Chapter 2: Battle Scars and Spanish Inquisition
Days after the whole fiasco with the Tactical Droid head and the Martez Sisters, true to Omega's word, Cid's buyer isn't happy with what happened. Even when they introduced Lopez to Cid, they revealed his speech and dialect are very foreign and unknown and they are unable to decipher any of the information stored in him. Even if they did, it's irrelevant or outdated information.
So in short, Cid's Buyer isn't happy so the Bad Batch didn't get much payment.
But throughout all of this Lopez unconditionally became a new addition to the team. During the first days, he was met with distrust by most of the squad. Understandably, they used to fight droids all the time and they don't have a nice experience with them. Especially one that can't speak any of the languages known in the galaxy.
Only those who are accepting of the idea of having Lopez around is Omega; because Lopez saved her and protected her. Wrecker; because he likes the droid's combat prowess and also the style of the entrance. Especially the music he blared out. And finally, Tech, since he is interested in why this droid has unorthodox behavior from other Tactical Droids.
Those that have any form of distrust is Echo; since of his bad experiences with droids and also being forced to even lead them at one point. Hunter is cautious around the droid because if the droid can display unpredictable behavior what will stop it from hurting others? Even when Lopez is just interacting with Omega, he can't help but feel parental instinct rise whenever he sees the two together.
Lopez is also distrustful of these bands of soldiers. Except for Omega, since she is the only one who trusts him and also doesn't seem to show any form of distrust. He could say the same with Wrecker, but he reminds him of Caboose if the sim trooper is a violent brute with only muscle with no brain.
When the Bad Batch introduced Cid to Lopez, she at first was upset the droid's information is outdated and also in a different language but took a liking to Lopez because of how apathetic and different he is from the rest of the Tactical Droids the Clone Wars.
She even offers to pay the Bad Batch additional credits if Lopez works overtime shifts in her parlor, which is something the Bad Batch accepted since they get paid in the long run while Lopez continues to be a part of the team.
Working with Cid part-time did benefit the Bad Batch. Lopez is good at handling the shift of the parlor. It was first witnessed when Cid and the Bad Batch saw how Lopez handled a dispute between parlor goers. It shouldn't be any surprise to Lopez, he has done so many tasks similar to this during his time with the Reds and Blues.
Hell, the appearance of a Tactical Droid spooked the parlor goers. As far as the group is concerned, any Separatist Droid that still exists or is functional is illegal in the Empire. So the group has to be careful with Lopez going around but the Brown Tactical Droid rarely cares for such rules and would openly reveal himself when he gets the chance.
But his talents come to light for the Bad Batch when they witness his mechanical engineering skills. Two days after the events with the Corellia Job and they witness Lopez fixing their Starship's engines without anyone asking for him to do it, he's doing it of his free will.
Even surprisingly, Lopez was able to create some ammunition for his Missile Launcher. How he was able to do it was questioned by the team but Lopez tried to answer back by saying, 'I am very resourceful' but it only came out as 'Soy muy ingenioso.' But still, his skills impressed the team to a certain degree. More surprisingly he was able to fix the engines in a matter of at least a few minutes or a few hours. (#RedvsBlueLogic)
This surprises the group by a large margin. When Tech or Echo would fix the ship or give some maintenance it would take more hours compared to Lopez's few minutes or just an hour repair. He's a very fast droid. This benefited the Bad Batch just fine and thought perhaps Lopez isn't just your regular tactical droid if the behavior isn't the first hint of that fact.
This leads to one of Lopez's noticeable habits, he never leaves anything unfixed even if it doesn't look like it. A couple of times, Lopez was caught cleaning and inspecting their blasters to see if they are functioning properly, or the time he was fixing one of Cid's holographic tables like the one Omega accidentally destroyed.
The group is now certain this Tactical Droid is no ordinary one because a regular Tactical Droid would never be this good verse in mechanical engineering or combat. Even how many emotions this droid expresses, Echo and Tech assume it has to do with how long the droid is operational and the amount of time it took for it to develop.
This leads us here now with Lopez getting tinkered on by Tech to fix his speech pattern.
{"¿Quién sabe por qué el destino me ha traído a este lugar en una galaxia lejana? O tal vez en una dimensión alternativa. En un momento, estaba ayudando a los estúpidos inventos de Sarge para la guerra o lo que sea que planeó. Entonces, de repente, algo salió mal y ahora estoy aquí con un nuevo look y ahora estoy con mi nuevo equipo... Si pudiera llamarlos un equipo..."}
{>"Who knows why fate has brought me to this place in a distant galaxy? Or maybe in an alternate dimension. At one point, he was helping Sarge's stupid inventions for war or whatever he planned. Then all of a sudden something went wrong and now I'm here with a new look and now I'm with my new team... If I could call them a team... "<}
"Hey, Tech! Are you going to give Lopez a new language we could understand instead of that gibberish he is speaking?" Wrecker questioned.
"¡Estoy hablando español, maldito idiota!" >I'm speaking Spanish, you fucking idiot!< Lopez insults, who was sitting on a crate as Tech continues to tinker.
