Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Giselle, Terms&Conditions, and Baths. 

Xander’s POV

“So…what do you say? Do you want to live with us?”


There was an unnecessary, awkward silence.

Chip was the first to break it.

“U-Um…we’re very sorry for the sudden question…a-ah, it’s okay i-if you feel uncomfortable…or anything, you don’t need to hide it from us—“ He started in a soft and worried tone. His head was hung slightly in disappointment.

Damn it, I really needed to touch him.  

“What? No! Fuck yeah!

The rest of Chip’s family looked shocked.

“U-Uh I meant um…Of course I want to live with you guys!” I corrected myself, flashing a grin.

The tension immediately laxed, and I could even see Rose and Coco’s shoulders ease up. The family smiled. “Great! That’s wonderful, that way, we can take care of Giselle too.”

“Oh—hold on, we need to do something about those curse words my dear.” Rose said sternly.

I held my hands up in defeat, “Yes Ma’am I’m all yours.” Woops. Natural flirter.

Chip’s eldest sister smiled in a lady-like manner. “We’ll see.”

My eyes wandered to my angel (involuntarily). Somehow—I realized—that no matter where I was, both my gaze and mind would end up in the same place. You probably already know where that is. 

Chip’s head was lowered, but I could see the hint of a smile on his face, and the tips of his ears coloring an adorable pink.

I hope he’s happy. ‘Cuz I definitely am. Happy.

This is so weird. I’ve never felt this way before.

“Wo-ah! What’s a bike doing outside the bakery??” I heard Gretel call from the next room.

Shit! I forgot about the police bike!

“Fuck!” I downed the remains of my orange juice and darted out of the kitchen, only to see a rather irritated Gretel glaring at me.

“I understand that you were in a tight situation last night, but at least put the bike in a proper place my dear! And please would you stop cursing already—“

I scratched the back of my head sheepishly. “Okay, I got it, my bad…”

Barefooted, I scrambled out of the bakery and pulled the bike into an upright position, leaning it against the wall of the alleyway.

Just then, a car pulled up in front of the bakery and a man in a white coat stepped out of it. He looked pretty professional.

When the man saw me staring, he smiled, and asked kindly. “Good morning, do you live here? I received a call for a house visit.”

“Uh—yeah I do. Are you the doctor?”

His expression brightened slightly. “Yes—I’m Doctor Joe Ashworth, but you can just call me Joe. Pleased to meet you Mr…?” The doctor held out his hand for a shake.

I returned the handshake with a firm grip. “I’m Xander Jaxon, Giselle’s brother—she’s running a fever but she seems really weak. Come inside,” Ushering the doctor in, I quickly called for Rose, who greeted him kindly.

“This way please, Doctor.”

“Ah, Joe is fine.”

I thought I saw Rose blush.


“It’s pneumonia.” Joe said, as he closed the door behind him.

“The fever, chest pains and inflammatory…it’s bad. She also has difficulty breathing. I will send oral antibiotics and painkillers—with rest and proper consumption of medicine, she’ll be fine in 3 to 5 days.” The doctor said reassuringly to me and Rose. “Ah, and of course—no cold drinks or food. Porridge and soup would be ideal.”

“Thank you very much doctor, will you be sending the bill to us?”

“Yes—along with the biotics and analgesics…” Their voices faded away as Rose and Joe proceeded down the stairs.

I opened the door quietly and peeked inside.


“Hey—Giselle, go back to sleep, everything’s fine.”

“Nonononononono! I don’t want to, it’s so itchitchi itchyyy!!” My sister whined, her sudden bawling piercing my ears.

“Shh, shh, don’t disturb Chocolate Chip and his family okay?” I quickly entered the room and shut the door, going over to the mattress to comfort the princess.

“No no no!” Her last word hit the maximum pitch, almost a scream. “Where’s teddy? I want teddy…”

“Well um…teddy’s not here…” I began reluctantly. “He um…he didn’t want to come with us…”

Honestly—I would love to step on my pride, go back to the rented house, and pick Giselle’s teddy bear.

But then again, what would I tell her? ‘Uh we got kicked out of the house’?

“Nooooo I want teddy…” Giselle sobbed loudly.

Sure, I’ve faced Autism for 13 years, lived with Giselle for all her life and somehow managed to handle all the stress of her antics. This wasn’t any different—but why was my voice stuck at this point of time?

Knock. Knock.

The door creaked open and a soft voice was heard.

“U-Um…sorry to intrude, but I heard Giselle saying about her teddy bear.”

Chip tip-toed into the room and closed the door silently behind, kneeling down to face my sister’s tear-stained face.

“Don’t cry—here,” In Chip’s arms was a chocolate brown teddy-bear. It didn’t look brand new, but it had a sort of creamy, sweet smell like cupcakes.

