(Special chapter) bad piggies: Rise it and Swine it!

After a few hours bouncing to Piggy Kingdom, King Pig sat on his king chair. The two little pigs was trembling because they thought that King Pig was going to scold them. King Pig sighed and said "Pigs, it's not your fault" Both of the pigs nodded and ask "King Pig, you not mad at us?" King Pig replied "No, it's not your fault. We should have notice that an egg is a food but it was a stone for that egg so it could means that one of the birds colour the stones into white. I don't blame you pigs" both of the pigs thanked the king and went out from the kingdom. Pip asked "Let's go to Piggy Desert" Poi nodded. They were bouncing to Piggy Desert. They sat down on the sand. Poi was building a sandcastle as Pip was finding flowers and water on his buckets. After founding plenty of flowers and water, they were decorating the sandcastle. It was a beautiful sandcastle. Poi brought a knife and a forks. He gave Pip a fork. Poi stab the sandcastle and cut it to like cake pieces. They eat the sandcastle. Sands for pigs can cause them to feel calm while grasses make pigs full. As they were eating the sandcastle, they smelled something fresh, something that they used to smelled long time ago. Pip asked "What is that smell? Smell so similar" Poi told "Let's check it out!" Pip nodded. They both are following where the smell is coming from. Poi was carefully running down the mountain but Pip never notices and he fell down like a bowling ball. Poi asked Pip as he running down the mountains "HEY! CAREFULL PIP YOU'RE GOING TO H-!" Poi could not finish his sentence because Pip already hit some pig. Poi got down from the mountain and grab Pip's tail. Poi sighed and said "Pip, you're so careless" Pip apologized. Poi help the pig to get up. "Uggnn.." A pig said. Sudden, Poi was looking at the pig. The pig as well. They both are staring at each other and then the pig asked "P..Poi? Is that you?" Poi was surprise and said "Raik? Is that you?" Raik nodded and said happily "Jiaw? Oh my lord! It's Poi Jiaw! Hey friend it's been a long time that i ever talked to you!" Poi was jumping happily and said "Raik Yiou! Long time no see!" "Umm..." Pip said slowly. Poi notice that Pip have no idea what's going on so he said "Oh Pip, this is Raik Yiou. He's working as a chef for King Pig. Raik, this is Pip Tiar, worker for the King Pig" Pip bow to him and said "It's a pleasure to meet you! And i'm sorry for hitting you and your thing to fell down" Raik said "Apologize is no needed. It was just your careless. Plus nice to meet you as well!" And he smiled. Raik looked around the item that spilled everywhere. Then he took up his chef hat which was laying on the ground. He sighed. "Pip, do you know what is that spilled everywhere here?" asked Raik. "Umm...It is cake?" Said Pip. "Very well done, it's Dion's birthday so that's his cake that spilled everywhere" Said Raik. "I'm sorry Raik! Is there anything that we could help?" Said Pip. "Yes, do you guys know Piggy Ocean?" Asked Raik. "No i do-" Poi was cut off his sentence by Pip "Yes! It's behind Piggy Mountain!" "Well that's good, in Piggy Ocean, there are hidden places which hid ingredients" Raik said. Pip nodded. Poi asked "Raik, ocean? Really we cannot swim!" "Jiaw, it's not in the ocean, it's some in the hidden rocks or you say could mountains" Poi nodded. "I shall come with you all because you might get lost since Piggy Ocean is the biggest place in Piggy Mountain" They two nodded. Poi brought some items for the vehicle that he's going to make. Pip brought a telescope. Raik brought a mixer, unused electric oven, Bowl, spoon, knife, cake trays and a unused electric blender to make the cake. A whole day bouncing to get to Piggy Ocean. It took about 25 minutes to get there. They drop they items in a nearby tree. Raik said "First things first, we need flour" both of the pigs nodded. The ocean is huge like it's flood. Pip took up a telescope and look for flour. While looking for flour, Poi asked Raik "I'm really curious but why there's ingredients in here?" "I have no idea like maybe they fell down from the sky?" Said Raik. "Okay pigs, i found it in near to a small