8 | Mr Macaroni
This evening was too quiet—I was extremely bored.
Bashir would've been the one of the first few people I'd call but he had already called me earlier and said that he'd be away on a one-day trip with his boss to Katsina so I knew he was probably in the plane now.
Rayyan wasn't even an option as much as I wanted him to be—I have just one reason why.
I was so tired today but I had to attend the last appointment I had with the Badmus' and Nafeesa who was to be my last client for the day with her husband.
I'd been waiting for almost thirty minutes but they haven't arrived. Maybe they've reconciled, but I doubt that.
Those two were just too hotheaded; they were too alike so all they did was repel.
An hour later a knock wakes me up from the little nap I'd taken to cover up for my sleepless nights—I was so sleep deprived.
"Who's that?" I groaned.
"It's me..." She paused, it sounded as if she was talking to someone behind the door, "Mrs Williams."
"Come in, please."
I adjusted my veil.
She peeped in, letting her head in first before her entire body.
"Basma Mrs Salman and her husband are here." She avowed.
"Ok, let them in."
She stood there, silent as she held a little gift bag and an envelope.
"Mrs Williams is everything ok?"
"Yes, it's just that someone dropped this for you some minutes ago." She smiled, sheepishly.
I'm sure she thought I was finally going to get married.
I really do apologise in advance Mrs Williams.
"Did he mention his name?" I wondered if it was Bashir. It couldn't be Rayyan because I'd long stopped replying his messages.
"Yes." Her eyes lit up, "Rayyan." She dropped them on the table.
I couldn't control the smile that covered my entire face.
"Thank you."
Just before she reaches the door she turns back, "I don't mean to pry but is he your boyfriend?"
Is he?
"Yes, yes."
She nods, "He's very lucky."
"Thank you." I blushed even more.
"Be good to him though, I know you." She cautioned, smiling.
Everyone said that as if they knew me more than myself—the line was already getting old.
"I will." I nodded without adding anything.
"I mean, it's not my place to say that. I'm just watching out for you as a mother should."
Her words warmed my cold heart. Well, a bit.
"I understand."
We both stared at each other, silent until I spoke, "Mrs Williams there's something I want to tell you."
She looked worried.
"Is something wrong?"
I shook my head, "I just wanted to say thank you."
She smiled, looking relieved, "For what?"
"You've been so loyal to me for so long and I just wanted to show my appreciation." I cleared my voice, "I'm giving you a raise."
She approached the chair before my table and sat, holding my hand across the table, "You didn't have to do that. Thank you. God will bless you."
She really didn't need it. Her first and only child works as a doctor in one of the biggest hospitals we have here in Abuja. I was just doing it to make her happy. I knew her livelihood was almost as expensive as mine could get.
"You're welcome Mrs Williams. I just wished I could do more to repay you for all those times."
I'm glad she accepted the job offer I have her some years back. It was greater than letting her remain a cleaner in my parents company.
She deserved so much more than that.
She leaves as quickly as she came in and a few seconds later, my final clients for the day were knocking on my door.
"Come in."
"Nafee!" I jumped up from my seat to hug her as she came in with her husband.
"Basma!" She hugged me back with the same energy before sitting down in the chair beside her husband.
I looked at her brooding husband before going across the table to take my sit.
"So." I cleared my voice, trying to look professional even if she was family, "What is the problem?"
"He's unstable." She said calmly and all he did was furiously tap on the screen of his phone with a scowl on his face.
What a child...
"What makes him unstable?"
"His work." She rolled her eyes, hissing.
He murmured something that sounded like a complaint and shook his head.
"Am I lying?" She turns to him, "By the way, what are you doing? That's rude!"
He ignored her and continued doing whatever it was that he was doing.
"Are you going to keep ignoring us? We're here for her help and you're playing games on your phone. Are you for real?"
He releases a huff of annoyance before pressing the power button of his phone then he stares at both I and her expectantly.
We remain silent and he sighs, "Are you going to speak?"
I clear my voice again before speaking, "That's not a nice thing to say to your sister in-law."
"Please tell him." Nafeesa said.
"Ok, now that I know what the problem is I'll just advice you to find a way to compromise so that you'll have a happy family."
