Chapter Twenty-Six ♚ The Bite

AN: Blake's outfit is the same.

I'm basically not going to warn you about the gore in this chapter. It's a known fact that it's in the show.

The fireworks and band had just started at the fourth of July celebration Mayor Kline was hosting while Jonathan, Nancy, El, Max, Will, Lucas and Mike were sitting around the Hopper's cabin, El telling them about what Billy had shown her in the void.

El shook her head, wearily saying, "He said he was building something," She looked around, "That it was all for me."

"Building something... is he talking about the flayed?" Max questioned, furrowing her brows. Nancy nodded, "It must be."

"So, he's building an army, just like we thought," Lucas paced around anxiously. Mike shrugged, saying, "Yeah, but he's not building this army to spread."

Will sighed, crossing his arms as he said, "He's building it to stop Eleven."

"Last year, El closed the gate on him. I have a feeling that really pissed him off," Mike told. Lucas scoffed, "Like royally."

"And the Mind Flayer now knows that she's the only thing that can stop him. But if she's out of the way-" Lucas cut his friend off, saying, "Game over."

Eleven took a deep breath, looking at her ex-boyfriend and said, "He also said he was gonna kill all of you."

Everyone froze at that, their hearts skipping a beat and Max sarcastically smiled, gripping onto Blake's bat and said, "Yeah, well, that's nice."

A faint screeching noise was heard and Nancy kicked herself off the wall she was leaning on, going over to the window quietly. She shuddered, hearing the noise again and whispered, "Do you guys hear that?"

"It's just the fireworks," Jonathan told after a second of silence. Nancy's eyes widened, her pulse quickening as she said, "Billy..." She whipped around, "When he told you this, it was here, in this room?"

El nodded and a distant thudding was heard, Mike furrowing his brows as he listened. Will froze, chills running up his spine and he brought a hand to the back of his neck, saying, "He knows we're here."

The group ran outside and looked toward the fireworks, seeing the trees rustling before them. A snarl was heard and the trees were pulled back, the Mind Flayer now visible to the kids.

El quiety let out a sob, her only thought being that she wanted her sister with her.

Meanwhile, Blake, Robin and Steve were laying in the back of the red cart Dustin and Erica had stolen when the curly-haired boy hit the gas again, Steve saying, "Jesus, slow down!"

"Yeah, what is this, like, the Indy 500?" Robin slurred, playing with Blake's backpack that was in her lap.

Dustin and Erica had found it when they stormed the room and practically threw it on the three in the back.

Steve looked at Robin, pointing a finger down knowingly, "It's the Indy 300."

Both Blake and Robin shook their heads, the latter of the girls saying, "No, dingus, it's 500!"

"It's 300!" Steve demanded. Blake crawled on top of his lap and exclaimed, "Let's say 400!"

The trio began laughing loudly, everything still foggy as Blake leaned her head on Steve's chest. She gasped, "You're heart is so loud!"

Before Steve could say anything, the cart sharply turned and Steve fell over, Blake falling on top of him. Dustin, the one who was driving, asked, "You guys all right back there?"

They all groaned and Dustin turned the cart off as Steve looked up, seeing Blake sitting up on his lap and said, "Well, hello there."

"Hey there, Harrington," Blake smirked before leaning down and kissing the boy. Steve ran his hands all over her body, resting on her butt and Robin groaned in disgust, saying, "Ewww, they're making porn."

The door to the back suddenly opened and Dustin made a disgusted look before he said, "Come on. We gotta go, now."

"Just give us ten minutes," Steve whispered, continuing to kiss Blake. The woman suddenly pulled back, Steve still kissing the air where she just was as she said, "Later, Harrington."

The boy whined and she leaned back down, whispering something in his ear making his eyes widen and say, "Let's go."

Erica and Dustin began yelling at them to get out and Blake got off Steve, crawling over to the door and jumped out. Steve did the same, almost losing his balance and said, "We're coming! This sucks."

