BROOKE DIDN'T SLEEP AT all. Paisley only fell asleep thinking of any comforting scenario she could. Jonathan rang the Slora household, telling them to meet them at the local camping store.
Paisley's household only having one car meant that the two girls were walking. Small town though, which means short distances. "Did you have any nightmares last night?" Paisley asks as she kicks a rock. Brooke kicks the same rock, "Can't have nightmares when you don't sleep." Her head is groggy. Even the cigarette from earlier didn't wake her up much to her disappointment.
"Why? Did you have one?" Brooke asks. Paisley sighs, wondering if it's worth telling her the nightmare. It was almost too vivid. So vivid that Paisley almost wanted to run over to the Wheeler's in the middle of the night to check on Nancy. Her bloody body pulled from the hole in the tree instead of her sobbing one.
"Let's just get food," Paisley forces a smile as they enter downtown. She knows there's a really good donut place but she doesn't know how much her body will appreciate a donut as her first meal of the day.
"We should get them food. I doubt they ate if Nancy is—" Brooke looks up right as they reach the movie theater expecting to see a new movie displayed against the white lights, only to find Nancy's name spray painted in red across it.
"Oh, fuck," Brooke curses. Paisley's jaw drops.
"Nancy, wait!" They hear Jonathan yell but it's too late for either girl to stop Nancy from seeing the horrible lie. As each of her friends take in the writing above them, Nancy Wheeler's heart sinks. Paisley can tell she's trying not to cry. It's a mix of anger and sadness on the girl's face.
"Jesus," Jonathan whispers. Brooke marches right up to Nancy, grabbing her gently by the shoulders, "This is bullshit, alright? We're gonna find Harrington and I'm gonna—" The sound of Tommy laughing cuts Brooke off. It's like every sensor went off in her body each time she hears it. It's a dreadful noise, really.
Nancy walks away from them, Brooke right behind her as Paisley and Jonathan tell them to wait. Brooke is pissed at the sounds of their voices. Nancy glances at Brooke who nods, letting her know she has her back. Nancy stomps over to them, ponytail bouncing along with her. "Aw, hey there princess," Carol says.
"Uh-oh. She looks upset," Tommy laughs. "Shut your mouth, dumbass. Surprised you can even talk with the damage I did to your jaw," Brooke yells at him from behind Nancy. The bruises on Carol and Tommy's face are still very evident. As much as Brooke wants to get immediately to the part where she's kicking their asses, she knows Nancy wants to say what she needs to say first.
She goes right up to Steve, slapping him in the face. Brooke's eyes go wide and she feels proud of Nancy as Steve's friends gasp. "What is wrong with you?" Nancy angrily asks. "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? I was worried about you. I can't believe that I was actually worried about you," Steve scoffs.
Brooke rolls her eyes. She can't help but think he's lying, just another way to get into her pants once more. "What are you talking about?"
Jonathan and Paisley finally catch up, slowly approaching the group. "I wouldn't lie if I were you. You don't want to be known as the lying slut now, do you?"
Carol's words click the wrong, or right, buttons in Brooke's brain. "How about you shut your fucking mouth, bitch. You wanna end up on the concrete again?" Brooke gets right in Carol's face. A smirk forms the closer she is to the big bruise on her jaw. "Are you kidding me right now?"
"No, I'm not—"
Jonathan grabs Brooke by the sleeve of her hoodie, dragging her back like a rabid dog. "Speak of the devil. Just in time to herd the sheep," Tommy steps down off the stair, "Hi," He says to Jonathan who still has his grip on Brooke.
Steve stares at Jonathan and Nancy makes the connection. "You came by last night," She says. "Ding! Ding! Ding! Does she get a prize?" Carol condescendingly says. Brooke shakes herself off of Jonathan's grip but then he grabs her by the waist.
"Carol, I swear on everyone I love, I'll be the one to beat your ass this time if you don't shut the fuck up," Paisely curses. Her protectiveness over her friends popping out, especially towards Nancy. "Look, I don't know what you think you saw, but it wasn't like that," Nancy steps closer to Steve.
