Created By; Snow Marisvega
Chapter 29
•Dylan's P.O.V•
It was a super boring day. I had no one at home with me. No Jaxton, no Raven, no nothing. It wasn't a school day, but Jaxton and followed mom to the grocery store. And I honestly should be used to being by myself since I didn't exactly have a lot of friends back in Seattle. I had more enemies than I did friends, and I don't blame that.
I wasn't a good person. I wouldn't like me too.
But anyways, I had that here, "friends" that is. And it was hard being alone when they were always in my space and in my face
I was gonna head out about two hours ago, maybe meet a guy my age who was also gay and give him a blowjob in the bathroom of some diner.
I wouldn't have done that.
But mother said no, cause she knows best. She says, what if Vaughn has a gang waiting for me and then they push me into a sewer or worse, use my intestine as a rope to hang their clothes.
That was absurd.
But what if she wasn't lying? A guy like Vaughn would have friends.
I was on Instagram right now, going through my feeds and clicking the like button when I saw something that deserved it. Isabelle had posted a photo of herself at a party last night , it wasn't even a Friday. I smiled and liked it, commenting on how gorgeous she looked.
She looked stunning as usual. Dressed in a black mini skirt, a tank top and high boots, her hair well done. She was the IT girl, and that was facts. It was Isabelle. Everyone wanted her. She was iconic. She didn't talk much once she wanted something done, she just....did it. Her motto was; I would rather do it than just contemplate, what if I regret never doing it? I can think of the consequences later.
Which involved; sleeping with someone's boyfriend, because they called her a slut, so she needed to show them they were right.
Or one summer when she changed a boy's sun screen into a darker shade, and then he got accused of trying to do black skin and was racist. Why? Because he grabbed her ass without her consent and thought it was funny.
Or lying to everyone that a boy in school had HIV, because he bragged about fucking her in school and said she was easy. Her response? "Why would I fuck him when he has AIDS?" And that spread like wildfire.
Everyone knew not to get on her bad side.
She was my soulmate.
She never bullied anyone....first,
She always just paid back what they did to her, but like on a higher level cause why not?
Isabelle and I would never have become friends, or so I thought. I used to think she was never up to no good and while she was her own person, I was my own person. No one wanted to offend her, also, no one wanted to get on my bad side.
There were about three of us who people didn't want to be on our bad side, but the difference was that people would say hi to her and party with her. But with me and the other boy? They turned around when they saw us, or didn't even want to look at us. Sure, they partied with us, but only because it's better to be an ally than an enemy.
It's nothing to brag about, this isn't a brag. It was just what it was. And people prayed for the day Belle and I would cross paths, they wanted to see how our fight would be. But as the gods would have it, we became friends the day the other boy and I fell out.
On one of the worst nights of my life, I found Isabelle.
I was walking home, hugging myself when a car stopped beside me. I flinched and took a step backwards, my heart racing. The car window wined down and there was a guy in it, driving. Isabelle looked over at me from the passenger's seat, a worried look on her face.
"Hey! Are you good?!" She yelled out.
"Mind your business." I snarled as I continued walking.
Isabelle got out of the car and when I looked back, she was following me. Heels clicking and hair bouncing as she tried to catch up with me. She was wearing a yellow shirt flay skirt and a white sweetheart blouse with red buttons. The car she had been in, drove past us and I frowned, still walking. Isabelle followed behind me, saying nothing. And with annoyance, I turned to her.
"Why are you following me?"
"Because you look like shit, that's why." She quickly responded, giving me a look.
"Look here, miss. I really do not have the energy to have a conversation with you so fuck off."
"Hey! Look here, mister! I'm not your mother, so don't speak to me like that. I'm not the one who looks like he got mugged and slapped by a guy who is seven foot tall and had his shoes stolen."
I looked down at my bare foot and back at her.
"Did something happen?" She asked. "Because you don't have that look you always have on."
"I'm fine, now go away. Your ride already left you."
"That's okay, I asked him to go."
"Your loss then." I said and turned to go when she grabbed my arm.
