Bad Things/Bad People

Requested by Anonymous .

"I don't know which one to wear!! How did I pack ALL of these suits and still have nothing to wear?!" Taehyung whined to Namjoon when he wasn't satisfied with any of the outfits he had tried on. Multiple suits were scattered across his hotel room bed that he shared with Namjoon.

The two of them were at a hotel in the southern part of South Korea, along with Taehyung's childhood friend Jayce. All the members were on a break and decided to do different things with their free time, Taehyung and Namjoon choosing to visit a cool casino/hotel they had heard about. Jayce lived in the area they were visiting and had joined them for a few days now on their adventure. Namjoon didn't know Jayce all that well, but he knew Taehyung loved Jayce like a brother, and all of them got along well. The two had known eachother since preschool when Jayce had moved to South Korea with his family. Taehyung even helped teach him how to speak Korean when they were only four.

"I'm telling you literally any of them are fine, you're just picky," Namjoon smirked. They were getting ready to go check out one of the clubs that was inside the casino. The hotel they were staying in was attached to the casino, so it made for easy travel. Jayce walked out of the bathroom all ready to go.

"Jayce, which one?" Taehyung asked as he held up his two favorite suit options. One was all dark blue, and one was all white and a bit opaque.

"The white one," Jayce told him as he put some stuff away in his suitcase.

"Really? I kind of like the blue one more," Namjoon suggested. Taehyung grunted, and decided to try them both on. He began to change into the blue one, and Namjoon couldn't help but notice how Jayce had definitely just checked him out while he was changing. He ignored it.

"Definitely that one," Namjoon told his dongsaeng.

"Well try the white one," Jayce insisted. Taehyung changed again, not noticing that Jayce was staring, again.

"I have to disagree with you Joon. He should definitely wear the white one."

"But the shirt is kind of see through," Namjoon pointed out. He wasn't sure it was the best suit for the club, but it was ultimately up to Taehyung what to wear.

"Well I don't feel like changing again so it looks like I'm wearing this one." Taehyung ran into the bathroom to freshen up before heading out. Once he came back out, Jayce realized he forgot some of his touch up make up and ran back into the bathroom again.

While Namjoon and Taehyung were alone in the bedroom, Namjoon had a question he was itching to ask.

"Tae, can I ask you something? And please don't be offended."

Taehyung looked at him, gesturing for Namjoon to go ahead and ask.

"Is Jayce gay?"

Taehyung started chuckling, " No. Or at least not that I'm aware of. I've known him since we were just little tiny people and as far as I know he's only ever been into girls."

"Ah, okay."


"Just curious." Namjoon wasn't judging at all, he genuinely was just curious after seeing how Jayce had been eyeing his dongsaeng when he was changing. He did know that Taehyung was not gay, and he knew Jayce also knew that, so he figured if Jayce was actually attracted to Taehyung, he probably wouldn't openly admit it anyway. It wouldn't be that big of a deal though, even the members always told Taehyung how gorgeous he was.

Taehyung went over and gave him a playful nudge, " Are you interestedddd?" he winked at his hyung. Namjoon started laughing and playfully pushed Taehyung away. Jayce came out of the bathroom and the three of them were finally off to the club.

The club was packed. EDM music was blasting, people were out on the dance floor dancing, or drunkenly stumbling around on the dance floor. Namjoon was able to book a VIP table so the three of them had an entire booth to themselves. Bottle service showed up and placed a bunch of alcoholic beverages on the table.

"Honestly I don't feel like drinking all that much, I don't want to get drunk tonight. I have more fun sober," Taehyung told his two friends. They both agreed with him, they didn't plan on drinking much either, but a cup or two of whiskey did sound good, so they all poured themselves one. After finishing their drinks they headed out to the dance floor and had a ton of fun dancing with not only eachother, but other random people who would stumble over and then stumble away. Before they knew it, almost two hours had gone by. The three of them took a seat at their booth and Taehyung poured himself a second glass of whiskey, he planned to just hang out and sip on it until they left . Dancing had really worn him out.