"What, you just let him into your room to....study?"
"It's more than you do, Harrington," Brooke shouts. "Or for another pervy photo session?" Tommy laughs and Brooke can feel Jonathan tense under the grip he has on her. "We were just—"
"You were just what? Finish that sentence," Steve gets in Nancy's face, "Finish....the sentence."
Nancy doesn't say anything, she just breathes heavily. Brooke knows she wishes she could explain but what they would say is an excuse would make her out to be more insane.
Steve scoffs, "Go to hell, Nancy." Jonathan holds Brooke in one arm and grabs Nancy in the other, "Come on, Nancy, let's just leave."
"Yeah, these assholes aren't worth the calories we're losing talking to them," Paisley gently pushes Nancy in the other direction. "You know what, Byers? I'm actually kind of impressed. I always took you for a queer, but I guess you're just a little screw up like your father," Steve pushes Jonathan twice. Brooke is biting her lip so hard she swears she can taste blood.
She's the one tugging him away now as Steve continues. "Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, that house is full of screw ups," Steve pushes him again and Brooke stops. "You know, I guess I shouldn't really be surprised. A bunch of screw ups in your family—"
Brooke has had enough, she lets go of Jonathan and pushes Steve so that he stumbles back. "Leave him the fuck alone, Harrington. I know all the hairsprays seeped into your head but whatever you saw was bullshit."
Steve leans down slightly in Brooke's face, "Walk away, Martel. This doesn't concern you." Steve tries to step around her but she matches his every move. "You're the fuck up here, Harrington. Daddy cheated on mommy. They're never fucking there for you—"
"And your teen parents are? That's real rich coming from someone like you!" Steve manages to get around Brooke, pushing Jonathan once again, "I'm not even surprised what happened to your brother."
"Steve, shut up!"
"Jonathan, let's just go!" Both Paisley and Nancy shout at him as Steve rambles on. Steve pushes Jonathan again, "I'm sorry I have to be the one to tell you, but the Byers, their family, it's a disgrace to the entire—" Harrington's shouting is cut off finally by Jonathan punching him so hard he nearly hits the brick wall of the alleyway they have found themselves in.
"Oh shit!" Paisley has to hide the smile on her face. She's been waiting for this one.
Brooke glares towards Carol to make sure she doesn't try anything and she nearly misses Steve slamming Jonathan onto the hood of the car next to her. He grabs Jonathan, throwing him onto the concrete. "Stop! Steve!" Nancy tries but it doesn't work.
Brooke walks over and kicks Steve in the abdomen so that he rolls off of Jonathan. He has the upper hand for a second before Steve knees him in the stomach. Jonathan gets another punch in.
Brooke can see Tommy out of the corner of her eye go towards Jonathan. She steps right in front of him, slamming him into the brick wall and keeping her knee right between his legs in case he tries anything. "A little intimate, isn't this?" Tommy laughs. Brooke smirks and doesn't say a word as she knees him right in the balls. He falls to the floor as the other fight continues behind her.
Jonathan gets yet another punch as Nancy pleads for him to stop. Paisley has moved herself over to leave her sneaker planted right onto Tommy's chest. Carol goes to say something to her but decides against it when Steve hits the floor, Jonathan crawling on top of him to land more punches.
The police sirens that Brooke thought she was hallucinating gets closer as the cop car pulls into the alleyway. Tommy pushes Paisley off and she lands on her ass, nearly missing her head hitting the concrete.
Brooke stares in complete shock at Jonathan as he just keeps loading punches into Steve. The blood spilling from his nose and cut on his eyebrow is enough to make Brooke realize that Jonathan needs to stop, the police car behind her also helps.
"Jonathan!" She tries to grab him off and so does Callahan but he elbows the officer in the nose. Tommy grabs Steve from the ground, pulling him away from Byers. "Jonathan! Fuck!" Paisley curses as Powell slams him against the hood of the car and cuffs him.
