Part 22 🌴
the Glanz 4 🌴
formal hating 🌴: 🌴 ooh 🌴 woah 🌴 let's 🌴 keep 🌴 the 🌴 feelings 🌴
needs glasses 🌴: 🌴 ooh 🌴 woah 🌴 let's 🌴 keep 🌴 the 🌴 feelings 🌴
cat owner 🌴: 🌴 ooh 🌴 woah 🌴 let's 🌴 keep 🌴 the 🌴 feelings 🌴
emo: I s2g what is wrong with you three
formal hating 🌴: nothing!
formal hating 🌴: 🌴 ooh 🌴 woah 🌴 let's 🌴 keep 🌴 the 🌴 feelings 🌴
formal hating 🌴: 🌴 ooh 🌴 woah 🌴 let's 🌴 keep 🌴 the 🌴 feelings 🌴
formal hating 🌴: 🌴 ooh 🌴 woah 🌴 let's 🌴 keep 🌴 the 🌴 feelings 🌴
formal hating 🌴: 🌴 ooh 🌴 woah 🌴 let's 🌴 keep 🌴 the 🌴 feelings 🌴
formal hating 🌴: 🌴 ooh 🌴 woah 🌴 let's 🌴 keep 🌴 the 🌴 feelings 🌴
formal hating 🌴: 🌴 ooh 🌴 woah 🌴 let's 🌴 keep 🌴 the 🌴 feelings 🌴
emo changed their name to kill palm trees!
formal hating 🌴 changed kill palm trees's name to Stan palm trees 🌴!
Stan palm trees 🌴 changed their name to kill palm trees!
formal hating 🌴 changed kill palm trees's name to Stan palm trees 🌴!
Stan palm trees 🌴 changed their name to kill palm trees!
formal hating 🌴 changed kill palm trees's name to Stan palm trees 🌴!
Stan palm trees 🌴 changed their name to kill palm trees!
formal hating 🌴 changed kill palm trees's name to Stan palm trees 🌴!
Stan palm trees 🌴 changed their name to kill palm trees!
formal hating 🌴 changed kill palm trees's name to Stan palm trees 🌴!
Stan palm trees 🌴 changed their name to kill palm trees!
formal hating 🌴 changed kill palm trees's name to Stan palm trees 🌴!
Stan palm trees 🌴 changed their name to kill palm trees!
formal hating 🌴 changed kill palm trees's name to Stan palm trees 🌴!
Stan palm trees 🌴 changed their name to kill palm trees!
formal hating 🌴 changed kill palm trees's name to Stan palm trees 🌴!
Stan palm trees 🌴 changed their name to kill palm trees!
formal hating 🌴 changed kill palm trees's name to Stan palm trees 🌴!
Stan palm trees 🌴 changed their name to kill palm trees!
formal hating 🌴 changed kill palm trees's name to Stan palm trees 🌴!
Stan palm trees 🌴 changed their name to kill palm trees!
formal hating 🌴 changed kill palm trees's name to Stan palm trees 🌴!
Stan palm trees 🌴 changed their name to kill palm trees!
formal hating 🌴 changed kill palm trees's name to Stan palm trees 🌴!
Stan palm trees 🌴 changed their name to kill palm trees!
formal hating 🌴 changed kill palm trees's name to Stan palm trees 🌴!
Stan palm trees 🌴 changed their name to kill palm trees!
formal hating 🌴 changed kill palm trees's name to Stan palm trees 🌴!
Stan palm trees 🌴 changed their name to kill palm trees!
formal hating 🌴 changed kill palm trees's name to Stan palm trees 🌴!
Stan palm trees 🌴 changed their name to kill palm trees!
formal hating 🌴 changed kill palm trees's name to Stan palm trees 🌴!
Stan palm trees 🌴 changed their name to kill palm trees!
formal hating 🌴 changed kill palm trees's name to Stan palm trees 🌴!
