Bad Piggies chapter three: filght in the blue night

You hear some kind of laughing, it's a child's voice. 

After bouncing they way trough to South Piggy Island, again there was no eggs. King Pig was really angry at both the little pigs. Poi cannot believe this so he went to check again. Pip was lying down, waiting for any response from his buddy. King Pig was...well angry still. Pip hear some kind of laughing. "Hmm...Poi why are you laughing? This is not funny!" Poi asked "What? I thought you were laughing! Come on Pip, this is not a joke!" Then they hear that laughing again. King Pig said "Who's laughing?" They went frightened because they really hear a child's voice. They thought that the child's voice was a ghost or something. So that's why they both run away from South. As they bouncing as fast as possible, Pip was the first one who notices where the egg  might be so he said "Uhh....Everyone, If Th-..the egg is no-..not at Piggy Island then *pant* it could Birdy Island!". King Pig nodded. They ran and ran until they went to North again. Because there's an exit from Piggy Island to Birdy Island. Birdy Island is small but it's dangerous for pigs to go because it's full with unknown birds. Pip and the others walk around before going to Birdy Island because they're scared. Poi wasn't looking where he's going because there's one big hole but luckily he did not fell down but this mechanic hat flew down in the dark hole. Pip saw Poi was worried, so Pip asked "Hey, Buddy! Why don't i go in and find your hat?" Poi saw Pip and sudden, he blush and said "Than-.. Thank you!" Poi smiled. Pip smiled back. King Pig notice that Pip is holding a rope. He asked "Pip, what are you doing?" "Poi's hat fell down in the dark hole so i'm going to bring it back!" King Pig nodded. Pip took a rope and a flashlight. He also brought some items for example, Wooden boxes, Wheels, Engine, Soda, etc. Pip put the rope in the nail which was been already used and it was very old. He went down. It was really dark so he open the light. He easily found the hat, it was under a short cliff. He build a vehicle which was made by sliver boxes, red engine, car wheels, Umbrella and unused eclectic fan. The vehicle broke but Pip got the hat. Pip make a new vehicle to make it out. But he failed, the vehicle broke. He was on top short mountain which he had to glide down to get up. Pip did not have more items so he made something simple. 

After few hours later,

"Where is Pip? I hope Pip could get out, i'm worried" Poi said to himself. King Pig was sleeping on the grass because he need some rest before going to Birdy Island. The Verdant grass look so beautiful. It's just like you in a garden with full of light green flowers. Even when you lay down on it, it feels like you in on your bed.Suddenly, Poi hear a happy scream. "OIINK!". Seeing that Pip's was out from the dark hole. flying with the light blue and the bright red rockets. "OINK! Were we go!"Pip shouted up in the orange evening. Sudden, the rockets sound different. Yes, it's out of fire." Oh no, i'm dead" Pip whisper to himself. The vehicle started to fall down in the sky. It's just like when you're on a rocket. when the engine and the fire went out, it will start a bit cracking and will fall down. "WAHH! HELP!" Pip shouted. The vehicle stared to crack. Poi was looking for balloons to try to make him fly but that will not work. "Ah man, if balloons can't work or! What do i have?" Poi was saying that as well he was looking for items. Poi was too late, Pip started falling. "AHH!" Pip shouted. "Ahh...why Pip have to make a rocket vehicle?" Poi asked himself. Poi check the other box which is written "Only Problems". Poi founded weird from this box. It's also something on the box which is kind of white face and a long smile. Poi open it and found...a paper which is written "your problem is solve" with a trollface. Poi throw the box as far as possible for what he just saw. "Trolls, trolls, trolls! Why everything is trolling me? Even the outside was a troll!" Poi asked and shouted as he looks like that he was trolled. Pip shouted happily "Wee!". Poi notices that it was two minutes and never help Pip. Poi look back and saw Pip was playing with the grass. "Wow, the grass look beautiful! Oh, hey buddy i got your hat!" Pip took out the hat from his tail. Poi was staring at Pip because he looks beautiful when he's on the grass with the orange yellow evening. King pig woke up. He's looking at the little pigs, playing each other. You might think that Poi was serious the whole time, yes but he also had his playing time. Exactly, they are childhood friends. Poi will never forget something precious to him.