He nods, still silent.
"Won't you say anything?" Nafee questions. I knew she was gradually getting angry.
When we were kids, my parents would take me, Sa'adatu and Afaf to her house for a sleepover and she'd get angry whenever me and her elder sister; Halima ignored her. We only did that when we were angry at her—she was a very nosy child then.
"I've heard her. What do you want me to say?" He says nonchalantly.
I wanted to join the conversation to put an end to their argument but I felt I was intruding so I remained silent till the end.
"I don't understand you anymore. You're changing. What's happening?"
Typical pregnant woman mode, too sensitive.
"I'm sorry, ok. I didn't mean it that way. I'm just going through a lot at work so it's stressing me out."
"Talk to me about it."
"Don't worry we'll discuss that at home."
I stared at them smiling as if I had already made it to heaven till they turned, and their faces gave off a funny reaction.
"What?" They asked, amused.
"You guys are just cute. One minute you're fighting like children, the next, you're laughing."
She blushed and his stoic facial muscles broke into a small smile.
I looked at him, "Big bro, we're not done with the session. I have a question for you and I just want you to answer it then you're free to go. I know your wife made you come here."
"No problem. What is the question?"
"About your work, do you think you getting a transfer would be possible?"
"For now, I don't know but for NafNaf I'll try." He smiles, covering her outstretched hand with his.
"I love you." She whispers as she dragged his hand to touch her face.
"I love you too NafNaf."
Soon, she started crying and we could do nothing to end the tear works.
Do I even want to be pregnant?
"Salman," She began, sobbing, "You're such an amazing man. Any woman would be lucky to have you. Our baby will surely have the best daddy."
He smiled wholly this time and she hugged him.
"NafNaf I know you'll be a better parent—the best mummy ever—I'll do anything for you and our baby. Just don't ever leave me."
"I'll never leave you." She laughed, "That was just an empty threat to get you to come back home."
He shook his head, smiling sheepishly, "You're crazy."
"That's why you love me."
"That's right."
Movie worthy or not?!
"People! I'm still here." I announced, laughing.
"Thank you so much Basma. You're the best cousin ever!"
"She's right, you're the best, sister in-law. You helped us, we'll forever be grateful."
"I know, I'm the best. Sa'adatu and Afaf are just stupid. Don't mind them."
Times like these, I wished she was my paternal cousin so that she'd know Ajman—we would've been the best of friends. Sadly, she's my maternal cousin but that's fine.
They got up and he walked out the door after saying his goodbye.
"I'll be waiting in the car." He said.
I knew he just wanted to give us some space.
"Nafee he's a good man. I can see it. Ki riƙe shi da hannu bibbiyu." I adviced.
"Thanks for everything. I love you."
She hugged me again and kissed my cheek before exiting the door too.
I turn the keys of the door, locking it, immediately she stepped out and I ran to my couch to help myself.
About five minutes later, my phone starts to ring and I pick it on the first ring, hoping it's Bashir. We really needed to discuss our situation—I needed us to both face the truths behind our entanglement.
Unfortunately it was Valerie; my personal assistant. I answered the call nonetheless.
"What is it?"
"You have a meeting in an hour ma."
"With who?" I asked, already getting confused.
"Alhaji Rufai."
When? How? No one told me!
"You didn't tell me this earlier when we spoke in the morning."
"I did, I even sent an email with all your activities for today in it."
Since when did I become forgetful?
I knew I'd read it some hours ago but I couldn't remember when, where or with who, till she said it now.
She was efficient, I was becoming deficient and I knew it wasn't old age. I blame it on my unending workload. I'd have to take a four weeks holiday before I dropped dead in this office.
"Ok just send Malam Kabiru to come and get me."
My stomach grumbled—I haven't eaten anything since the toast I had before leaving my house. I was famished.
"Alright ma. Is there anything else you might want or need?"
This was why I gave her the job. She always tried to please her bosses. Valerie went out of her way to make me happy so I try to overlook her lapses whenever she was having a bad day.
"I'll send him some money now. Tell him to get me a burger and apple juice before coming here."
"Ok ma. Goodbye."