Namjoon started to wiggle in his seat, " I'm literally about to pee my pants," he stood up "anyone else?" Taehyung and Jayce both shook their heads no.

"Okay well, hold down the fort. I'll be right back," Namjoon ran to the bathroom. To his dismay, the line to the men's bathroom was actually pretty long. He looked over in the direction of the girls bathroom, there was no line. How is that even possible? Part of him honestly considered running into the girls room to pee, he had to go so badly. He chuckled at the thought of all the crazy headlines that would cause. Better just hold it and wait here.

While at the booth, a random drunk person had come over to talk to Taehyung. People in this club sure were social and friendly. It was hard to tell what the person was telling him, so Taehyung just smiled and nodded and tried to act friendly. After the person left, he took a few more sips of his drink and talked to Jayce about their preschool days.

Until he started to feel a bit weird.

He decided to stop drinking the whiskey, figuring maybe a glass and a half had been too much. Although he usually had no problem with even more than that, this stuff was probably just extra strong or something.

Taehyung suddenly felt really tired, and instead of engaging in conversation with Jayce he was staring at the table. Why is the table spinning?

"Tae? You alright?" Jayce reached across the table and grabbed Taehyung's arm.

"Yeah. Yeah I just...I don't know I guess I just started to not feel good. I must have had too much to drink, I'm kind of dizzy."

Jayce stood up and walked over to Taehyung grabbing his wrist and tried to pull him up, " We should go back to the room then."

Taehyung pulled his arm away, "We have to wait for hyung."

"I'll text hyung and let him know we headed back because you weren't feeling good. He won't be far behind." Jayce yanked him out of the seat. Taehyung didn't protest , he figured it was a decent enough idea. He was ready to lay down and go to bed. He didn't understand why he had suddenly gotten so dizzy and tired so quickly, his body felt like a million pounds. It was hard to walk. Jayce put his arm around him and helped escort him out as Taehyung started to stumble around into everyone.

"Jayce I really don't feel good," Taehyung mumbled. Maybe I got the flu and it just decided to hit me?

Jayce gripped him tighter, " I know. We're going back to the room and you can go right to bed."

"Okay, that sounds nice," Taehyung mumbled. He tried to look behind him to see if Namjoon was there, but fell to the ground as the entire building seemed to spin. Jayce helped him back up.

"Hyung???" Taehyung asked confused as he was still being dragged back to their hotel room.

"What?" Jayce asked.

"Where is...where is hyung?" Taehyung didn't remember where Namjoon had gone or why he wasn't with them. He completely forget that Jayce said he'd text him.

"He's coming, don't worry."

"Oh. Okay." He was happy to hear that. For some reason he was feeling almost desperate for his hyung. His hyung always took great care of him when he wasn't feeling good.

Jayce held up a key card to the hotel room and led them inside. Taehyung didn't recognize it. It generally looked the same, it had two beds. But where was all their luggage? The room was completely empty.

Taehyung looked at Jayce, " Where are we?"

"Our room."

"Our stuff?"

"We cleaned it all up before we left, remember?"

A small "Oh" was all Taehyung had the energy to say. However, he didn't remember. He thought they had left their clothes scattered everywhere. That whiskey must've really been strong.

Jayce guided Taehyung to the bed and coaxed him to lay down on it. Taehyung closed his eyes as soon as his head hit the pillow. Finally.

Jayce took Taehyung's shoes off for him, and he was able to whisper out a small "Thanks." Even with his eyes closed it still felt like everything was spinning. Half of him couldn't tell if he was even awake or not, but he knew he was so beyond exhausted and his stomach hurt. He also felt cold. He gripped onto the blanket on the bed to pull it over him, but was confused when he felt it being yanked back off.

He could barely open his eyes, but when he did he saw Jayce sitting on the side of the bed staring at him, smiling. Taehyung smiled back, it was an innocent enough gesture. His eyelids grew heavy and fell closed again.

Jayce had been staring at Taehyung the whole time he was laying there with just one thought running through his head.


