Bare Sunday Morning
It was Sunday in their home, the certified lazy day in the Maheswaran-Universe home. Usually, Steven didn’t have any galactic ambassador matters to attend to. Connie wasn’t going to the lab, whether it was the one in their home or R&D…Usually, but as far as Connie Yasha Maheswaran knew, Steven was still off-planet; so with a stretch and a sigh, she climbed out of bed, deciding to check up on him after breakfast.
She stopped at the bathroom to do her Sunday morning routine, washing her face and body and brushing her teeth. She couldn’t care less about her bedhead. It was Sunday, after all.
A horribly humid and hot summer Sunday.
“Maybe I’ll head to the beach today or a trip to Empire. See if any of the gems or Tricia would want to come with.” She pondered. Which made her blow a bluffing breath.
“Mister,… hurry home..” She nearly whined, longing and needing in her voice as she scratched her scalp.
“It’s not the same…” Connie’s downtrodden voice hollowed to a drone as she went to put on some old denim jeans. Overwashed and slightly shrunk to the point they didn’t need to be buttoned or zipped to keep them on her curves.
“A top can wait,” Connie muttered before heading downstairs to the kitchen.
As she touched down on the ground, turning to the left, her eyes widened at the tuft of curly black hair peeking over the couch.
Connie’s black eyes shined with surprise as she balled her fist. With her hair a bedridden mess, face washed, teeth brushed, in a pair of form-fitting over-washed jeans and nothing else she came to the front to see Steven universe, her Mister, her Bisky; asleep on their couch in a pair of torn jeans himself. Now shaggier than before with a full beard.
“Definitely gonna hide his shaving supplies.” To say Connie was feeling a torrent of emotions would be correct…if not an understatement.
Connie wanted to kiss him, to hug him, to strangle him. To straddle him and…
“And I will, but later,” Connie told herself before looking at her Jambud.
The mix of relief, joy, and mild irritation flooded her senses all at once. The intensity of it caused a flicker of a smirk to cross her face. Holding back the urge to jump on him in excitement and shower him with kisses, she instead opted for the more subtle and arguably funnier approach.
Quietly moving towards the front of the couch, she stood over him. His gentle snores filled the space between them as he lay sprawled haphazardly, one arm hanging off the edge, the other draped across his eyes to block out the early morning light. The sight was endearing and a testament to Steven’s casual nature.
Connie gently poked him in his bare belly, earning a sleepy grunt from her significant other. But Steven didn’t wake up. She snorted softly to herself before poking him again, a bit harder this time.
“Agrl baba.” Steven groaned in his sleep.
An amused giggle slipped from Connie’s lips as she gently poked at the scruffy overgrowth adorning his chin. His peaceful expression didn’t change, though his brows knitted together slightly as if protesting the disturbance.
“Well,” Connie huffed, crossing her arms under her bare chest, “this won’t do at all.”
There was an urge to shake him awake—to demand why he didn’t just come to bed.
“Knowing him, he probably didn’t want to wake me.” Connie sighed, rubbing her temples, usually such considerations would be appreciated.
“But, it's been two months… He could wake me in the middle of the night with a blow horn and fireworks and I would pounce on him and smother him with love, affection, and..”
Connie bit her lip, the redness of her cheeks contrasting starkly with her dark skin as a rush of intimate thoughts flooded her mind.
“Ease, girl.” She self-reprimanded, clearing her throat to put those thoughts on hold, she resolved to try another approach in rousing her sleeping Biscuit.
“Steven Universe..” She began in a playful sing-song voice, leaning over the couch to be closer to his ear. “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
His response was a soft, unintelligible mumble, and his grip on his arm tightened subtly. Connie backed away from him, trying not to laugh at his stubborn refusal to wake up.
But as she watched him sprawled on the couch, the chaos of their usual life paused for a rare quiet moment. Perhaps they needed it. Stepping onto her toes, Connie leaned over Steven, hovering just inches from his face.
“Ok you rest, Sleeping Beauty,” she murmured before planting the gentlest of kisses on his forehead. “Sure it was an excruciating two months.”
“And here I was thinking you’d be more excited to see me,” she pouted at his slumbering form. Though Connie’s words were laden with playful irritation, her eyes gave away the affectionate warmth simmering beneath.
For now, Connie was going to make breakfast for the both of them, something she had been working on during his long trips. She wasn’t as good as him, but the food Connie made didn’t spontaneously combust or come to life(anymore) and was actually pretty good in her opinion.
Connie moved to the kitchen, leaving her sleeping Mister on the couch, a small smile on her face as she decided to make something from Steven’s childhood.
Opening the fridge door, scanning its contents for what she needed, Connie took a deep inhale, her senses filling with the mixture of sweet and savory smells that drifted from the refrigerator.
Eggs, bacon, ripe strawberries, and whipped cream. She looked on top of the fridge, finding flour and popcorn.
”Perfect, we are set.” Connie grinned as she gathered her materials and began whisking together flour and eggs while humming with a smile on her face.