Dustin went over to the control pad and brought out the keycard he had stolen, saying, "Here goes nothing."

The door opened and the drugged teenagers filed in, going over to the red cart used to move boxes on. Steve stood on it while Blake sat on his feet, keeping him steady as Dustin and Erica walked in and used the card to start it.

As soon as the elevator began moving, Robin came over to the handle of the cart, holding it a bit as Steve moved around like he was surfing. The trio whooped around giddily and Robin said, "Hey! You look like you're surfing!"

"Surfing, yeah!" Steve agreed. Blake chuckled, laying her head on his thigh while saying, "You're like totally tubular."

Dustin and Erica watched them, the girl saying, "They seem drunk."

"Why would they be drunk?" He questioned, "Plus Blake doesn't get drunk. She doesn't like to because of her dad."

The trio laughed as Robin moved the cart and Steve wobbled around, the only thing keeping him steady being his girlfriend as he said, "I'm a natural! Check it out!"

Robin suddenly took the cart out from under the pair, Blake and Steve falling to the ground as Robin giggled, "Wipeout!"

They continued to laugh and Blake crawled on top of Steve, pouting, "Be my pillow."

"No," He whined, kicking his feet around like a little kid, "I'm always the pillow. You be the pillow."

"But you'll crush my boobs," She grunted and Steve rolled his eyes, flipping them over so he was laying on her. Blake ran her fingers through his hair as he kissed her jaw, whispering, "I will not. I like them too much."

Dustin walked over to the couple and put his hand on Blake's forehead. He sighed, looking over at Erica and said, "She's burning up."

"Because she's smokin' hot, dude. I cannot believe she's all mine and I get to-" Blake let out a gasp, cutting him off, "Harrington, watch it."

Robin tilted her head, watching as Steve continued kissing Blake's skin as Dustin said, "You guys, stop. Steve, Steve."

"God, no," Steve groaned, pushing Dustin away with one hand as Blake tugged on his hair. The boy let out a moan and Blake suddenly pushed him off, giving Dustin the opportunity to look at his blood shot eyes.

Dustin turned to Erica, saying, "His pupils are super dilated."

"Maybe he's drugged," She told. Steve laughed as the boy turned toward him and bopped his nose, saying, "Boop!"

Blake laughed and Dustin glanced between the couple, saying, "Are you two drugged?"

"How many times, Dad?" Steve started, "I don't do drugs. It's only marijuana."

"Shh!" Blake slapped his chest and then began laughing, "My dad might hear. We can't have him catching us!"

Steve snickered, wrapping his arms around her chest and laid her down on top of him, her back on his chest. She wiggled around on him and Dustin rolled his eyes and said, "This isn't funny, okay? I need to know what they did to you. Are you gonna die on us?"

"We all die, my strange little child friend," Robin finally voiced, Dustin looking over to see her playing with her hair, "It's just a matter of how and when."

Blake suddenly gasped, sitting up on Steve and looked to Robin as her eyes were wide. She tilted her head, smiling at the girl, "You are so intuitive. You should be a motivational speaker."

"Really?!" Robin questioned, kicking around her feet, "That would be fun. You could come with me."

"I am not motivational. I'm the dark pit of misery that sits in the background and drinks coffee all day," Blake snorted, causing her friend to laugh. She laid back down on Steve and he wrapped his arms around her as Dustin said, "They're gonna be looking for us up there, so I need you to tell me where you parked your car."

"Oh, can we make a pit stop at the food court?" He groaned. Robin's eye's widened, "I would kill for a hot dog on a stick."

"Ooh!" Blake and Steve moaned, the girl continuing, "And an Orange Julius. Oh my god, those things are borderline org-"

"-Okay! All right. Yeah, food," Dustin looked between the trio and Robin's grin went ear to ear, "Yes, you can have as much food as you want, but only if you tell me where your car is parked."

Steve winced, "Uh-oh."