My senses all went to a hundred and my heart suddenly stopped once she touched me. I gasped and shrugged her off harshly, taking a step back. "Don't touch me!!!" I screamed.
Isabelle stumbled backwards and looked at me astounded, and then her expression softened. "Oh, honey." Her voice lighter.
We just stared at each other, my eyes clouded with tears that threatened to fall.
"I'm fine."
"You're not. I'm here. I'm not gonna hurt you, Dylan." She said, her voice comforting and assuring.
I swallowed at the thought of that night, and sat up from my bed. I never wanted to remember that night, but every-time I was thankful for you, I had to remember.
There were a lot of notifications on my Instagram, and I clicked on it. It had come from the photo I had uploaded yesterday that was about a week and a half old and had just sat in my photo library.
I wasn't exactly big on Instagram, I mean I'm no influencer, but I had a lot of following because I was pretty and people wanted to fuck me or be my friend, or steal my life. It's how it works with social media.
I looked at the comments, scrolling through them, the thirsty ones, the emojis and from friends. I liked a couple and responded to some. I closed the app with a smile and just went on YouTube for the hundredth time today.
I was at Jax's room for a while, I had suggested he play 'I don't fucking care' by blackbear earlier when he couldn't figure out what to sing with the guitar I never noticed in his room. He was damn awesome and his cover was super amazing. I was astonished by his vocals and when he hit those high notes, I instantly got goosebumps. I mean I didn't think he'd be that good but he was outstanding and I instantly wanted him to sing at my wedding. Why'd he think he might not be that good? Damn I want his voice but now, I was mad at him for bailing on me. We were supposed to hang out today and he had a fucking meeting. Did he think I'd follow him to his LGBT meeting. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against that it's just- I'd rather stay home and watch Blindspot.
I was on the phone with my other best friend begging her to come over because I needed company, but she didn't love me, and refused in the rudest way possible.
"I knew you never liked me to begin with."
"Dylan chill. Find something to do, you know today's the day I out those two and I can't come over. Maybe you should watch some porn videos and wank." I frowned. Was that supposed to be an advice?
"First of all, fuck you. Secondly, I can't believe you choose family over me."
"Dylan, stop being a drama queen."
I gasped. "I'm not!l"
"Yes, you are." She scoffed. "Anyways, hang out with Jaxton."
"He has that club thing he runs. He has a meeting today with the gays."
"Ah! Right. We love a gay activist."
"Shut up. That boy is gonna be great."
"Oh, he is! At least there's someone doing something for the gays at Eastwood. Why don't you do something with yourself, huh? You broke one arm, not two, put it to work."
I rolled my eyes. "Why'd I even call?" I sighed frustratedly.
Raven laughed. "I would have loved to come hang out with you today, but those bitches have to be put down today."
"Make sure you hit them where it hurts."
"Oh, I will. I've put up with them for too long now, they've forgotten what I can do."
I sighed sadly. "I really wish I was there to witness it all while eating popcorn. This has to be the worst Saturday ever."
Raven chuckled. "I'll give you all the details after, you don't worry."
"DYLAN" Mom yelled from downstairs. I groaned tiredly.
She didn't respond.
"WHAT?????" I yelled again, and she remained quiet.
I sighed heavily. "I hate when this happens."
"Give me a minute" I sighed and stood up.
"What's up?"
"My mom called and now she's not responding." I said as I walked out of my room and went downstairs.
"Why do parents do that?"
"I wonder why." I said and went to the kitchen where she was, packing lunch. "What?"
"There's someone at the door." She said, and I just stared at her.
"There's someone at the door."
"But, but you're closer?"
She gave me a look. "And I'm busy."
"Are you kidding me?"
"Dylan, don't stress me." Mom sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear. "I'm trying to pack this meal properly, and see my girls after."
"I am to be resting."
"You won't die if you get the door." She said as the knock came again. "Go now."
"Who even knows this house?" I asked as I walked to the door, annoyed.
Raven laughed. "Your mom is such a mood. I aspire to be her."
"Why is there a person even at my house?"
"Well, you never know, it could be prince charming"
"Get the door!!!" Mom yelled.
