After leaving the meeting Jessica weaved down roads stomach growling, and at the site of a fast food chain her hunger convinced her to grab something before heading home.

The sight of the ramp that lead to a nearby diner caught her eye and she turned off, smiling at the flickering sign that was a bit past its last tune up reading M-eds though it was properly supposed to read Mr.Freds.

It was a local joke that it would never be fixed since everyone would say they needed to get their meds at Freds, and it stuck even during the one time the sign had been fixed.

Now Jessica was sure Fred kept it like that on purpose.

Walking in she took a quick gander at the red and blue colored interior with its pale yellow walls and shining dark tables. The carpet was an old checkered thing, but they had recently repainted the whole interior which made it look brighter.

Letting the door close behind her Jessica gave a smile to the portly dark-haired smiling woman behind the counter, Belladonna, and took her regular seat at the bar.

There were a few other customers, a family of five eating loudly in a window booth, a younger couple in another booth talking in hushed voices, an old fellow that Jessica recognized vaguely to be someone who frequented her booth favoring some smoked cheeses, and a few seats away from her a dark jacket was draped and a plate of a half ate meal was left where she assumed the owner would be back to in a few minutes.

"Why Jessica! Haven't seen you here all month! Thought you had been avoiding us, "teased Belladonna as she quickly made her way over with a tray laden with coffee and creamer. Setting down the cup she grinned at her, "looks like you've been working hard. Can never claim you to be one hardly working!"

"Yeah, little this little of that. You know how it goes, "she leaned her chin on her palm when Belladonna made herself comfortable on a stool on the other side of the bar, "Anything exciting happen while I have been gone?"

Belladonna's smile grew even more and as fast as lightning she shoved her hand out to show Jessica a new shining engagement ring, "He proposed! He finally proposed!"

Jessica sat up straighter and her smile widened as she pushed down any jealousy to her good friend and forced herself to remain pleased, "Good, I'm happy for you!! I know you have been waiting for Steve to man up and make a move."

"Yeah," Belladonna laughed eyes glittering cheeks glowing," he was so romantic about it. Fancy dinner, music, down on one knee-The whole shabang! Everyone who saw thought it was so sweet."

They admired the ring for another moment till Belladonna leaned in glancing over Jessica's shoulder, "So, have you got yourself a man yet? I mean I know that whole thing with David went downhill, but that don't mean quit trying yeah?"

"Oh Bell," she sighed into her coffee cup ignoring as someone passed by her, "I just am in no shape to go fishin' ya know? I'll get a guy one of these days, but with the farm and all, I'm just too tired to start trying. Besides, "she set the cup down closing her menu at the same time with a grin, "I don't think I could handle something as extravagant as a public marriage proposal."

The other shook her dark curls and her honey eyes were laughing as she leaned in and whispered, "Well there are some newer fish in the pond. And I must say, if I didn't have my Steven, I would be trying for Mr.Boy-In Blue over yonder. So, what will it be?"

"Boy in blue? "she asked and set her gaze to where Belladonnas had been looking.

"Oh well you can't ask me for that one. It is supplied here at least 3 nights a week, but you'd have to ask the source for that order, "Jessica's face was probably as red as the fire engine colored seating when a chocolate gaze turned to the pair and a grin pulled at the corners of his mouth.

"Oh-wha? No! Bacon burger, fries, and cranberry juice please Bell, "Jessica sat stiffly as Bell teasingly relayed her order, remembering no salt on her fries and extra pickles.

"I'll be right back with it for you, "she sung over her shoulder as she went to relay the message to her brother in the back.

A chuckle to her right and Jessica slowly turned embarrassed eyes to the cop who had pulled her over just a few hours ago.

"Not a big proposal kind a gal?" he chuckled

"Nah," she shrugged ears and cheeks burning," more the; hey it's been working let's get married over dinner conversation. All that attention-too embarrassing."

That pulled a laugh from him, profound and vibrant, and it helped her relax though the blush refused to leave her cheeks," You do seem the type to not want that."

Biting her lip she eyed him before asking slowly chancing," I know you from somewhere don't I?"

"Why yes you do! I was beginin' to think you didn't even recognize me!" his grin was addictive, and she found her own lips pulling into a smile," We did know one another- least at one point...care to guess when?"

Smirking she fully relaxed against the bar enjoying the others company easily, "Well-besides earlier? I know it wasn't in jail as I have never been. I would hope the same could be said for you, though I have heard of great turn around stories. Let me see," she toyed with the vision of the chubby blond boy in her high school days and her heart winced, the image of him smiling at her almost dampening her mood.


"No, "the grin didn't leave his face which relived Jessica," you haven't seen me around here before."

After a moment of her thinking she shook her head deciding to play dumb even though she was sure she knew him – if she had pegged him wrongly she worried it would sour the mood and said in an overly exaggerated tone, "I am sorry but I can't remember."

