
The next day was Tuesday night, Miguel was in his bedroom playing some loud music while he was practicing his punches, while Mariposa was in her bedroom looking over her science book about mixing up chemistry. She was also listening to some music but not as loud as Miguel's.

Their grandmother was in the kitchen making some dinner while their mother is still in the hospital doing her shift. As she was about finished cooking the food, she went to the two siblings bedrooms and knock on their door to call them for dinner.

"Miguel, Mariposa, ven a poner la mesa para la cena." Said Ross in Spanish.

Apparently Mariposa was the only one who listen to their grandmother, so she turn off her music and close, and went outside of her bedroom to help set the table, but apparently Miguel didn't listen as he was still practicing his punches, and Mariposa smile at her grandmother.

"Si abuela." Said Mariposa as she smiles and Rosa knock on Miguel's door.

"Miguel!" Said Rosa as she tried to get Miguel.

"I'll be right there." Said Miguel as he was breathing from the punches." Almost finished."

"Masturbarse." Said Rosa in Spanish as she shook her head.

"Es un adolescente que siempre se burla de la abuela, ¿qué esperas?" Said Mariposa in Spanish as she she shook her head as well.

Rosa smile at Mariposa as they both went to the dining room to get dinner ready. As the table was set and Rosa serve the food, Miguel came out of his bedroom and sit down for dinner. As they eat, they hear the door open meaning that their mom is back home, and Carmen came inside.

"Mira quién llegó." Said Rosa in Spanish as she smiles.

"Hey, guys." Said Carmen as she smiles." Mmm, it smells good in here."

"Hice pollo en pipian." Said Rosa in Spanish.

"Ay, gracias, mamá." Said Carmen in Spanish as she kissed Miguel and Mariposa's heads." I'm sorry I'm late again, things are crazy at the hospital."

"It's okay, you're short-staffed." Said Miguel as he look at their mother." But we saved you some food."

"Yeah mom, they need you in the hospital, so we understand that you need to work those extra hours." Said Mariposa as she smiles.

"So, did you decide what you're going as for the Halloween dance?" Asked Carmen as she look at her children.

"Well, I was thinking Deadpool, but the costume's a little pricey." Said Miguel as he look at his mom and Mariposa hit his ribs hard as he didn't understand why she did that.

"Well, how much is it?" Asked Carmen and Miguel realize his mistake.

"Oh, it doesn't have to be Deadpool." Said Miguel as he tried to change the subject.

"You want a Deadpool costume?" Asked Carmen as she looks at Miguel and then her mother." We'll make you a Deadpool costume."

"No, esto no es una maquiladora." Said Rosa as she look at Carmen.

"What about you Mariposa, what are you going as for the halloween dance?" Asked Carmen as she looks at Mariposa.

"I'm going as a butterfly for the dance, I was thinking of doing a masquerade theme." Said Mariposa as she smiles and Carmen smile at her daughter as she saw Miguel's hand that's a bit bruised.

"Oh, Miggy." Said Carmen and Miguel look at his mother." What happened to your hand?"

Apparently Miguel and Mariposa forgot that his hands were a bit bruised since he was practicing his punching with the dummy, so the two siblings try to come up with a good excuse so that their mother won't know they are taking karate lesson till their grandmother speak for them.

"Tu no quieres saber." Said Rosa in Spanish and the two siblings look at her confused.

"What?" Asked the two siblings in shock.

The next day, Miguel and Mariposa are both at the dojo working on their punches at the dummy and they were getting good at it, meanwhile Johnny came out of the office looking over the bills he needed to pay, and look at the two siblings.

"Hey, you two don't happen to have any friends who wanna learn karate, do you?" Asked Johnny as he look at Mariposa and Miguel." Oh, what am I saying, you don't have any friends, sorry."

"Hey, Sensei, when are we gonna learn to do some kicking?" Asked Mariposa as she look at Johnny.

"Yeah, cause we were watching this YouTube video of this guy breaking boards and it looked badass." Said Miguel as he look at Johnny.

"Yeah, no shit, kicking is badass, but you two aren't ready." Said Johnny as he look at Miguel and Mariposa." Besides, if I don't get more students in here, I'm not gonna be able to teach you two anything."

"You've thought about advertising, right?" Asked Miguel as he look at Johnny

"Yeah, duh. . . Of course." Said Johnny as he tried to act like he know but he didn't.

Mariposa giggle a bit knowing that Johnny didn't thought about advertising when he first open the dojo, then Mariposa and Miguel both put on their shoes, and they both went home for school tomorrow. The next day at school, Mariposa and Miguel are at lunch sitting with Demetri and Eli. As everyone was sitting down, Consular Blatt was at the lunch with a microphone and talking about cyber bullying.