"Uh-oh?" Dustin questioned. Steve looked at him, a pitiful look on his face, "The car's off the board."


"They took the keys," He stuck his hands in his pockets before he slid them in Blake's front ones. Robin began laughing and so did Blake, beginning to play with Steve's feet with her own as he continued, "Like, forever ago. That's a bummer, right?"

Dustin huffed and looked at Blake, who was playing with Steve's thumbs that were twisted around her belt loops, and said, "What about you?"

"They'd be in my backpack, curly fry," She slurred and Steve laughed, kissing her ear. Erica went over to Robin and went through Blake's bag, finding the keys and threw them to Dustin, the boy catching it as she said, "Let's get these crazy nerds out of here."

The elevator stopped and the group got out, the three drugged teenagers looking outside in awe. Robin began chomping around and said, "Oh, my God, that tastes so good. Ah!" She stuck her tongue out and Blake followed, spinning around, "Steve, can you taste the air."

"I taste it!" He exclaimed, grabbing Blake's hand and spun her around before laughing.

Suddenly, the gate in front of them opened and Dustin's eyes widened, seeing several Russian guards rush over to them, "Shit! Come on! Come on!"

Blake grabbed Robin's hand with her empty one as Dustin and Erica raced back over to them, telling them to run. Blake groaned, running in between Steve and Robin as the two smaller kids were holding onto them.

Steve sighed, "Why are we running?"

The trio laughed and Robin disconnected her hand from Blake's throwing them in the air like she was on a roller coaster.

Back at the cabin, Nancy had just gone out to the shed and grabbed Hopper's shot gun- the one he had laying on the table when Blake first brought Steve over as her boyfriend- and ran back inside to see the kids blocking the other entrances with furniture.

Nancy looked over at the kids to see Mike, Max and Lucas all holding Blake's many bats, her jaw dropping as she said, "There's more than one?"

"Four," El nodded from her spot. Jonathan snickered a bit, rolling his eyes at his best friends antics before saying, "That doesn't surprise me."

They all got in a circle, their backs facing each other so they could watch from every angle of the cabin. Jonathan gripped onto his axe tightly as the lamp began squeaking and a rumbling was heard.

The house began shaking and the group began breathing rapidly, panting in anticipation as Will said, "It's close."

Branches began snapping outside and El looked out the window on her side while Blake's mugs began falling off the wall in the kitchen. The rumbling suddenly stopped and Max sighed, saying, "Where'd it go?"

Before anyone could answer, the creature burst through the wall, one of its arms coming inside and trying to grab onto El. Jonathan ran over to it, swinging his axe to try and cut off the Mind Flayer's limb.

The Mind Flayer shrieked and whipped its arm, throwing Jonathan into a wall causing him to grunt when he hit the ground. Nancy shot at it and the monster let out a wail in pain before it snapped what looked like teeth toward the girl making her fall into the wall.

Before it could reach her, Eleven stopped it and the Mind Flayer began convulsing. It screamed and El snarled, bringing her hand down and cutting off one of its limbs making it go back outside.

"Holy shit," Max gasped before she ducked down, another one of the Mind Flayer's arms shooting through the window besides her. El immediately stopped it and another one came through on the other side of the cabin.

She held them back, everyone panting heavily as she did so. The creature shrieked in pain and El yelled, bringing her hands closer to her body causing the limbs to break off and fall onto the floor.

Suddenly, an arm came through the ceiling and grabbed Eleven's leg, trying to drag her out of the household. Mike immediately was grasping onto the girl he loved, using all his strength to hold her as she screamed in pain.

Everyone besides Nancy ran over, pulling on the girl's arms to get her away from the monster as the screamed El's name. The girl held onto Mike as his sister reloaded the shot gun and Max looked over to her discarded bat on the floor before running over to it.

Max looked at Lucas, who was holding his with one hand and said, "Lucas!"

The began hitting the Mind Flayer violently as Nancy shot at its mouth, causing the monster to retract a bit. The kids got enough leverage to pull on El tighter, the couple hitting the Mind Flayer even harder making the limb break off.

