Two days late but it's ma birthday y'all!! Mar 5th 🤭🤓
Wooyoung and San
"Today is not simply important in that there will be a new head that bears the weight of the crown" Hongjoong's voice was loud, cutting through every other sound in the courtyard and echoing through the large populated space.
He was clad fully in traditional Korean garments. A black harbok wrapped tight around his torso and the many beads hanging on threads in front of his face on his Myeonryugwan hat dangled and clicked with each movement of his head or light breeze that passes through. He was stood at the podium with the princes Jongho and Wooyoung as well as the still reigning queen, his step mother and Jongho's blood mother, Yubin. They were all also fully dressed in royal traditional attire.
"It not only marks the end of an era of war and needless fighting, but it marks the beginning of a road to peace and atonement. I will be solely responsible to doing everything within my power to return the nation of Naex to it's respectable and honorable name. I understand that many of the damage my father has dealt and scars he's left on the world is deep. Many of which is, irreversibly but as the new crown I intend to make things right. I will lead our prosperous nation to an era of peace and amity with other countries"
A series of loud cheers, clapping and whistles at the palace courtyard from admirals, generals, other high officials as well as some wealthy family friends and a few attending citizens breaks out.
Wooyoung smiles widely and his chest swelled with pride as he too clapped. He glances down at the first row of people in the crowd which was reserved for high officials and other individuals of importance then locks eyes with San who was also smiling widely and clapping. Despite him being as close to him as possible it still wasn't enough. If it wasn't for the fact that only the royal family were permitted to sit up on the platform with the newly crowned king Wooyoung would've made San right next to him. Hell he would've made him sit right on his thighs.
An official coronation followed a series of steps and procedures. Each one more tedious than the last. Hongjoong just simply couldn't wait to get out of the several layers of hanboks and robes the maids put him in. Even as he was elegantly seated at the very large gold encrusted chair only meant for the King he had to remind himself not to look too dreary.
The next step in the coronation was for the royal blood princes to take turns placing their hands over the King’s and swearing allegiance then bringing his hand to their forehead as an act of respect then finally kiss the back of his hand. And this also included any and all immediate members of the royal family along with council members, governors and high ministers. Which, as one could imagine, was quite a long line of people waiting to kiss his hand.
Hongjoong had to bite back a deep sigh as he thought of the long bath he was going to have that night.
His first bath in the King's gargantuan bathroom. He remembers going in there once in a while and gasping in amazement at the size. The space was nearly as big as his previous bedroom. Everything was rimmed with gold and always spotless clean. Always. He pinched his arm to stop himself from daydreaming about the warm bubble bath he'd have while enjoying a glass of fresh blood.
The current queen, Yubin, was the first to begin the oath swearing procedure and Wooyoung remained zoned out. He hadn't even realized they'd started until after she'd walked off and the next person comes up to him.
His attention gets dragged back when Wooyoung takes his right hand gently, bringing the back of his hand to his forehead then placing the smallest of kisses as per procedure. "I'm so proud of you, hyung. You'll make an amazing King" He whispers quickly and in a very quiet voice.
A sweet smile graced Hongjoong's lips as he looked his younger brother in the eyes. Then he nods once in acknowledgment and mouths, "*Thank you"
Jongho follows. Then each member of the council, one by one follows. And so on and so forth.
After what felt like an eternity, the coronation ceremony was over. But the day was far from done. There was still the after party that took place in the palace's ballroom. No civilizations were allowed in without direct invitation from the King but it was still quite full as governors, ministers and council members as well as they're families were present. Not to mention Hongjoong's old friends and acquaintances whom belonged to wealthy families also made it known that they would like an invite.
"He looks like he's having the worst time" San mutters to Wooyoung with a laugh. In his hand he held a long stemmed glass of white wine. Wooyoung laughs loudly beside him as they both watched Hongjoong from across the room as he spoke to a small group of older men, likely some of Naex's high ranking officials.
"He looks like his face is cramping up" Wooyoung adds and San bursts into a fit of giggles as they observed the strained smile on Hongjoong's face as he spoke.