"Cyberbullying is no laughing matter, sending a cruel message to someone online can be just as hurtful as saying it to their face." Said Consular Blatt as she was saying her speech." I'm not gonna name names, but the other day a mother called me up because her son was crying after some kids online made fun of his facial deformity."

Apparently Mariposa just roll her eyes as she understood who she was talking about, and it was Eli, and she knew that because everyone in the lunch room is starting to look at their table and look at Eli.

"The kid right there!" Whisper a boy.

"The kid with the weird lip." Whisper a girl.

Eli felt really insecure as he tried to cover his lips from the people who are staring at him, Mariposa's hugs Eli for comfort and glared at the students who are looking at him and they were scared by her glare and look away, Eli smile and blush at how Mariposa comfort him, while Demetri look at them and felt a bit of jealousy inside him but shook it off.

"But today, our goal here is to make this school a safe space for all students." Said Counselor Blatt as she continues her speech.

"You know, if you're sick of getting bullied, our karate dojo's looking for recruits." Said Miguel as he look at Eli and Demetri.

"Yeah, our sensei teach us Karate, he could help you guys." Said Mariposa as she smiles, Eli smile and was about to say something, till Demetri cut him off.

"Yeah, right, you hear that, Eli, a little karate training and you're gonna kick some major ass." Said Demetri as he mock some karate moves.

"I'm serious, Demetri, all right?" Said Miguel as he look at Demetri.

"Yeah, our sensei's the real deal, and I'm sure we could get you both discounts." Said Mariposa as she smiles.

"As enticing as that sounds, I think we'd rather spend our afternoons playing Crucible Control than getting hit in the face." Said Demetri as he rolled his eyes.

"Sometimes karate can help you Demetri, and besides, I like any guys who want to do karate." Said Mariposa as she smiles.

When Mariposa said that, Demetri blush a bit at what she said and looks at his lunch, but Eli blush red and thought that if he could join karate, than maybe he could impress Mariposa, and the Consular Blatt continue her speech.

"Oh, and one last thing, while we're all looking forward to the Halloween dance, let's make sure our costumes are culturally sensitive, for example, instead of "sexy nurse," maybe try "gender-neutral hospital employee." Said Consular Blatt making everyone in the lunch room snicker, like they aren't listening at all.

"Oh boy, can somebody please get her stop, I think my brain is going to explode." Said Mariposa as she roll her eyes and the boys smile at her.

"Speaking of the Halloween Dance, what are you going as Mariposa?" Asked Eli as he look at Mariposa.

"I'm going as butterfly masquerade theme costume." Said Mariposa as she smiles.

"Wow, that's so cool, I can't wait to see you wear it." Said Eli as he blush a bit.

Mariposa smile at Eli at how he complimented her, Demetri look at the two of them and felt a bit of jealousy at how Mariposa and Eli got a bit together, then the bell began to ring and everyone grab their bags and head to their classes.

"Hey, Sensei, you told us to be here at 5:00, right?" Asked Miguel as he and Mariposa follow Johnny.

"Yeah, but today's training's cancelled." Said Johnny as opens the door.

"What?" Asked Miguel in shock.

"Why?" Asked Mariposa in confusion.

"Cause I said so." Said Johnny as he goes to his office and Miguel and Mariposa follow him to the office.

"Wait, Sensei, there's something that I wanna show you." Said Miguel as he took out his computer.

"Look, I'm really not in the mood." Said Johnny as he sits down.

"But I think you'll like it." Said Miguel as he sets his computer down.

Johnny rolled his eyes as he look at Miguel's laptop, then as Miguel login his computer, and then he start to open up in a website that shows a picture of Cobra Kai's snake, and Johnny look shock and surprise, as Mariposa and Miguel smile at him.

"It's a Cobra Kai webpage, right?" Said Miguel as he look at Johnny." I made it in study hall. Click on the snake."

Then Johnny did as what Miguel have told him to do, as soon as Johnny click on the snake, it starts to hiss as it let out his tongue, and then it reveal a sign up page.

"Okay, this is the sign-in page." Said Miguel as he shows Johnny the webpage." Now, Mariposa and I were thinking, maybe we can make an app where you track your progress, get a social media campaign going, get it out to the whole school."

"Yeah, the possibilities are endless." Said Mariposa as she smiles and Miguel's phone ring in an 80's theme.

"Oh, that was our mom, I'll call her back later." Said Miguel as he hang up.

"Hey, was that just. . ." Said Johnny as he was shock to hear the ringtone.

