Chapter 2 meeting the rebels

As we saw the band of rebels looking at us as two Jedi's turned off their lightsabers as one mando put her blasters away as they walked up to us.

Mammal's pov (me)
I put my battle rifle behide my back as the leader of the band of rebels walked up to me and my squad. He said you must by blue team? Said their leader, yes we are I said, so this is what Spartans look like said a kid as he was in his teenage years as same as the mando girl, yes we look like Spartans because we are the original Spartans said prime. Cool said the teenage boy, what's your names? I said, my name is kanan and this is Ezra and Sabine said kanan, nice to meet you guys I said, you too Spartans said kanan, my name is Mammal my second in command is prime and this is kirtio our medic and this is wolf our sniper and this is rogue the heavy duty and this is saphira our teak pro and this is Sabinewren44 our other back up medic I said. Nice to meet you Spartan mammal said kanan, of course you guys meet the Abiter I said as the abiter was right besides me as he looked right at kanan and then the two teenagers as they both said he's creepy they both said. I'm not creepy said the abiter, Ezra! Sabine! Said kanan, sorry they both said too the abiter, it's fine said the abiter, okay so anyway we need to talk to you head leader of the rebellion I said, follow us said kanan as we all followed kanan and his teenagers kids.

Later as we got to their base...

Kanan said here's our leader Hera said kanan (I forgot who's their leader again lol) so I've heard so much of you Spartan Mammal and your squad said Hera, you have? I said, yes I have because of captain keys told me all about you and your squad and your AI named cortana, can I see her please said Hera, of course I said as I unpaged her out of my helmet display and paged her into a PC as cortana showed herself to all of us, hi nice to meet you captain Hera said cortana, nice to meet you to cortana said Hera. So how are we going to save captain keys? Said prime, yeah how are we? Said kirtio, I was going to say the same thing said wolf. Well we all know he's with Vader and probably with his master said kanan, who? I said pemten said kanan (what's Vader's master name again?)
He's a Sith Lord a powerful Sith Lord said kanan, and he could kill you easy said Ezra, well I guess he never fight against a Spartan said rogue, we Spartans don't die that easy and don't go down without a fight said prime, that's true said kirtio, we can fight him Togher said wolf. You guys need to listen to yourselves, if kanan says what's true we definitely have to be careful I said. Okay said prime, so what's the plan? Said cortana, we go to the deathstar said Hera, are you crazy! Said kanan, no that's where captain keys is at said Hera, I know but we can't take all of the stromtroopers Vader's army said kanan. Don't worry honey we have a rebel army with us this time said Hera, I hope you're right on this said kanan, anyway let's get moving I said as I unpaged cortana out of the PC and paged her back into my helmet display. Let's move Spartans I said.

We all walked into hera's ship called the ghost.

Wow this is cool said SabineWren44, don't teach anything Sabinewren I said too her, yes sir she said back to me, I walked into the ploit place where Hera said you and your squad ready said Hera, yes we are, let's go I said, as Hera flyed us off of lothal and want into hyperspace to the deathstar.

Later as we where getting ready.

Spartans! And abiter I said as they all looked at me. So our mission is to help the rebellion destroy the deathstar and we will save captain keys I said. That's our mission sir? Said saphira, yes it is saphira I said, then kanan said where getting out of hyperspace now said kanan as we got out of hyperspace as we where getting shot at by a stardestroyer as kanan said mammal get you me team ready! Said kanan, right I said, WE'RE GOING IN! Yelled out Hera, HOLD ONTO SOMETHING! I yelled out as we landed right into the hangger of the deathstar.