"Yeah right" I scoffed, rolling my eyes. I placed my phone on my chest, covering the mouthpiece and glaring at mom who was getting ready to go out. "Woman, Didn't the doctor say I need rest?"
I brought the phone back to my ear, giving her a scowl.
"Hey. If it's the delivery man and he's cute. Do him" I could feel her smile over the phone.
"I'll pretend I didn't hear anything, and you are on drugs" I said as I unlocked the door.
She laughed. "Asshole. You're—what the fuck do you think you are doing?" Her voice changed to disgust. I frowned, a bit worried as I held the door knob.
Who was she talking to?
"Is everything o—" I trailed off once I opened the door and saw who was standing right in front of me, looking at me with furrowed brows. Raven said something, but I barely heard before the line went dead.
"About time."
Henry was standing right at my doorstep, he was wearing a red shirt and black pants and it looked so fitted on him but the main question was how did he know where I lived? Did he come here to make fun of me or what? He had a little smile on his face and he looked like he was about to ring the door bell again when I opened the door.
"Jerkcules?" My brows knitted.
He slowly knitted his brows in confusion. "What?"
"What are you doing here? In my house? Wait! How did you even know where I live?" I asked him, irritatedly.
"I uh,"
"Dylan," mom called. I turned and she was walking towards us. "Who is at the door?"
"He's a um, he's no one, just a lost boy."
"Hello." She appeared behind me and I gritted my teeth
"Hi, I uh, I came to see you Dylan" he made sure she heard my name and I just wanted to stab him right there. "I'm a friend from school."
"I haven't met this friend of yours." Mom said with a smile.
"That's because he's not my fr—"
"Hi," She smiled at him, totally ignoring me.
Henry just smiled at her and I cursed mentally.
"Let your friend in, don't be an ass." She said and gave him a nod, asking him to come in
"There's no need, he's not my—"
"Thank you so much. " Henry cut in, he flashed me a victory smile and walked in.
I clenched my fist and rolled my eyes. "Fuck." I closed the door.
"What's your name, sweetie?" Mom asked.
"Sweetie?" Henry gave a slight chuckle.
I knew he probably didn't think she was my mother, so I did the needful.
"Henry, meet my mom. Mom, this is Jerkcules." I introduced them with a bored tone.
"Mom?" His eyes were wide open.
"Jerkcules?" Mom questioned and looked back at Henry, who had a shocked expression on.
"Uh, H-Henry." He corrected.
"Well, it is nice to meet you, Henry. You are such a handsome young boy. Mother's genes?"
He faked a smile and just stood there.
"Uh, I am so so sorry. I didn't know you were his mom cause you really looked more like an older sister, and I didnt—"
"It's okay." She chuckled. "You wouldn't be the tenth person to think we are siblings." She winked at him and took out her phone which was vibrating in her pocket. "I gotta go now." She picked up her purse from the couch.
"Mom, you can't leave me alone" I frowned at her. "What if I...trip and die?"
She turned and furrowed her brows at me. "I'm not leaving you alone, Henry's here" she smiled at him. "Please do watch over him for me and catch him when he trips so he doesn't die"
"Um, hell to the fucking n—"
"Sure thing, ma'am." He gave her a slight nod which made me glare at him. "I'll watch him."
"Thanks, uh, take him up to your room." Mom insisted.
"Nah." I shook my head. "He's fine, he-"
"Dylan." She slowly arched her left brow and tilted her head to the side.
"It's this way." I began to head up the stairs and he followed.
"Your mom is-"
"Swallow it!" I cut him off as we got to my room.
"Hmm, your room doesn't look like shit."
"What do you want, Henry?" I asked, turning to hun. "Why are you in my house and why are you bothering me? Are you here to murder me?"
"First of all, you're not special. Second of all, I just came here to check on you, and see if you were.....okay." He shrugged. "I asked Jax about you a couple times, and he would just say you were healing or getting better or whatever."
Did he think I was stupid?
He chuckled. "You know you act feminine sometimes"
"And is that a bad thing?" I cocked my brow at him, ready to fight.
"No," he shrugged. "I like how you can just be yourself. Makes you almost special."
