"Looks like you've chosen your new target. Can't keep your legs closed for long, huh?"
Areum recognized that voice immediately. Boyoung.
Boyoung and Areum met in freshman year. They were close, almost best friends. They could've been best friends but Boyoung suddenly had a change of heart. After that, she started picking on Areum for no reason. Life got harder for Areum after that.
"What's your deal with me Boyoung? If you keep picking on me like this, I might get the idea that you like me." Areum teased lazily. She knew Boyoung was harmless--well, physically harmless. The most she could do was spread rumors and Areum was (sadly) already used to that.
Boyoung uncrossed her arms. "You really think everyone likes you, huh? Get your head out of your ass, Areum. Nobody would like someone as disgusting as you."
"I might be disgusting as you say, Boyoung. But at least I don't need expensive clothes and make up to feel like I'm worth something." Areum walked past Boyoung, bumping her shoulder on hers.
A very confused Jungkook followed her. He was puzzled by the previous exchange of words between Areum and the girl everyone seemed to love, Boyoung. Jungkook wasn't fond of her before and now that he saw her true colors... let's just say Jungkook wasn't very happy with her.
He looked up and realized Areum wasn't in front of him anymore. As much as he wanted to go look for her, class was about to start and he did not want to be late.
School was over and Areum was walking home now. She sighed as she walked by the convenience store. She bit her lip, debating wether she should stop and buy something. Deciding to do so, she walked in and looked for some snacks. She came across some Oreos and decided to get some for her little brother, Jisung.
She payed and left, reaching her apartment complex just a few minutes later. After an awkwardly silent elevator ride, she reached her neighbor's apartment and knocked on the door.
Mrs.Han opened the door, a soft smile on her face. "Jisung, your noona is here!" As soon as those words left her mouth, small, hurried, stumbling footsteps were heard as the five year old ran to the door. "Areum Noona!" He greeted, hugging the latter's legs.
"Hey, bud." Areum greeted, ruffling the younger's hair. "Thanks for watching him, Mrs.Han. I honestly don't know what I would do without you."
Mrs.Han laughed. "It's nothing, sweetie. Hey, Jisung, how about you get your things and shoes? Don't forget to put your homework in your backpack." The little boy nodded, hair bouncing, and rushed off.
"Your mother left, sweetie." Mrs. Han said, smiling sadly at the girl.
"She went out again? I've told her to not go out on week days but she never listens. What should I do? I've tried to--"
"No, hun, I think she's gone. She left with a suitcase, she was crying. I don't think she's coming back." Mrs. Han interrupted.
Areum froze.
"She passed by and left this for you." She handed Areum an envelope.
Areum grabbed it with shaky hands. "Did she...?"
Mrs. Han shook her head. "She didn't ask to see Jisung, she just asked me to give you this."
Areum glanced at the envelope in her hands, her grip on it slightly tightening.
"I'm done! Can we go now, noona?" Jisung asked with a big smile on his face, automatically creating a smile on Areum's face.
"Let's go, bud. Bye Mrs.Han, thank you for watching him." Areum said. "Bye, Mrs. Han. See you tomorrow!" Jisung said, waving almost too fast.
Mrs.Han chuckled. "Take care of your noona, alright Jisungie?" The little boy nodded almost instantly. "Always!"
The two older females laughed and said their final goodbyes. Jisung babbled about his day even after reaching their apartment and settling in.
"And then I kicked the ball and it went so far, noona! I had no idea how I did it but it was awesome and--"
"Jisung, baby, how about a bath?" She suggested and Jisung nodded and squealed in excitement. The boy loved his bubble baths. "Go choose your pj's, I'll set up the bath in a bit."
Areum knew he took ages to choose his clothes because he always ended up getting distracted. Jisung dashed off and Areum took this opportunity to read the letter.
Her hands trembled as she opened the envelope and took the folded sheet of paper out. She recognized her mother's handwriting as she unfolded the paper. Areum took a deep breath before reading the letter's contents.
"I know this is not the best way to say goodbye after everything I've done. After all that, the least I could've done was to give you and Jisung a proper goodbye. But I couldn't even do that and I hate myself for it. Which is why I'm going away. You and Jisung were probably the worst thing that ever happened to me. Because of you kids, I feel like shit every time I fall back into drugs. Because of you two, I feel I have to be better than what I am. I want to let go, I want to be free. But with you guys, I can't do that. You've done great at raising Jisung, so keep doing that. If it makes you feel any better, you'll be a great mom, unlike me.
Don't look for me.
Stop being a nuisance in my life."
Areum wiped the tears off of her cheeks as she heard Jisung's excited footsteps. "Noona, I'm done! I-- Are you crying?" He gasped. "Is someone being a meanie to you again? I'll fight them for you!" He said as he raised his tiny fists up making Areum chuckle.
"I'm fine, Jisung. You don't have to fight anyone." She said between laughter.
Despite the boy being young, he knew when his sister was lying about being okay. He glanced around desperately, trying to come up with something to cheer her up. His eyes lit up and ran up to the table.
"How about Oreos and milk after my bath?" He picked up the packaged cookies with a smile.
"You would really share your Oreos with me?" Areum asked, knowing how much he loved his cookies.
The boy nodded instantly. "Anything for my noona!"
At moments like these, she was very grateful for Jisung. God knows she would have been gone a long time ago if he wasn't with her. He's the reason she's still here.
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