Go follow @Huey_Duck (Wrote Carter, Donald, and Huey's parts.)
( I wrote Dewey, Louie, Scrooge and the police man's parts.)
Carter stood at the door to the manor, a sinister sneer on her lips.
She had Huey in handcuffs. He was looking down with tears in his eyes.
"Huey!!!" Dewey yelled in worry, even if Huey couldn't remember who he was, he was still completely freaked out.
"What are you doing here Carter!?" Louie asked.
Carter just shrugged, pulling the chains that were connected to the handcuffs.
"Just thought you would want one last chance to get your beloved brother back. Or are you too afraid?" she laughed.
Huey kept looking down and closed his eyes.
"I, w-we're not a-afraid!" Dewey stated. "Give u-us our brother b-back! Right now C-Carter!"
"Now, why in the world would I do that? A few months after I basically kidnapped him, you guys were fine. As your therapist said to do, you 'got over it.'" she retorted, crossing her arms as she still held the chain that held Huey hostage.
"I didn't mean that......I really didn't."
"What do you want from us!?" Louie yelled.
"Nothing." she said calmly. "I already took what I wanted from you."
She used her head to gesture to the lost triplet who was still handcuffed, and looking down at his webbed feet.
"Why!? Why do you want our brother!?" Dewey wanted to just run up and grab Huey, but he couldn't move. He couldn't do anything, and he knew that.
"Just cause." was all she said. "Now, are you going to get rid of me, or will this be the last time you ever see your precious older brother?"
Carter pulled the chain to opposite side of her body, causing the handcuffs to follow, causing Huey to yell out from pain he now felt in his wrists.
Dewey had had enough. He walked towards Carter slowly, his heart pounding out of his chest from fear.
"You are going to give us our brother back.....or else."
"Or else what, little duckling?" she asked, rolling her eyes.
"O-or else......um, we'll, w-we'll...." Dewey froze.
Louie was now standing beside him.
She crossed her arms and sighed in annoyance. "I'm waiting."
Huey glanced at the two Duck brothers, but then quickly looked away.
Dewey yelled angrily.
"Let him go!! You are evil!!! You're a terrible terrible person Carter!!!"
"Dewey, calm down." Louie stated.
"Leave my nephews alone and get out of my home this instant!" Scrooge yelled.
"Uncle Scrooge, please." Louie whispered to him.
"You want me to leave, old duck? I guess I'll just take Huey with me, then. Would that be alright?" she said, glaring at Huey before smacking him on the back of the head.
Huey stayed quiet. He was terrified.
Dewey was now face to face with Carter. He looked at her before pushing her down to the ground.
"You're going to pay for what you did."
Carter looked at Dewey, a bit shocked as she was pushed to the ground. Because she had been holding the chain, Huey fell to the ground with her roughly.
"You have one last chance to let Huey go Carter." The middle triplet threatened.
"Hmm... no."
Carter backhanded Huey in the face, causing a bit of blood as well.
Dewey kicked Carter's side roughly.
Louie rushed over and whispered something to Donald.
"Uncle Donald, she's here now, we can call the cops."
Donald nodded and ran into another room to where his phone was.
growled whipped her legs under Dewey's sending him down to the ground. She then forcefully pulled Huey's body in front of her.
"You wouldn't hurt your own brother just to get back at me, would you?" she asked, glaring at him.
Huey's body shook in fear as he was held in front of his captor.
Dewey fell to the ground with an 'oof''
"How dare you use my own brother against me!!" The blue triplet tried his best to get up, but fell back down.
"Oh well, I did anyways." Carter fake yawns. "Is this lame excuse for a fight over?"
Louie stood in front of his brother.
"We called the police Carter, there's no point in running."
"You called the cops?!" she asked, any confidence she had vanishing.
"Why are you so shocked about that!? You attempted to murder our brother, kidnapped him and abused him! You deserve to get the police called on you!" Louie yelled.
