking at what he did.
"I was looking for you even though I can get in trouble im still gonna look for you no matter were you are. I-i love you" When he said that my heart sped up i couldn't believe what he said but then I remember he can't he has a beloved his heart belongs to.
" You can't love me you have a beloved." I said holding back tears.
"Yes I can." He said smiling full on smiling.
"No you can't Damian." I said getting aggravated.
"Yes I can you wanna know why I can." He said smirking
"Sure why not tell me." I said crossing my arms.
"Because your my beloved." He said holding up his ruin to show my name on his wrist is was so taken back that me head hit the wall.
"Ow fuck that hurt" I said holding the back of my head.
"Are u ok princess." He said holding my hand that was holding my head causing me to blush at my nickname he gave me 4 years ago.
" Ok so what time was it when it started glowing?" I asked because if it's the time I'm thinking min should glow any minute.
"Um around 4 in the morning. " He said.
"So it's about to be 10 so I'm gonna ask a question that I'm never asking again. Wanna ditch school." I said and he wasn't surprised. He called Alfred to pick us up . We are now in his room he's sitting on his bed and I'm on the floor on my phone it's 10:27 when a glow started coming from my wrist. I wanted to mess with Damian.
"Um Damian." I said and he snapped his neck over to me.
"Sorry Damian I'm not your beloved some guys named Dylan is sorry." I said chuckling. He looked at my wrist and smirked.
"I hate you" He said chucking a pillow at me.
"You love me and you know it." I said laughing.
"That I do." Damian said as I got on his bed and we were watching some show on Netflix. It was now 4:00 and Damians brothers were home. But didn't come in his room. We thought we had privacy. All of a sudden we went from watching Netflix to making out. Until we herd the click of a camera and laughing. I pulled away from Damian and put my head in the crevices of his neck.
"Shit" I muttered and Damian laughed.
"It's not funny." I said .
"It kinda is" Jason said.
"Fuck you Todd." Both Damian and I said
Later that night I disides to stay with Damian over night we sat at the table smiling like idots and received stairs from everyone except Alfred.
"So Damian y/n I heard want happened today in your room the boys told me." When Bruce said that my face turned red. I glared at all of the boys and knew Damian was doing it to.
"So are you guys dating." Bruce asked. Before I can answer Damian confidentially said.
"Yes were dating." I was in shock but I was honestly happy. The rest of the dinner was normal. Damian and I stayed up late watch TV and because Damian didn't have patrol we fell asleep together.
I woke up in front to me was a Damians chest with at T-shirt on. His grip on me was tight good thing he's a heavy sleeper I got out and went down stairs and got ice and water. I wanted to get revenge on him for the whole waking me up thing. I threw the water on him and ran. When I was down the hallway all the door open to see me giggling while Damian spun me around with a smile.
We headed to school when we got out I got on Damians back for a pity back ride because those things are fun. He put me down when we reached the front of the doors to the school. When we got in as usual we were greeted the same way as yesterday but today I had an idea.
"Hay wanna make it official" I said closing my locker knowing everyone was looking at us.
"Sure why not." Damian said pulling me in for a deep kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his on my waist. We heard gasp and then pulled away.
We walked into class as good as.
Yay this is my first of many real on shots that involves the reader of your choice my first chapter was an occasional and wasn't really as good as I can make it and I think I might put it as an alternative thing for my other book so ya thanks so much for reading
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