"I suppose it's alright- at first I wasn't sure if it was you either you have changed so much, "he scratched the back of his head, "but I am certain I won't be forgetting you anytime soon Jessica."

The obvious open flirt made her smirk slightly despite her flip-flopping stomach and beating heart and she quirked an eyebrow, "OH? Really now? Since you know my name and remember me I feel as if I am at a disadvantage here. Do I at least get some hint?"

He tapped his stubbled chin and then scratched his jaw as if just realizing he needed a shave, "Well. I am obviously officer Harrison... .,"he trailed off sending a playful grin her way.

"No fair, "she laughed lightly, "didn't you get to see my ID?"

"Well is it too bold," He chuckled, "to say with that, then, I have won the luck lottery twice today ma'am?"

She gave him a mock stern gaze and he ducked his head quickly," Yeah too soon."

Their light flirting was cut short as Bell delivered her dinner and quickly left with a wink.

He stood up and donned his uniform jacket, pink dusting his cheeks and moving up to his ears, left a generous tip before turning back to Jessica who had been trying to pretended not to watch as his navy blue shirt clung to his muscled arms and back.

"I hope I will be seeing you here again, "he said and then gave a slightly exaggerated sigh, "unfortunately it is too early to ask you on a date yet."

"Is that so? "she felt silly not having a snarky response but she always knew words were far from gifted to her.

Nodding the officer flashed her a heart pounding grin and nodded, "First meeting is more me boy you girl. Confirm attraction. Light teasing. Confirm a second meeting which may lead to regular dating if the lady would allow."

"And here I thought our first meeting was you confirming my legal abilities to drive the road," she teased, and he shrugged.

"Well. We can call that a business interaction. This is purely personal," his smiled turned from confident to a bit bashful and her heart skipped.

Laughing she shook her head, "Well then at the next meeting you must tell me your full name and how I know you. I don't date strangers."

He bit his lip before quickly stopping, Brad had always a habit of peeling them and apparently still struggled to stop the move," Well, I suppose I could try for one hint. Only if you agree that next week we meet again?"

"I can give you a guess, as to where, now, if you let me pick the day," she retorted and he nodded.

"Texas," she said simply, stomach twisting hoping she wasn't wrong. Texas was a broad enough guess, her nerves wouldn't let her say Brad.

What if it wasn't Brad, not much taller but far more fit and without the shaggy hair and thick glasses. Why would he change his name to Harrison? A wife perhaps? One he no longer wore a ring to, but still the name?

She pushed the thoughts away and forced herself to focus on the moment at hand.

He was no longer pink, but a full blown red that painted his neck as well and he was rubbing the back of his head," well-yes. I am originally from Texas."

"And maybe you didn't hold the name Harrison before?" She teased, moving a tad closer, boldly and smirked as he turned an even darker shade of red.

Oh. This was unexpected.

"Well," he laughed putting the hand through his hair again,' I suppose the name will come next time!"

"Next time," she reaffirmed, her eyes not leaving him as he waved, tripped over the pushed out chair from the family behind him, apologized, and headed straight out the door.

The laugh that she was holding in finally burst out after the doors bell sang its closure and she was shaking her head.

"Well considering you don't have time to be fishing, "Bell's voice made Jessica jump and she turned to see the other stealing a french-fry while grinning wolfishly at her, "it seems as though Mr.Blue has his eyes on you and is biting."

Shoving lightly on Belladonna's shoulder she tried to laugh while shaking off her growing blush, "Well I do know him from somewhere. Back home. . I didn't want to think it was from school. .. I didn't think after all of these years it was possible," she trailed off nibbling on a fry.

Shaking her head she looked up, "I know who he is. Call me a coward for not saying it before."

"I wouldn't think to call you a coward with the hunt I just saw," Bell murmured.

Jessica waved a hand, partially to bat at the dark haired girl, partially to try and fan the heat from her face," Oh hush you."

Belladonna raised a brow, smiled kindly and waved to the couple who had already paid, before turning back to her,"soooo-who is he?"

"High school. Goodness me, that is Brets older brother. . . . his name is Brad. He was a grade above me."

She remembered the kind silent boy from back then again, where he had graduated in her sophomore year. He hadn't any beard on his rounder face, and his hair had been long and he had nowhere near the same amount of muscle.

Jessica thought abut how he had often watched over her and Bret, frequently admonishing Bret and being there for her in her time of need. And, she thought, hadn't been shy to admonish her as well, when the time called for it. But shortly after he graduated he left followed quickly after by his brother, and while she had heard little from Bret after their departure she had heard and seen even less from him.

Looking at him now it was obvious the years had been good to him.

The women were silent for a moment before Bell leaned forward, "wonder if he uses those handcuffs recreationally."

"Bell!" Jessica laugh smacking her lightly and the woman giggled while heading over to the family who was ready for their tab.

As she finished her meal and made her way out to the truck she realized all too late that she had never set an actual date to meet the handsome blond.

"Oh I am an idiot."

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