“You can have my teddy-bear.” An angelic smile on his face, Chip placed the bear in Giselle’s arms, and her sobbing ceased to a small sniffle.

“Chocolate Chip Teddy?”

Chip laughed. “Un, Chocolate Chip Teddy.” He reached out a hand to pet Giselle’s head and she squirmed in delight.

“Yaaayy! Thank you!”

“Be a good girl and listen to your brother okay?” My sister nodded, and rubbed her eyes.

I tucked her into bed for more rest, and before I closed the door, I saw her cuddle the teddy bear tight, and fall asleep almost immediately.


I glanced at Chip as we exited the room together.

He was blushing slightly.

Chip needs to stop blushing or I’ll seriously need to give him a bone-crushing hug. And maybe something more. (wink wink)

“Thanks,” I said casually, turning to the adorable frame.

“I-It’s okay, Giselle needs the bear more than I do.”

“Really? Why do you have a teddy bear in the first place?” I teased.

Chip played with his fingers sheepishly. “W-Well…I used to be unable to sleep u-unless…I hug something—“

“Soo…how would you sleep now if there’s no teddy?” I asked, anticipating a certain answer.

“I-I…I can sleep without hugging now!” Chip protested, pink tinting his cheeks.

“Ah—I see.” I replied monotonously. Dejected. Probably.

We realized that there was a loud chatter coming from downstairs.

“What’s that?”

I shrugged. 

Chip and I headed down the stairs and when we entered the kitchen, our heads turned to the source of the commotion.

“—I told you that’s unreasonable!”

“It’s fine, he can do it—“

“But come on, he can’t even beat the batter properly!”

“Then we teach him—“

“But if that doesn’t work out, he can do the delivery services…?”

I coughed, and 3 pairs of eyes turned to me.

“Ah yes! Xander, we were just talking about you—“

“Come over here!” Chip’s 3 older sisters beckoned me over to the kitchen table.

I pulled up a seat and Rose slid a slip of paper printed with words. It was titled: TERMS AND CONDITIONS

For one thing—I never follow rules. I guess this would be my first.

“We would like you to read through our terms and conditions for staying with us! And, well, if you understand, leave your signature over here,” Gretel pointed to a line situated at the bottom of the paper.

I scanned through the words:



-Rent: No payment required, but we will seek assistance in the bakery. (E.g, delivery services, beating of batter, food testing, etc.)

-Curfew: No later than 8 o’clock in the evening.

-Bed: Xander will be sleeping in Chip’s room (Hansel’s bed) and Giselle will be under Rose’s and Coco’s care in their room.

-Laundry: Every morning before school (place dirty clothes in the basket beside the washing machine).

-Food: No restrictions.

-Refrigerator: Entitled to all resources except baking materials.

-LANGUAGE: No vulgarities, sexual innuendoes, coarse language, etc.

-Electricity and Water consumption: Refrain from using excessive electricity and water (the bills are high!). Bathing time is limited to 12 minutes.

-Bathing: Most of us shower in pairs to save water and time (as we only have ONE bathroom). Hence Giselle will shower with Gretel, and Xander will shower with Chip every day, with the limit of 12 minutes.


The last condition stood out like a raging boner. (Sorry if you think I’m dirty)

Oh fuck.

I tried in vain to stifle a laugh, but couldn’t suppress the smile from appearing on my face.

I turned, eyes searching for Chip—only to see him glued to the paper, and his face slowly turning a cute shade of coral red.

“W-What? Rose! I-I thought—“

“It’s only fair my dear, Coco and I have been bathing together for years. It’s time you shouldn’t be spoiled!” Chip’s sister crossed her arms across her chest firmly.


“Even Xander has no objections!” Rose gestured to me. “How can you be so spoilt? I don’t remember bringing you up in such a manner young man!”

“Yup,” I said, popping the ‘p’. “I don’t mind at all.”

“Look! What a dignified young man!” Coco chipped in, shaking her head at her brother.

Oh, if only she knew how dignified I was.

“F-Fine…” My angel sighed, defeated, as a new shade of pink colored his cheeks yet again.

Could this day get any better?


It was in the evening—after dinner—when the whole of Chip’s family was occupied with a certain something.

“Giselle, please eat your medicine…” Rose begged, holding up a spoon of antibiotics.

“No!” My sister said shortly, turning her head away from the awful smell.

“But it’s the only way of getting better! Come on, you want to eat cupcakes right? You can only eat them when you’re all up and well!” Coco reasoned.

Giselle’s lips thinned—as if her resolve was breaking. Her eyebrows furrowed in difficulty and I could almost see the cogs turning in her head.

Just then, Chip’s oldest brother came into the room.

“Hey Chip, the bath’s free.”