"Ratt. . . Awesome, right?" Asked Miguel as he smiles.

"Yeah." Said Johnny as he was still shock.

"I went online and looked up Guns N' Roses and ended up going on this whole '80s rock rabbit hole." Said Miguel as he smiles." That shit is dope."

"Yeah, I even look up at the 80's songs too, and I really like them too, I couldn't stop playing them." Said Mariposa as she smiles.

"All right, meet me at the high school at midnight." Said Johnny as he look at the two siblings." Don't be late."

"What for?" Asked Miguel looking confused.

"Yeah Johnny, why are we meeting at the school in the middle of the night?" Asked Mariposa as she look confused.

"You two wanna learn how to kick ass?" Asked Johnny as he look at the two siblings." First you two gotta learn how to kick."

Miguel and Mariposa both got so excited that they are going to learn how to kick, as they grab their stuff and headed home. Later that night, Miguel and Mariposa both met Johnny at the high school in the middle of the night, they told their grandmother that they are going to meet a friend, and their mother doesn't know cause she had a night shift and won't be home till the morning.

So Johnny open up the door of the high school

"Sensei, what are we doing here at midnight?" Asked Miguel as he and Mariposa enter with Johnny inside the school pool.

"Yeah Johnny, are you sure we're supposed to be here?" Asked Mariposa as she look worried.

"Yeah, don't worry, my buddy's the night janitor." Said Johnny as he look at the two siblings.

"Okay." Said Miguel as he still look concerned.

"Of you say so." Said Mariposa as she look concerned as well.

"All right, let me see your hands." Said Johnny as Miguel and Mariposa raise their hands towards Johnny and he began to tied them." Here you go."

"Hey." Said Miguel as he look confused when Johnny tied his hands.

"What're you doing?" Asked Mariposa as she looks confused on why Johnny tied her and Miguel's hand.

"When you two are in a fight, your first instinct is to use your hands, right?" Asked Johnny and the two siblings nodded their heads." You gotta unlearn that, think with your legs."

"Uh, how do we think with our legs?" Asked Miguel as he and Mariposa look at Johnny.

"Well, you just, uh. . ." Said Johnny as he pushes Miguel and Mariposa.

Miguel and Mariposa both fall in the pool at they were almost in the bottom of the pool and in the water, and tried to get out of the pool but somehow they couldn't as Johnny tried to encourage them to kick their legs.

"Use those legs, kick your way out." Said Johnny as he saw that Miguel and Mariposa are both struggling." Shit."

Then Johnny bends down at the pool and he grab both Miguel and Mariposa by their hairs and pull them out of the water, and they were both struggling to breath as they spit out some of the water.

"We're drowning." Said Miguel as he struggling to breath.

"Sensei, we're drowning." Said Mariposa as she tried to breath.

"Drowning is for pussies, all right?" Said Johnny as he look at the two siblings." Don't be a pussy, use your legs."

Then Johnny let's go of Miguel and Mariposa's hair and sink back into the water, and they were both still struggling to get to the surface and breath, but somehow couldn't come up for air.

"Probably should've asked them if they knew how to swim." Said Johnny as he look at the two struggling siblings and he bend down again and grab l Miguel and Mariposa by their hairs and pull them out of the water.

"Please Johnny." Said Mariposa as she tried to breath.

"Not again, we'll die." Said Miguel as he tried to breath.

"Cobra Kai never die." Said Johnny as he look at the siblings." Say it.l

"Cobra Kai never die." Said Miguel and Mariposa together.

"Say it like your life depends on it." Said Johnny as he look serious.

"Cobra Kai never dies!" Yelled Mariposa and Miguel together.

"Now, l'm not gonna help you this time, all right?" Said Johnny as he look at the two siblings." All right, you have all the power in your legs you need, use it to kick your way up, do you understand?"

"Yes, Sensei." Said Miguel and Mariposa together.

Then Johnny let's go of Miguel and Mariposa's hair and sink back into the water again, and they both tried their hardest to kick their legs so they can float up in the pool, while Johnny hopes that they won't drown.

"Come on, come on." Said Johnny as he hope that Miguel and Mariposa are kicking their legs." Come on, come on."

Then after what it seems like about ten minutes, Miguel and Mariposa began to kick their legs as hard as they can and they float back up from the pool and Johnny cheer for them.

"Yes, that's it!" Said Johnny as he cheer for Miguel and Mariposa." Keep kicking."

Mariposa and Miguel both listen to what Johnny told them to do, as they kick their legs as hard as they can while they try to swim in the pool. For the past few days, Miguel and Mariposa both practice kicking really hard as they tried to break the boards.

