Chapter 25

"U-uh Himeko what are you talking about?" Shai asked as she trembled
"Stop playing dumb Shai and just come clean" Himeko said sternly as she glared at her with her dark violet eyes. Shai only trembled and stepped back as she felt a little nervous
D-did she overheard me!?
Shai ended up landing on the bed and gulped
"H-himeko I uhm...I-I can explain" Shai said and trembled
"Please do..." Himeko said as she walked closer to her. Shai gripped the bedsheets tightly and trembled. Himeko sat on her lap and looked straight in her eyes. Shai blushed deeply and looked away
"H-how did you find out?" Shai asked
"I overheard your conversation during your phone call...who were you talking with? Your ex?" Himeko asked
"W-well...uh yes b-but it's not what it looks like okay? She is a fucking bitch and I left her years ago" Shai said
"Shai...what about your past? I heard from Nitski about drugs and gangs...were you in some sorta gang?" Himeko asked. Shai sighed deeply and looked down
"I-I'm sorry...I just couldn't tell you...I-I was scared what would you think about me if I-I told you that about me..." Shai said and buried her face on her chest as she had her arms wrapped around her. Himeko held her and stroked her hair softly
"You shouldn't be scared to tell me anything Shai. I told you the first day that I'll always be here by your side whenever you need to talk to someone..." Himeko said. Shai whimpered softly and held Himeko closely
Heh...she is so perfect...but...should I really tell her about Hinria? How will she take it?
Ring ring
The two jumped and they turned around seeing Shai's phone
"Who is it?" Himeko asked. Shai only looked down gripping her shirt tightly
Shit...she's fucking calling me...this bitch! I swear I will kill her one day! This is terrible timing!
"Shai...who is calling you right now?" Himeko asked. Shai pressed her lips together and shut her eyes tightly. The phone stopped ringing and Himeko got off of her
"Shai...answer me. Who was it?" Himeko asked sternly. Shai trembled and gripped the bedsheets tightly. Himeko gritted her teeth and heard the phone ring again. She walked to the phone and picked it up
Unknown? Hm? Who the hell is it?
"Hello..." Himeko said as she answered
"Eh? Shai? Is that you?" The woman spoke
Huh? A woman's voice? Could it be?
"No" Himeko said
"Huh? Who the hell is it?" The woman asked
"Shai's girlfriend" Himeko said
"Shai's girlfriend? Wait a sec...heh so you're the bitch Shai replaced me with? It's a pleasure to meet you" The woman said
"Who the hell are you and what do you want with Shai?" Himeko asked harshly
"Hehe why would you want to know? It's none of your business" The woman said and chuckled softly
"Stop fucking around you stupid bitch and just tell me who you are?" Himeko growled
"Hinria Qin and I believe you're Himeko Momokino...right?" Hinria said. Himeko turned to look at Shai glaring at her
I guess Shai mentioned me to least that is a good thing. She is not cheating on me...
"Yes. I am and I believe you're her slutty ex" Himeko said
"That's right but I don't get why she wanted to mate with you since you have no boobs or ass. Ha! Shai made a pathetic decision" Hinria said
"Listen you fucking bitch! Stop fucking calling her and leave her alone!" Himeko said
"Pfft whatever Momokino. It was a nice talking to you but it seems I have to go now. Anyways bye bye and have a goodnight" Hinria said as she hanged up. Himeko put the phone and sighed deeply
So...was she hiding this from me ever since we started dating?