Callahan chases after Steve and his friends. Brooke hears Nancy let out a quiet sob, completely flabbergasted by what just happened.
"Let's go! Road trip time!" Powell shoves Jonathan in the cop car. Once he's in the car, Powell turns to the familiar face of Brooke Martel. "Must be nice for a change, huh?" Brooke closes her eyes tightly as an attempt to calm herself down. Powell is a cop she doesn't hate but that comment made it a bit harder.
Powell and Jonathan drive off. "I can't believe this!" Nancy exclaims. "I can. I mean, kind of. It was bound to happen—"
"Brooke," Paisley says her name and she shuts her mouth. Callahan turns to the corner with no King and no Jesters, just himself panting. Brooke rolls her eyes and he slowly walks up to his car. "Callahan," She says his name. He holds up his finger symbolizing that he needs a minute.
"Callahan," Brooke just tries again, "You're taking us to the station." She steps towards the car. Callahan looks up and laughs, "Voluntarily?"
Paisley steps up next, "Can we just—just take us, please?" Her brown eyes shift to a pacing Nancy.
Callahan gets in and unlocks the car, "Fine. No funny business. I'm looking at you, Martel," He takes to fingers from his eyes and at Brooke. She just scoffs and gets in the middle of the backseat. Paisley and Nancy get in on either side. "He'll be fine. Don't worry, really," Brooke reassures the shorter girl.
NANCY QUIETLY WALKS OVER to where the other three are sitting in the station. Brooke, being so familiar with the place, lets herself play with the random papers and shit on the officers desk in front of them. "Found some ice," Nancy says, handing the ice to Jonathan.
He has his hands nervously planted on the desk, one throbbing in pain from the punches thrown, as he slowly looks at the ice Nancy is offering. Paisley looks over, "Take the ice, bro. You need it."
Jonathan makes a face at Paisley before leaning into the ice in Nancy's hand. Brooke gets up from her shitty blue chair and walks around the office. The officers either throw a small smile or a roll of the eyes. She starts to wonder if Hopper is here and if it's worth the headache to annoy him a bit. He might even split his granola bar like he did that time after she got caught smoking weed for the hundredth time.
"Hi, Flo," Brooke waves. "Happy to see you here without cuffs," The woman comments without looking up from her paperwork.
Brooke starts walking back towards her friends right as Joyce and Hopper burst in.
"Jesus, what...what happened?" Joyce stutters. Callahan pushes out his chair and it's just instinct that Brooke rolls her eyes at him. "I'm fine," Jonathan says. Joyce looks towards Brooke and Paisley for some sort of answer. "He won. If that makes it any better," Paisley smiles and throws a thumbs up at her.
Joyce blinks a few times at her and then looks back at Callahan, "Why is he wearing handcuffs?"
"Well, your boy assaulted a police officer. That's why—"
"Take them off!" Joyce orders. Brooke shifts her weight from heel to heel and glances over at Hopper. A small pit of relief in her stomach to know he's here. It's odd for her to feel that way with any officer around but Hopper is different—in Brooke's head, he isn't a piece of shit like the rest of them. Just a heartbroken man trying his best.
"I'm afraid I cannot do that—"
"Take them off!" They all slightly flinch at Joyce's yelling. "You heard her. Take 'em off," Hopper now orders them. "Chief, I get everyone's emotional here, but there's something you need to see," Powell tells his boss. The four of them look at each other completely confused as to what he's referring to.
The officers walk away and a minute later come back with a box of mystery items. Brooke and Paisley lean over to look into the box, their eyes widen at a bear trap and ammo and lighter fluid. Brooke closes her eyes realizing this is what they were gonna use to kill the monster.
"What is this?" Joyce questions. "Why don't you ask your son? We found it in his car," Hopper says.
Paisley's face drops. "Why are you going through my car?" Jonathan asks harshly. Hopper leans down in front of Brooke but towards Jonathan. "Is that really the question you should be asking right now? I wanna see you in my office."
