Part 14
autocorrect sucks: hey Shun??????????????????????
No I will not come home: Hm? What is it Dan?
autocorrect sucks: how do math?
No I will not come home: Oh I can come over and help you with that later? I've kind of got an emergency right now...
autocorrect sucks: what kinda emergency??? also thanks!
No I will not come home: A Wynton and Noah are alone in the kitchen and both of Wynton's parents are out so I'm trying to look after Wynton's siblings but I don't know how to look after them and stop the kitchen from getting burned down at the same time so something's probably going to get destroyed, type emergency.
autocorrect sucks: oh man-
obvious prankster: dang I hate having to be the responsible one but when you have a younger sibling being responsible just comes naturally!
sleep supremacist: and on today's episode of the most lies I've ever heard-
✨ Riot ✨: smh did you really expect anyone to believe that Aay?
obvious prankster: it was worth a shot ig-
Magnus: No it really was not since you're always so stupid. If you're always dumb and irresponsible how is trying to say that you're responsible "worth a shot" no one would ever buy it.
✨ Riot ✨: wow agreed but like- someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning--
Magnus: There was no right side.
I hate formalities: was that a reference to-- nvm-
No I will not come home: Noah! What's going on in the kitchen? I just heard a loud banging noise!
I hate formalities: WE'RE ACTUALLY DEAD!!! SORRY SHUN!!!
obvious prankster: ngl I feel sorry for the fish they killed... so full of life and then its suffocated by air and exploded in a microwave
sleep supremacist: ...
sleep supremacist: ignoring that you actually know what suffocated means and how to spell it
sleep supremacist: did you ever stop to consider that the fish was a cooked one from a shop??
sleep supremacist: and not a living fish??
obvious prankster: ... oh- that makes a lot more sense actually-
crack video complications: oh how I wish I could've filmed that-
I hate formalities: I filmed it?
crack video complications: send it
I hate formalities: ok later I will, rn I gotta try clear this fish out of the microwave
No I will not come home: Wynton can you take over looking after your siblings?
clown: but I've gotta clear up???
autocorrect sucks: lol I can help
AjYEET: Dan you can't even keep our room clean let alone get fish off a microwave
autocorrect sucks: lies it's clean rn
AjYEET: yeah cause I cleared it up so we could actually sit on the floor and play those board games you found give it a day and you'll have made it into a mess again
autocorrect sucks: 😔 yeah true
autocorrect sucks: I was offering to help with Wynton's siblings tho not the cleaning thing
AjYEET: ohhhhhhhhhhh
AjYEET: makes sense- but how can you help if you have the same chaotic levels as them
Magnus: Not to mention he has the same mental age.
autocorrect sucks: I-
autocorrect sucks: I DO NOT!
crack video complications: ... actually you kinda do--
autocorrect sucks: WAIT WHAT?!?!
crack video complications: okay no. not exactly mental age, but your grades in school imply they're just as smart as you.
autocorrect sucks: oh man.... 😔😔😔
✨ Riot ✨: looks like Dan Kouzo really is dumb!
sleep supremacist: yeah I thought everyone here already knew that?
obvious prankster: ok but is anyone gonna ask what's gotten Magnus in the mood to roast everyone?
Magnus: It's more like exposing since I'm only saying true things.
obvious prankster: wHaTeVeR
✨ Riot ✨: for once a valid question though. why is Magnus making fun of everyone? Emily do you know what's going on?
indecisive: I'm not really sure...
AjYEET: oh I might have an idea
Magnus: .
Magnus: .
Magnus: .
AjYEET: I don't think he's slept in like a week-
Magnus: I have.
Magnus: ... For an hour.
Magnus: ... On Friday.
crack video complications: I-
sleep supremacist: what the heck
sleep supremacist: how can you go that long without sleeping?
Magnus: The secret is to not care about your health or mental state.
sleep supremacist: you're a danger to society
autocorrect sucks: I just got to Wynton and Shun's and wow this is chaos
sleep supremacist: hold on we're kinda in the middle of something here
sleep supremacist: Magnus what is wrong with you?
Magnus: Nothing.
✨ Riot ✨: *a lot
sleep supremacist: clearly something's wrong with you if you haven't slept since Friday???!!?!!!!!!
Magnus: No not really.
indecisive: I think he's done this before...
AjYEET: yeah he has
AjYEET: he literally doesn't sleep
AjYEET: though ig I can't say anything since I don't sleep that much either-
sleep supremacist: oh god not another, when did you last sleep?? Sunday???
AjYEET: I sleep almost every night but it's usually not for long
sleep supremacist: well at least you sleep ig
autocorrect sucks: can I speak now????
sleep supremacist: yeah go ahead
autocorrect sucks: okay well there's fish EVERYWHERE and I'm pretty sure theres beans in the toaster and ice cream in a frying pan
No I will not come home: WHAT?! Dan can you please hurry up so I can go sort that out?
autocorrect sucks: omw
crack video complications: so what's everyone else doing this totally normal morning?
sleep supremacist: committing a crime :)
indecisive: Watching as he tries to commit that crime.
crack video complications: ... w h a t ?
obvious prankster: I'm there too, so is Riot and Ajit
crack video complications: and what is this crime??
✨ Riot ✨: they're "knocking someone out"
crack video complications: I'm gonna need more context than that
✨ Riot ✨: ugh they're trying to get Magnus to actually sleep and Aay is holding Kurin back from actually hitting Magnus with a rock
AjYEET: we have no idea where Magnus is though- he ran off a minute ago
crack video complications: can I join in with this??
AjYEET: sure we're about to go look for Magnus at pinpoint park so meet us there??
crack video complications: already on my way
No I will not come home: This place is even more of a mess than I thought or than Dan said...
autocorrect sucks: lmao yepppp-
indecisive: good luck you guys :)
No I will not come home: Thank you, if we're going to clear this all up before Wynton's parents get back we're going to need it.
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