"Yeah, what he said!" Wrecker stated, not understanding a word Lopez said.
"For your information, it's speaking a language it's called 'Español' and I don't understand how I can't install any new forms of dialects to it! It's like its manufacturers decided to make it permanently speak this language or something!" Tech exclaims in frustration, "Also I'm unable to hack it in any way which is surprising."
"En realidad. Bueno, no jodas." >Really. Well, no shit.< Lopez sarcastically said.
But he's not that far off from his assumptions, Sarge accidentally made the setting of Lopez's dialect stay in the language of Spanish permanently.
Lopez slumps a bit in annoyance as Tech continues to tinker to change his speech pattern.
{"Mi nuevo equipo, Bad Batch, como se llaman a sí mismos, es un grupo interesante. Tienen algunas personalidades que me recuerdan mucho al Equipo Rojo y Azul, Tech me recuerda a Simmons, Hunter me recuerda a Carolina y al Agente Washington, y Echo me recuerda a Church si no dijera tantas palabrotas. Wrecker me recuerda a Caboose, un orgánico que sacrificó su cerebro por fuerza..."}
>"My new team, the Bad Batch as they call themselves, are an interesting bunch. They have some personalities that remind me so much of the Red and Blue Team, Tech reminds me of Simmons, Hunter reminds me of Carolina and Agent Washington, and Echo reminds me of Church if I didn't swear as much. Wrecker reminds me of Caboose, an organic that sacrificed his brain for brawn..."<
Lopez feels a hand on his knee, he turns his head to Omega who notices and senses his annoyed posture.
{"Luego está Omega, no la IA. Omega, pero el joven adolescente Omega. Es alguien a quien puedo tolerar ya que es menos molesta que las otras bolsas de carne con las que he trabajado."}
>"Then there is Omega, not the A.I. Omega, but the young teen Omega. She is someone I can tolerate as she is less of a hassle than the other bags of meat I have worked with."<
"Hey, Lopez..." Omega said, trying to cheer up the newly turned robot to Tactical Droid, "I'm sure we'll find a way to understand you, but even if we couldn't I'm sure we'll try to understand what you're saying."
{"Si tuviera labios, estaría sonriendo ahora mismo".}
{>"If I have lips, I would be smiling right now."<}
Lopes nodded in gratitude and said, Agradezco tus palabras Omega, al menos eres alguien a quién podría tolerar." >I appreciate your words Omega, at least you are someone I could tolerate.<
"I think he said, he's thankful." Wrecker guesses the translation of what the Spanish-speaking Tactical Droid just said.
"It does sound like it." Tech also agrees to the speculation.
Lopez isn't too all that impressed, and just said in a very deadpan voice, "¿Vamos? ¿Eso fue lo único que pudiste interpretar?" >Come on? That was the only thing you could interpret?<
"Hey, Tech and Lopez!" Hunter calls out to them, "...Echo and I need some help with the Starship's engines again, could you help us with that? We have a job to do."
"Understood." Tech stops tinkering on Lopez and gestures, "Come on, Lopez."
"Okey >Okay<," Lopez said as he followed him.
"Hey! I think I can understand Lopez now!" Wrecker gasped, "He stopped speaking gibberish!"
"¡Se llama español, maldito idiota!" >It's called Spanish, you fucking idiot!< Lopez corrects him.
Wrecker slumps in disappointment, "Never mind, he's back speaking gibberish."
"It's called Español, Wrecker." Tech corrects the Genetically Modified Clone.
In space, the Havoc Marauder is being pursued by three Gunships, with Hunter manning the rear gun trying to take down the pursuers. Hunter then calls out to Lopez.
"LOPEZ, MAN THE TURRET!" Hunter gets out of the rear gunner seat as Lopez takes charge.
"¡Si, Señor Hunter! >Yes Sir, Hunter<" Lopez quickly mans the rear turret and fires at the incoming gunships.
As our favorite Spanish-speaking Droid is manning the rear guns, Hunter goes to the control room and exclaims to Tech, "How much longer till we are in hyperspace Tech!?"
Tech replies, "That depends on when Echo plans on getting the drive back online." Emphasizing Echo working on the control panel.
Echo looks away from his work briefly and states, "I'm working on it!" He snaps before he gets back to trying to get the hyperdrive online, "I thought that damn droid fixed the hyperdrive! The scrapheap didn't do its job well!"
Lopez hears them and looks over the seat and snapped back at Echo, "Todavía estaba arreglando el maldito hiperimpulsor antes de que ustedes, idiotas, se metieran en problemas, ¡no sé cómo un equipo de comando especializado como ustedes se metió en este lío de un grupo de piratas espaciales!" >I was still fixing the damn hyperdrive before you idiots got into trouble, I don't know how a specialized commando team like you got into this mess from a group of space pirates!<
"Lopez, focus! Keep them away from us!" Hunter ordered the Droid, who complied albeit begrudgingly.
"Sí, señor." >Yes, sir.< Lopez complies.
Meanwhile in another part of the ship, Wrecker places and secures the cage containing the lizard on the seat next to Omega, who straps herself for a bumpy and rough ride. The Female Clone noted, "I don't think Ruby likes this very much."