I threw the phone on the floor and returned back to my slumber but the sleep had already faded so I decided to rearrange the things that were out of place.
My table was the only messy place so I went there to gather up the balled up papers and throw them in the bin. The gifts Rayyan sent caught my eyes and I stopped.
I quickly arranged the books and pens where they were supposed to be to avoid procrastination before settling to open them.
I went for the bag first which contained some pieces of jewellery and chocolates. Malteasers; my favourite of all time.
I dropped them and went for the golden envelope.
See packaging but it's only one handwritten sentence.
It read, I want to see you again, 19:30pm?
I didn't even want to think of Rayyan but who was I to refuse him after everything? I couldn't deny that I'd missed him terribly.
Since the last time we met, he has been blowing up my phone with calls and texts. I couldn't even bring myself to block him because I really did enjoy the chase though I knew how wrong I was.
How do I start telling my family all this? I know Yusra would be the most disappointed because he is her step-son. I don't even know how Afaf, Sa'adatu and Ajman would take it. Nafeesa and Halima would definitely judge me but I don't know what to think of how the rest would react.
This was quite shameful.
I—may have—slept with him. I know, zina. But I can't blame this on the devil or anyone. It was my doing alone, if I didn't resist the moment he started it I wouldn't have been in this mess.
Ya Allah forgive me, for I have sinned.
My phone beeped and I rushed to grab it as I was expecting a message from Rayyan.
Don't judge me, I'm trying to make this halal.
My heart fluttered as I saw a message from him. I'll call in about thirty minutes. I'll be expecting an answer. Don't shun me, please.
I suddenly felt bad for all the times I'd stopped responding to his texts and numerous calls. It wasn't that I wanted to punish him but I wanted to rectify my mistakes by staying away from the initiator.
Now that I knew that was uncalled for, I'll try to attain a marriage with him.
For now, I'll work on abstinence.
As for Bashir, I don't know if I I'm ready to let him go—I still wanted more shoes and bags, of course.
Malam Kabiru brought my order twenty minutes later and I asked him to wait outside for me to finish up my lunch before we could go.
I prayed and waited for Rayyan to call and as the thirty minutes he gave me lapsed, my phone rang.
"I've missed you." He said. It sounded so genuine that my heart hurt from how bad I felt for him.
"I've missed you too." I answered, genuinely.
"Did you get my message?"
"What is it going to be?"
"Depends on where we're going to."
I can't look cheap, please.
"I'll send you the address to come and pick me up from. I have a meeting in nothing short of thirty minutes."
"Ok. I have—"
I hung up before he could complete his sentence to avoid getting dragged into another heart to heart conversation with him.
He always seemed to be in his feelings whenever we spoke on the phone and I didn't want to be a part of that now. We needed to come to an agreement if we were going to be in this relationship.
I discarded the foil wrapper of the burger and the juice cup in the bin before grabbing my bag and veil.
Mrs Williams was in the lobby trying to gather her things to leave too when I came out.
"Let me drop you off on the way Mrs Williams."
"Thank you my daughter but my son is already on his way."
I smiled and hugged her before stepping out of the door.
My car was nowhere to be found in the parking lot so I called Malam Kabiru.
"Where are you?"
"I parked close to the gate."
See this fool.
"Do you expect me to walk all the way there?" I hissed.
"No Hajiya! I'm coming now."
He appeared in record time beside me with an apologetic look.
I opened the back door and got it.
"Take me here." I ordered, handing him my phone to see the address.
I fell asleep immediately and forgot that I was on my way to a meeting.
"Hajiya we're here." Malam Kabiru knocked on my window.
I woke up immediately and regretted ever listening to Bashir talk all night, yesterday, and the worst part of it was that the whole conversation was baseless— the amazing world of Gumball—cartoons for God's sake!
"Where's my phone?" I stretched my hand towards him once I was out of the car.
"Here." He dropped it on the bed of my palm and returned to the car to drive to the parking lot.
Now why was I at a hospital? I looked at the address Mr Jerry sent to me and this was the exact place that appeared on my Google maps. I called him immediately so I wouldn't make a fool of myself.
"Mr Jerry Good afternoon!"
"Miss Basma how is your day going? Are you already here?"