The kids grasping onto El went flying, the girl landing on Mike who immediately said, "El! El, are you okay?"

Eleven tiredly nodded, cupping his jaw as he did the same. The piece of the creature attached to her leg roared and Mike growled angrily, sitting up and ripping it off the girl make her screech in pain.

The Mind Flayer snarled from the roof and El grit her teeth, panting heavily as she stood up and looked at it. She limped a few feet forward and let out a snarl, her hair plastered to her sweaty forehead as she brought her hands up and split its head in two.

Max caught her as she fell and the two older teenagers shooed the kids out of the cabin in a hurry. Mike and Max held onto El, the red-head still grasping onto the bloodied bat with pieces or flesh hanging off of it.

They all ran to the car and El wailed out in pain, feeling as though there was fire climbing up her leg from the bite the Mind Flayer had given her. Mike let out a small cry, looking at the back of his sister's head, saying, "Drive! Drive! Drive!"

And she did, leaving the Mind Flayer in the dust.

Blake and Steve laughed as they were being dragged by Dustin through the long hallway, their hands laced together as Erica said, "Where are we going?"

"Just trust me."

They continued down the hallway and Dustin opened a door, looking out before saying, "All clear."

The group walked to the nearest theater and Steve grabbed a half eaten popcorn bag from the top of the trash, showing it to Blake with a smile on his face. Blake laughed and then wiggled her eyebrows, motioning the boy over with her finger.

Steve followed her in awe, the girl walking backwards into the movie with a smirk on her face. Blake's eyes widened when she saw the large movie screen, taking Steve and Robin's hand as Dustin motioned them over to two empty spots.

Dustin sighed, "One of you will have to sit on the floor."

"No, no, no! These seats are too close. Dude, these seats blow," Steve told, sitting down in the chair. Robin followed him and Blake pouted before sitting on Steve's lap, her feet in the girls lap as Dustin said, "Then don't watch the movie."

"We wanna watch it!" Robin frowned, looking at the boy. Dustin rolled his eyes, "Then watch it!"

The man behind them shushed them and Blake turned around, doing the same before she said, "Doing that doesn't help at all. You're making more noise than us."

"Sorry!" Dustin apologized while whispering. Blake wiggled around in Steve's lap, the boy's eyes widening as Dustin continued, "Whatever you do, don't go anywhere."

"Fine, dad," Steve sarcastically told and both the girls next to him laughed. Dustin and Erica walked away to seats across the room and Blake tilted her head, beginning to watch the movie.

After a few minutes of watching, Blake gasped, seeing the car appear out of nowhere and said, "Holy shit, it's an invisible car."

"I thought it time traveled," Robin's eyes widened, playing with the girl's shoes. Steve snorted, his mouth full of popcorn, "An invisible, time traveling car."

"What's happening?" Robin then questioned. Blake and Steve shrugged, the boy saying, "I have no idea."

The trio fell into a fit of laughter, Blake sliding down and laying across the two. Steve looked down at her, a goofy grin on his face as he said, "You know, you are, like, really pretty."

"Aww," Blake whined, reaching up and squishing the boy's cheeks making his lips pucker, "You're prettier."

"No," Robin shook her head and poked the girl's forehead making her hit her head on the armrest, "You're prettier."

"You're prettierer," Blake slurred. Steve stopped shoveling popcorn in his mouth and looked down at her, his mouth full as he said, "Is that a word?"

Blake thought for a second and suddenly burst into laughter, saying, "No."

Steve and Robin followed and the boy continued to eat his popcorn, before Blake opened her mouth. He chuckled, piling it in her mouth until he couldn't fit anymore. The girl tried to close her mouth but failed, half the popcorn falling onto her chest.

Robin leaned over and grabbed a piece, stuffing it in her mouth before she watched the movie. Blake huffed, wiggling around and said, "This isn't comfortable."