He scooted closer to Taehyung and began unbuttoning the suit shirt the boy had been wearing, slowly revealing his chest down to his stomach. Taehyung didn't even stir. Jayce slipped the shirt completely off him and threw it on the floor. He glanced back at the door to double check that it was locked before taking his own shirt off. He started running his fingers through Taehyung's hair and started talking to him, " You know. You grew up to be very beautiful. Quite possibly the most beautiful person I have ever seen." He stared at Taehyung longer, and slowly leaned in and kissed him right on the mouth.

Taehyung opened his eyes, "What?" he asked. He wasn't sure what had just happened, he thought Jayce had asked him a question and was poking his face to wake him up or something.

"Nothing, just sleep Tae."

Taehyung looked around, " Where'd my shirt go?"

"You took it off when you got in bed."

"Ahhh" Taehyung said before letting his eyes fall closed again. With his eyes closed he asked again, "Where is Joonie hyung?"

"He's coming."

Taehyung nodded in response. Any sense of memory or time was completely out the window. He figured they had just left and Namjoon must've been coming any second.

After Taehyung closed his eyes again, Jayce gently turned Taehyung to be laying on his back. He looked him up and down, gushing over how hot he was, and the fact he finally had him all to himself. He slowly crawled on top of Taehyung and sat on him, straddling his waist.

The shift in a sudden weight on top of him made Taehyung open his eyes again, but barely. His eyelids were too heavy to open all the way. He saw Jayce sitting on him, as if he wasn't confused enough already.

"Jayce...? What..what are you doing?" he whispered. His body felt like it had been hit by a mac truck, he couldn't seem to get his voice any louder than a faint whisper.

Without saying anything, Jayce instantly leaned forward and planted a kiss on Taehyung's mouth again. Taehyung was extremely out of it, but he could tell he felt fear course through him. He tried his best to lift his hands to push Jayce off, but he felt too weak to move.

"Stop," Taehyung whimpered. He wasn't sure what Jayce was trying to do, but he knew whatever it was he didn't like it. Jayce grabbed both of Taehyung's wrists and pinned him down onto the bed, "Don't worry, I can make you feel better."

"No," Taehyung whispered.

Jayce gripped his wrists harder and pushed more of his weight into Taehyung.

"Stop it ... that hurts," cried Taehyung. All he wanted to do was sleep. His eyes kept falling shut but opening again when he felt Jayce doing something weird. What is Jayce doing anyway? Why is he sitting on me? What game is this?

Although he knew something was off, Taehyung couldn't comprehend what. He knew Jayce was there, doing stuff, but couldn't figure out what or why. Where is my hyung?

"It's okay, just trust me," Jayce started kissing Taehyungs neck while still having him pinned down onto the bed. Taehyung didn't have the energy to get loose from the grip on his wrists, no matter how hard he tried. Jayce started sucking on Taehyung's neck, causing a noticeable hickey to form. Taehyung whimpered in pain at that , it felt like someone was pinching him.

Why is Jayce pinching my neck?

Tears rolled out of Taehyungs eyes. He was scared, even though he wasn't completely sure why. He just knew for some reason he was scared, and for some reason he really missed Namjoon.

Jayce suddenly pushed Taehyung down more forcefully into the bed, and slammed his mouth against Taehyungs. Forcing his tongue into his mouth this time. Taehyung immediately tried turning his head away, but Jayce grabbed his face with his hand and forced it back in his direction, forcing his tongue back into his mouth. Taehyung struggled underneath him, "Get off me.." he faintly cried.

Jayce was getting angry with how much Taehyung was struggling, he thought the drugs he slipped into his drink when talking to that stranger would have been stronger or would've had him completely knocked out by now. As annoying as it was, Taehyung was still super out of it and defenseless, so he was still satisfied.

Taehyung managed to turn away again, "No!" he screamed. If it could even be counted as a scream.

"It's okay. I won't hurt you. Just sleep, Taehyung." Jayce started running his fingers through the boys hair again, and watched as Taehyung's eyes fell shut and he drifted off. Once Taehyung was asleep, Jayce started kissing his chest, slowly giving kisses down to his stomach, leaving a trail of hickeys all the way to his waistline. He ran his fingers across Taehyung's waistline while imagining all the things he wanted to do to him, and all the things he was going to do to him. He started unbuckling the belt Taehyung had on.