Johnny encourage them to kick even harder than they tried to before, they were both getting really great while they kick the boards. Then as they feel like they were better, they kick the boards so hard, that they broke the boards with all the strengths they have in their kicks, and Johnny got really proud of how much strength they had in them.

It was Friday night, meaning that it was the night of the Halloween Dance in West Vally High School, after Miguel and Mariposa's training, they started to put on their shoes on as they got out their costumes for the dance.

"I wish we could show our mom what we did to those boards, but if she knew where we were right now, she would kill us." Said Miguel as he look at Mariposa.

"I think she would kill you Miguel, because I'm the youngest, and your my older brother." Said Mariposa as she smirk at her brother.

Miguel rolled his eyes at his sister as he put on his shoes and Mariposa starts to take out her costume, then Johnny came out of his office looking over the more bills he had received and groan in frustration, and the two siblings look at him.

"What's wrong with you?" Asked Miguel as he look at Johnny.

"Nothing, put your costume on, I'm driving you two to that dance, and we're gonna pick up some more students." Said Johnny as he look at Miguel and Mariposa.

Then Mariposa grab her costume and was about to head into the bathroom to change, and Miguel was putting on his costume that is made out of old bed sheets.

"What the hell is that?" Asked Johnny in disgust.

"This is my Halloween costume." Said Miguel as he look at Johnny." My ya-ya made it, it started off as Deadpool, then I think it was Spider-Man, and then it just kinda became some generic superhero."

"Yeah, a poor one at that." Said Johnny as he chuckle at Miguel's costume." You're Poor-Man."

"Yeah." Said Miguel as he sight in disappointment.

"Yeah, no offense Miguel, but you do look like Poor-Man." Said Mariposa as she agree with Johnny.

"Well, I can't let you go out like that." Said Johnny as he look at Miguel." We have a reputation to uphold."

"What do you suggest?" Asked Miguel and Johnny smirk at him.

A half-hour later, Miguel and Mariposa have both arrived at the school with Johnny, Johnny post up the flyers while Miguel and Mariposa head to the dance, Miguel was wearing a classic skeleton costume, which happens to be Johnny's old costume when he was in high school, and Mariposa is wearing her butterfly costume.

(Mariposa's Outfit)

As Miguel and Mariposa have enter the gym, they saw everyone in their costumes having fun and dancing, Mariposa told Miguel that she will go look for Aisha and Lyla, while Miguel looks for Eli and Demetri, then Miguel spotted Demetri and Eli standing in one corner of the gym, he saw Demetri is wearing some kind of sorcerer costume, while Eli is wearing some doctors costume, and he goes to them.

"Oh, skeleton. . . . Classic. . . Nice." Said Demetri as he look impressed.

"Thanks." Said Miguel as he smiles." I like your sorcerer costume."

"Sorcerer?" Asked Demetri as he roll his eyes." Please, I'm a necromancer."

"What?" Asked Miguel looking confused.

"Didn't you see "The Amulet"?" Asked Demetri as he points at the amulet and Miguel looks at Eli.

"So are you a regular doctor, or. . ." Said Miguel as he tried to guess Eli's costume.

"Plastic surgeon." Said Eli as he look at Miguel." I fix lips."

"Nice." Said Miguel as he smiles.

Mariposa was looking for Lyla and Aisha and she found them, Lyla was wearing a Cleopatra costume while Aisha is wearing sodium costume, and Mariposa walk up to them.

"Hey guys." Said Mariposa as she smiles.

"Hey Mariposa. . . Wow, a butterfly costume, that's really pretty." Said Lyla as she smiles.

"Thank you, I really like your cleopatra costume." Said Mariposa as she smiles and looks at Aisha." What are you suppose to be Aisha?"

"I'm a sodium, I was to have a partner to be a chloride, but she decided to be a cheerleader." Said Aisha as she frowns a bit as she look at her costume." It doesn't work with out the chloride."

"I don't know, sodium's pretty badass." Said Mariposa as she smiles." It's the silent killer."

Aisha and Lyla both smile at Mariposa that she's so kind to them, they all dance a bit during the music, then after a few minutes later, they went to the snack table to get something to eat, and Mariposa spotted Miguel with Eli and Demetri, and look at the girls.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to see my brother and my other friends." Said Mariposa as she smiles.

"Okay." Said Lyla as she and Aisha smile at her.

So Mariposa went over to her brother and friends while Aisha and Lyla have some snacks. Meanwhile Miguel, Demetri, and Eli are at the snack table drinking some fruit punch, and looking at the some three girls dress as the Dragon Queens.