"You always lay on me though," Steve told, tracing the lines of the roses on her thighs. Blake grabbed his hand, holding it between hers and laid his arm on her chest, saying, "Because you're comfy."

"I'm thirsty," Robin suddenly voiced. Blake sat up, Steve's arm falling into her lap as she nodded and said, "Me too."

The three got up from their spots and walked out of the movie theater, all leaning on each other as they found a fountain. Steve went first and Blake leaned over with him, resting her head on his back.

"That's amazing," Steve gulped, coming up for air before going back in. Robin swayed back and forth in her spot, her eyes wide as she said, "So, like, I wasn't totally focused in there or anything, but... I'm pretty sure... that mom was trying to bang her son."

"Wait, wait, the hot chick was Alex P. Keaton's mom?" Steve questioned. Blake nodded on his back, murmuring, "Yeah, she's hot."

"But they're the same age," Steve's eyes widened, sipping on the water. Robin stomped her foot, her lips pouting, "No, but he went back in time."

Steve snickered, "Then why is it called Back to the Future?"

"He has to go back to the future because he's in the past. So, the future is actually the present, which his time."

The boy licked his lips and furrowed his brows, not understanding anything she had said. He turned to Robin, Blake still leaning on his back and said, "Wh... what?"

"No, no, it's my turn," Robin pushed Steve off the fountain, Blake almost falling to the ground, "You've had enough."

Steve took Blake's hand and walked a few feet before the girl pointed to the sky, jumping up and down as she yanked on his arm, saying, "The stars! We should go star-gazing."

"I already have the perfect date," Steve shook his head, his hair flopping around, "I'm taking you away and we are going to gourd ourselves with your candy stash and then I'm going to ask you something."

Blake furrowed her brows, her stomach suddenly dropping as she felt dizzy, "Ask me what?"

"I... I don't remember," Steve smacked his lips together and the pair started laughing again.

Blake leaned on Steve as they looked at the ceiling, the florescent lights twinkling before they began moving. The Harrington boy began waving an arm around, saying, "Hey, Robin. You gotta check this out."

The girl quickly finished her water and walked over, placing her head on Blake's as Steve said, "This... the ceiling, it's beautiful."

"Oh, wow," Robin's voice echoed in Blake's ears. The woman screwed her eyes shut before she opened them again, everything spinning as she felt saliva fill her mouth.

Blake smacked her lips together and her stomach flipped causing her to groan and say, "Does anyone else feel like Lard-ass after he ate all the pies at the pie eating contest?"

"Mm-hmm," Robin groaned before turning and running to the bathroom. Blake and Steve followed, all running into different stalls and throwing up whatever was in their system.

A few minutes later, Blake was still throwing up when she felt someone come up behind her and hold her hair back. She pulled back a bit, groaning in pain as she wiped the tears that had fallen while she was getting sick and looked back to see Steve, a small smile on his face as he calmed her down.

"Hey, Harrington," She flushed the toilet, not wanting to deal with it any longer. Steve pulled her back from the seat and they rested on the side of the stall as Robin said, "The ceiling stopped spinning for me. Is it still spinning for you two?"

"Holy shit. No," Steve looked up. Blake followed, tilting her head before saying, "Nope. No Wizard of Oz shit happening anymore. You think we puked it all up?"

Robin sniffed, moving her feet back and forth on the side of the stall, "Maybe. Ask me something," She changed her voice to a Russian accent, "Interrogate me."

"Okay. Interrogate you. Sure," Steve wrapped an arm around Blake, the woman curling up against his side and resting her head on his chest, "Um, when was the last time you, uh, peed your pants?"

"Today," Robin answered in an instant. Blake chuckled and Steve squeezed her before he asked, "What?"

"When the Russian doctor took out the bone saw."

Steve began laughing, "Oh, my God."

Robin gestured with her fingers, saying, "It was just a little bit though."