Stan palm trees 🌴: Noah stop
Stan palm trees 🌴: don't you have anything better to do?
formal hating 🌴: well I could talk to Magnus but he's texting Dan in the other gc
formal hating 🌴: and the others are all talking about AB stuff irl😔
needs glasses 🌴: in that case ngl we should talk about G4 stuff
cat owner 🌴: let's turn this place back to normal first
Stan palm trees 🌴: bet
Stan palm trees 🌴 changed their name to emo!
emo: much better
needs glasses 🌴 changed their name to Julia has weird emo boots!
emo changed Julia has weird emo boots's name to watches mlp!
emo: I had until you started making fun of my emo boots
watches mlp: 😔
cat owner 🌴: phaha
cat owner 🌴 changed their name to cat :3!
cat :3 changed the group name to the Glanz 4!
formal hating 🌴: well time to talk about G4 stuff!
emo: no way, change your name back first
formal hating 🌴: oh screw you Julia
emo changed formal hating 🌴's name to kill formalities!
kill formalities changed their name to formal hating 🌴!
emo changed formal hating 🌴's name to kill formalities!
kill formalities changed their name to formal hating 🌴!
emo changed formal hating 🌴's name to kill formalities!
kill formalities changed their name to formal hating 🌴!
emo changed formal hating 🌴's name to kill formalities!
kill formalities changed their name to formal hating 🌴!
emo changed formal hating 🌴's name to kill formalities!
kill formalities changed their name to formal hating 🌴!
emo changed formal hating 🌴's name to kill formalities!
kill formalities changed their name to formal hating 🌴!
emo changed formal hating 🌴's name to kill formalities!
kill formalities changed their name to formal hating 🌴!
emo changed formal hating 🌴's name to kill formalities!
kill formalities changed their name to formal hating 🌴!
emo changed formal hating 🌴's name to kill formalities!
kill formalities changed their name to formal hating 🌴!
emo changed formal hating 🌴's name to kill formalities!
kill formalities changed their name to formal hating 🌴!
emo changed formal hating 🌴's name to kill formalities!
kill formalities changed their name to formal hating 🌴!
emo changed formal hating 🌴's name to kill formalities!
kill formalities changed their name to formal hating 🌴!
emo changed formal hating 🌴's name to kill formalities!
kill formalities changed their name to formal hating 🌴!
emo changed formal hating 🌴's name to kill formalities!
kill formalities changed their name to formal hating 🌴!
emo changed formal hating 🌴's name to kill formalities!
kill formalities changed their name to formal hating 🌴!
emo changed formal hating 🌴's name to kill formalities!
kill formalities changed their name to formal hating 🌴!
emo changed formal hating 🌴's name to kill formalities!
kill formalities changed their name to formal hating 🌴!
emo: Noah I SWEAR TO GOD-
formal hating 🌴: :)
emo: >:(
formal hating 🌴: :0
formal hating 🌴: ":(
formal hating 🌴 changed their name to kill formalities!
emo: :)
watches mlp: well then- G4 stuff???
kill formalities: yes
cat :3: uhhmmmn when are we going to make our next cooking with the Glanz 4 video?
watches mlp: good question Fe!
kill formalities: I'd say next time we see eachother but like?? maybe burning down someone else's kitchen isn't the best idea--
emo: oh look at YOU being all sensible, did your crush turn you. as sensible as him?? do you need us to remind you how to be chaotic?
kill formalities: nO IM STILL AS CHAOTIC AS EVER OR DID YOU FORGET ABOUT TWO SECONDS AGO WITH THE WHOLE 🌴 ooh 🌴 woah 🌴 let's 🌴 keep 🌴 the 🌴 feelings 🌴 THING???
emo: nah I was messing with you
emo: but I swear if you do start being sensible I can and will kill-
kill formalities: KILL FORMALITIES NOT HIM !!!
watches mlp: let's stop threatening to murder Noah's future boyfriend 😳
emo: why?? do we need to unite in the power of friendship??
emo: hhhh okay-
emo: let's just "say" I believe you
kill formalities: mhm phajsnjssj
cat :3: mOoJskajLAJSOSKSN kdjshksns k son s f ob e h v PHN R S P D A HE maooNndkzjYwbsmzObGYJJhansJos
kill formalities: 0.0?
emo: ?
watches mlp: you ok Fe?????
cat :3: yeA I'm fine
kill formalities: what was that about sbjsnsksks ?
cat :3: Eris climbed across my phone- ^^",
watches mlp: your most chaotic cat??