"You won't believe me," Jonathan says. Brooke shakes her head. He's going to end up in the looney bin if he says what the hell they saw. "Why don't you give me a try?" Hopper whispers. He backs up from the desk and looks over each teen. "We have pictures to prove it," Brooke speaks up, "Nancy, do you have the—"
"Uh, yeah, yeah," She quickly grabs it from her bag, "Here." Nancy slides it forwards and Hopper picks it up. He looks at Brooke and the other two girls.
"Go home. Byers, stay with me."
"Wha—how do we know you believe him, hm?" Brooke puts her hands on her hips as Hopper and the Byers walk away. "Hopper!" Brooke yells. "Martel, I will deal with you another time. Go home!" The office door slams.
"What now?" Paisley stands up from the plastic chair. "I can give everyone a ride home—"
"No." Both Paisley and Brooke cut Callahan off. Nancy stands up, grabbing at her arm. She swiftly moves past the two girls. Between last night and today, Brooke can't blame her for being shaken up.
ONCE AGAIN, THE TWO kick rocks towards each other as they walk around Hawkins. "Gas station is right there. You want a Coke? On me," Brooke bows in front of Paisley.
Paisley shrugs, "Yeah." Brooke's face and shoulders drop. Paisley is usually the quieter one of the two but she seems—upset. "What's wrong?" Brooke asks.
"Really? Nancy got sucked into some tree and came out crying and then today Jonathan fights Steve goddamn Harrington. You're wrapping your head around it?" Paisley scoffs.
"I never said that. I guess it's just easier for me to get through the chaos. I don't know. It's what my whole life has been built on. I mean, I'm questioning the hell out of the tree but, other than that I'm fine," Brooke tilts her head like a confused dog, "Coke or no Coke, Slora?" Brooke starts skipping ahead as she waits on an answer.
"Coke—I'll buy my snacks though," Paisley runs to catch up with her.
Brooke reaches the gas station and every pep she had in her step freezes. "Oh, what the hell?" Paisley whispers. In front of them Tommy has Steve pushed up against his own burgundy BMW.
"You gonna fight me now too, huh?" Tommy yells in his face. Brooke hates both boys, Tommy H. a bit more because of him bullying her in middle school but she doesn't stop either of them. She just wanted a Coke and got a show. She can see the dried blood on Steve's face from her spot on the sidewalk. "Because you couldn't take Jonathan Byers....." They can't hear what he says after that, they can barely make out Steve's expressions with the wounds on his face.
Tommy roughly let's go of Steve. Brooke nudges Paisley and walks up to the trunk of the car, "Can I get my Coke now?" She fakes a smile. Steve whips his head, slightly embarrassed that anyone saw what just happened.
He looks at Brooke leaning on the trunk of his car but he can't find the energy to argue with her like he usually does. Steve just looks at the people around him and gets in his car. Brooke steps back from it when she detects a smidge of sympathy in his bruised face. Shocked to the core.
"Let me get the door for you buddy," Tommy slams the door as Steve starts the car.
Brooke jumps back as Steve quickly backs the car up. Tommy does some more yelling as Brooke just watches Harrington speed away. Paisley has no more energy to deal with teenage boy bullshit so she just walks right past Carol and Tommy and drags Brooke inside before she can open her mouth to the two assholes. They can still hear him yelling as they grab what they each want.
BROOKE HAS NO IDEA how she keeps ending up where Hopper is but her original plan was just to wait for Jonathan to get home on his porch after being yelled at by Shawn and Kathleen for being at the police station. They didn't even let her explain that it wasn't for her this time but Shawn called her a useless brat nonetheless.
The Byers car speeds onto the dirt driveway. "Guys?" Brooke slowly stands up from the chair and puts out the cigarette when Hopper gets out of the car.
"Brooke." Nancy grabs her by the wrist and she nearly trips into the doorway. Nancy let's go when she takes in the string lights and letters on the walls. "Yeah, bonkers," Brooke says as she dramatically shakes her wrist.