"Okay, are we ready?" Asked Miguel as he look at Demetri and Eli." Let's ask the Dragon Queens to dance.

"Slow your roll, we got time." Said Demetri until another boy ask one of the Dragon Queens to dance.

"No, no. . . Shit." Said Miguel in disappointment." We just lost one to Doctor Who."

"Hey guys." Said Mariposa as she got the boys attention.

"Hey." Said Eli as he eyes widen." Wow, you look beautiful."

"Thanks Eli, I like your costume." Said Mariposa as she smiles at Eli and looks at Demetri." Wow, nice Necromancer costume Demetri, you even got the amulet right."

"Thank you finally, at least someone knows about my costume." Said Demetri as he mikes." I like your butterfly costume, it goes great with you name."

"Oh thank you, what are guys doing, besides drinking punch?" Asked Mariposa as she look at the boys.

"Well, we were supposed to ask the Dragon Queens to dance, but we lost one to a Doctor Who." Said Miguel as he roll his eyes.

"Oh, well if you want, I can dance with Eli." Said Mariposa as she smiles at Eli.

That cause Eli to blush really red that Mariposa wants to dance with him, Demetri started to feel a bit jealous that Mariposa ask Eli to dance with her, and then Eli started to speak.

"I have to go to the bathroom." Said Eli as he look at the others.

"Yeah, me too." Said Demetri as he agree." That punch is going right through me."

"Okay, I'll wait for you guys." Said Mariposa as she smiles.

Then Miguel, Demetri, and Eli went to the bathroom while Mariposa waits for them. As she waits, she saw Aisha running out of the gym with Lyla following her and everyone laugh at her, and then Mariposa got worried as she follow them.

"Aisha, Lyla. . . Guys wait!" Said Mariposa getting the girls attention." What's wrong?"

"This is what's wrong!" Said Aisha as she got out her phone.

Then Aisha show a post that Yasmine have posted on Instagram, there was a picture of Aisha having a pig noise and saying that the snack table is under attack, and Mariposa felt bad for Aisha and so angry that Yasmine would do that to her.

"Oh my god, I can't believe that girl would do that!" Said Mariposa as she glared at the photo.

"I have it with Yasmine, we gotta do something!" Said Lyla as she look angry.

"But how?" Asked Aisha as she look sad and Mariposa got an idea.

"Hey I have an idea!" Said Mariposa as she grab a flyer of Cobra Kai." My sensei is giving some lesson of karate, maybe he could help you."

"That's actually a great idea, we should think about it." Said Lyla as she looks at Aisha.

Aisha nod in agreement and she received a message saying that her mom is here to get her and Lyla. Then as Mariposa say goodbye to them, she was about to go back to the gym, till she saw Demetri and Eli running as they were scared.

"Woah, guys what's going on?" Asked Mariposa as she realizes that her brother is not with them and got worried." Where's Miguel?"

Demetri and Eli didn't say anything and realize that he must be in trouble, so Mariposa ran to the bathroom to look for Miguel. As she arrived at the bathroom, she heard some grunting and pain noise, as she got closer and saw Kyler and his goons beating Miguel up and Mariposa couldn't believe it.

"Your dead Rhea!" Said Kyler as he grab a lacrosse stick and Mariposa could stand it.

"LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE!" Shouted Kyler as he grabs Kyler by the neck.

"MARIPOSA. . . What are you doing?!" Asked Miguel worried for his sister.

Mariposa punch Kyler as she kick him, but apparently she wasn't strong enough and Kyler punches her as he push her so hard at the lockers that she fall to the ground as her head was bleeding and Kyler kicked her stomach hard. Miguel scream Mariposa and Kyler starts hitting him with a lacrosse stick.

After a few minutes later, Kyler and his gang finished beating up Miguel and left the bathroom, after they have left, Johnny enter the bathroom to see what had happen, and he saw Mariposa and Miguel on the floor looking injured and groaning in pain, and he was so disappointed and angry at himself that the two siblings have got hurt and that he wasn't there to help them.

Cobra Kai belongs to Netflix

Spanish Translation:

Miguel, Mariposa, ven a poner la mesa para la cena.: Miguel, Mariposa, come set the table for dinner.

Si abuela.: Yes Grandma.

Masturbarse.: Jerking off.

Es un adolescente que siempre se burla de la abuela, ¿qué esperas?: He's a teenager who always jerking off Grandma, what do you expect?

Mira quién llegó.: Look who arrived.

Hice pollo en pipian.: I made chicken in chili sauce.

No, esto no es una maquiladora.: No, this is not a sewing shop.

Tu no quieres saber.: You don't want to know.

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