Wrecker secured the cage with a strap before he got onto one of the seats and stated as he strapped himself, "You named that thing?"
The Havoc Marauder continues to evade its pursuer's attacks, Wrecker then exclaims, "What's with these guys!?"
"Well, we did steal from them!" Omega pointed out.
Lopez was able to hear this and sarcastically say, "No jodas, Sherlock." >No shit, Sherlock.<
Tech ignores Lopez's sarcastic remark to Omega, even though he can't tell since he can't understand him, and says, "Well technically, Rhokai stole the lizard first. We are merely intercepting it."
"They don't see it that way." Hunter counters before looking at Lopez at the rear gunner section, "Lopez, keep firing!"
"¡¿Qué crees que estaba haciendo?! ¿¡Estudio de las estrellas!?" >What do you think I was doing?! Stargazing!?<
Thankfully with Lopez being much more experienced with using starships, he can shoot down at least two of the three pursuing ships.
"¡Enemigo eliminate! >Enemy Eliminated!<" Lopez relays to Hunter as he continues to fire on the last pursuing ships. The last ship was smart enough to realize that it stood no chance so it pulled away and fled.
Tech notices the navigation computer has confirmed the three ships pursuing them have been dealt with.
"Hunter, the enemy has pulled back!" Tech relays to the team leader.
"Well, that's good to hear." Hunter looked at Lopez and said, "Good job."
"Eres bienvenido. >You're welcome.<
Meanwhile, with Wrecker and Omega, the two let out a sigh of relief. The former stated, "Well that was a relief." He gets up from his chair and makes sure the package is secured so no accidents were to occur along the way, "Yup, the package is secured!"
Echo then relays to Tech, "Hyperdrive is online!"
Tech pulls the ship's lever, taking the Havoc Marauder into hyperspace.
After the Havoc Marauder arrived back at the docking bay Ord Mantell, the Bad Batch heads Cid's Parlor to get paid and the bounty to her while Lopez stays behind to fix the damages done to the Havoc Marauder during their pursuit, Specifically, Lopez is fixing the hyperdrive, just to be sure it won't break down during the worst case scenario.
As Lopez enters the Marauder, he stops when he notices a nearby case. He puts down his tools and walks over to them and opens them up, there he sees a buttload of credits inside.
"Que...? Eso es mucho dinero. ¿De dónde sacaron esto?..." >What the...? That's a lot of money. Where did they get this...< Lopez then remembers a subtle detail during the mission, "Oh, espera... lo recuerdo..." >Oh wait... I remember...<.
~Flashback: A few hours before the Bad Batch was compromised~
At the port here, the Marauder is parked, Lopez was underneath the ship fixing its hyperdrive, he mutters to himself as he fixed it.
"Todavía me pregunto si es legal llevar a un niño a misiones peligrosas como estas..." >I still wonder if it's legal to bring a child into dangerous missions like these...< Lopez mutters as he continues fixing the hyperdrive before picking up another tool.
A sudden noise halts Lopez on his action before he quickly and quietly gets out underneath the shop and hides in a more concealed position like behind a pile of crates. And that he did, he didn't say a word as he hid waiting for who was entering their side of the spaceport. He was warned that he, a Tactical Droid, is outlawed by the Empire and should be very careful about who he reveals himself. Lopez wouldn't be worried about that if was still in his original appearance, how and why it happened to him when he arrived in this Galaxy he still didn't understand how the teleporter Sarge made turned him into a Tactical Droid is one of the many questions that linger in his mind.
A Rodian smuggler runs in, looking rather frantic. He holds a case in his hand while a blaster pistol is in one hand. He looks around before his eye falls on the Marauder, he notices the ship's doors are open which means it's easy pickings for him. He smiles to himself as he learns of his luck.
"Well, isn't this my lucky day!" The Smuggler said as he walked towards it, "A ship left for me to hijack for myself!"
Then a mechanical voice was heard from behind the smuggler who plans to steal the Marauder.
"Este barco no está a la venta... >This ship isn't for sale...<
The smuggler turned and aimed the blaster at whoever was behind him but he was quickly disarmed; his blaster was instead punched in the face, knocking him to the ground and distorting him. Once his vision returns to focus he looks up to see a Clone Wars Droid looming over him with his blaster pistol on the Droid's hold aimed at him.
"A S-Separatist Droid?! I thought the Empire has had you all dismantled-"
A blaster fire rang across the room and Rodian fell back to the ground dead with the smoking barrel of the blaster still aimed where he lay. The Brown Tactical Droid lowered the stolen blaster away from the dead Rodian Smuggler.
"Hablas demasiado... como los Reds and Blues... Los extraño un poco..." >You talk too much... just like the Reds and Blues... I kind of miss them...< Lopez reminisced to himself before he then decided to see what was inside the case.
He walks over to the body and picks it up from the hands of the smuggler he inspects it first and before he could open it a sudden chime from his quickly alerted him. He activates it and hears Hunter's voice.
"/Lopez! We've got the package and we've been compromised! Start the ship immediately!/" Hunter shouted from the comms as the distinct sound of Blaster Fire was heard.