Fuck yeah!

My angel blushed, and stammered. “U-Um okay, I’ll be right there after…after Giselle finishes her medicine.”

I plopped Giselle onto my lap and whispered into her ear.

She glanced up at me, and pouted.

“Xandie just wants to bathe with Chocolate Chip! Hmph!” She turned away indignantly.

Chip’s family stared at me wide-eyed. And of course, Chip blushed an even darker shade of red.

I laughed. “Aw come on, just finish your medicine and I’ll get you all the sweets in the world! And…I’ll give you this!” I held up a sweet wrapped in pink plastic.

Okay, I admit—it’s actually lozenges to sooth her throat, but honestly, doesn’t it taste like blackcurrant candy anyway?

“Yay!” Giselle said, opening her mouth for Rose to spoon the antibiotics in. She cringed, but didn’t complain.

“Good girl, now two more—“

Coco and Gretel took turns to feed the painkillers and cough medicine. And finally, we were done.

I handed Giselle the lozenges and she popped it in her mouth quickly. “Tsanqyu (Thank you)!”

Ruffling her hair, I thanked Chip’s family and headed to ‘my’ room to grab a pair of boxers.

He followed tentatively, entering the room behind me to get his sleepwear and two towels.


Chip’s POV

U-Uwaahh…what do I do what do I do? If anyone told me a week ago that I’d get a chance to be this close to Xander, they’re crazy! But now…

I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.


Th-This is absurd!

“What’s wrong? You’re all red.” I heard Xander chuckle from behind.

I whipped around, hugging my clothes and two sets of towels. “N-Nothing…”

The bathroom was pretty cramped with two people in it, but Xander didn’t seem to mind at all. He closed and locked the door behind us, proceeding to hang his boxers on a hook.

(A/N: *coughs* Warning, if you are not fond of the idea of two men bathing together, please feel free to press the back button—it’s right there :3 Again, um, it doesn’t have much relation to the plot, just character development, so…)      


Xander began to strip, pulling his shirt off in an appealing manner.

My eyes instantly darted to the ground—as if guilty, and I felt a strange heat crawling up the base of my neck.

It was as if someone turned the temperature up several notches—the bathroom was really hot and stuffy.

“I hope you don’t bathe with your clothes on,” Xander teased as I heard the unbuckling of his belt.

I fidgeted uncomfortably.

“O-of course I…don’t…”

“Okay, take your time, but we only have 12 minutes okay?” He replied casually, and I heard the glass door separating the toilet and the shower open with a yank.

Xander turned on the shower and soon the bathroom was filled with pleasant, warm steam.

And I still had my clothes on.

Feeling a hard gaze on my back, I shifted doubtfully, and voiced out my discomfort.

“X-Xander, could you face th-the wall? For a minute…I guess?”


Figuring that the steam would make everything blurry and less obvious, I quickly took off my shirt. Xander was obediently facing the wall—which I thanked inwardly because it would make things less awkward.

Just when I slipped off my underwear, my head turned involuntarily—in case.

And I realized that Xander was staring.

I blushed hard, and stammered. “X-Xander! I thought I told you to—“

“Sorry! Just wondering what’s taking you so long~” The tall frame laughed.

I opened the glass door hesitantly, and was instantly hit with puffs of steam.

It felt warm and fuzzy.

And that was when things instantly went downhill.

Xander shifted his body to face me.

“Hey, isn’t this shampoo for girls?”

Oh gosh.

I didn’t even need to look into the mirror, I knew my face was entirely red.

He was huge.


I snapped out of my reverie. “E-Eh? Um…I don’t really know…I-I just use it…”

Xander shrugged, and his muscles flexed. Aahh—this isn’t good for the heart! I protested inwardly.

“Okay then—here.” He squeezed a tiny amount onto his hand and passed the bottle to me.

“C-Can I get some of the shower…?” I asked softly.

“Woops, my bad.” Xander moved to a corner, trying to make space for me.

Just saying—the shower room wasn’t even a room. It’s an area that’s barely 2 meters long, and a meter wide.

Even if Xander was trying to make room for me…there wasn’t any at all!

I gulped. Here goes nothing.

Darting under the shower quickly, I plastered myself against the wall, trying to ensure zero skin contact.

“Woah, you okay? No need to rush—I’m fine.” Xander said as he lathered his hair.

I shook my head vigorously. “I-It’s okay!”

Xander sighed. “See, you did it too fast—there’s still some soap in your hair. Come here,” Without warning, the tall frame took a step closer to me—our bodies inches away from contact.

I gasped sharply, recoiling further into the wall. “I-It’s fine I’ll do it myself—“

I tried to look anywhere but between his legs.

Still…his firm chest, back and abs were all too much!


Might as well stare at the ground, said a voice in my head.