"Oh wait, he does" He says between wheezes while holding onto Wooyoung's arm with his free hand. They were both now out of their heavy traditional attire and were more dressy for a ball.
San laughs when Wooyoung points to another vampire in the room. The man was on the chubby side and bald with an uncomfortable tight pair of pants on. Both males laugh at the scene. San found balls to be pointless and boring. Just a lot of walking around and smiling at complete strangers like they've always known each other. It was bleak and done to death but thankfully he had Wooyoung there to keep him from clawing his eyes and ears out so he wouldn't have to deal with another random rich vampire coming to introduce themselves to him.
The prince stuck by his side through most of that night and San did the same, their fingers locked which was mostly San's idea. Once the 2nd young vampire their age gazed at his boyfriend with those annoying googly eyes he knew he had to lay claim on what was his. Plus it gave him great vantage point to glare daggers at whomsoever glances twice at Wooyoung. Besides, it's not like he knew anyone of one these centuries old vampires to go greet alone.
The two of them entertained themselves by just simply standing to the side and pointing out anything that was funny and that they could giggle at.
"Are you guys 5 or something?" Jongho's voice from behind them. They both turn to meet the younger vampire who stood with his hands clasped in front of him and an arched brow at the childish behavior displayed by the couple.
"Hey, if you're not gonna join us, go away" Wooyoung shoos him away and Jongho simply scoffs with disbelief at their antics.
Just as Jongho turns to leave them a couple walks up to them with a young female right behind them. "Prince Wooyoung, how are you?" The woman starts first with a respectful bow. She was beaming brightly, the corners of her eyes crinkling into two cresent moons.
"H-hello" Wooyoung returns the greeting with a stutter due to their sudden introduction. As he too bows at the older couple he quickly recognized them as one of Naex's founding families. The Byun's. "Mr and Mrs Byun, it's nice to see you both. And can I just say Mrs Byun, you look absolutely stunning this evening" Wooyoung immediately goes into his sophisticated-prince-greeting-some-important-guests mode. His smile was soft and somewhat cheeky.
San couldn't help but roll his eyes a little from where he stood quietly beside him.
"Oh you're such a sweetheart, thank you" Mrs Byun says with a chuckle as she places her perfectly manicured hand on Wooyoung's shoulder before rubbing an invisible speck of dirt off his suit jacket.
"It's such a joyous day. Your brother, His Majesty, being crowned sovereign of Naex and all. You must be proud" Mr Byun comments with a smile, him right arm hooked with his wife's left one.
"Incredibly" Wooyoung nods. "And I know he'll do amazing things for this country" San could tell that Wooyoung was faking a smile the second the couple walked up to them. But the second he begins talking about how proud he was of Hongjoong he noticed his smile suddenly shifted silently and seemed more heartfelt... and real. San smiled to himself at that. No one could deny that Wooyoung's love for his brothers was bigger than the universe itself. It was adorable.
"No doubt he will" Mr Byun chuckles. "Ah, let me introduce you to my daughter, Winter" He turns and places a gentle hand on the small of the girl's back who stood quietly beside her father. Her jet black wavy hair fell past her shoulders and hung low to her torso. Wooyoung shifts his gaze to her for the first time and she smiles bashfully, a blush dusting her pale cheeks, before she sinks in her large ball gown into curtsey. Her haed dipped forward slightly. "Your Highness" Her voice was soft, gentle.
Wooyoung returns the gesture with his own smile and curt bow. "It's nice to meet you." He reaches out and gingerly takes her dainty perfectly manicured hand in his before bringing it to his lips and placing a chaste kiss on the back of her hand.
"And you as well" She watches him with big wanting eyes and a shy smile. San did not like that look. At all.
"Winter was just telling us how not many gentlemen have asked her to dance yet. Would you do grant her the honor, Your Highness?" Mrs Byun asks assuredly.
Wooyoung's eyed widen a little and he bit his inner cheek for not seeing that coming. He bit back a sigh as he glances at San hesitantly who seemed to be shrinking further and further away with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his dress pants. The other 3 vampires look at the half drow for the first time during that exchange. Mrs Byun having somewhat of an disdainful look on her face at the half blood's presence.