"¡¿Qué?! ¡Pero aún no he terminado de arreglar el hiperimpulsor!" >What?! But I haven't finished fixing the hyperdrive yet!< Lopez argued with Hunter but the language barrier has proved to be a hindrance between the team.
"/I'll take your word as your confirmation, we'll be arriving soon!/" Hunter misinterpreted.
"¡Eso no es lo que quise decir!" >That's not what I meant!< Lopez clarified but like before, the language barrier was a problem.
"/...We expect the ship to be ready for take-off! Hunter out!/" Hunter cuts the comms.
Lopez let out an exasperated sigh and rubbed his hand across his face in irritation, "...hijo de puta..." >...son of a bitch<
The Droid picks up the body and drops it behind some crates before he quickly gets in the shuttle with the case in his hands and he places it on top of the ship's console he went to work on getting the shipping prep for take off. After he was done he equipped his RPS-6 Launcher and E-5C Heavy Blaster he quickly ran outside to get his tools and as he did, the sound of the blaster was heard coming from the Marauder.
The Bad Batch enters the dock area and they fire their blasters while running Omega is following behind Wrecker, holding the package with the Rhokai Gang Member following behind firing on the Bad Batch and missing badly.
Hunter shouts as he fires his blaster on the gang, "Get in the ship!"
Lopez took this opportunity to use his RPS-6 Launcher and aimed at the group of Rhakai Members. He fires and a rocket whizzes over the Bad Batch and lands between the Rhokai Gang, and the explosion kills the pursuing gang members.
The Bad Batch reaches the ship with Wrecker complimenting the droid, "Hahaha! Good job, Lopez! Now that's what I'm talking about!"
"...I still don't know where you can get the resources for your rockets," Tech said as he entered the ship.
"We can talk about this later." Hunter interjects before anyone else talks, "We're not clear yet." He looks at Lopez with a nod, "Good job starting ship, Lopez, now let's get out of here."
"El Hyperdrive aún no está arreglado, Hunter." >The Hyperdrive isn't fixed yet, Hunter.< Lopez informed Hunter as he passed and entered the ship.
"You got that right, Lopez! We kicked butt out there!" Wrecker misinterprets his statement once more as he enters the ship.
"¡Eso no es lo que dije, idiota!" >That's not what I said, you idiot!<
"Also, who's that dead Rodian over there?"
Lopez closes the case and decides to show Hunter and rest on what he got in his possession. He walks out of the Docking bay and heads towards Cid's Parlor. As he walks down the streets of the city to the Parlor, he notices Wrecker and Omega buying two paper bags of Mantell Mix.
They don't seem to notice him since they're more focused on eating whatever alien food they're, Lopez didn't care to know since he can't eat organic matter. He ignores them and continues on his way to the parlor. When he arrives he walks into the bar with the case in hand, and his presence gets the attention of most of the patrons of the parlor. Some stopped talking and looked at him while some ignored him. It's not every day a Tactical Droid from the Clone Wars would have a presence of a parlor, especially the illegality of having
Lopez disregarded their stares and made his way to Cid's office. And as he did, he stopped when someone approached him. It's a group of the Patron, and they don't seem exactly
"Look what we have here." One of the Patrons approached Lopez, "A Separatist Droid."
"It's a Tactical Droid..." Another Patron, a Rodian, looks at him with mischievous intent, "I wonder how much credit would the black market give us." He said as he slowly reached for his blaster pistol.
Lopez was unfazed and didn't take kindly to their intentions, he sneered at the patrons, "Intenta tocarme con tus manos orgánicas, te dejaré sin sentido." >Try and touch me with your organic hands, I will beat you senseless.<.
"What was that?" The Patron didn't understand Lopez's threat, "What kind of language was that?"
"Does it matter?" The Another Patron dismissed the threat, "Let's go and scrap it-"
He wasn't able to finish when punched in the face by a metallic hand and knocked unconscious. The two patrons were startled and before they could react, Lopez quickly made work on them and he backhand a patron away followed using the case as a makeshift to knock the other patron to the ground unconscious.
But the Rodian patron was backhanded, pulled his blaster, and was about to open fire when Lopez threw the case onto the patron's head, knocking him unconscious and the case bounced back to Lopez's hand. If the Tactical Droid is capable of smirking and looking smug this would be it, organics. Always predictable.
He turned to see everyone now looking at Lopez in awe and fear, but he dismissed, "Solo vuelve a lo que sea que no estés haciendo nada para ver aquí." >Just get back to whatever you're doing nothing to see here.< He eased their fear with a gesture but the language barrier and the patron's fear of droids of the Clone Wars instead scared the patrons to run out of the Parlor.
Lopez sighs irritatedly and was about to continue to Cid's office when he noticed one patron didn't leave. He looked at the hooded figure and was curious. He can feel the hood figure's eyes piercing into the droid's head and sense a bowl of disgust and caution coming from the stranger. So he decided to humor him.
"Al menos no corriste, a diferencia de esos idiotas." >At least you didn't run, unlike those idiots.< Lopez gestured to the entrance where the patrons ran. The stranger said nothing and continued to stare at Lopez.