cave" said Pip. Poi nodded. Poi build something too simple. A wooden cart with car wheels and with an normal engine with a flashlight on it and also two firecrackers. "Good luck!" Said Raik and Poi. The vehicle goes inside the cave and Pip open the flashlight. The flour was on top of a small cliff. Pip pull the firecracker rope and it fly. Pip grab the flour and turn another firecracker to go back. Pip came out from the cave and then the vehicle broke. "AHH!" Pip shouted. Pip fell from the ocean. "HELP! HELP!" Pip shouted again. "Ahh! Raik! Bring me a rope!" Shouted Poi. "On it!" Raik gave Poi a rope. "Here goes nothing!" And Poi threw the rope to Pip. "Got it!" Said Pip as he trying to get out from the water. Poi was pulling the rope and luckily, Pip got out safely. "*pant**pant* thanks for saving my life!" Said Pip. Pip brought up the flour. They laughed happily. "Okay now, check! Now we only need eggs, baking powder, butter, strawberries, vanilla extract and milk" Raik said. "Wow that's a lot of ingredients!" Said Pip. Poi nodded. Raik said "Pigs, all cakes are like that!" Both pigs nodded. Pip took up the telescope again, and found strawberries, butter and milk in a plastic on another cave. Pip sighed. He told Poi where is the destination. Poi looked where is the cave is. The cave is on top of a mountain. Poi sighed. Poi make a difficult vehicle which was made sliver boxes, sticky wheels, car wheels, powerful engine, flashlight was taped on a firecrackers and plane pieces. Poi pulled the rope in the firecracker and the vehicle is starting to fly. Pip was sweating because he's scared. The vehicle stared to fly. The sticky wheel is stuck on the walls. Pip turn on the engine and the sticky wheels started to move. They lead to the cave. Pip turn on the flashlight and saw the plastic bag under a cliff. Pip turn of the engine and open a firecracker to go take the bag. He got the bag and turn on the sticky wheels to go up the cliff and than he turn on another firecracker and it flew out the cave. Than he turn on the sticky wheels and turn off than luckily, Pip landed safely on the sand. The vehicle was drowned. "Uggnn....OW!" Shouted Pip. Poi is helping Pip to get up. Raik saw something on Pip's back. Poi saw it too. "AHHHHHH!" Both of the pigs scream loudly. Seeing Pip bleeding badly. The blood is everywhere on the sand. Pip is going to faint. Raik took up something from his back which a big sharpen glass. Poi is finding any bandage on his box. And he found another box which written "problems". Poi threw the box to the ocean. Poi cannot find any bandage. Raik took up his handkerchief and wipe the blood away. Poi thanked Raik. Raik took his bowl up and bring some water from the ocean and dip the handkerchief in it. Than he wipe Pip's back again. Poi brought a water that Pip could drink. Suddenly, Pip woke up. Seeing Raik wiping his back and Poi is holding a bottle of water. Pip asked " uggnn....where am I?" "You're laying down on a rock in Piggy Ocean" said Poi. Pip stood up quickly. He took out the plastic bag. Raik said "Pip lay down, you suffer too much so how about you rest for few mintues?" Pip nodded. Poi gave him the bottle and said "Here, drink this. You might feel better" Pip thanked Poi and started to drink. After drinking, Raik said "Poi how about you find the baking powder, eggs and vanila extract" Poi reply "Sure, as long that Pip is safe" Raik nodded. Pip was resting on a huge rock nearby a coconut tree. Poi took the telescope and try to find the ingredients. He found it inside a cave. Poi zoomed in and found that the bag is on a huge cliff. Poi sighed. He build a wooden boxes, car wheels, plane pieces, firecrackers with a flashligh on it and sodas. Poi got in the vehicle and pull the firecracker. It flies on the sky and went down on the cave and saw the cliff. Poi turn on another firecracker which goes up and he took a the plastic bag. Suddenly, the vehicle broke. Poi got out from the vehicle and saw the vehicle goes down from the cliff. "Great! Now what! Oh i know, jump down like an idiot Who would to that?" Asked Poi to himself. He got no choice but to go in the darken place. He walks to it and he saw...