Soon their home was wafting with the scent and heat of her cooking, bacon and pancakes filled the air.
Connie had just flipped the third pancake in her growing tower when she heard an audible grunt from the other room- a sign that Steven was finally waking up.
“Ahh.” She rolled her eyes with an affectionate grin, “of course it’ll be food that wakes him” she mumbled under her breath before putting another scoop of batter onto the pan, chuckling.
“Something smells amazing,” Steven mumbled, eyes still closed as The sizzling aroma of bacon and pancakes soon permeated the house, stirring Steven more.
He blinked open his bleary eyes, sniffing the air as the tantalizing scents registered in his groggy mind.
“Mmm…really good,” he mumbled to himself as he slowly sat up on the couch, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.
That’s when he noticed Connie in the kitchen, hair a mess, wearing only a pair of snug jeans and an apron as she busied herself cooking over the stove.
“And looks even better.” Steven whispered as he watched her cook from his seat, star and heart-eyed he watched Heartberry’s ‘Heart-booty’ sway as she did so.
It was a bit of a role reversal since he was the designated chef.
He was engrossed in her, so completely bewitched, that he didn’t even notice what she was making as he made his way to her, silently and unnoticed.
“Eep!” Connie squeaked feeling his large warm palms on her hips and purred feeling his lips grace her nape and trail her spine to her lower back. The feel of his lips and breath made her tremble and her toes curl. “Oh, you did miss me..” She joked leaning into him, basking in his touch.
“An understatement.” Steven chuckled, nuzzling his beard to her nape, and massaging her scalp.
‘ohhh! This is how scalp massages should feel, not to mention how his beard!’ Connie mused in pleasure at the sensation melting in place, almost dropping her bowl as she stood on ten toes letting out a purr.
“Gonna…hhm…make me drop the last of the batter for breakfast.” She started leaning into his touch. “ Wouldn’t want to…Hmmm… mess breakfast up, right?”
“I mean, you already gave me a feast.”
“Is that so?” She smirked looking up at him, before sucking in an excited breath feeling the seat of her jeans being grabbed, letting out a carnal growl. “I see.” Connie grinned, reaching up to kiss him.
Tenderly, deeply, slowly.
“Two months apart has made you incorrigible.” Connie teased as she nuzzled close, “ Now let me cook, as they say,”
“I mean, I can.”
Connie playfully swatted Steven’s hands away as he tried to take the bowl of pancake batter from her.
“Oh no, you don’t, Universe. I’ve been practicing my cooking skills while you were away. This breakfast is my treat.”
She scooped the last of the batter, put it onto the pan, and handed him both whisk and bowl, “You can have the residual batter though while I cook.” She took a scoop putting on his nose, “Now go sit in the living room. I’ll be there in a few.”
“Alright, you got it. I’ll leave you to it.” Steven teased putting a dollop of batter on her nose before licking it off, “tasty.”
Steven grinned before walking away, only for his own butt to be grabbed as he left.
“Hey, handsy!” he turned to see Connie flipping a pancake.
Connie shot him an impish mischievous grin that made his heart skip and gem glowed.
“Stars, I missed you, Heartberry.” Steven sighed before heading to the couch, leaning back as he ate the batter, basking in the fact that he was home.
”Man, it's good to be back, I didn't think a trip to another star system could be so boring, but coming back to you makes it all better.”
He watched with batter in his mouth and adoration in his eyes as Connie expertly flipped the final pancake onto the stack, her movements fluid and graceful even in the heat of the kitchen, before settling back on the couch, savoring the delectable aroma wafting from the kitchen and the lingering sensation of Connie’s playful touch.
Connie could still feel Steven’s eyes on her as she worked, his gaze like a warm caress. It sent a shiver down her spine, rekindling the embers of longing that had smoldered during their months apart.
As he waited for Connie to finish cooking, Steven’s mind wandered to the past two months spent apart. The longing for her presence, her touch, and her voice had been a constant ache in his heart. But now, being back home, surrounded by her warmth and love, it all seemed worth it.
He licked the residual batter from the whisk, his taste buds delighting in the sweet, familiar flavor. It reminded him of lazy mornings spent cooking together, their laughter and banter filling the air as they moved in perfect sync.
Connie meanwhile was putting the finishing touches to breakfast as she arranged the plate with poise, spraying the top of the stack with whipped cream in a swirl, artfully drizzling maple syrup over the golden pancakes, putting three strawberries on top, laying the bacon around the stack perimeter, and finally raining down popcorn onto the stack.
Smiling with a sense of accomplishment, she examined her breakfast tower. It was a treat from his childhood, a playful way to welcome him back home. Grinning, she lifted the plate and turned to find Steven leaning back on the couch, comfy and content, bowl and whisk in hand as he licked the last traces of batter, his eyes closed.
An impish grin spread across her face.