San nearly lost his voice at the sudden attention. "Go ahead. Have fun. Don't worry about me" He quickly says to Wooyoung with a tight lipped smile Wooyoung knew immediately was forced. He shoots San a certain look as if to say 'if you're uncomfortable with the idea, I won't do it'. But San just flicks his hands at him. "Go! I'll be fine" He gestures.
Wooyoung simply sighs softly before turning back at the couple with a smile then finally their daughter who was waiting anxiously for the prince to ask for a dance. "Miss Winter Byun, may I have the pleasure of dancing with you?" He asks with a grin and his hand extended for her.
Winter smiles sweetly, exposing her white perfectly straight top row of teeth. Her grey eyes sparkle under the fluorescent lights of the diamond chandeliers around the ballroom. She gently places her hand in his. "Yes, thank you" She says in a breathy voice and soon they're walking off onto the dance floor hand in hand and joining other guests who moved gracefully and in sync.
She places a hand on his shoulder while Wooyoung held her other hand in the air. His other hand slides down her back and rests on her hip then they begin swaying back and forth to the slow classic music being played by the orchestra on the side.
They look like a picture perfect pair. San watches with sad eyes and his throat felt dry. His gaze drops to the ground and he fidgets with his fingers. "They look good together, don't they?" Mrs Byun comments dreamily as she looks at the two young vampire dancing.
San looks up at her before glancing at the vampires who looked each other in the eyes as they danced. Wooyoung seemed to be saying something, Winter responds with a smile before Wooyoung's face crinkles with laughter. San's stomach sunk deeper. He drags his eyes away.
"I understand that you seem to have some sort of... relationship with His Highness-" Mrs Byun starts again, looking directly at San. Her grey eyes darkening ever so slightly. "But he needs someone that's good for him and his image as the prince of Naex. He needs a woman. A woman of grace and sophistication who can give him children. Not some half blood savage playing dress up in a world he doesn't belong in" She eyed him up and down.
San felt his blood turn cold and he glares at her. His teeth grits and his nose flares. "You don't know anything about him" He says through bared teeth.
"I've known him and the royal family since he took his very first steps and uttered his first words as a baby. So, no, it's you that knows nothing about him. You should stop being selfish and just go back to wherever the hell you came from" She mutters darkly in his face before being turning and walking away, arm in arm, with her husband.
San stood in complete shock at her words. Chills ran up and down his spine repeatedly. His mouth felt like a cotton ball as his anger was slowly replaced with desolation and heartache. Because maybe a part of him had always known this and he'd ignored that part for so long. Everything she had was true and knew it. I'm an outcast here. A nobody. I don't know shit about being royalty and I know I'm nothing but an embarrassment being seen out and about with their beloved prince. I don't belong here. And maybe the most important of all, I can't give Wooyoung children... I can't give him a family.
That fact weighed on him heavy. So much so he felt his throat closes up and his eyes water. He needed to get out of there. He sped walked towards the door and past Hongjoong who called out to him.
"Hey San, where are you go-" He ignores the shorter vampire, practically racing out of the room. "-ing" Hongjoong completes with a fading voice as he watches the male's receding form before he disappears in the crowd. His brow furrows in confusion before his attention gets dragged away by yet another important someone wanting to greet and chat with him.
Once out of the ballroom he make his way towards the gardens to get some air and clear his head. He heads outside, taking in a deep breath. The brisk night air cooled him down only a little but he wasn't ready to return. Not yet. But to be honest he wasn't sure he'd ever be be able to compose himself to return back inside. He wanted to run away. But he loved too much to Wooyoung to just leave. He settles down on one of the benches in the large garden, the large moon up ahead making him feel less alone.
I love him. I love him so much it fucking hurts. Maybe it's because I love him that I should let him be with someone that's good for him. Someone that can give him all that he deserves.
San didn't realize he was crying until one of his tears drops unto his black dress pants creating an even darker wet spot. Another tear drops. Then another. He sniffs and rubs at his cheeks even as more tears pools at his eyes.