"Yeah, it's definitely still in her system," Steve told Blake, the woman looking up at him with a smile. Robin sat up off the floor and licked her lips, saying, "All right, my turn, Harrington."

Steve hummed, still looking at Blake and Robin played with her hair as she said, "Have you... ever been in love?"

"I thought I had been," He answered, smiling down at Blake, who was still watching him, "But it was all... bullshit. But, I found someone who's really perfect for me. Someone who loves me and understands me. Someone who is absolutely the best and that I know I'm going to be with for a very long time."

Blake leaned up and softly kissed the boy's jaw, Steve smiling as he closed his eyes in content. Robin lightly grinned, knowing he was talking about her friend and said, "How did you know you loved her?"

"As cheesy as it sounds... I saw her smile," Steve recalled, Blake still kissing his skin, "We were in the car, her hair was flying around because of the heater, her eyes were practically sparkling and she was singing to her favorite song. She was in complete peace, her raw, true self and she had, for some reason, let me see it when she didn't ever let her guard down," He smiled, running his forefinger down Blake's bruised jaw, "And that's when I knew, I had fallen completely and utterly in love with the girl with the barbed wire bat. The girl who had saved me on more the one occasion. The girl who helped me shy away from being the so called king and helped me become the man I always wanted to be."

By the time he had finished, Blake had tears in her eyes, her hands lightly cupping his jaw as he looked down at her. She gave him a smile, one that he only got to see, and kissed him gently- neither one of them caring that they had gotten sick only minutes prior.

"I love you, Steve Harrington," Blake whispered, resting her forehead on his. Steve nudged her nose with his, both their eye's closed as he whispered back, "And I love you, Blake Anne Hopper."

"You guys are cute... it makes me sick," Robin let out a breath, crossing her arms over her chest. Blake chuckled, "You'll find someone, Ro. You're a beautiful, smart, and hilarious girl and I love being around you."

Steve nodded, saying, "It's true. I wish I had been hanging around you this whole time. I feel like this summer, I have laughed harder than I have ever laughed and it's because of you two. Plus, Robin, you're smart- way smarter than me. You're unlike anyone I've ever met. You'll find a guy."

Blake looked down at her fingers, hearing silence from her friend and sat up from Steve's embrace, sliding under the stall to see Robin with tears in her eyes. Blake gave her a sad grin before she turned, wrapping an arm around her shoulders like Steve and herself had been.

"Robin, did you just OD in there?" The boy questioned, tapping on the stall. Robin sniffed, setting her head on Blake's shoulder, "No. I am still alive."

Steve suddenly slid under the separation wall as well, all three of the teenagers tightly cramped in the single stall. Blake rested her legs on Steve's making more room as Robin said, "You know, that was pretty gross guys."

"Yeah, well, I already got a bunch of blood and puke on my shirt, so..." He trailed off. Blake nodded, "I have blood on my shirt that's not even mine."

Robin laughed and Steve nudged her leg with his, saying, "What's wrong? What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking... that if you really knew me... you wouldn't want to be my friend," Robin voiced after a second. Blake squeezed her and rested her head on hers, saying, "Robin, we aren't going to leave you. You're our friend and friends stick together through thick and thin- no matter what."

The girl nodded against her, enjoying her friends embrace as Steve said, "Blake's right."

"Steve, listen. It's shocked me to my core, but I like you. I really like you. But I'm not like your other friends," Robin told, looking at him as her cheek was laying on Blake's shoulder. Steve scoffed, "That's exactly why I like you."

After a minute, Robin sniffed, bringing her head up and looked at the boy, saying, "Do you remember what I said about Click's class? About me being jealous and, like, obsessed?"

Steve looked at Blake, wondering why she wasn't worried about her friend saying this and nodded. Robin gulped before she said, "It isn't because I had a crush on you. It's because... she wouldn't stop staring at you."