The droid shrugs nonchalantly, "Bueno... disfruta de tu estancia. >Well... enjoy your stay.< He looked down at the unconscious patrons and said, "Los tiraré afuera más tarde." >I'll toss them outside later.<
He then walks into Cid's office just in time to see Hunter, Tech, and Echo being handed out a third of a portion of the credits they were promised.
"Alright fellas, here's your cut," Cid said, giving them only... three credits.
Hunter, Echo, and Tech were stunned as Hunter took the credits and protested, "Whoa, whoa, you said the job paid three times this-!"
"For me! Not for you!" She puts aside the case of credits.
"And just how is this a mutually beneficial arrangement?" Echo prompted, glaring at the Trandoshian.
Cid glares, "You're breathing aren't ya? Rather generous with the debt you owe me." She said as she picked up a datapad.
"What debt?" Hunter demanded.
Cid tosses the Datapad and Hunter picks it up, revealing how much they owe her. He lists how much was spent, "Docking fees, port charges, gear, fuel, rations, and 20 cartons of Mantell Mix?"
Before anyone could continue a mechanical cough catches their attention. They all turned behind to see Lopez at the doorway with the case of credits in his hand.
"Ah, just the Droid I like to see!" Cid beams at the sight of the Tactical Droid, "What brings you here? Is it for the payment? I have already paid your masters just now."
"But not the amount we're promised," Echo grumbled, clearly upset at what they got in return.
"Señor, iba a informarle que obtuve dinero de la misión anterior de un contrabandista que intentó robar nuestro barco." >Sir, I was going to inform you that I got money from the mission earlier from a smuggler that attempted to steal our ship.< Lopez presents the case and opens it, revealing the pile of credits inside much to the surprise of everyone present.
"Woah..." Echo looks over the case that Lopez presents, "...that's like a hundred credits in this case."
"...Lopez, where did you get these credits?" Hunter picks up a handful of credits from the case and inspects them.
"Un contrabandista intentó robar nuestro barco, creo que luego lo robé yo." >A smuggler tried to steal our ship, I think it was then stolen by me.< Lopez explained to the group what happened.
The three clones stared at him before Echo broke the silence, "We need to fix the droid's voice box..."
"O podría enseñarte español..." >Or I could teach you Spanish...< Lopez said bitterly.
"Or perhaps it could teach us Español," Tech suggested.
"¿Perdóneme?" >Excuse me?<
"You think you can learn what language it's speaking?" Hunter questioned.
"Well, with the information we've got from its database, it's possible but it would take time to translate all of it into Galactic Basic," Tech said with a shrug.
" menos uno de ustedes tiene el cerebro para pensar en una solución para aprender el idioma en lugar de no hacer nada al respecto." > least one of you has the brain to think of a solution to learning the language rather than doing nothing about it.< Lopez jibed at Tech but of course, he didn't understand him.
"Rightly so Lopez." Tech misinterpreted Lopez's statement,
"Por favor, deja de intentar traducir lo que estoy diciendo..." >Please stop trying to translate what I'm saying...< Lopez sighs irritatedly.
"...There, see? A mutually beneficial agreement! It worked in the end." Cid said satisfied, "Lopez got you the credits needed to repay the debt."
Before any discussion could continue the sound of blaster fire had caught their attention.
"¿Qué fue eso?" >What was that?< Lopez questioned before the Bad Batch and Cid then passed him. Lopez follows them and when they reach outside the office, they see two of the patrons running out in fear.
The group turned to the cause of all this ruckus, which is the hooded figure Lopez had seen earlier. Guess he should have known someone as mysterious and suspicious would be trouble, he hopes Cid wouldn't cut the deal.
"Hey! Who are you?!" Cid points her staff at the hooded man who was in the process of lifting off his hood, "...what's going on here..."
The hooded man lifted his hood revealing... a familiar face to Hunter. Wait, What?
"Rex?" Hunter says out loud. Lopez looked on in confusion and turned to look at Hunter.
"¿Quién es? ¿Tu hermano gemelo?" >Who is this? Your twin brother?< Lopez questioned the man beside him.
"Oh, great! Another clone! Just what I need!" Cid groans irritatedly at this fact.
"Espera... ¿todos sois clones?" >Wait... you're all clones?< Lopez looks surprised by the revelation, but he was ignored. Cid looks with a scowl upon noticing the unconscious parlor goers, mistaking Rex to be responsible.
"And, really I don't appreciate you clone, hurting my customers!" Cid refers to the unconscious parlor goers on the ground that was caused by Lopez.
Rex looked unfazed and crossed his arms.
"I didn't cause that mess. The droid did." Rex clarifies and nodded to said droid, looking at the Tactical Droid cautiously.
The group turned to look at Lopez, who returned their questioning gaze with a shrug and responded bluntly, "¿Qué? ¡Iban a desguazar por repuestos!" >What? They were going to scrap for spare parts!<
Even though they can't understand a single word he said, the mannerisms confirmed he did all of this.
Cid just turns to look at him with a scowl, "Fine, well don't get comfy! I'm done taking strays. And speaking of which, Lopez! Clean up the mess you've made!"
