Chapter Twenty-three

Billie walked into the lobby and just about every head in the place turned to see the woman in the red dress. Billie smiled secretly to herself as she hit the button on the elevator.

The door sprung open and Braden was there, along with two women whose mouths dropped open at the sight of her. Braden fumbled to hold the door for her.

"Good morning!" Billie said as she stepped into the elevator.

"Morning, Ms. Dupree," the occupants said in unison.

"Braden, remind me again of that question you asked me before? About me wanting to go down or what is that you have trouble getting it up? I can't quite remember."

The woman next to Braden let out an involuntary giggle, earning her a stern look from Braden. "About that? I didn't mean any disrespect, Ms. Dupree? I ..."

"You're fired," Billie said over her shoulder.

"What? I..."

The elevator reached her floor, and the doors opened. "Come now, Braden. Not even I'm that cruel. I would never do that."

Braden leaned against the back wall of the elevator both stunned and relieved.

"But I could," Billie said as she stepped through letting the doors slide shut behind her. God, that felt good.

Her staff stopped and stared as Billie walked through the rows of cubicles wearing a huge smile and said, good morning to everyone that she passed. Her sentiment was echoed back to her.

She reached her office. Sat down and pulled out her phone. Now to take care of Donavan. Billie called him, but he didn't pick up. So, she left a message.

"Hi, Donavan. I don't think it would be right if we met for lunch. I appreciate the offer but perhaps we can make a different plan some other time," she recorded, but thought, a time where I can let Quentin know and take him with me.

With that handled she thought to send him a text for good measure. There. All taken care of. Billie delved into her work. She couldn't wait to see Quentin again. Just thinking of him brought a smile to her lips.


Quentin's phone rang. "Hello, Mum," Quentin said switching his phone to hands-free.

"So, I see things are going well," his mother stated.

"Very," Quentin said and couldn't keep the smile from spreading his lips as he thought of Billie.

"Your father is livid."

"Is he now?" Quentin's smile only widened further. "Do tell?"

"I don't like how much you're enjoying this, Quentin. He is your father after all," his mother admonished.

"In name only, Mum. That man doesn't care about me, never has. I refuse to be a pawn in his games any longer."

"Has Billie agreed to marry you?"

"If it comes down it. I do believe she will," Quentin said.

"He's close to closing the deal. Even your escapades around town can't diminish his delight in that."

"It doesn't matter. It will never happen. I won't let it happen. Billie will NOT lose her company."

His mother was silent for a moment or two. "I hate this you know. I don't want this war. You're choosing to divide this family."

"What family?" Quentin said but regretted the words the moment they left his mouth. "Mum, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said..."

"No, no you're quite right. I've chosen to turn a blind eye to what I don't wish to see."

"Mum?" Quentin felt ashamed that he hurt her. "I don't mean that towards you."

"I know, Quentin."

"Are you still up to going with Billie and me to a musical?"

"You know I'd never turn you down for that."

"Well then, how about Friday night?"

"Sounds perfect," his mother told him.

"Love you, Mum."

"To the moon and back," she told him and Quentin smiled.

He called Billie and he heard her laugh as she picked up the phone. "Miss me already?"

"Always," he told her. "What do you think about going out to that musical I mentioned before Friday night, with my mother?"

"I would love that!" Billie was quick to agree.

"Perfect. I'll get the tickets. Any particular time?"

"No, whatever works best for your Mum. I'll be sure to be ready."

Quentin chuckled at Billie using his word Mum.


"No. Nothing. It just sounds cute coming from you. I like it."

"I have to admit it's fun to say," Billie admitted.

Quentin almost said, "Well if you marry me you can call her that whenever you like," but the words got stifled when he remembered part of their deal was no more talk about marriage. Someday.

"Alright I'll let you go, looking forward to tonight," Quentin said.

"I'm sure you are," Billie nearly purred.


He hung up the phone to the tone of her laughter.

After stopping at the theatre to pick up tickets Quentin got back to the apartment and nearly ran into Donavan as he opened the door to enter.

Donavan was staring down at his phone and seemed disturbed.

"You okay?" Quentin asked upon entering. "Bad news?"

"Nothing I can't handle," Donavan told him. "So where have you been these last few days." Donavan stepped aside so he could enter.

"I... um... there's been a development."

"Oh really?" Donovan said but not with his usual enthusiasm.

"Are you sure you're okay? You're acting really weird."

"Sorry," Donovan said putting the phone into his pocket. "You were saying."

"I won't be staying here anymore."

"You won't? Why not?"

"I've been invited to stay somewhere else."

"Are you staying with her?" Donovan sounded annoyed by this idea.

"Look, I know I said I was coming to town to hang out with you but I'm on to something here. I have to see where it's going while the train is moving, you know?"

"Yeah, whatever," Donavan told him.

"Come on. Don't be like that."

"Like what? You're ditching me for some girl you just met. Good for you. Hope it works for you both. I got somewhere to be."

Donavan opened the door and closed it with a thud behind him.