"Yes. I'm just a bit confused. Did you send me the address of a hospital?"
He chuckled, "Yes. Don't worry yourself. I'll be downstairs in a few minutes."
"I'll be waiting."
He waltz's out of the hospital in nothing short of ten minutes and we adjourned into the hospital.
We take the elevator to the sixth floor before going out into a two-way, narrow corridor. He directs me to the right side of the building and we reach a white door that Mr Jerry knocks on.
The door was opened from the inside by a tall, hefty man that was dressed in black with dark aviator sunglasses.
Mr Jerry leaves almost immediately after the guard whispers something into his ears.
This was all weird. You'd think you were about to sit together with the president because of how a guard stood behind him and at the door. It was also too quiet and the man in question sat there with a relaxed look, watching me as I made my way from the door to the chair beside his table.
"Mrs Basma please sit." He smiles so much it starts to make me suspicious.
"Thank you sir." I sit down, "Good afternoon Alhaji Rufai."
"Good afternoon my child. You seem a bit disoriented. Do you need some water or juice?" He asks as he leaned on the table.
"No sir, I'm fine."
"That's ok."
I looked around and noticed that we were just five in the office.
Where was my team?
"I'm a bit confused. Did I make a mistake with the dates of the meetings?"
"You didn't dear. I know you're wondering why you're here alone. I'll tell you why, soon."
"Yes, please sir. I thought I messed up some dates on my calendar."
"Not at all daughter in-law."
Daughter in-law?
Now that I think about it, Jameel's father didn't attend our wedding with his sister. That was why I didn't see this happening earlier.
Could he be the one?
"I d-d-don't understand." I stuttered.
"You'll understand soon. Be patient." He smiled bitterly.
"Good girl, now listen."
I stare at him blankly, waiting for him to start but he doesn't. He's staring into the space behind me laughing and I knew that it definitely wasn't with the guard.
"You still don't recognize me, do you?"
"No I don't. Who are you?"
"The almighty Alhaji Rufai!" He roared.
"It still doesn't ring a bell." He was starting to get on my nerves with the beating around the bush.
"Your ex-husband should be able to ring a bell." He smirks.
I said the names under my breath, trying to connect the dots but nothing came until I said Jameel.
Jameel+Rufai=my abduction and the death of anyone who tries to find me.
"I see you're starting to understand." He pulls out a gun and drops it on the table.
"What are you doing?"
"Nothing." He adds, "If you do what I tell you to do."
"And what is that?" I asked carefully in a tone that didn't sound too demanding so he wouldn't blow my brains out.
"Go back to Jameel." He simply stated as if that was the easiest thing to do in the world.
I expected this maniac to be out of jail sooner.
What was I supposed to do now? Kill myself? This man was crazier than those crackheads and I just felt he didn't joke with his promises.
My heart beat speedily in fear. I was being forced to do what I promised myself to never do again.
"Why should I do that?"
"Because you don't want to die."
I almost chuckled at his assumption. I didn't want to die but if it was my time then I couldn't be readier.
"I'll never be afraid to visit my Lord."
"That's what everyone says until it's time to receive the bullet."
I scoff at his response, "That's what righteous people say."
I wasn't righteous but I knew all the good deeds I'd done in my lifetime would accumulate enough to send me to Jannah, hopefully.
"Don't decieve yourself child. Now listen!" He says sternly as he caresses the body of his gun, "You'll go and convince him to sign these papers and bring it back to me and you'll be free." He pushes a file across the table with his free hand.
Oh my Allah, now it wasn't son. It was father that was planning my own kidnap. Now I know why they say the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
"What does that have to do with me? You're his father, you have the power to command him to do it."
"That's why you're so stupid. I would've done that since if I could."
Me? Stupid? You're stupid!
"I can't do it."
"You'll never be able to do anything again if you don't do this."
"Give me time."
I can't believe I just said that. The best I can do is try to outsmart him and possibly his son.
"Two weeks. You know how to contact me." He rose up from his sit.
"I have a question."
"Go ahead BasBas." He sat back down.
What the hell?
I'll continue in the next chapter.
Did y'all enjoy?
~Aisha Safiyanu🥀
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