Suddenly, Xander wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into the shower with him—our bodies flush against each other.

“X-Xander! What are you—wait—mmf,“ A wave of water hit me, entering my mouth out of the blue.

I coughed and spluttered.

“Wo-ah, shit, I’m sorry. Stay still and let me clean you!”

“But—cough—I can do it myself too!” I protested weakly.

I felt Xander’s firm chest flex on my back and blushed at the thought of something poking my behind.

“X-Xander, we’re too…c-close—“

He paid no heed to my protests, proceeding to pump body gel onto my back and arms, lathering the soap.

“Damn, you’re small.”

My face heated up at his comment, but I didn’t flinch away. After all, if the person you like is actually willing to touch you, it’s…it’s hard to say no.

“I-I’m not…small…it’s just that you’re big that’s all,” My hands moved instinctively to cover the area between my legs.

“Don’t do that,” Xander’s voice took on a husky low, as I felt my hands being removed.

Just then, Xander passed his slippery hand up my thigh, just like he did in the conference room.

But the difference was—I’m not wearing clothes!


Xander’s POV (Sorry for the sudden change! >_< And please close this if you’re uncomfortable!)

I slipped my wet hand into his inner thigh, caressing his soft spot as I felt his small frame tremble against mine.

“Ah—n! Ha—“ Chip’s small hands wriggled out of my grasp, proceeding to cover his parted lips.

It was obvious that he was trying to get a grip on himself.

My other hand reached up to uncover his mouth. “You shouldn’t be doing that.”

“B-But…ha—the…the sounds—“

“Are what I want to hear,” I smirked at the sight of his sloping eyebrows and erotic expressions. He looked absolutely helpless.

Chip’s blushing form sent tingles down my spine, and the soft, sweet sounds he made stirred something between my legs.

Without warning, there was a firm knock on the door. “5 minutes left guys! You better hurry or else I’ll barge in there!” I heard Coco call through the gap under the door.

“Got it!” I called back, my other hand moved downwards, roaming across Chip’s slim waist.

My angel was in no state to respond. His breaths came out in heated puffs of air that condensed on the glass door, and his trembling frame was slightly bent over, weak from pleasure.

Well, I hope its pleasure.

The devil in me took over, and without thinking, my hand that was caressing the side of his body passed the pink tip on his chest.


The other hand on Chip’s thigh stroked faster, and closer to the area between his slim legs.

“You have no idea,” I leaned down to whisper, “how long I have been searching for you.”

Even with his back facing me, I could tell that my angel’s wet lips were slightly parted, and his hands came limp over mine as he tried to stop them.

There was a dark side of me that wanted to take him on the spot—with what, 3 minutes left in the bath.

But the other simply wanted to kiss the hell out of him.

There are times when I would just go—Fuck morals. But this wasn’t one of them.

My hands moved reluctantly from his sensitive spots and travelled slowly up to his neck, ravishing him.

And then I bent down and devoured his small, parted lips.

Chip let out an arousing mewl and he shivered as my tongue slipped into his mouth.

With the hot water beating down my back to keep us warm and wet, we kissed heavily in the shower for more than a minute—with me getting more and more brusque, absolutely loving the way his lips tasted and the sweet, luscious sounds that came out of them.

I heard a sharp intake of breath and I felt my angel’s hips buck.

And then I felt something hot on my thigh. Something hotter than the water on my back.

Woops. Didn’t expect that to happen.

“HELLOOO, IT’S BEEN TWELVE MINUTES YOU GUYS!” Coco shouted as she banged on the door.

Our lips parted with a lustful sound, and I smirked at Chip’s flushed cheeks and half-lidded eyes.

“Did you just come from a kiss?” I whispered huskily in his ear, realizing that my voice was a baritone lower than usual.

My angel flushed crimson, and his gaze lowered to the cream on my thighs.

“I-I’m so sorry! I’ll…I’ll clean it for you—I’m r-really sorry, I caused so much trouble. I’m really, really sorry…” He apologized repeatedly, flustered.


Trouble? It’s no trouble at all.


A/N: Obviously, I had lots of help. (You know who you are ;), without you, I could never have done this. Cuppy kiss <3) To be honest, I’m very bad at this (sort of scenes)—really. Without help, I’d be some kindergarten kid writing *cough* R rated.

So…um…did you like it…? *puppy eyes* Vote…if you do…?


-Dead Cupcake.

P.S Oh yes, I’m taking a break next week (I’m sorry!) So there won’t be any updates. However, because of this 50k reads (Oh gosh. Its 1/2 a 100) I will be doing a character Q&A. Post your questions in the comments below or send me a private message—any character, any question. It will be answered based on the current relationships and situations they are in :) I’ll be looking forward to it! *bows* 

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