Taehyung opened his eyes again after he felt something weird on his legs. He saw Jayce unbuckling his belt, he reached down and could barely grab his belt buckle while whimpering a small , "Don't."

Jayce was getting extremely annoyed that Taehyung kept waking back up. He aggressively slipped the belt completely out of their loops. Taehyung tried to knee him, or kick him, away. All he could muster up was a small twitch, "Jayce stop it. I said don't." Jayce stopped and forced himself back on top of Taehyung, running his hands through the boys hair, again. He realized it was the only thing that would get Taehyung to fall back asleep. He was mad that this whole ordeal was becoming a lot more work than he thought it would be. Once Taehyung had passed out again, Jayce made his way back down to the boys pants.


Namjoon couldn't believe how long the line to the bathroom had taken, but felt nothing but sweet relief when it was finally his turn. When he had gone back out, he was surprised to see Jayce and Taehyung weren't sitting at the booth. He figured they'd gone back out on the dance floor. He saw Taehyung's cup half full of whiskey on the table, and had the host walking by take it to throw it out. No way was he going to let his dongsaeng finish that, who knows what someone might've done to it. Namjoon always taught the members to never leave a drink laying around, he figured he'd have to remind Taehyung of that.

Namjoon got up and wandered around the dance floor looking for any sign of the two, but couldn't seem to find them. He sat back down at the booth and texted them both asking where they were, and called them a few times, with no answer from either of them. He started to get nervous. He couldn't find them anywhere, and he wasn't sure about Jayce, but he knew Taehyung would never get up and leave the place without either waiting for him, or texting him to let him know where he had gone. He felt a wave of nausea hit him as anxious thoughts filled his head, the main one being the fear that the two had been kidnapped. He reminded himself nobody would kidnap two grown men in the middle of a club. Right?

He decided to ask around, and pulled out a picture of Taehyung on his phone to show people while asking if they'd seen him. His worry grew as everyone he asked had said no. Where the hell are they?

He asked around more, when finally someone said they'd seen him. " Oh yeah that kid. I saw him leave with his friend. He looked super out of it, haa that boy mustve been drunk out of his mind. Could barely even walk, that kid. His friend was pretty much carrying him away out of here. Not sure where they went, but they left."

"You must be thinking of the wrong person. He barely drank anything, thanks though." Namjoon turned to walk away when the stranger yelled after him, " Did your friend have a white suit on? And the other guy had some red silk thing on? If so it was definitely them. And the kid in white was definitely drunk as hell, my dude."

Namjoon froze. The guy had definitely just described exactly what Taehyung and Jayce had been wearing. But drunk? How could Taehyung have been drunk? He barely drank anything. Jayce had to carry him out? That doesn't make sense. Namjoon pondered the situation for a moment when he realized something...

Oh no.

He ran out of the club and sprinted to their hotel room. His chest was so full of anxiety. Jayce wouldn't ever possibly do something to harm Taehyung would he? Of course not, they were best friends since they were tiny. There's no way. Right? But Jayce definitely had been eyeing Taehyung. And was alone with him, and was dragging him away after consuming barely any alcohol...something wasn't right.

In any other circumstance, Namjoon really wouldn't have cared if Taehyung and Jayce decided to go off and do something together alone. Whether it was go out somewhere else or cuddle up in the hotel, he wouldn't have cared. The problem was if that were the case Taehyung still would have told him what they were doing. And a random stranger wouldn't have claimed that Taehyung was pretty much wired. He ran into the hotel room shocked to find nobody in it. He searched around and couldn't find them, and everything was exactly where they left it. Clothes scattered everywhere. Where the hell would they have gone?

He ran down to the front desk and showed a picture of Taehyung, the front desk lady said yes he was being dragged back by his friend.

"What room are they in?" Namjoon asked insistently.

"What's the name?" the lady asked.

"It'll either be under... Taehyung or Jayce."