"Mrs. Click?" Steve questioned and Blake rolled her eyes at her boyfriends stupidity. Robin let out a mall laugh before she looked at Blake, the girl giving her a reassuring smile before she said, "Tammy Thompson. I wanted her to look at me. But... she couldn't pull her eyes away from you and your stupid hair," Blake held back a comment at that, "And I didn't understand because you would get bagel crumbs all over the floor. And you asked dumb questions. And you were a douchebag up until Blake. And- and you didn't even like her and... I would go home and just scream into my pillow."

"But Tammy Thompson's a girl," Steve shook his head in confusion. Robin sighed, softly saying, "Steve."

"Yeah?" He questioned and the girl only gave him a look. Steve then looked at Blake, who adorned a small smile on her face, and whispered, "Oh."

Robin's eyes filled with tears, "Oh."

"Holy shit," His eyes widened. Blake shook her head, a breathless chuckle leaving her nose as Robin repeated him, looking at the ceiling, "Holy shit."

After a minute of silence, Robin looked over at Steve, who was playing with Blake's shoes, and said, "Steve, did you OD over there?"

"No, I just, uh... I don't see why you thought that would change our friendship," He shook his head softly, "Robin, you're a great friend and this doesn't change the way I see you or feel. You're still the smart-ass Robin I know."

The girl chuckled, letting out a small cry and Blake held onto her tighter, saying, "I told you when you first told me, I still care about you and love you as my friend. Nothing will change that," Blake looked at Steve, "And he feels the same way."

Robin gave the two a smile and hugged Blake, saying, "Thank you."

"Of course," She ran her fingers through her hair, "Robin, you are an amazing person and if someone doesn't think that because they're not accepting... then fuck them. They're not worth your time."

It was quiet for a second and Steve sighed, shaking his head, "Tammy Thompson, you know, she's cute, not as cute as Blake, but... I mean, she's a total dud."

"She is not," Robin was quick to defend her. Steve nodded, his eyebrows at his hairline, "Yes, she is. She wants to be, like, a singer. She wants to move to, like, Nashville and shit."

"She has dreams," She denied and Blake winced, saying, "But she can't even hold a tune, Ro."

Steve gestured to Blake, "Thank you! She's practically tone-deaf. Have you heard her?" Robin chuckled, "All the time."

The Harrington boy began singing atonally and Robin wheezed, falling onto Blake's lap as the said girl was chuckling as well. Robin looked up from Blake's lap, saying, "She does not sound like that."

"She sounds exactly like that," Steve argued, "That's a great impression of her."

"She does not. You should like a Muppet," Robin told. Steve's eyes widened, "She sounds like a Muppet! She sounds like a Muppet giving birth."

The trio began laughing and Steve started singing like Kermit, Blake and Robin looking at each other before doing the same. The door suddenly swung open and Dustin and Erica walked in, the boy saying, "Okay. What the hell?"

The three only started laughing again.

An hour later, the movie got out and the three drugged up high school graduates were sobered up, not feeling the affects of the drug any longer. The group slowly peaked out of the door and Dustin said, "And... blend."

They immediately walked out of the bathroom, mixing in with the crowd in front of them. Steve grasped onto Blake's hand, the woman hiding behind his frame slightly as Erica said, "Well, shit, that worked."

"Course it worked," Dustin told, "We just have to get on the bus with the rest of these plebes and home sweet home, here we come."

"Uh, Dustin," Steve voiced, the boy turning around to look at his bruised face, "Yeah, we might not wanna go to your house."

"Why?" He turned back around, leading the group out. Blake rolled her eyes, saying, "Because he was being his classic Steve self and told them your full name."

Dustin's eyes widened, "What is wrong with you?"

"Dude, I was drugged," Steve softly reminded, his face filled with horror at the pure thought. Dustin scoffed, "So? You resist. You tough it out. You tough it out like a man."

"Oh, yeah, it's easy for you to say, they weren't terrorizing your girlfriend in front of you," Steve snapped and Blake tightened her grip on his hand, bringing it up and kissing it softly. Robin suddenly stopped and said, "Guys?"