"Wah! Help me!" A little pig shouted. There was a bully, bullying the litle pig, Pip. "Give me your money!" The bully pig grab Pip's face. "Wah! Help, somebody!!" Pip shouted as loud as he can. "Oi! Don't you dare shout!" The bully slap him. Pip was only 9 years old, getting bully. There was a little pig who dare enough to walk trough the conversation. It was Poi. Poi shouted "Hey! Get away from him!" The bully pig turns around and saw the "mechanic pig" which was the King's worker. Poi was only 10 to work for their King. "Oh man! The king's worker!" The bully ran as fast as he can. Poi asked the little pig "Hey there, you okay?" Poi is grabbing Pip's tail. "Yeah! Thanks and who are you?" Pip asked the little pig. "I'm Poi, nice to meet you? What's your name?" Poi asked as well. "I'm Pip, i'm a student!" Poi smiled. Pip smiled back. "Well dear Pip, i'm a worker for our King" Poi told Pip. Pip asked "Wow, you must be clever at this age! Say you're hungry? I am! Let's go to the Cake Café!" Poi replied" Ah, please Pip don't make yourself in trouble! Your mother or father will not be angry at you?" Pip said "Well...i don't have a mother or father, i live alone." Poi feels sorry and said " i'm sorry for hearing that. Well, sure! Thank you Pip! Let's go to Cake Cafè" Pip smiled. They were bouncing they way to there. They went to the counter. "Um..i would like to take green pepper mint and strawberry spongecake and he would like?" Pip asked Poi and Poi replied "Lime and blueberry cheesecake" the counter said "very well little pigs, that cause..10 coins" Pip was surprise because the cake price was very cheep. It was suppose to be each cake was 10 coins but now, for each cake is for 5 coins. Pip took out ten coins and paid to the counter. "Thank you very much for buying our cake" the store bell said that when you get out from the store. They were walking at the Piggy Park which was near the cake store. The park was in West Piggy Island. They sat down on a bench. They opened they're box and eat the cake. Pip said "Hey buddy, why don't you stay at my house just for today Please?" Poi blush and said "umm....Thank you Pip! You made my day! I never ever had a friend like you!" Poi smiled. Pip throw the boxes in the trash can. They were walking back to Pip's house. There were doing in Pip's house was playing together and like an sleep over. For the next day, Pip was for the first one who wake up. He straight away prepare breakfast. Then only Pip bath himself up. Poi woke up and went down, seeing breakfast was ready. Toast. Poi sat down and start eating. Pip went downstairs and saw Poi. He said while coming to the dinning room "Oh hey buddy, how's the toast?" Poi looked at Pip and smiled. Poi said " It's very delicious, thank you again!" Pip smiled. He also eat the toast. After eating Poi went to sit on the sofa. Poi asked "Say Pip...would you like to help our king? Don't worry, King Pig is just childish" Pip said "What really! Wow thanks buddy!" Poi smiled. Poi bring Pip to see King Pig. King Pig said that he could be his worker. They both smiled. So they've work happily for their King.