The lady gave the room number, in which to Namjoon's surprise it definitely wasn't the one they had been staying in. He snuck the extra keycard from under the desk and started running to the room. He didn't bother knocking, there was no time for that. He keyed himself into the room and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Jayce trying to unbutton Taehyung's pants. He looked at Taehyung, who was very clearly passed out. He ran at Jayce and pushed him off the bed.

"What the fuck are you doing to him?!"

Jayce panicked, he hurriedly put his shirt back on and backed away, " Relax relax, he wanted to! He said it was okay!"

"Yeah? He said that? Why do I highly doubt he said that? He's not even fuckin awake Jayce. What the fuck. What did you do drug him or something?"

The two stared at each other in silence.

"Oh my drugged him?!" Namjoon yelled.

"I didn't!" Jayce protested as he stood in the far corner.

"Then whyd someone tell me he was all fucked up when he barely had anything to even drink!?" Namjoon was furious. It was beyond obvious that Jayce had drugged him and was trying to...who knows what he was trying to do. Namjoon shook Taehyung in an attempt to wake him up. He stirred a little, but didn't wake up.

"Tae, can you hear me?" Namjoon asked while continuing to shake him. Taehyung didn't open his eyes, but grabbed Namjoon's wrist and muttered, " Stop it ...Jayce I said no.."

Namjoons eyes filled with tears as he looked at Taehyung. He saw the hickey on his neck and down his dongsaengs stomach. He took the blanket and quickly threw it over him.

Namjoon started walking threateningly towards Jayce, " What...did to him?" he asked sternly.

"Nothing," Jayce spoke defensively.

Namjoon pulled his phone out, " I'm calling the police."

"No!" Jayce tried smacking Namjoon's phone out of his hand, but missed. Namjoon pinned Jayce up against the wall while calling the police and explaining what happened. The dispatcher said they would also send paramedics to check Taehyung.

Jayce struggled to get away from Namjoon. Although Taehyung couldn't fight Jayce, Namjoon was thankfully much stronger and was very capable. Tears were pouring out of Namjoon's eyes as he asked, " How could you? Of all people, him? I thought he was your best friend. How could you do this to him? How could you hurt him like that?" Jayce stayed silent while Namjoon continued to cry, there was absolutely no way he could comprehend this situation. The police and paramedics were there within minutes. The police immediately took Jayce into custody and left with him. The paramedics had some giant box with them.

"Does he have to go to the hospital?" Namjoon asked as he looked at Taehyung, who was still completely unconscious.

"No," one of the paramedics said. The box they had brought was apparently an entire rape testing kit that they could just do right there. The paramedics asked Namjoon if he knew what happened or how far Jayce had gotten, his heart broke when he told them he honestly wasn't sure. He did tell them he thinks he was drugged. They immediately tested him and did in fact find traces of GHB which was a common date rape drug. Namjoon's heart sank even more hearing confirmation that he had been drugged, but was at least happy to hear that there wasn't that much of it in him. Thank God Tae only drank half the whiskey.

Namjoon stepped out to talk to police while the paramedics did all their weird tests, which included bagging and taking all of Taehyung's clothes. Namjoon excused himself to go grab extra clothes for Taehyung. The paramedics came out and said they were done. They all went back into the room , Taehyung was covered with a blanket.

As much as he didn't want to know, he HAD to know.

"Was he...I mean did Jayce... I mean.." Namjoon wasn't sure how to ask the question.

"Was he raped? No, he wasn't. The extent of it is the hickeys." The paramedic tried to sound reassuring, but knew it was still a bad situation. Namjoon let out a sigh of relief.

"And what about the drugs? Will he be okay?"

" He will be alright. He'll feel shitty when he wakes up, but he didn't drink enough of it for it to hurt him. Just enough to make him a little out of it for a bit." Namjoon let out another sigh of relief.