"Está bien..." >Alright...< Lopez acknowledges as he goes to pick up the unconscious bodies.
Hunter and the rest of the Bad Batch approach Rex with the leader of the Bad Batch, saying, "Captain..."
"'s been a while, boys," Rex said to them as Lopez is seen carrying the unconscious bodies out of the parlor.
"Where have you been Rex?" Echo asks, to which Rex shrugged before answering.
"...That's a long story."
Lopez comes back after his task is finished, and immediately Rex is alerted of his presence. He looks at the droid with distrust.
"So... This droid is a part of your team as well?" Rex narrows his eyes on the brown tactical droid.
"Sí, ¿tienes un problema con eso, bolsa de carne?" >Yeah you've got a problem with that, meatbag?< Lopez challenged as he glares at Rex.
Hunter interjects, "It's a long story."
~Small Timeskip~
Lopez carries a tray with cups and brings it to the Bad Batch and their guest, Rex, who was telling everything that happened. The clones took the drink and took a sip as Rex continued to explain his story.
"...And when the war ended, I guess you can say I'm keeping a low profile."
"Very well low. Imperial files listed you as killed in action." Tech added after he took a drink.
"Bueno no es tan jodidamente afortunado." >Well isn't that fucking fortunate.< Lopez said as he puts the tray away and stands by Echo's side.
"...Being dead in the eyes of the empire has its advantages." Rex takes another sip of his drink.
"So how did you track us down?" Echo asks him.
"Trace and Rafa Martez," Rex answered, to which Lopez immediately perked up at the names.
"¿No son esos los imbéciles que intentaron arrancarle la cabeza?" >Aren't those the assholes who tried to rip my head off?<
"Quiet, Lopez." Hunter ordered before looking at Rex, "Sorry, about the Droid, it's quite... uh, unique. Continue."
"Right." Rex narrows his eyes at Lopez before clearing his throat, "As I was saying; they said a squad of rogue clones helped them in Corellia. They told me I could find you here, that you're traveling with a kid and now you have a... droid with you. A tactical droid to be precise."
Rex looks at Lopez with suspicion to which Tech explained, "Ah yes, you mean Lopez. We got it from Corellia as well, it was originally one of our targets but the information we've gathered from its database is... possibly outdated or impossible to encrypt because of the language it's programmed with."
"No fue mi culpa que cierto idiota cambiara mi configuración a jodido español." >Wasn't my fault a certain idiot changed my settings to fucking Spanish.< Lopez grumbled at the reminder.
"Interestingly, Lopez here is quite the fighter and the mechanic." Tech explains further, "It's very much different from Tactical Droids we've faced in the war."
"I see, so you've got a tactical droid who has brawn and smarts." Rex looks at Lopez then snorts and looks at the group, "...times are sure changing. You've been fighting clankers for years and now you've got a droid fighting with you. A gibberish-speaking droid."
"It's called Español and yes, it's a surprise but a welcome one," Tech said.
"Para empezar, no es que tenga muchas opciones." >It's not like I've got much of a choice, to begin with.< Lopez argued to the Clone Captain, "Además, soy nuevo en esta galaxia porque cierto soldado rojo idiota me metió en este lío. ¡Además, no estoy seguro de cómo mi apariencia cambió a esto!" >Plus, I'm new to this galaxy because a certain idiotic red soldier got me into this mess. Furthermore, I'm not sure how my appearance changed to this!<
The Clone Captain only stared at him for a couple of seconds, still confused by his speech. He then looks at his brothers and questions.
" you even understand what it's even saying?"
"Hardly." Tech said, "The language it spoke isn't in the galactic records nor does it exist in any text or data. So I propose that Lopez will teach us the basics of this Español. This is just so we could have a proper form of communication in case a need arises."
"And you all agreed?" Rex asks as he looks at Lopez once more.
"Technically, it's only me who's taken an interest in Español. I'm not sure about the rest of us." Tech said to Rex.
"Apenas soy profesor, pero lo intentaré." >I'm hardly even a teacher, but I'll try.< Lopez nodded to Tech's proposal.
"Right so, Lopez." Tech misinterpreted but wasn't far from what Lopez said so he ignored it.
Rex nods at this, before he remembers something earlier, "Speaking of which, what of the kid? Who is she?"
Hunter puts his drink away, "Omega. She's a clone, like us."
Rex looks surprised as well as Lopez.
"¿Qué carajo? ¿Incluso el clon de Omega? ¿Una versión femenina de ustedes, imbéciles? ¿Alguien en este grupo NO es un clon?" >What the fuck? Even Omega's Clone? A Female Version of you, morons? Is anyone in this group NOT a clone!?< Lopez was exasperated at the revelation.
"Well look who it is!" A familiar voice is heard.
"Habla del diablo y aparecerá." >Speak of the Devil and he will appear.< Lopez sighs before looking over his shoulder as Wrecker runs past him and gives Rex a bone-crushing hug.