After Wooyoung's third dance in a row with Winter he knew he had to find a reason to excuse himself before he was stuck on that dance floor all night.
It was nothing personal. Wooyoung thought Winter was a very lovely girl. She was kind and sweet. Her manners were superb and she never stopped addressing him with a formal tone once. In short, she's perfect. Too perfect. She played numerous instruments, including the piano, violin, cello, harp, saxophone, guitar and many more instruments Wooyoung didn't even know existed until she listed them to him one by one. She's multilingual, speaking up to 12 languages and was fluent in 8 of them. She was proficient at archery, horseback riding, fencing, chess, cricket and golf not to mention she could cook very well despite how useless that skill was to her as a vampire.
But despite all of these skills and talents there was nothing particularly interesting about her. As crazy as that sounds. Wooyoung knew she only told him all of this as a means to impress him into pursing something further. But he wasn't interested. He wasn't interested in anyone but one person. The one person that he so desperately wanted to return to at that second.
Once the orchestra plays the last couple notes of their third song Wooyoung pulls back from her body with a chuckle. "I think I'm danced out for the evening" He comments and she nods with a giggle.
"I didn't even realize 3 songs had gone by" She brushes her hair back, smiling expectantly at him. Together they make their way off the dance floor, her arm looped through his. As they walked off Wooyoung subtly tries looking around for San but he was nowhere to be found. He frowns with worry. "Thank you for sharing your evening with me, Your Highness. I very thoroughly enjoyed myself" Her voice drags her him back to attention. They stop and she stands in front of him with a shy smile, her dainty hands clasped in front of her.
"And I as well, Miss Byun" He forces a smile.
"I'm actually feeling a little stuffy" She fans herself a little. "I hear the castle gardens are lovely at night. Do you mind joining me? It's not safe for a lady to be wandering alone outside this time of day"
Wooyoung just sighs deeply. He knew he had to cut it off with her right then and there before she continued to get the wrong idea. "Winter, you are a very lovely woman. You're very beautiful and have more talents than anyone I've met... but sadly, I'm just not interested" He says with a wince as he watches her smile drop slowly. "I realize that your parents tried to set us up together and that's why it feels that much more difficult for me to say this to you. I have nothing but the utmost respect for you and for your family which is why I'd rather not continue to lead you on"
Her gaze drops to the floors and she nibbled on her bottom lip. For most of her life all her mother wanted for her was to marry into the royal family. Her mother wanted the title, respect and status that came with it. Having a daughter that is also a princess of Naex. Or even better, the queen. That's why she'd groomed Winter to be as perfect as possible in order to woe one of the princes. But even that wasn't enough.
"I would still very much like to be friends with you. But if that's not possible then I'm afraid we would have to part ways tonight"
A weak smile tugs at her lips as she looks back up at him. "I understand" Her voice was weak. She takes a deep breath and glances back at her parents who were conversing with some other guests but she knew her mom was most definitely listening in on their conversation using her vampire hearing. "I really did have a lot of fun tonight" She looks back at him, her smile a little more genuine. "And I wouldn't mind meeting up to hangout sometime in the future. I definitely wanna take you up on that chess match offer" She challenges.
Wooyoung laughs. "You really underestimate how good I am"
"Eh, we'll see about that" She says dismissively then giggles. Wooyoung rolls his eyes and shakes his head, an amused smile on his lips. He leans down to her height and envelopes her in a friendly hug before they finally part ways.
Wooyoung sighs deeply and he turns to go looking for San. He definitely wasn't in the room. He rushes out of the building and looks up and down the passageways with no sign of him. The guards at the entrance both greet him with a pair of deep voiced "Your Highness"
"Have you seen San walk by here?" Wooyoung immediately asks. "The half drow"
"He made his way towards the gardens, sir" One of them points and Wooyoung immediately picks off in a jog towards the greenery.
Bit of a long chapter, hope it's good tho. 👩🏾💻
I just need to talk about how he devoured at the Balmain 2023 f/w presentation like I'm so prouddd bitch. Personally invited by Olivier himself 😭
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