watches mlp: the one who managed to turn on a tap and nearly flood the kitchen somehow????
cat :3: yuP
cat :3: I still have no idea how she managed that---
kill formalities: idk either but we gotta bring her to the Schmidt sometime
watches mlp: I know that's what we call your family's hotel but like it's so funny seeing that typed out by you???
kill formalities: yeahhh it does feel a little weird--
kill formalities: but like yeah we gotta bring Eris to the Schmidt hotel
cat :3: bringing her to the Schmidt hotel could lead to her destroying a ton of stuff- are you sure??
kill formalities: pLEASE IT'D BE SO FUNNY-
watches mlp: ngl it would be- 👀✨
cat :3: ok we'll have to do that
kill formalities: hi it's Julia
kill formalities: what the hell Julia
watches mlp: Noah why are you trying to pretend Julia hacked you?????
kill formalities: he's not pretending, I'm literally right here
kill formalities: just let me get back onto my account
watches mlp: 🤨
cat :3: 乁[ ◕ ᴥ ◕ ]ㄏ
emo: here, I'm back
kill formalities: WHY DID YOU HAXK ME
emo: I got bored while you all were talking so I thought I'd try to guess your password, your password was really easy to guess btw you might wanna change it
kill formalities: I am goin to s t r a n g l r you
emo: I'd feel threatened if you actually spelt that right
kill formalities: tYPING MISTAKE!!
emo: I know I know
cat :3: so just how predictable is Noah's password?
emo: on a scale from 1 to 10?
cat :3: yea-
emo: uh a 9 because he replaced like one letter with a number
cat :3: ohh so all of us could guess it easily enough?
emo: you probably already know what it is
cat :3: oh I got it
watches mlp: phahshishs I know your password now Noah
kill formalities: hhhhh I'm gonna have to change it now-
kill formalities: hI I'm Noah and I have a HUGEEEE crush on someone in the AO :))))
kill formalities: who- WHO WAS THAT?
emo: not me, I'm too busy hacking your other accounts on other things
kill formalities: that's-- reassuring---??
cat :3: it wasn't me??
watches mlp: yeah it wasn't me either
kill formalities: 🤨
kill formalities: omg just tell me who did it
kill formalities: I'm not even mad anymore-
cat :3: fine it was me
kill formalities: fELIX???!!!!!?!??!?! I THOUGHT IT WAS PAUL?!??!?
watches mlp: WHY ME????
kill formalities: bc you're a little bitch
watches mlp: I'm taller than you
kill formalities: pROVING MY POINT-
emo: Noah
emo: I just hacked your Spotify and holy hell?
emo: I take back what I said about your bad music taste-
cat :3: o.o Noah has a private playlist??
watches mlp: Noah has secrets from us??
kill formalities: this is the only one I swear
kill formalities: and it's not a secret anymore
kill formalities: it's just a playlist of songs that remind me of y'know,,
watches mlp: ohhhhh you're future bf
cat :3: *your
emo: *your
kill formalities: *your
watches mlp: damn autocorrect
kill formalities: also why you gotta call him that??
emo: you refuse to let us say his name when talking about you having a huge crush on him 🙄
kill formalities: oh yeaH-
kill formalities: idk man just "fUtUrE bOyFrEnD" sounds kinda cringe
watches mlp: 😀😩 true 😔✌️
emo: either way this playlist?? I know like a few of these songs and the vibes it gives off are- wow Noah you really do like him huh-
kill formalities: .. yeah
emo: wow couldn't imagine liking anyone tbh-
emo: it's the main thing that sets me apart from you all
emo: Paul and Felix are legit a couple and Noah is a GODDAMN SIMP-
kill formalities: i-
kill formalities: ᴅɪᴅ ʏᴏᴜ ᴊᴜsᴛ ᴄᴀʟʟ ᴍᴇ ᴀ sɪᴍᴘ?
emo: okay not a simp but this playlist really shows how much you like him-
kill formalities: yeah I thought so 🔪
emo: 🤨🔪
kill formalities: 🤚😰🤚
emo: 😌
cat :3: /ᐠ。ꞈ。ᐟ\
watches mlp: o.o
kill formalities: anyway
kill formalities: book related thing
cat :3: ?