Lopez looks on at the scene of the brute hugging the former captain. The Spanish Speaking Droid can't help but reimagine this scene with Caboose giving Agent Washington a big hug back home. It's honestly Nostalgic for the Robot-Turned-Droid, and he kind of misses those antics.
''Buenos tiempos." >Good times.< Lopez thought as he watched the scene play out and reimagined it in his mind of his friends.
"Hi, Lopez!" Omega greeted him, breaking him out of his thoughts before she ran up to meet the Clone Captain.
"Hola Omega. Al menos tienes modales." >Hi, Omega. At least you have manners.< Lopez said to Omega, who then looks at Wrecker questioningly when she sees him greeting a reg nicely.
"Wait, I thought you don't like regs?" Omega questioned seeing this as okay by the Bad Batch.
"This one we like!" Wrecker exclaims as Rex was able to break away from his hug before he turns his attention to Omega.
"Omega, this is Rex." Hunter introduces as Rex gets onto his knee, to get close to Omega's level.
Rex then says, "I've met many clones in my time, but not one like you."
"¿Qué, nunca has visto a una chica antes? Casi suenas como Grif o Simmons cuando dices eso cuando todavía estaba en Blood Gulch." >What, you've never seen a girl before? You almost sound like either Grif or Simmons when you say that when I was still in Blood Gulch.< Lopez said to him as he then stood beside Rex, but the Clone dismissed the droid's statement since he doesn't understand him and his attention is on Omega.
Omega meanwhile just looks at him and takes a closer look, examining Rex much to his confusion.
"You're generation one!" Omega said to Rex, who stared at her stunned and Lopez could swear he heard the sound of shattering glass somewhere.
Lopez laughed at the response, "Jajajaja! ¡Quiere decir que eres viejo! ¡Jajaja!" >Hahahaha! She means you're old! Hahaha!< But they don't understand him.
"H-how did you know?" Rex asks her.
"From the lines on your face!"
"¿Te refieres a las arrugas? ¡Más sal a la herida!" >You mean wrinkles? More salt to the wound!< Lopez laughed after hearing the response.
Rex just chuckles before turning to Bad Batch, "I guess I've been around."
"You've got that right!" Wrecker said before he groans in pain and rubs his head, he looks at Lopez, "Argh... Hey, Lopez can you get me any of those Med-Patches?"
"Los has usado todos." >You've used them all up.< Lopez bluntly said to Wrecker.
"Cool! Thanks, Lopez!"
"¡Eso no es lo que quise decir!" >That's not what I meant!< Lopez facepalmed. Tech sees this and immediately gets what he means.
"I think it's saying you've used all up, is that right?" Tech asks him.
"Sí" >Yes.< He nodded in confirmation.
Rex meanwhile looks at Wrecker cautiously and steadily stands up.
"What's wrong?" Rex tenses slightly, and Lopez notices the tone change.
"Nothing, it's just a headache," Wrecker said after he took a drink from his cup.
"Which is becoming more frequent." Echo pointed out before drinking his cup.
"...Is that so?" Rex narrows his eyes.
The Bad Batch sees this as Tech then interjects to relieve some tension from the room, "If you're concerned with those inhibitor chips, don't be. Our deviant nature seems to impede their functions except in Crosshair."
"You're telling me you haven't removed your chips?" Rex inquired to the group.
"No, not yet."
"Is that so?" Rex slowly reaches for his blaster pistol.
Lopez sees Rex placing his hand on his blaster. Since he is right behind him, he immediately placed a hand on the clone's shoulder, "¡Oye, tranquilo, duplicado de gatillo fácil!" >Hey, calm there, trigger-happy duplicate!<
"Lopez, calm down! He's not gonna hurt us!" Omega exclaims to Lopez, standing by his side.
"La mano que busca su arma me dice lo contrario, Omega." >The hand reaching for his gun tells me otherwise, Omega.< Lopez nods to the blaster on Rex's holster.
"...How about you hear me out first, Droid." Rex growls and side-glance at Lopez.
"Pruébame, imbécil." >Try me, asshole.< Lopez growls back in response as his grip on the shoulder slowly tightens along with a clench on the other hand.
Rex was considering shooting the droid while Lopez was considering breaking his arms before he did anything he would regret. Omega quickly was the first to break the tensions.
"W-wait, Lopez let's hear Rex out first before we come to any conclusion," Omega said as she got in between Lopez and Rex. She looks at the droid, "Will that be alright?"
There was a tense silence as Lopez and Rex continued their little standoff. Eventually, Lopez lessens his grip on Rex's shoulder and the clone does the same with his blaster. He looks at the Bad Batch and explains his reasons for why he acted that way.
"As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted..." Rex briefly refers to Lopez, who gives him the middle finger but since he only had two finger digits and a thumb, it's hard to tell if it's a middle finger or something else, "...Those Chips make you a threat to everyone around you, even her." Rex gestures to Omega before resting his hand on his blaster but Lopez didn't interfere this time as he has an odd sense of Deja vu, "You're all ticking timebombs."
Hunter raises his hand out in a calming manner to Rex to ease his worries, "Take it easy, Captain."
"What's inside your head is more dangerous than anything you could imagine. I've seen what happens when the chip activates and I don't want to bury any more of our brothers."