Carter growled as she started to hear the police cars come into the driveway.
"You guys will regret this." she snapped.
Then, Carter smirked. She let go of the chain and grabbed Huey, who was still handcuffed, by the collar of his shirt and hurled him into a bookshelf so hard that it knocked him out cold.
Dewey was about to rush over to his brother, but Scrooge got there first.
"I'll take care of him. Hold her still."
Dewey grabbed Carter's arm and held it behind her back, Louie did the same with her other arm.
Carter struggled, trying to get out of their grasp, but she couldn't. They had a firm and tight grip on her arms. She couldn't escape.
Huey's body laid at the bottom of the bookshelf. A few books had fallen on his chest as he got knocked out.
The cops knocked on the door, Dewey struggled to keep Carter in place.
"Stay still."
Carter just rolled her eyes. She couldn't do anything even if she tried.
Scrooge picked Huey up and carried him to a nearby couch, setting him down gently.
"Donald, let the police in." He said.
Donald nodded. "Sure, Uncle Scrooge," he said before going over to the front door and opening it.
The police walked in and asked what the problem was. The triplets explained as they restrained Carter.
"And do you have any proof?" One cop asked. Dewey and Louie looked at each other.
"Um, we....don't have any physical evidence, just, her." Louie explained.
Carter rolled her eyes. "Unfortunately, idiot, that's not gonna make them arrest me." she stated, frowning.
"No, but we can take you to holding. Grab her." The second cop grabbed Carter from the brothers.
"You will regret this!" Carter yelled before she was pulled out of the manor and into the back of the cop car.
Dewey let out a breath of relief. He turned around and saw Louie holding an unconscious Huey close. Dewey rushed over and hugged his brothers
Huey's body lay limp in Louie's arms. He was still breathing, though.
Huey's head moved a bit as Dewey embraced him and Louie, however, he didn't embrace him back.
"Please be okay.....please." Dewey hugged Huey and Louie tighter. Louie held Huey closer to his chest.
Huey groaned softly after a minute, and his head moved slightly.
"H-Huey?" Dewey looked at Huey, his eyes wide and filled with tears.
Slowly, Huey's eyes opened and he looked up, his brother's filling his vision. He groaned, his head throbbing now.
The younger triplets embraced their older brother tightly as tears streamed down their cheeks.
"You're okay.....you're actually okay."
"D-dewey?" Huey held his head in pain. "L-louie? W-what's... w-why are you crying?"
"You're safe now." Louie stated.
"We're so happy you're safe." Dewey choked out.
Huey looked at them confused, but he didn't get caught up in it for too long because it caused his head to be in more pain. He nuzzled his face and head into his younger brothers' chests.
"Are you feeling okay?" Dewey asked quietly.
"My head just really hurts..." Huey mumbled into their chests, closing his eyes tightly.
Dewey and Louie placed one of their hands on Huey's head in a comforting manor.
"You'll get better, I know you will."
Huey smiled softly as their hands supported his head. He leaned in to them. "I'm so lucky to have you guys..."
"No, we're lucky to have you here with us." Louie muttered as he nuzzled his face in his brother's head.
Huey sighed in comfort as Louie nuzzled himself into his head. He let both his hands grip their shirts. "I love you, boys..." Huey breathed out.
"We love you too."
Huey closed his eyes. He felt whole again. He had no idea that he would miss being held by his brothers' like this. It was comforting.
Huey looked at his two younger brothers and smiled.
He wouldn't trade them for anything.
Scrooge smiled softly at the sight of the three hugging triplets. He put his arm around Donald's shoulder.
Dewey smiled as he looked over at his younger brother, who was now sobbing uncontrollably.
"Hey, hey, it's okay." Dewey rubbed his brother's back soothingly.
Donald looked at his uncle and smiled and leaned into him, crossing his arms over his chest.
Huey nuzzled Louie's cheek softly, still laying in their embrace. "I'm not going anywhere," he told him.
"Not ever again."
The End
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