Blake followed her gaze and sighed, "Fucking hell."

They all followed to see one of the Russians from earlier talking with a woman and Dustin said, "Abort," He looked over, "Abort. Abort."

The group took off back the way they came, seeing that the escalators were closed and Steve sighed, "Shit!"

"Fucking slide," Blake told, watching as the Russian's came closer. Robin went first and the piled through, Steve being last to make sure everyone got through safely.

They quickly hid behind one of the fast food counters in the food court and Steve's hand was laced with Blake's, the girl closing her eyes in frustration since she understood what they were saying.

They were locking them in.

Everyone was dead silent, practically holding their breath as they heard footsteps approaching. Blake's eyes shot open, hearing the man tell that he had found them quietly and she looked over at Steve, knowing there was nothing they could do at this point.

A sudden car alarm went off and everyone gasped, not expecting it. Blake listened carefully, hearing the Russian's begin talking about it and she looked at Dustin, saying, "They didn't do it."

"Then who did?"

Blake immediately smiled and she stood up, seeing the car tumbling past the front of the them, killing all the Russian guards. The rest of the group followed, standing next to Blake and followed her gaze to see El, Mike, Lucas, Will, Max, Nancy and Jonathan walk into view.

El and Blake looked at each other, the younger of the two bursting into tears at the sight of her sister. Blake softened, instantly jumping over the counter and ran toward the group up above.

Dustin, Steve, Robin and Erica followed her just as the others made it down, Blake seeing that El was leaning on Mike while limping. She looked to the boy, saying, "What the hell happened?"

"You flung that thing like a hot wheel!" Dustin laughed, running past Blake to hug the two. Blake walked up to them as he pulled back and she went to El, wrapping her in her arms making the younger girl cry.

Blake held onto her, looking over when she heard Steve say, "True, yeah. Totally true. It's absolutely our fault."

"I take no responsibility," Blake shook her head. Robin looked to her, "I don't understand what happened to that car."

"El has superpowers," Dustin told, pointing to the girl in the brunette's arms. Robin's eyes widened, "I'm sorry."

Steve rolled his eyes, walking over to Blake and El and wrapped his arms around them, saying, "Superpowers. She threw it with her mind. C'mon, catch up."

"That's El?" Erica questioned. Robin shook her head, "Who's El?"

"She's my sister," Blake smiled, patting down the said girl's hair. From the other side of the group, Nancy looked at Robin and said, "I'm sorry, who are you?"

"I'm Robin. I work with Steve."

Dustin nodded, an excited grin on his face, "She helped Blake crack the top secret code."

"Yeah, which is how we found out about the Russians," Steve voiced from behind the Hopper siblings that were still in his arms. Jonathan looked between them, "Russians? Wait, what Russians?"

"The Russians!" Steve yelled, gesturing to the men that El had knocked down. Max's eyes widened and Blake looked to her as she said, "Those were Russians?"

"Is that my bat?" Blake tilted her head, seeing the red-head holding the bloody weapon. She looked around the circle, "Do you ALL have my bats?"

Everyone began arguing and El suddenly whimpered in Blake's arms, the girl looking down to see her sister sweaty and pale. Her breath hitched, "Ellie?"

"'Lake," El groaned before she covered her ears, a loud droning sound buzzing through and making them bleed. She grunted and went limp, Blake having to catch her and set her down, "El?"

"El!" Mike yelled, kneeling down next to Blake, who said, "What happened to her?"

"My leg," El whined. Blake pushed Lucas out of her way, rolling up her pant leg to see her leg bandaged up and oozing blood. She gasped as everyone exclaimed in disgust, saying, "Oh, my God."

Blake looked at the wound and her eyes widened, seeing something move under it and El grunted in pain. Mike began asking the girl if she was okay and everyone did the same, Blake going back over and taking her hand.

All she could muster was a scream of her sister's name.

AN: One more episode... but there isn't one chapter left.

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