At Piggy Ocean,

"Jiaw should be by now, where is he?" Said Raik to himself. He hears Pip yawning. He turns around and saw Pip woke up. Raik went to him. "Pip! I'm glad that you're okay!" Said Raik to Pip. Pip is rubbing his eyes and asked "Good Evening, where's Poi?" "I don't know, he went to get the ingredients and now?" Said Raik. They both were silence. Raik took up his phone and dial Poi's number. "Hello? Poi where are you?" Asked Raik. "...." "Poi?" Asked Raik again. But exactly he's talking to the error that the phone is saying. Raik threw his phone down in the sand. "Raik! Calm down!" Pip shouted. Raik apologize. "I wonder, where on earth is Poi?" Asked Pip to himself. Pip took up his telescope and trying to find where is Poi. But than, no sign of Poi or his vehicle. Pip gave up. Raik said "Maybe his fine. We'll just wait!" Pip nodded.

At ???,

"Where am i?" Said Poi to himself. He went to the darken place. He look down and saw blood. "Blood? Why there's blood here?" Asked himself. Suddenly he hear a voice. "Hello" Said an unknown voice. "Ahh! Who's...who's there?" Asked Poi as he took out scissors. Poi saw a shadow coming to him. Poi went backwards, pointing the scissors to the shadow. someone came out from the darken place. It's having Purple Feathers, red eyes, hairstyle like a girl and tail likes a birds tail. "A..a bird?" Asked Poi. " hello, who are you?" Said purple bird. "That's what i'm going to ask you! I'm Poi Jiaw" Said Poi. "I'm Lucia. What are you doing here and why are you holding scissors?" Asked Lucia. "Umm....i was getting ingredients" said Poi and kept his scissors on his pocket. "Just as you know, i'm a bird but i'm not like the others birds. Always disturbing pigs. That's what i hate about birds!" Said Lucia. "Lucia, why are you here as well?" Asked Pip. "I was trapped here. The other birds trapped me here. Now you have come here to Sizhedetudi, we can open the gate to get out of here" said Lucia. "Wait, what 'gate' are you talking about?" Asked Poi. "This gate i'm talking about is a safer place to get out. Exactly It's just a lift going down to the ground. But the key is missing. The key will run to the other side and when we go to the other side, it's comes back." Said Lucia. "Oh i get it! Let's go!" Said Poi. Lucia nodded. They were bouncing to a room. While bouncing to the room, Poi asked "Say Lucia, why there's blood on the ground?" "Birds died here" reply Lucia. "Before they died, why can't they take the key?" Asked Poi again. "That i don't know" Lucia relpy. After bouncing, they open the door and saw a key on the other side of the broken floor. "Okay you'll stay there Poi" Said Lucia. Poi nodded. Lucia open the other door and sudden, the key was beside Poi. "Aha! I got it!" Said Poi. "Good job Poi!" said Lucia. They went out the door and went to a lift. Lucia is having problems to put the key on the lift. "Um...Lucia, it's not there, it's there" Pointed Poi to the keyhole. "Hehe, i'm sorry for not knowing" apologize Lucia. "No apologize needed" Said Poi. They went in the lift and press ground floor. It brings to the ground floor and open the door. "Goodbye Poi. Hope we'll meet again!" Said Lucia going to the left side. Poi waved her. Poi is going to the right side and saw his vehicle, broken. He went out the cave and saw that there's no hope of getting out the ocean. He just jump while shouting. Poi cannot swim. "HELP!" Poi shouted loudly. Pip and Raik saw Poi drowning." Pip! Bring the rope!" Said Raik. "Okay!" Said Pip while giving the rope to Raik. Poi grab the rope and Raik pulls it. Luckily, Poi survive." *pant**pant**pant* Thanks for saving my life!" Said Poi. Poi took out the ingredients and gave it to Raik. Pip is carrying Poi to the huge rock for him to lay down. Poi is resting. Pip went to Raik, helping him to bake the cake. After few hours later, the cake is ready. It was decorated beautifully. There's 39 candles with strawberries nearby them, frosting near out the cake and sprinkles on it. "Ah, it's beautiful" said Pip. Raik nodded. But at the same time, Poi woke up. Raik said "Alright, let's go since it's getting dark" Both of the pigs nodded. They laughed happily.