Quentin felt bad. His foundations took up a lot of his time. He very rarely came into town unless there was an event he needed to attend. He and Donavan have drifted apart over the last few years. Talking sparingly, but they haven't really been close for a while now. Quentin had hoped to change that, by staying here, but he didn't expect to find Billie. He couldn't let this opportunity pass through his fingers, but Quentin still felt bad about ditching his best friend.

He grabbed his things and packed them away. Quentin wasn't sure how but he knew he had to make it up to Donavan somehow.


Billie's intercom buzzed and her secretary announced. Donavan Callahan is here to see you, Ms. Dupree.

Billie sighed. He obviously either didn't get her messages or chose to ignore them. "Send him in."

"Billie, hi," Donavan stopped in his tracks when she rose from her desk. "Wow, you When did you start coming to work dressed like that?"

Billie had almost forgotten how she came dressed to work this morning. She looked down at her dress and smooth down her skirt with her hand.

"Didn't you get my message?" Billie asked, trying not to appear or sound annoyed.

"You know my phone has been giving me some trouble. I had it serviced over the weekend and just picked it up on the way here. You called?"

"Yeah, I needed to reschedule," Billie said feeling awkward, it was so much easier to put him off on the phone when she didn't have to see him face to face.

"Are you about to leave for a meeting?" Donavan asked.

"N-no, it's just not a good time?"

"Oh, but you are going to get some lunch, though right? You know at some point today?"

"Yes, probably. I just really would prefer..."

"Billie look I get it. This is awkward. You and me. I just really wanted to give you this," he held out a package to her.

Billie took the brown-wrapped package.

"Go on, open it," Donovan encouraged.

Billie opened the wrapping to find "A Meeting of Hearts" by Gwendolyn Moretti. She sat down too weak to stand as her hand ran lovingly over the cover.

She looked up at Donovan with tear-filled eyes. "Where did you find it?"

"A used book shop in the Village. I was keeping it for an engagement present. We just ... never got there."

"It looks brand new," Billie observed. The spine wasn't even cracked. It was as if the book had never been read. It was in such pristine condition. "I can't believe..."

"Well, I'm glad I at least got to reunite you with this book," Donavan said with a sullen smile. "Hope you have a good rest of your day."

He turned to leave and was nearly at the door when he heard, "Donavan? Wait!" He paused.

"At the very least I owe you lunch."

Donavan turned; his smile brightened. "If you insist. We don't have to go far if you need to come back soon. There's that salad bar you like. It's right around the corner."

"You hate salad?" Billie said as she grabbed her purse.

"A man can change, Billie," Donavan said holding the door open for her.

"I guess so," Billie agreed as she let him lead her out of the building and down the street. Right around the corner was a great salad bar. Billie would often go there for lunch.

Donavan and Billie picked out what they wanted chatting amicably. She discovered he was running his father's company now. His father was grooming him to take over when they were together. His father wanted to retire early so he could spend more time with his mother. Billie was happy to hear the Callahans were in good health.

"My parents sure do miss you," Donavan said with a laugh as they took a seat by the window.

Billie joined him in laughter. "I missed them too. Your parents are wonderful people."

"Yeah, I got an earful, when we split up. They were so mad at me. I wasn't sure they were ever going to forgive me for letting you go."

Billie really wished Donavan would stop saying such things. She toyed with her salad and spoke from the heart. "Donavan, I really do appreciate you giving me that book, but I'm..."

"Seeing someone else."

"Yes, but I think I'm in love with him and so this..." She motioned between the two of them. "Isn't something that can continue."

"You mean we can't be friends?"

Billie shook her head. "I don't want to lead you to believe we might have a chance to get back together. I'm sorry."

Donavan shrugged. "It's alright, Billie. I understand."

"You do?" she asked hoping he was telling the truth.

"Yeah, you moved on. I missed my chance. If only you wandered into my co-op a little sooner or I had the backbone to face you and ask you to forgive me but I guess we weren't meant to be."

Billie hated how desolate the tone of his voice sounded. "I truly am sorry."

Donavan stood up and leaned over to kiss Billie on the cheek. "It's alright. I'm a big boy. I'll get over it. You take care of yourself though. I really do hope you're happy."

With those parting words, he left her sitting there alone. Billie knew she should have felt relieved but her heart filled with sadness. It was like they broke up all over again, only they never started dating. Still, she had so many feelings wrapped up in Donavan, that it was hard not to reference those feelings.

Billie finished her lunch and got back to work. Several times she looked over at the book and on her desk and wondered why Donavan would appear in her life now of all times. She hated that she hurt him but her heart wanted someone else.

The sun began to set and her secretary had already gone home. There was a knock on the door and she told whoever it was to enter. Quentin stood on the other side with another dozen buttercups in his hand only this time in the traditional yellow.

"They're beautiful," Billie said, rising to take them from him.

She added them to the purple ones on her desk. The contrasting colors were a perfect complement to one another. 

"You ready to go?" Quentin asked.

"Yeah," Billie said and as she reached for her purse, she saw her mother's book. She thought to bring it with her but hesitated.

"Did you forget something?"

"No. Nothing," Billie said grabbing her purse and leaving her mother's book behind. 

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