I scoffed. "I am special. If I wasn't, you wouldn't be here and you would never have been worried about me."
"Shut up." He said as he walked over to my table and picked up the book on it. "I didn't take you for the reading type, I just thought you didn't like to mind your business."
I rolled my eyes. "Okay, get out."
He laughed. "I'm just joking."
"I'm serious, you can leave now."
"I can't. Your mom said to watch over her stubborn, pretty son."
"Screw what she said, get out, Jerk."
"You can't manage all by yourself, young man." He cocked his brow at me.
Was he right? Yes.
Was I gonna let him know he was right? No.
"I can. I'm not weak, stupid."
"Jesus. Do you like to argue all the time?"
"What? You're the one who started it."
"Me? You're the one who's been mean to since I got here."
"Because you're trying to murder me."
"And what would I get from that?" He asked and then went silent for a second before speaking again. "Okay, maybe i would get some peace and quiet, but still."
"You think just because you have a pretty face, you're allowed to have an irritating character?" I grimaced at him in disgust.
Henry smirked. "So, you think my face is pretty?" He asked as he took a couple steps forward. "That's interesting."
"You called my face pretty."
I blinked. "I didn't."
He smiled. "You did."
"I'm thirsty, I'll go get water and before I return you should be gone and better not steal anything." I said and began walking towards the door.
"Stay where you are." He said and I frowned.
"Excuse you?" I looked at him.
"I'm supposed to watch you, remember?"
"No, you are supposed to be walking out the door." I replied.
"Dyl, shut up and just stop being so difficult."
"I'm not difficult! You're difficult! And stop talking to me like I'm a five year old."
He instantly pulled me towards him and I froze, looking up at him. His hand around my waist and my body close to his, I held my breath.
What was happening?"
"Shut up." He said. "You're making this difficult for me." He said.
"M-Making what difficult?" I asked, stuttering.
He just looked at me and said nothing. Those green eyes piercing into mine as we stood there in silence.
"Let me go get you that water, so stay in here and be quiet." He said as he let go off me gently.
What if he poisons me?
"I won't poison you." He said as he walked out the door.
"T-That wasn't w-what I was..thinking" I swallowed.
I gently sat on my bed and placed my hand on my chest, my heart racing so hard.
Why did he have such effect on me? And what the fuck was that?
I moved further into the bed, relaxing and waiting, legs crossed as I remembered those lips of his being closer to mine. Why did he have the most pretty lips?
Henry came back with a bottle of water and handed it to be before laying beside me with a sigh. I looked at the glass and back at him.
"You wouldn't mind taking a sip first, would you?"
"Are you being serious?"
I just shrugged at him and he took a sip. "There." He said and handed the bottle back to me.
"I gotta wait for like ten seconds to see if there's gonna be a reaction."
"You are disturbed." He said, and I just shrugged.
...7, 8, 9, 10.
He wasn't dying. I drank half of it.
"You always like this?"
"Like what?"
"Overbearing and annoying?" He looked up at me, and I scowled at him.
"What about you?"
"What?" He questioned.
"Are you always like this?"
"Disturbed and irritating."
"I'm not disturbed."
"Really? Cause you look disturbed."
"Shut up, manwhore."
"Who are you calling manwhore, you gay for pay!"
"Fuck hole"
"Cum dumpster."
I quickly remembered when this first happened, at the principal's office and principal Evans had asked what Cum dumpster meant. I instantly felt like laughing and that's what I did, but what surprised me was that Henry was also laughing which meant he was also thinking about it. He looked at me, a big smile on his was.
"Principal Evans was a jerk for giving us detention" He said.
"I think he was a jerk for giving us detention too. It should have just been you." I said as I laid beside him, a smile on my face.
"Oh, really now?" He looked at me.
"Mmhmm," I looked at him.
He had such a beautiful smile that he rarely showed to the world.
"I mean, you tried to murder me at dodgeball." I said and he snickered.
"But then we got the funny scene with our principal." I chuckled slightly.
"What's a cum dumpster?" He started laughing, repeating what Principal Evans asked and I laughed too.
"I really don't like you, Dexwell." He said, looking up at my ceiling.