At Piggy Kingdom,

"Where is Raik, Poi and Pip? They should be here right now" whispered Ziok. "I don't know" whispered minion pig. They were hiding behind the table. They were waiting for the King Pig to come. "They should be here right now, it's 10 o'clock" said another minion pig. King Pig went out to get some free time. Suddenly, they here a knock. They saw three pigs came in. "Where have you been?" Asked Ziok. "We have some problems with the cake so we need to get some ingredients for that" reply Poi. Ziok sighed. Raik put the cake on the table. Ziok said "Okay hide behind the table" They nodded. Suddenly, the door open with a big pig. Yes, it's King Pig. King Pig cannot see anything because the light switch is all off. He opened the switch and saw all of the pigs. One of them is holding the cake which was Pip. They started to sing the happy birthday song. King Pig started to smile. After singing, they light the candles. King Pig said "I wish....that i will be the best King in Piggy Island" and he blow the candles. All of the pigs started to clap. Than he smile again. One of the pigs go to the DJ box, put the disk to play some music. The party had started. King Pig cut the whole cake. All of the pigs sighed. Because King Pig is chlidish and greedy. Poi saw them enjoying the party but he feels something weird inside him. He went out from the kingdom and went to a nearby field. Raik and Pip was finding Poi where all of the pigs dancing on the dacing board. They cannot find Poi. Raik and Pip went out the kingdom and took a deep breath. "Ahh.....its really distrubing in there. All of those drunken pigs are so distrubing as well" said Pip. "Ahh...look there! Isn't that Poi?" Asked Raik. Pip look at that pig and it was Poi, sitting there on the beautiful verdent grass. They ran to Poi. Poi saw them and asked "why are you here?" "Were here to find you silly" reply Pip. "Ah...i see" said Poi. Both of them sat down on the grass. Raik asked "Why are you sad?" "It's just..." Poi could not finish his sentence. "It's just?" Asked Pip. "It's just that i met someone in that cave and it was a bird. Her name was Lucia. She hel-" Said Poi but was cut off by Raik "Jiaw, you met a soul, not a bird. Lucia is a legend. Lucia is a young bird who hates the other birds because she cares the piglets. Than one day, the leader, Red, brought the other birds to fight her. She's not good at fighting so she fainted. She woke up in a cave. She said that she can't take it so she commit suidice from the cliff. Her body was under the ocean. She was a soul." Poi was in shcok to hear what Raik said. "That's horibble! Why did they did that to her?! If they never forgive her, they have no heart!!" Shouted Poi."Jiaw, the cliff is high up. The only way to get down is-" Raik's sentence was cut off by Poi "lift. Its the lift" "Yes, you got down with her. So she is free" said Raik. "You did something special" said Raik again. "Yeah, i did something special" said Poi smiling. "Poi is more special than us, i'm just a worker. And Raik, he's a chef but you are a mechanic, worker and the hero" said Pip happily. "What did i did to save the world?" Asked Poi. "You saved me, help me, wait not me, us!" Said Pip. "Thanks you all!" Said Poi happily. All of them started to laugh happily. "Let's go in, they're having a blast!" Said Pip. "Sure!" Said Poi and Raik. "Let's go!" Three of the shouted happily.


Thanks for reading. Hope you enjoy this amazing adventure of this three little pigs. Need more adventures with this piglets? Coming soon but the title is 'Dusk till to dawn'. Plus thank for who is reading this. Make sure to vote if you like this story. See ya later. I'm out

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