"She's your ex..." Himeko said
"Y-yeah..." Shai said
"Explain..." Himeko said
"Well...I-I got into these sorta gangs when I was little" Shai said
"Why?" Himeko asked as she still had her back facing her. Shai only looked down clenching her fists tightly
"I-I had no other choice...after my mother father tried his best to take care of me. B-but...he couldn't do it and ended up doing bad things. I got caught in his mess as well...not until my aunt decided to take us in. My father ended up telling her about the things he'd done and that he regretted it. I was still young so I was only confused...but then...I met her on the streets and well...from their we had fun for a bit" Shai said
"And then?" Himeko asked
"We were together for a while until...Yuzu ended up finding out my little secrets and drugs. That's when she got mad at me for doing something terrible..." Shai said
"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! WHY ARE YOU DOING SHIT LIKE THIS!? DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR FATHER WOULD'VE DONE?!" Yuzu exclaimed. Shai only stayed silent and looked at Yuzu with cold eyes
"Don't fucking look ag mr like that..." Yuzu growled
"What the hell was I suppose to do?" Shai asked
"Act like an Alpha! Stop fucking around with those bitches in the streets! What is the reason for this!? Shai you are an Alpha! Start acting like one!" Yuzu said
"Alpha! You think I can act all tough and strong like you Yuzuko! I can't be like you! What's the point if everyone will keep pushing you around!?" Shai shouted as tears built up in her eyes. Yuzu stood there watching her cousin cry
"Not all Alphas are meant to act tough and strong. Sure everyone excepts an Alpha to act that way but to Alpha should act nice to everyone and be friendly. Yeah maybe act tough and strong but only when you need to. And by that I mean helping someone out or whoever needs help..." Yuzu said and lifted Shai's face meeting up with her teary eyes
"S-sorry..." Shai cried. Yuzu sighed deeply and wrapped her arms around her hugging her
"I will only forgive you if you promise me to stop hanging out with those bitches and doing drugs. Promise?" Yuzu asked
"Pr-promise..." Shai said as she cried
"Shhhh there there...I'm here" Yuzu whispered comforting Shai who cried on her shoulder
End Of Flashback
"But the slut keeps bugging me..." Shai said as she looked down
"Do you see her again?" Himeko asked. Shai stood up from the bed and walked up to Himeko wrapping her arms around her from behind
"I don't want to. I want to be with you Himeko-chan. I love you so much and I mean it. I-I'm really sorry...I'm so stupid. Pl-please don't hate me Himeko. I-I'll do whatever to make it up to you" Shai said as tears began to build up in her eyes. Himeko turned around as her eyes met up eith Shai's teary eyes
I guess she really does mean it since I know her so well...what a cute crybaby
"Stop crying Shai..." Himeko said and kissed her tears that began to roll down her cheeks
"I-I just feel so upset and terrible for keeping something like that hidden from you...forgive m-me for being such a terrible Alpha mate" Shai said as more tears began to roll down her cheek
"Sh-shai please calm down..." Himeko said. Shai sniffed and looked away
"I'm the worse Alpha mate ever. I am suppose to be taking care of you but all I am is crying like a baby bitch...what kind o-of Alpha am I-I? Do I e-even deserve t-to be called A-alpha?" Shai said between her cries. Himeko only held her trying to comfort her
Nothing will make her shut up except...
"I'm the worse of the worse....every Alpha should be asha-mmph!" Shai's eyes widen and blushed deeply
Sh-she's kissing me!
"H-himeko I-"
"Shut up" Himeko said and pushed her to the bed. Shai whimpered and looked up as Himeko pinned her down. She leaned in and kissed her tears away. Shai blushed deeply and whimpered softly. Himeko caressed her cheek softly and smiled a little
She may be an Alpha but she acts like a little Omega in bed when I'm dominant. It makes me feel like I'm the Alpha in the relationship...cute
"Don't cry Shai it's okay" Himeko said and kissed her passionately. Shai blushed deeply and kissed her back softly. Himeko pulled away and kissed her neck softly
"B-but I still feel bad..." Shai whimpered. Himeko sighed and removed her own shirt
"Don't worry...I'll make you feel good tonight~" Himeko said. Shai blushed deeply and gulped
Damnit...I'm being dominated again

"Oh come on. Just go to their rooms and ask if they wanna come over. Not so hard" Nitski said
"Why me?" Matsuri asked
"I can come with you and ask" Nene said
"Haha! I have a feeling you'll just go take a peek inside Yuzu's room just so you can see how they are fucking each other" Nitski giggled
"N-not true!" Nene exclaimed as she blushed deeply
How did she even guess?! Is she a psychic?