“Enjoying yourself there, Biscuit?” she teased, “Hope you saved some room for breakfast together.” Her grin grew as Steven's eyes opened in shock and surprise at both the food and now topless Connie. “Or maybe it’d be more accurate to say…”
“Together Breakfast!” Steven praised loudly at the tower she placed on their table, “This is amazing, you even got the popcorn…” He smiled looking at the breakfast tower hungrily. “Don’t remember the bacon though.”
“Wanted to put my own spin on things.” She grinned, taking out two forks from her jeans pockets. “Glad you seem to want to devourer it.”
“Well, it’s the second most delectable thing in front of me.” He winked with a snicker, before giving her a loving smile, before opening his arms to her. “ Come here.”
Connie didn’t need to be coerced as she happily straddled his lap pressing down onto him as he rested against her bare breast, Her hands stroking his wild nape-length black hair and full soft pink tipped beard. “Thought it was an appropriate breakfast since we’re back together.”
“It’s perfect!” Steven assured her. He leaned in and planted a sticky batter-flavored kiss on her cheek. “Thank you, Heartberry.”
His sincerity made her blush. ”You’re welcome, Biscuit.” She kissed his head and held him close, ” I missed you, I wanted to do this since this morning.”
“Straddle me?” he chuckled against her bust.
“No…Well…Yeah.” Connie blushed but playfully swatted at Steven’s shoulder. “You know what I mean, Jokester.”
“I know, but it’s been two months, gonna tease you, Heartbutt.” Steven chuckled as he held her close palms gently pressed on the seat of her jeans pulling her closer, nuzzling to her bare breast, “Let me tease you now and…”
“please me later?”
Steven gave her an impish, boyish grin that made her heart skip as she held him close, stroking his hair, “glad to have you back in my arms, Mister.” She pecked along the top of Steven's head, “These long trips are getting more frequent.”
“I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, I know how important your trips are. Build those intergalactic relations and such.” Connie giggled out a sigh feeling Steven's lips pressed against her bare skin.
“As long as you keep changing the world down here, miss genius, I know you have some stories of projects, breakthroughs, and discoveries you want to share, and I want to hear all about them.”
“and I want to hear all about the galactic clubhouse and this trip's gossip.” Connie chuckled, holding his cheeks and gazing into his bright big brown eyes, but later, or tomorrow … It’s Sunday, our first in a while and all I want to do is spend it being lazy and cuddle up with you.”
“Same it’s a muggy Sunday though.” Steven smirked, kissing her neck, “We’ll get all sweaty and sticky.”
“Good thing we’re topless then huh..” Connie snickered, “For now, let’s just spend the morning together on this couch, sharing this breakfast.”
“Being lazy and lounging under a nice slightly cooler house. ..or maybe we can sunbathe on the roof, or beach, or make a setting in our ‘room’, or~hhm!”
Connie was not-so-rudely but very welcoming interrupted by Steven’s lips meeting hers and his tongue caressing her own. Melting under affectionate action.
“Whatever you want, Heartberry,” Steven smiled at the warmed and marooned-cheeked Connie.
“Spoiling me, I see,” Connie said as she took a fork full of the Together Breakfast and held it to his lips. “You being here is everything I want, what about you?”
Steven smiled, taking a fork full himself and holding it to her lips,” Everything, I want…is right here.” He smiled before they each took their respective offerings.
“Oh!” Steven's eyes widened, “ this is amazing, Connie!” His eyes lit with pride as Steven savored the sweet, salty, fluffy, and crunchy breakfast.
Connie's black eyes gleamed as she blushed, feeling satisfied, not by the food, but by his words, her usually impish smirk now a full beam, she loved making him proud, “Thank you, I guess I did well, after all.” She spoke with a glow of confidence as she got him another bite and took one from him, “Only the best for my Mister.”
The sweetness of the pancakes mixed with the salty crunch of bacon, creating a delightful contrast that made both of them sigh in contentment. They ate slowly, playfully exchanging bites and banter, their laughter ringing gently in the cozy space.
Steven couldn’t resist occasionally stealing a piece of popcorn from the stack and popping it into Connie’s mouth, earning playful giggles from her.
She savored each bite, relishing not only the taste of the food but also the moment itself. The morning sun shone through the windows, casting warm patterns on their skin and filling the room with a soft glow.
Steven’s gaze never left her as he watched her eat, his heart overflowing with love. They had been apart for extended periods before, but every reunion reminded them of their deep connection and unwavering affection. This time felt even more special, like rediscovering a beloved song after a long absence.
As they continued to indulge in the colorful breakfast tower, the sunlight gradually filtered in through the windows, enveloping them in its warm embrace.
Connie rested against Steven’s chest, feeling the steady thump of his heartbeat against her back. “This,” she whispered, “is my favorite place.”
Steven hugged her tighter, his voice thick with emotion as he replied, “Mine too.”
Steven wasn’t surprised by how much he had missed these simple moments with her—just being together and enjoying each other’s company without any distractions.
Yes, after two months of being apart, ‘Mister & Heartberry’ wanted nothing more than to be right here, near and bare on this Sunday morning.
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