The police and paramedics told Namjoon they could stay at the hotel if they wished or go to the hospital, Namjoon decided to leave that up to Taehyung once he woke up, he knew the younger hated hospitals. He thanked them all as they left. Now it was just him, and an unconscious Taehyung. He wasted no time in helping him get re-dressed, he had grabbed one of his own hoodies and sweatpants for the younger to wear, he knew Taehyung felt the most comfortable in oversized lounge wear (especially if he stole them from another member). He scooped Taehyung up and carried him back into their own hotel room, placing him on one of the beds and tucking him under the blanket. He placed some bottles of water that had been in the mini fridge in their room down on the table next to the bed, incase Taehyung woke up thirsty. Once Taehyung looked comfortable enough, Namjoon went around the hotel room and cleaned up all Jayce's shit, and asked housekeeping to come , throwing everything away.

After what felt like a lifetime, Namjoon lay down on the other bed and tucked himself in. He watched Taehyung sleep, if you could even call that sleeping, more like watched him be unconscious from drugs. The curtain to the hotel window was open a bit and the moonlight had lit up the room. He was so heartbroken. Under any other circumstance, if Taehyung was hurt he would cuddle up with him and give him reassuring forehead kisses to make him feel better. He wanted to comfort Taehyung so badly, but knew if there was one thing Taehyung most likely didn't want right now, or possibly ever again, it was to be touched. Which is why he had also placed him in a separate bed, to give him space. Tears hit his pillow as he closed his eyes and cried himself to sleep.


Namjoon woke up the next morning to movement in his bed. He opened his eyes and turned around to see Taehyung had at some point came over and curled up next to him. Taehyung was finally awake.

"Good morning," Namjoon said softly and turned over to face him.

"..Morning," Taehyung replied. His voice sounded exhausted , "We must have had quite the night. I don't even remember leaving the club or stealing your clothes to wear. I feel like shit though. How much did I drink?"

Namjoon ignored the statement, "When did you get in my bed?" he was curious about what time Taehyung had actually regained consciousness.

"I don't remember. I had a nightmare so I crawled in."

"A nightmare?"


"Do you want to talk about?"

"It was about Jayce. He was ...being weird and doing stuff to me that was scaring me, " Taehyung looked around, " Where is he anyway?"

Namjoon instantly shot up in bed.

...Oh no. He doesn't remember. Any of it.

Maybe that was a good thing, right? Following the whole 'What you don't know can't hurt you' idea? Namjoon wanted with every ounce of his being to just be able to brush it off and let Taehyung assume it was all a nightmare. Technically that's exactly what it was, wasn't it? Just a nightmare? As badly as Namjoon wanted the entire situation to have never happened, the honesty in him knew he had to tell Taehyung the truth, as much as he wanted to protect him from it. Namjoon got out of the bed and Taehyung sat up, staring at him confused.

"Hyung are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost or something."

Namjoon bit his lip, he truly didn't know how to go about doing this. He wanted to spare the younger as much trauma as he could.

"Hyungie? What's wrong?" Taehyung could see worry written all over his hyungs face.

Namjoon sat back down on the bed next to Taehyung and gently held his hand, "Um... I have to tell you something.."

Taehyung filled with anxiety, "What's wrong?" he looked around " Hyung where is Jayce?"

Tears started forming in Namjoon's eyes, and it was scaring Taehyung, " Hyung what's wrong?!"

"Tae, Jayce hurt you last night. " Namjoon finally spit out.

"Huh?" Taehyung was extremely confused. He didn't remember Jayce hurting him. Had he said something offensive that he couldn't remember?

"He hurt you. Badly," Namjoon was crying pretty hard at this point. Taehyung pulled his hand out of his hyungs.

" I don't understand. How? Did we get in a fight or something? I don't feel hurt? I seriously don't remember anything after the club."

"It wasn't a nightmare you had. The stuff you said he did to you in your nightmare, he actually did that to you. Taehyung he drugged you last night and brought you to a different hotel room and did bad things."

Taehyung angrily stood up and backed away, " You're lying."

Namjoon looked at him shocked, " Why would I lie to you about something like that?"

" I dont know! Maybe you don't like him or something! He wouldn't actually do any of that stuff he's one of my best friends!" Taehyung screamed at Namjoon defensively before looking around again, " Where did he go?!"

Namjoon stood up, his heart breaking more and more with each passing moment, " He's in jail because I called the police because I caught him hurting you."