"Me too, Ashcroft. I really hate you."
"I'm glad we both are on the same page." He said, still smiling.
"Me too." I beamed.
"Got any movie or shows?"
"I'm a bit bored, you're a bore."
"Go home then"
"Just answer me doofus"
"I've got series you won't like"
"Try me."
I turned to him, he was already looking at me.
"I've got blackish, I've got blindspot, I've got uh...empire, I've got vampire diaries" I shrugged
"We could also watch some Netflix. Plus I've got Annabelle and conjuring."
"These are not half as bad. I thought I'd hear some cheesy romcom shit."
"Do I look like the kind to you?" I cocked my brow at him.
He shook his head. "You don't. But I don't know why I expected that."
"It's cause you're stupid."
"Of course you'd know. Only stupid recognizes stupid." He said and I scoffed, rolling my eyes.
"I like vampire diaries."
I grinned. "Who is your favorite vampire diaries character?"
"Stefan Salvatore" he answered with a smile.
"I love Stefan too. I'm sorry but I think he's the better Salvatore brother."
"I think Damon is preferable." He said with a shrug and I gave him a look.
"Let's not talk about that or we'll fight."
Henry chuckled. "What? It's my opinion."
"And it's trash, but let's not talk about it."
"Okay, mistress."
"What about Katherine?" I asked him.
"I love her."
"Good. We can agree on that one, now I won't have to murder you." I smiled.
Henry chuckled.
"I think she's really bad ass and the best doppelgänger and I fucking adore her. Like, I love Elena , right? But Katherine? We've got to give it up for Nina cause she is such a talented actress." I groaned. "And also, let's talk about Bonnie. She's such an icon and they keep doing my good sis wrong, I swear to God, it pisses me the fuck off cause that girl suffers every season and shes not even the main character. She's not! And I just think that she needs love like everyone else gets, not die for them every episode." I rolled my eyes.
"Can you imagine what it's like to be her. But, but," I adjusted. "Klaus. Klaus is such a hottie and the actor plays Klaus so well, and—" I looked over at Henry and saw him just staring at me with a smile.
Henry shook his head a bit. "Nothing."
"Why are you staring at me like that?"
"Hearing you talk about the things you like or you're passionate about, it's....cute." He shrugged. "For some reason."
I just looked at him. "Did you just call me cute?"
"I called the action cute."
"And I love Bonnie too." He said with a small nod.
"Sorry I was ranting. Sometimes I get carried away."
"Don't apologize. It's not a bad thing." He shrugged.
I smiled.
Maybe, he isn't all that bad.
"I'll pick a movie for us to watch."
"You know what?" He sat up, making me look at him.
"Let me take you somewhere."
"What? Mom said I can't go out."
"Aren't you tired of being indoors?"
"I mean, a little."
"See. So, how about we both go out? I mean it's a nice day and I will drive you because I'm a nice guy."
"You? Pfft." I rolled my eyes.
"So, get up." He said as he got up.
"Help me up." I rose my free hand, he held it and pulled me up. "I'm not gonna regret this, right?"
"Define regret." He winked.
"You won't sell me, right?"
"If I get a good offer, I might."
"I hate you"
"Thank you, Dyl. It means a lot to me."
I stood up and walked over to my closet, I took out a white shirt that I was gonna change into. I walked into the bathroom sending him a glare not to try and follow me, before closing the door. I tried taking off my current shirt but it hurt so bad and it wasn't exactly easy.
I sighed.
This was gonna take forever.
It had been five minutes or so, and I was still struggling to take off the bandage and the shirt I had on, and wear the other.
"Dyl?" He knocked on my door, startling me.
"Just a sec."
"Do you need my help?"
"No I don't. I can do it myself." I shouted to his hearing.
"You really don't have to be a brat.l
"Shut up!" I cut him off.
I sighed and closed my eyes, opening them and looking into the mirror. "You are so annoying, Dylan. Just cut off your stupid arm." I sighed again. Can't believe I'm gonna do thisL I said and walked to the door, opening it.
Henry had his arms folded and his brows furrowed, looking at me like I was some stubborn child.