"Meh whatever. I'll just go ask them..." Matsuri said as she stood up and walked out
"W-wait for me Matsuri-chan!" Nene said
"Good luck" Nitski said. Matsuri and Nene walked together but separated. Matsuri walked to a room not paying attention at all and opened the door
"Stupid Nitski wa-" Matsuri paused as she saw Mitsuko sitting in bed with Maruta close to her face. Almost as if they were kissing
"A-ah! Sorry it's just Nitski sent me to ask people if they wanna play or stay up late in her room. I'll leave! Bye!" Matsuri said and shut the door. She trembled and felt like crying as she ran away to hide
What the hell?! Why do I want to cry?! We are not dating! We are not even fucking dating! B-but...why am I feeling so upset? Why?! Damnit! Stupid fated mates!
Matsuri leaned against the wall whimpering a little as she hid in a corner
"Matsuri?" Mei asked as she spotted her in the corner
"M-mei-san? Oh u-uh hi" Matsuri said as she wiped a bit of her tears
"Matsuri what is going on?" Mei asked
"I-it's nothing" Matsuri said nervously as she tried to stay calm
"About?" Mei asked
"J-just about...uh you know. Stuff lately..." Matsuri said and sighed deeply
I don't think I can lie to her...but...maybe I should tell her about having a date and from there we'll see who is the right person for me
"Go out with me" Matsuri said
"H-huh?" Mei asked as she blushed
"I've decided that I will go out with you and from there...we'll see what happens" Matsuri said
"I see. Does Monday sound good?" Mei asked
"E-eh?" Matsuri asked
"Monday will be our date and in the morning so we can spend so much time together" Mei said and caressed her cheek softly. Matsuri blushed deeply and nodded. Mei blushed staring at her beautiful purple eyes with her own and slowly leaned in. She closed her eyes as she was about to connect their lips together until she felt a soft and warm hand on her mouth
"No. I'm not going to kiss you until I've decided" Matsuri said sternly. Mei looked at her and smiled a little as she pulled away
"I guess you've actuallly matured" Mei said
"Eh?" Matsuri asked
"You're not a little pervert anymore like last time" Mei said. Matsuri chuckled softly and smiled
"I guess I have" Matsuri said and smiled
"Can I ask you something?" Mei asked
"Hm?" Matsuri asked
"What do you think about...Taniguchi? Do you really like her?" Mei asked
"W-well...I don't know" Matsuri said
"Matsuri...let me tell you something. Mitsuko is a terrible person. She cares for no one and only cares about herself" Mei said
"Really?" Matsuri asked
"Yes...because I've met her before and I know how she is" Mei said
"O-oh..." Matsuri said.
Is she that bad? No...I shouldn't judge a book by it's cover
Meanwhile the Taniguchi sighed deeply as she covered her face overhearing their conversation
"I don't want to be like you!"
"It's your fault mama died!"
"I hate you!"
"Don't hurt me! Please papa!"
"M-mama...I miss come back..."
Mitsuko started breathing heavily as her past began to go through her head
Damnit! Get yourself together Mitsuko!
Mitsuko tried to hold in her tears and walked away. On her way, she met up with Nene who was nose bleeding a lot
"Haaaah my HaruYuzu...what a wonderful sight" Nene giggled and gasped seeing the taller woman
O-oh no...I'm dead!
"Excuse me..." Mitsuko said but with a soft tone instead of her stern. Nene's eyes widen and looked at her seeing her eyes watering
"S-sorry" Nene said as she stepped away from her and Mitsuko made it to the bathroom to calm herself down. Nene only stood there shocked
She was crying!? She had tears?! Eh?! But why?! What caused it?
Nene heard a few voices and saw Matsuri and Mei together talking
"Oh hey Nene" Matsuri said
"H-hey" Nene said
Could it be...that they were the ones that caused it?

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