"Can someone explain what the fuck is happening now that I nearly busted my ass coming in here?" She jogs after the other three. "Where's Danny?" Joyce asks. Brooke furrows her eyebrows, "Probably with the boys. Why?" She asks, starting to get concerned when she notices Joyce and Hopper glance at each other.
"Okay. You sure?" Hopper asks. Brooke's confusion now completely forms into concern. "Yes. Why? Someone tell me what's happening. Does it have to do with the monster?"
She follows them into Will's room. "I got it!" Joyce says and brings out the Cerebro. "Danny is safe. We're gonna make sure he's safe," Hopper tells Brooke but it doesn't calm her down like he had hoped. She throws her hands in the air, "Excuse me? Why would we need to make sure of that?"
"There's people looking for the boys," Jonathan explains very vaguely. Before Brooke can ask anymore questions, Nancy starts calling out for Mike through the Cerebro.
"Mike, it's me, Nancy. Mike, are you there? Answer. Mike, we need you to answer!" Nancy panics, "This is an emergency, Mike. Do you copy? Mike, do you copy?!"
There's no answer. "Who are the people? Like, bad people?" Brooke quietly asks Jonathan. He just shrugs, "People. People who know about the monster."
Nancy tries again, "I need you to answer."
Brooke stomps over, "These little shits," She presses the button to speak, "Boys, answer this thing right now or so help me God when we find you I will make sure you don't make it to puberty."
Brooke scoffs when there's no answer again. "Fuckers," She curses. Hopper takes it from her hands, "Listen, kid, this is the chief. If you're there, pick up. We know you're in trouble and we know about the girl."
The girl. The bald girl. Brooke blinks a few times at the realization. "We can protect you, we can help you, but you gotta pick up. Are you there? Do you copy? Over," Hopper impatiently says into it.
"The bald girl has to do with this?" Brooke asks. She figures now she doesn't have to keep it a secret like Danny asked. "You know her?" Jonathan frantically asks.
"She was there when they found Will. Well, fake Will. Danny asked me not to say anything," Brooke explains. Hopper sighs when there's no response. "Anybody got any other ideas?"
A second later, there's static. "Yes, I copy," Mike's voice says. "It's Mike. I'm here. We're here."
Brooke smiles knowing her brother is safe now. "Okay, I'm gonna get them. Everyone stays here. Understand, Brooke?" Hopper points at the brunette. She throws him the middle finger which he waves off as he gets to the door.
"Wait," Jonathan calls out, "Can you get Paisley? Paisley Slora? I doubt they have a clue she knows about it but please?"
"Hopper, if those people kidnap her or something she'll just kill herself before opening her mouth. Go get her," Brooke looks up at him from her spot on the couch. Hopper just nods and exits the house.
BROOKE'S LEG HAS BEEN non stop shaking since Hopper left. Everyone anxiously waits for the kids and Paisley.
Headlights shine into the living room. Nancy and Brooke race out the door as they all pile out of Hopper's car. Nancy runs to Mike and engulfs him in a hug.
Brooke spots Danny right in front of Paisley and she runs over to him. "You little shit!" She hugs him and he immediately hugs back. "You okay?" Brooke softly asks.
"I'm fine," Danny calmly replies.
"I was so worried about you!" Nancy yells at her brother. "Yeah, uh, me too," Mike awkwardly says.
Paisley and Brooke make eye contact. Paisley points to the girl in front of Brooke. The little girl in the pink dress and blue coat.
Nancy narrows her eyes on her, "Is that my dress?" All the little girl does is look around at the boys. She shrugs, "I—"
Brooke steps forwards, "It is. It's from elementary school, Nance. I think it looks good on her now." The older girl smiles in hopes it'll settle the younger girl who just stares blankly at Brooke.
i had no idea where to put our girl for a second there butttt act 1 is almsot over? then we can get to the best season and hopefully some more proper steve and brooke moments, where they aren't wanting to pull each other's hair out
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