"What happened? Can't do it yourself?" He mockingly asked.
"Shut up." I muttered.
"Need something?"
"M-Maybe I need help" I said, looking away.
"So stubborn and for what?" He chuckled.
He held my hand and led me to the bed, he sat me down and stood right in front of me. "Next time, just ask." He said as he began losing the bandages gently, while holding my hand.
He smelt so nice, I wonder what perfume that is. I held my breath for a while cause he was close and I was so fucking nervous all of a sudden. I noticed the tattoos on his arms, he was always putting on that jacket so I couldn't tell, but how did I just see them clearly anyways?. I felt it sting and he apologized before I could even nag, and continued. He took off my current shirt and helped me put on the white one.
There was a different side to this Henry. To the arrogant hot headed Jock of Eastwood high. There was this Henry that a lot of people don't get to see.
Jaxton had said Henry didn't smile genuinely.
But he had been laughing with me.
I heard he hated talking.
But he had been indulging me.
Did I make him that comfortable?
I kept staring at this thick arms and I wondered how it'd feel like around my waist. Touching those hands, and feeling every part of those muscles.
I wanted to touch them. Looking up at him, and back to those lips, I knew what I wanted to do to them.
He was a beautiful man. He had to be one of God's favorite creations. Henry.
Maybe he was the next son of G—
I blinked myself back to my timeline and looked into those eyes.
"Second drawer." I replied, swallowing gently. He nodded and walked to it, he opened the drawer pulled it out. Henry fixed my bandages, and when he was done he let out a small sigh.
"All done."
I didn't even care, I just wanted to examine him the more. I wished the bandages would loosen again, so he could redo them, so I could smell him and have him closer again.
"Too slow." I said rudely ,and asked him to get my shoes from the closet.
"You are so bossy." He said as he did so. He then went on his knees and helped me fix my shoe.
I remembered Jaxton's words and how he had mentioned that Henry was going through something, and that's why he locked the outside world.
Who broke you, sweet boy?
"I'm not handicap"
"I don't care." He said as he tied the laces.
I smiled at him.
He looked up and I quickly hid my smile.
"Let's go, ugly." He said, as he stood up.
"Ugly? I'm anything but that and you know it."
"Okay, rumplestilskin."
I gasped. "Not this man who looks uncooked coming for me."
"Shush, pretty boy." He said, and honestly?
I indeed shushed.
He leaned closer to me, his face closer to mine. "You're so lucky you have me today."
I gulped.
"If you weren't healing, I would have handled you differently." He said and my eyes widen. "Now, let's go."
"Well, how about you uh, how about you...head downstairs and I'll meet you there."
"You sure?"
"Get out."
"Alright, milord" he said and walked out with a faint chuckle.
I looked down at my pants, my face turning red.
"Die down, die down" I kept repeating and opened my eyes. I was fine. I smiled, thanking the gods in my head as I turned and walked out of the room. I was startled when I saw him leaning on the wall close to my room.
"I said downstairs"
"Can't have you tripping again on my watch, and then dying. It seems like something you would do because you're d dramatic."
"Have I told you how much I don't like you?" I asked him.
"Maybe." He chuckled.
I sighed heavily and began heading down the stairs.
"I'm not a kid, Henry." I was getting a bit annoyed. I suddenly felt hands around my thighs and back and before I knew it, I was lifted off the ground.
My eyes widen in shock. "What the fuck?! Put me down you fuck hole." I tried getting down, struggling and wiggling my legs but damn he was strong and just ignored me as he walked down the stairs. "I swear to God, henry if you don't-"
"Keep wiggling and we'll both fall and you'll be the one to bleed out." He said and I went mute.
But only for a bit.
"You didn't have to pick me up."
"That's my choice to make." He replied. "So, just shut up." He said as he just walked down the stairs with me in his arms. Once we got to the bottom of the stairs, he then set me down gently.
I glared at him. "Fucktard."
"Thank you, stupid. Now, shall we go?" He asked as he walked over to the main door and opened it.
"You have got some nerves young man. I-"
"Dyl." He called, furrowing his godlike brows and I just obeyed. Why? Don't ask cause i don't know. I angrily walked out and he closed the door behind him. I locked the door myself, and put in the key in my pocket.