emo: ?
watches mlp: ?
kill formalities: I found a book that Shun owns and it looked really good so I asked to borrow it and he said it's fine and it's kinda like a soulmate AU but not a fanfic
cat :3: soulmate au??????
kill formalities: yeah!! it's really good tho it's got some kinda dark topics hehe
emo: like death?
kill formalities: yeah like death
emo: I'm interested
kill formalities: it has a cliché though around the middle of it but the end is legit a shock
emo: oh god 🙄 what cliché 😐
kill formalities: "iF tWo PeOpLe MaKe EyE cOnTaCt ThEy HaVe To KiSs"
emo: gross
cat :3: oh, that cliché 😔
emo: so what do you think Paul, you've been quiet, you secretly like clichés??
watches mlp: I think it's weird how we can all say his name when it's unrelated to Noah's crush on him but when it's about Noah liking him it's all "he who must not be named"
kill formalities: DUDE SHUT UP--!!
emo: I mean he has a point
cat :3: he sure does
kill formalities: why do you guys bully me??
emo: because ever since we all became friends it was a permanent sign-up to this chaotic mess we all are
kill formalities: oh fair
watches mlp: true
cat :3: facts tbh
emo: anyway on the subject of soulmate fiction or whatever I found a soulmate fanfic the other day for a ship I know Felix and Noah like and it's pretty well written so I saved it to my reading list on wattpad so you guys can probably find it from there
cat :3: :O :]
cat :3: thanks!
kill formalities: mm thanks bro!
emo: it's fine-
watches mlp: so you guys are ditching us to read fanfiction? 😒
kill formalities: HAH as if
kill formalities: oh gimme a sec this is gooooodddd
cat :3: ??
cat :3: what's good?
watches mlp: ignoring Fe? That's not cool Hajime
emo: smh ^
cat :3: 😔
kill formalities: I was gone for a MINUTE!
kill formalities: caught someone laughing at their phone so I took a picture just so I can expose him if needed
watches mlp: someone???
kill formalities: Magnus
kill formalities: gotta have the ability to expose him bc MAN that guy can be mean
emo: he seems really sarcastic and not a people person though I'm guessing he definitely has some soft spots
kill formalities: yup you're right, I've noticed he has a soft spot for one particular person
watches mlp: they wouldn't happen to be the same particular person you like??
kill formalities: hA nope, he likes AjYEET not No I will not come home
watches mlp: so we're naming names now??
kill formalities: gc nicknames, there's a difference
watches mlp: sureeeeee
kill formalities: oh go back to watching ponies talking about the power of friendship
watches mlp: Fe help, I'm being bullied by Noah
cat :3: I agree with what Julia said
emo: I said nothing
cat :3: exactly :3
watches mlp: OOF 😢
cat :3: sorry, I'm reading a fanfic rn
watches mlp: lol it's fineeee ✌️
kill formalities: you supporting Paul over me is just favoritism Felix
kill formalities: Julia back me up please
emo: on what? what you said about Paul going to watch mlp or-?
kill formalities: yea that
emo: deal
watches mlp: no that is favoritism
cat :3: yeaaaaaaa- also when did I say I backed anyone up in this? I just wanna read a fanfic-
emo: not really, I just like making fun of people and I have no idea
kill formalities: idk either
kill formalities: oh ohhhhhhh
emo: what?
kill formalities: Ajit just took hold of Magnus's arm and I'm 90% sure he blushed or smthin
cat :3: you think they like eachother don't you?
kill formalities: well, it's a possibility BC I do get this vibe they they have feelings for eachother
watches mlp: I wonder if this one of Noah's theories will be right
emo: if I get the same vibe from them as Noah does when I meet them then it's probably right I mean it was with you two
kill formalities: those two were so obvious
cat :3: I want to argue but I know you're right
kill formalities: well if you wanna argue then let's start a debate!
cat :3: ok!!
kill formalities: wait nvm the others are leaving I gtg
emo: oh see you
watches mlp: seeya!
cat :3: bye Noah!
cat :3: aw man I kinda wanted to debate
emo: you vs me debate rn
cat :3: ok!! let's do this!
watches mlp: this is gonna be good :)
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