Tears rolled down Taehyung's cheeks. He wasn't sure how to respond. He knew Namjoon wasn't a liar. "Then what did he do to me? If you caught him, what was he doing?" he crossed his arms.

"I don't know everything all I know is when I found you he had taken your shirt and belt off and was trying to get in your pants."

Taehyung froze, because that statement did seem to match part of the nightmare he had. And he knew he hadn't told Namjoon the details of his nightmare, just that he had one. He stood there in silence.

"Go into the bathroom and look in the mirror," Namjoon told Taehyung. Taehyung went in and turned the light on. Namjoon walked over after hearing nothing but deafening silence. Taehyung was looking at himself in the mirror, tears pouring out of his face. He was staring at the hickey on his neck. He turned to Namjoon, "I... I don't understand."

"I know. Neither do I." They were both crying.

"Hyung he...he did this to me?"

Namjoon tearfully shook his head yes, and also pointed to Taehyung's stomach, " And more.." he choked.

Taehyung lifted his shirt to reveal the trail of bruises from his chest to his waist. He immediately dropped in front of the toilet and began to throw up. Namjoon knelt next to him and rubbed his back in silence until his dongsaeng seemed to be done. Taehyung sat up and leaned back against the bathroom wall , cradling his knees in his arms.

Namjoon looked at him, "May I hug you?" he asked. He wasn't sure if Taehyung would be comfortable with a hug or not so felt it appropriate to at least ask first. Taehyung nodded his head yes as he reached for his hyungs arm and pulled him closer to him. Namjoon wrapped his arms around his dongsaeng and cradled his head into his chest "I'm so sorry Taehyung," he cried. The sorrow and guilt he felt for not protecting him better was pouring out of his eyes.

Taehyung sniffled, "I don't understand," he repeated again, "What happened? I were you?" He whispered.

Namjoon's heart broke into tiny little pieces. As if he didn't blame himself enough already, hearing Taehyung not understand why Namjoon wasn't there to begin with made it worse.

"I had gone to the bathroom , and by the time I got back the two of you were gone. I panicked when I couldn't find you after a while and asked around and found out Jayce had dragged you out. It appears that he drugged you while I was in the bathroom. I'm so sorry Tae, I shouldn't have left you alone. With anyone. We both thought we could trust him, I'm so sorry." Namjoon began sobbing.

"It's not your fault, hyung. "

"I should have been looking out for you better," Namjoon sobbed harder.

" You didn't know. Neither did I. How could he? I mean I thought he was my best friend I just don't get it." Taehyung froze after he spoke and looked at Namjoon, eyes wide, "Hyung...did he....I mean..was I..." Taehyung really didnt want to know.

Namjoon knew what he was asking, " No, he didn't." Taehyung let out a sigh of relief. "And Tae I dont know how he could hurt you. People change , and I guess his intentions with you also changed.." Namjoon hugged Taehyung tighter.

"I'd like to take a shower."

"Okay," Namjoon left the bathroom so Taehyung could take one. He was in the shower for almost two hours before coming out full of tears. Namjoon couldn't help but think how small his dongsaeng looked drowning in more of his oversized clothes he let the younger borrow.

"Tae?" Namjoon asked softly as he made his way towards him.

Taehyung buried his face into Namjoon's chest and cried, "They won't come off. I can't get them off hyung"

"Get what off?"

Taehyung lifted his shirt and pointed.

"Oh..Tae...I'm sorry. They can't be washed off, but they'll fade on their own, okay? I promise."

Taehyung tearfully nodded and crawled into the bed, covering himself with blankets. He didn't want to go anywhere or do anything. He already told Namjoon he didn't want to go to the hospital, and Namjoon told him they could head home if he wanted. Taehyung wasn't sure what he wanted, he just knew right now he wanted to curl up in bed, possibly forever.

"Did you tell any of the members?" Taehyung asked.

"No. That's something personal and it's your decision to tell them or not."



"Can you tell them for me?"

"If you want me to . When?"

"Right now. But I'm going to sleep," Taehyung took the covers and threw them over his head, passing out quickly.