"Come on, you." He said as he walked. I followed the douchebag, insulting him mentally as I walked behind him. I stopped stopped in my tracks once I saw him standing next to a red sports car.
I furrowed my brows "Who owns that?" I asked staring at it.
"It's mine." He answered, and a second later opened the passenger's door for me.
"No, like seriously. Who owns that?"
"It's mine, Dylan. Now get your ass in here before I leave you."
"Is it stolen?"
"Dylan." He got more serious.
"Okay. Okay. I'm just asking." I said as I approached it. "Just know if the cops pulls us over and says this is a stolen car, I'm gonna totally deny you cause I don't even know." I said as I walked to where he stood. I got in and I was introduced with a sweet smell
The car was super neat and it sparkled, no, there was no actual sparkle, but it was super neat, I could clearly see my reflection and I mean it, I'm not exaggerating right now.
"This must have cost a fortune." I said as I got in, I was about to fix my seatbelt but he wouldn't let me do it and did it himself before shutting the door and walking over to the driver's seat. The seats were super comfortable and there was this multi billion dollar smell that made me want to live in his car."
"Down to earth, Dipsy." He said while he snapped his fingers in my face.
"Sorry." I blinked back to reality. He started the engine and drove off, the air conditioner came on and damn I felt like I was in heaven right now but there was no way I was gonna act comforta-
"You look relaxed." He said with a smirk.
Dang it!
"Yeah, I'm just thinking of how you'd go to jail for stealing this car."
"Say what you want, I don't care." He shrugged. "I know it wasn't stolen."
I gave him an annoyed look and then looked out the window. "Will you play something?"
"Nope." He popped the p word.
I turned and frowned at him. "Why?"
"Cause its my car and its my rules and I don't want to play any music." Be replied with a shrug, still focused on the road.
"That's stupid."
"You're stupid." His brows knitted.
"You're stupider" I retorted.
"You're the stupidest"
"You are the definition of stupidity"
"Isn't that your last name? Dylan Stupidity. Kinda dig it" he smirked
I was gonna attack him, but I kept my cool. "You know what? I'm not even gonna. Someday you'll go really far away," I smiled at him. "-and don't ever come back, manwhore."
"Well, I'm not going anywhere, ugly."
"You need to stop calling me that, because you and I both know I am anything but ugly. I got boys wanting to fuck me everywhere, and I don't have an attitude like yours."
"What attitude?" He asked as he drove with one hand.
"The whole....bad boy thing."
"I don't have a bad boy thing."
I scoffed. "Yes, you do."
"Dylan, shut up."
I poured. "You're so mean."
He smiled softly. "And you talk too much."
I stayed quiet for the next twenty minutes of the ride, and then he stopped the car.
"We are here."
"We're where?"
I looked away from him and out the window. There were a lot of people, and kids running around, and so much noise as well coming from a distance.
And then I realized where we were.
"The amusement park." I grinned and got out of the car after undoing my seatbelt. "This is life"
He chuckled and shut his door the same time I did before locking it.
"I wanted to go here for a while and I was supposed to go with christian but I have no idea why we didn't go"
"Oh wait," I frowned. "I almost got murdered, that's probably why." I hugged.
"Well, christian isn't here and close your mouth before a fly gets in" he chuckled.
I didn't know my jaw had dropped from the sight in front of me, and from how excited I was being here. I mean, at my friendship dinner with Christian, he talked about how beautiful the theme park here at Eastwood was!
I closed my mouth and frowned at Henry. "I don't have your time right now." I couldn't be mad at the moment because I was here, and I was filled with so much excitement.
"Let's go, let's go." I told him as I walked ahead.
"And where do you think you're going? Acting like you know the way." He said and I rolled my eyes, turning to look at him.
"Well, lead the way, Ass crotch."
"Fuck you, Dickwall." He said and began walking ahead. I cursed under my breath and followed him, a grin appearing on my face afterwards.
Maybe this isn't a bad idea after all.
Author's Note:
Hi guys! Don't forget to vote!
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