I heard cortana say MAMMAL GET UP! Said cortana. I'm up I said, mammal you okay sir? Said kirtio, yes I'm fine I said, mammal here's your battle rifle sId rogue as he gave me my battle rifle. Kanan said we need to stay here to take cover, let the stromtroopers come to us said kanan. Kanan please me and my squad are Spartans we can go to them I said, I grabbed my battle rifle from behind my back as I said to my squad SPARTANS AND ABITER ON ME! I said as I opened the blast door of hera's ship as the stromtroopers open fired at us but we Spartans opened fired back at them killing them so fast as we killed them all together. Prime report! I said, all stromtroopers dead said prime, good, KANAN! You can come out now I said, you guys are cool! Said Ezra, yeah you are! Said Sabine. Thanks we all said back at them, so now what said cortana in my helmet display, I opened my hand as cortana showed herself as I said we find captain keys I said, Sabinewren44 page into the computer display find where captain keys is at I said, yes sir said SabineWren44, so we wait for now? Said prime, oh come on I want a good fight! Said rogue, me too said kirtio and wolf, be patient I said, mammal I found captain keys said SabineWren44, where at? I said, right where Vader and his master is at said SabineWren44, great said Ezra. Please can we just leave the Spartans to do this kanan said Sabine, no they need our help said kanan, okay fine said the two teenagers. Okay let's move I said as we all walked to find captain keys. As we walked into deep of the deathstar to find captain keys. We finally found where he was at as the blast door opened and a couple of stromtroopers and deathtropers run out as Vader walked out as the blast door closed behind him. So we met again Spartan blue team said Vader, yes we do and we are here to save captain keys I said, you may try but you and your squad and the rebels well all dies together said Vader. KILL THEM! Said Vader as his stromtroopers and death troopers opened fired right at us as kanan and Ezra turned on their lightsabers and defed the blaster shots from hitting them as Sabine took cover as she opened fired back at them as me and my squad opened fired at the stromtroopers as we ran up to them as we killed them one by one together as that made Vader very mad as he turned on his red lightsaber and walked up to saphira as I said SAPHIRA LOOK OUT! I said as I moved her away from being killed as Vader cut my battle rifle in half as I dropped it as I kicked Vader away from me as I grabbed my handguns as I was going to open fire at him but something or someone puched me so heard I fell down onto the ground as I dropped my handguns as I heard cortana say SHIT! ITS HIM! Said cortana, who? I said as I got back up to see who it was, it was Atrlox he looked right at me as he said demon he said too me, he walked up to me as I grabbed a stromtrooper blaster rifle and opened fired at Atrlox but he used his weapon as a shield as I back up as he grabbed my blaster rifle and crash it in my hands as I dropped it and puched Atrlox a couple of times as he puched me back so heard as I fell down onto the ground as my Spartan armour shields where going off as cortana said MAMMAL GET UP! Said cortana, I'm doing my best I said as Atrlox grabbed me by my back of my neck as he turned me over to let me see his face. So this is how Spartan Mammal 442 dies said Atrlox as he turned on his weapon as he left it up into the air as I closed my eyes as I fell down onto the ground as I saw Ezra used the force push to make Atrlox stop from killing me. Atrlox looked right into Ezra's blue eyes as Ezra said oh shit said Ezra as Atrlox turned on his weapon and hit Ezra with it as Ezra flyed into the air right at me as I grabbed Ezra. EZRA! I said as he was hurt badly, KIRTIO! I NEED YOU NOW! I said as kirtio ran up to me. What's wrong sir? Said kirtio, help Ezra he's bleeding badly I said, I'll do my best to stop the bleeding sir said kirtio. You do your best I said as kirtio helped Ezra. I ran tony squad as I grabbed a blaster rifle and opened fired at the stromtroopers as kanan ran up to me and saw Ezra. EZRA NO! Said kanan as he tried to run up to Ezra, KANAN! YOU MUST STAY INTO THE FIGHT WITH US NOW! I said, BUT THATS MY SON! HE NEEDS ME! Said kanan. Kanan my medic kirtio is saving him let him save Ezra I said, okay said kanan as he used the force to grab Ezra's green lightsaber as he turned it on. LETS GO! I said as kanan and I and my squad fight against the stromtroopers as we all killed them. Kanan turned off both of his lightsaber and ezras lightsaber, how is he kirtio? I said, he's okay for now but he needs better help said kirtio, take him back to the ghost I said, yes sir said kirtio as he picked up Ezra as he took Ezra to the ghost ship. So what now? said kanan, we go to fight against Vader I said. The abiter walked up to me and said you must use one of these said the abiter as he past me one of his swords as I picked it up and said thanks, let's go I said as Sabinewren opened the blast door where Vader was at as Sabinewren took cover as I and my squad and kanan with the abiter saw him. Vader as he turned on his lightsaber as Atrlox walked up to Vader and turned on his weapon too. Oh shit said prime, come on how heard well this be? Said rogue as he opened fired his heavy duty machine gun at Atrlox but Atrlox hit rogue with his weapon as rogue hit the ground hard as prime opened fired at Atrlox as Atrlox puched prime knocking prime out as Sabinewren and saphira opened fired at Atrlox but Atrlox hit them both with his weapon as they hit the wall heard knocking them both out cold. I grabbed prime's rifle and a turned on the sword that the abiter gave me, let's kill this motherfucker I said as me and kanan and the arbiter ran at Atrlox as Atrlox did too as we fight against Atrlox but he was much stronger them us as he hit kanan with his weapon as kanan yelled out of pain as I noticed kanan just lost his eye sight as kanan fell down onto the ground as Atrlox was going to kill kanan but the abiter attked Atrlox as he kicked the abiter away from himself as I was the only one left as Atrlox said your next demon said Atrlox, yeah I guess I said as I opened fired at atrlox as I turned on the sword what the abiter gave me as Atrlox ran up to me as I dogged his attempt to hit me with his weapon as I cut his leg with the sword as he fell down onto one of his knees as I jumped onto Atrlox and stabbed him with the sword into his back but Atrlox puched me off of him as I hit a heard wall as he got back up and grabbed his weapon and turned it on as he was going to hit me but I dogged it and kicked Atrlox into his face and pulled out my knife and stabbed Atrlox into his head as he dropped his weapon and fell down dead as I fell down onto my feet but I turned around to see Vader looking right at me. It's just you and me now I said as I picked up the abiter sword and turned it on as Vader turned o his red lightsaber as we fought against each other into a saber battle as then we got into a saber lock. Vader said you will die with your squad and the band of rebels said Vader. That won't happen I said as I puched vader into his helmet as I cut off his right hand and stabbed him into his chest with my sword as Vader fell down onto his knees as he fell down onto the ground. Dark lord of the sith my ass I said as I saw captain keys as I helped him up. Spartan mammal you came for me? Said keys. Yes sir me and my squad and the band of rebels did too I said, good let's get out of here said captain keys, my squad got back up as prime helped kanan walk back to the ghost as we all got into the ghost ship and took off to the UNSC base on planet reach.

I hope you guys like this chapter, tell me if you liked it.

And remember the force will always be with you,

Starring in this book is
roboknightprime Rogue_Divsion Spiritwolf76 kirito1138 sabinewren44 Saphira1208

Plz go follow them if you are new following me.


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