End Flashback

Poi smiled as he look the beautiful evening. King Pig asked "Say piggies, it's going to be night so at that time we steal the eggs". Pip nodded. Poi as well. They laugh happily. Poi is packing up some items. King Pig took a net to steal the eggs and Pip is helping to bring the items as well. Sudden, Poi just got a call from his cellphone. He pick up. "Hello? This is Poi speaking." Poi asked. "Hey it's me Xue Ni! The Corporal asked me to call you ah. Ah hold on!" The Chinese pig replied as she gave the phone to the Corporal pig. "Poi! Make sure that before Friday, all of the pigs including our King must be at the Piggy Kingdom." The Corporal said. "Now Ziok, i know that we'll having our 19th birthday to King Pig right?" Pio asked." Yes, our King is having his birthday. Will you do that?" Ziok said. "Yeah sure, bye Ziok" Then Poi hung up the phone. King Pig never notice that they were talking about his birthday. Pip asked "Hey buddy, who is is?" "It's Ziok, he..." Poi can't tell because King Pig might hear it. Poi whisper" It's King Pig birthday on Friday." Pip nodded. Poi shout "Alright! Let's go!" The rest of the pigs nodded. It was getting dark, so Poi brought a flashlight. They stomped out from Piggy Island. They saw many warnings like 'Be carefull the birds will hurt you' and ' Danger! Many traps in Birdy Island!". Pip got scared after seeing these warnings. Poi took out a telescope to find the eggs. It was in left side of Birdy Island. But there was birds who guarding it. Red and Chuck was the one who's guarding it. They slowly and carefully walk to a big bush. Poi whisper " Alright Pip, could you take the eggs for us?" Pip whisper back "Okkie dokkie". Pip slowly walk to the nest, he took out a net to grab the eggs. Luckily he got three of the eggs. Then he slowly walk back to the bush but with a sudden, Pip fell down as well as the eggs. There was a sound that make the birds wake up. "AH MAN!" Pip and Poi shouted. "OH NO NO! OKAY I'LL DO A ROC-..NO MAYBE A..AHH..!" Poi is going to faint for of all this building. Pip shouted as he trying to get up "POI! A CAR!" Poi shouted "YES! THANKS PIP". The gang of birds were standing at the bush while Pip got up. He turned back and saw the birds. "AHHH!" Pip scream as he ran. Poi shouted "PIP! GET IN!". Pip was entering the vehicle. "Okay Guys! Get ready!" Poi said as he start up the engine. "Here we go!" Poi said. The vehicle went like rocket speed. The birds were using their slingshot to hit their vehicle. Luckily the vehicle did not broke when they got out from Birdy Island. "MAN!" one of the birds shouted. Because the birds can't go to Piggy Island, it's against the rules. The vehicle is going to brake. "Oh no!" The pigs got out from the vehicle. They landed safely in the verdant grass. King Pig asked "Hey Pigs? Did we did it?" Pip took out the three eggs from his back. King Pig said "Yay! Now let's cook it!" "I got the Cooking pan ready!" Poi said. "I got the hammer!" Pip said as well. Pip took the hammer. Poi puts the eggs in the Cooking Pan. King Pig was waiting. Pip place the hammer on the eggs and hit it. But sudden, the eggs did not crack. "Whaa?" Pip said dumbfounded. Pip hit again but it did not work. Poi is not that dumb so he took a bucket of water and wash it. And surprise, it's a stone. The water is all white. King Pig stood up and said "WHAT! A STONE!?" Poi was speechless to say anything. "Aww...why?" Pip asked. Poi sighed and said "It was all a troll...this is not even a food. Let's go back now". The others nodded. Pip help Poi to bring the items. Poi was looking at the box and throw as far as he can "Stupid! Everything is such a bad luck!" Again you hear the child's laughing. The child's laughing sounds like three boys. Who can it be?


"Jake, Jay and Jim, i'll hope that you give a responsibility to take care yourself and the eggs while we're gone. Don't worry just for two days we'll be gone okay?" Said Matilda. "Okay!" Said the three blues. "Good boys, now were heading off, take care!" Said the white bird while she's going out the door. When she went out, The Blues whisper each other. "Okay brothers, let's trick pigs for what they done!" Jake said "Agreed" the others said. They went out to find some stones that look so similar to, the eggs shape. Jake found some. "Okay, so we need to color it!" Jay brought some white paint. They paint it. Jim took the eggs and bring it to North Piggy Island "Good luck Jim!" Said his brothers. After few hours, Jim got back to Birdy Island." Hehe, we are totally braking the rules but who cares?" Said Jake. Each time when the Pigs found the place where the eggs might be but The Blues change it every time. After the third time that the pigs tried to find the eggs, Jake decided " Hmm...this is boring! Say, let's change a little bit" "Yeah, let's let the pigs get the rock!" Jim joined.

End Flashback and chapter


 Wow! The longest chapter ever! Well this is the last chapter of Bad Piggies BUT there is a special chapter coming soon! There is three special chapter. Well i don't think that i will post on Monday until Friday because i got school and some special class like ST John class on Tuesday , Ping Pong class on Thursday and dancing class at Wednesday. So i told you that. Now, there is one thing that i'm going to ask you, what happened to the pigs? Try to guess in the comments below! "The adventure what Pip and his friends did was a troll" i think that's you all say. I seriously wrote my classmate's name, because I go to Chinese school so i have a classmate who has a name Xue Ni. Okay, i'm giving you the next chapter title, it's "Rise it and Swine it". It's about King Pig's birthday! And King Pig's name is Dion! Oh and also, you might say "Why in the first chapter you said that the pigs eat grass? But the flashback got cake!" Well because THAT'S BEFORE THE WAR BETWEEN THE BIRDS AND THE PIGS! Since like they lost in the war, everything was destroyed! So with all the pigs help, they make again Piggy island. All the food, they're gone. Even the supplies! So that's all! Any more questions? Just ask! And anyways thank you so much for reading. I hope that you'll all have a wonderful day as i do! But anyways thanks again, i'm out!

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