Namjoon sat on his bed pondering how to tell the group. Should he call them? Facetime? He felt too awkward and nervous doing that so he decided he'd text them. But what should he say? He didn't want to scare the hell out of everyone and come straight out with 'Taehyung was almost raped by Jayce'. He sat for a long time thinking before finally pulling his phone out. He decided to create a new group chat that didn't have Taehyung in it.


Joonie: I don't really know how to tell you all this, but he requested I be the one to do it cause he didnt want to, but Jayce drugged Tae last night and sexually assaulted him..

Yoongiii: what?

Jimin-ssi: If this is a prank its a stupid one hyung!!

Namjoon heard Taehyung's phone ringing and saw he was getting a video call from Jungkook. Namjoon silenced Taehyung's phone.

Jungukkie : ????Where's hyungie??????

Jin: What are you saying

Hobiii : I agree with Jimin thats not a funny joke

Joonie: T.T im not joking. i left for bathroom , jayce drugged him and basically fuckin kidnapped him and by the time i found them tae was unconscious and jayce was all over him . I called police he's in jail now. Tae is sleeping right now , but he didnt remember anything he thought it was a dream :/

All the members tried video calling Namjoon but he denied all their calls.

Joonie: Not right now guys i dont want to wake him up


Jungukkie: IS HE OKAY??????!?!! >:'(( IS HE INJURED?!??!

Jimin-ssi : . . .

Jin: our baby ..

Jimin-ssi: . . . . . . . .

Jimin-ssi: youre telling me jayce harmed my taehyungie??

Joonie: yes. thankfully nothing worse than hickeys. i also noticed bruises on his wrists but didnt talk to him about it :/ think we will come home early

Jungukkie: wake him up i want to talk to hyungie

Joonie: later maknae he needs sleep

Jungukkie: :((

Yoongiii: taetae.. is he at least okay ? i mean mentally? im home now i can look into therapists if you think he needs it

Joonie: He could be worse but could be better. i think hes mostly just confused . He doesn't understand why it happened but neither do i . We all thought jayce was his best friend

Hobiii : jayce is a pos. we're taehyungie's best friends.

Joonie: Im going to take a nap. keep u posted.

Everyone said bye to Namjoon . He looked over and could see Taehyung's phone constantly light up with text messages from the members sending sad faces or reassuring messages. Namjoon curled up in his bed and also passed out. He was exhausted. The both of them woke up later in the evening and Namjoon could see that Taehyung was replying to everyone's messages.

"Thanks for telling them. I wanted them to know but was too exhausted to do it."

"No problem. Are you hungry ? I could order us some dinner."

Taehyung nodded, he was starving. When room service arrived, they ate. Namjoon had ordered them both hot cups of tea, he had gulped his down but saw Taehyung staring at his drink.

"What's wrong?" The rapper asked.

"It's's if someone did something to this?" Taehyung pointed to his tea in a mug.

"Oh...Tae...I'm sure nobody did. It's not like they knew who it was for. Do you want me to take the first sip?"

Taehyung shook his head no.

"Well I'm sure its fine."

"But what if its not?" Taehyung pouted.

"Well, if its not, then you pass out and I tuck you under the covers until you wake back up," Namjoon rubbed Taehyung's back. Taehyung lifted the cup and drank the tea, he trusted Namjoon completely. He was thankful that he still felt fine after drinking it.

"Tae?" Namjoon asked.


"Do you think you'll be okay? Yoongi hyung mentioned maybe therapy if you think you need it."

"Yeah, I'll be okay. For now at least. I don't know about therapy just yet, but I feel okay knowing I have all of you guys around. I hope you dont blame yourself too much, I still know I'm safe with you around."

Namjoon smiled, he was so glad Taehyung still felt safe around him. Namjoon gestured for Taehyung to pack everything up as they were going to head home early, the two of them and the rest of the members couldn't wait to be reunited. On the plane back Taehyung had fallen asleep and Namjoon noticed the nasty hickey on his neck had faded significantly. He pulled Taehyung into his chest and the two cuddled up. Namjoon smiled seeing Taehyung peacefully asleep.

He'll be okay.


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