As the Bad Batch looks at each at this, quite skeptical of the claim but Lopez didn't do anything as he gets the same feeling of Deja vu, and as he felt it he finally remembers. He curses out, "¡A la mierda! Esto es como la Situación O'Malley de nuevo, ¿no es así? ¡Excepto que no se trata de una IA genocida sino con chips genocidas en tu cabeza!" >Ah fuck! This is like the O'Malley Situation all over again, isn't it? Except it isn't about a genocide AI but with genocidal chips on your head!<
"Based on that tone of yours, Droid, I think you get the picture of the threat these inhibitor chips pose." Rex looks at the Tactical Droid.
"No mierda Sherlock, he experimentado algo similar a esto." >No shit Sherlock, I've experienced something similar to this.<
"I'll take that as a yes then." Rex looks back at the Bad Batch, "Trust me, it's not something you could control. I couldn't, it's a risk you don't want to take."
The Bad Batch was considering the choice of the matter at hand. Lopez then interjects, "Creo que deberías escucharlo." >I believe you should listen to him.<
Hunter looks at Lopez. He didn't understand a single word spoken to him but he gets a gut feeling that Lopez is asking him to consider the offer. Hunter looks at Rex and asks, "How do you suggest getting them out?"
Letting go of his pistol, Rex says, "...good question and I will be in touch."
Hours later, the Marauder travels through hyperspace. While Wrecker clutches his head in pain, Omega helps Lopez and Tech with some tools as they work on the chip scanner, Gonky (Gonk Droid) serving as a makeshift table. Wrecker stands up and paces around a bit as Hunter comes in.
"I don't like this plan!" Wrecker complained to his squad leader, before sitting back down.
"We agreed to meet Rex on Bracca." Hunter placed a hand on his brother's shoulder, "That's what we're doing."
"He wants to cut open my head!"
"All of our heads," Tech said as Lopez continued to help with the biochip scanner.
"Not us! Lopez and I don't have an inhibitor chip." Omega corrects him as she hands Lopez another tool.
"No shit, Sherlock." >No shit, Sherlock< Lopez says to her as he takes the tool Omega has given to him before using it on the scanner.
"Why not?! That's not fair!"
"¡¡Deja de lloriquear, hombre-niño! ¡Estoy tratando de concentrarme!" >Quit your whining you man-child! I'm trying to concentrate!< Lopez angrily said to Wrecker as he continues to work on the Scanner.
"See! Lopez even agrees with me!"
"¡Eso no es lo que dije, idiota!" >That's not what I said you idiot!<
Hunter ignores this and asks Tech, "How's the scanner coming?"
"Since Rex's chip is removed I have given Lopez the instructions needed in establishing a baseline by comparing his brain scan to ours, allowing us to detect any cellular anomalies," Tech said as moved to the cockpit.
After a few taps from the tool Lopez then interjects, "...Terminé." >...I'm finished.< Lopez said as put the tool down and he headed to the cockpit.
"I think he's said he has finished it," Omega said as she followed him to the cockpit.
"Do we... have to do this?" Wrecker questioned Hunter, still uneasy about getting his chip removed despite the dangers that come if he didn't remove it.
"If Rex is sure, we must trust him," Hunter said to his brother.
Sooner or later the Marauder exits out of hyperspace and descends into the planet Bracca's biosphere, flying over a starship graveyard.
Omega then asks as she looks from the window of the cockpit, "What is this place?"
"A starship graveyard."
"I'm picking up Rex's Beacon," Echo informs as the ship flies to where Rex is located.
The Marauder then lands amidst wrecked starships in a damaged hangar, next to a Y-wing. The doors of the ship open as the Bad Batch and Lopez exit the ship, with Rex waiting for them.
"Right on time." Rex shakes Hunter's arm as the Bad Batch catches up.
"How's a junk planet going to help us?" Wrecker questioned, gesturing to the graveyard of starships. Lopez meanwhile just stares out.
"Me pregunto si hay más de mi clase aquí. Lo que quiero decir con mi tipo, me refiero a máquinas aquí." >I wonder if there's any more of my kind here. What I mean by my kind, I mean machines here.< Lopez wonders out loud but he was mostly ignored as Rex then says to the group.
"Follow me," Rex said after he wore his helmet.
The Bad Batch follows suit and wears their helmets, minus Omega and Lopez. He and his troupe follow Rex out of the hangar and onto the graveyard of Starships. They reach the edge as Rex says, "Bracca ain't much to look at but it's exactly what we need."
He pointed to a wrecked Venator-class Star Destroyer lying in the distance. He looked at the group and said, "I have my inhibitor chip taken out from a Jedi Cruiser just like that. That's where we're heading."
"Then why did we land over here?!" Wrecker complained but Hunter noticed something and immediately alerted his team.
"Everyone down!" Hunter ordered as the group followed his lead, taking cover so they wouldn't be seen.
A hover barge flies by over the Venator as Rex mutters, "That's why."
Tech looks at it and identifies it, "It's the Scrapper Guild."
Rex explains to the group, "...they control this entire planet, we need to keep out of sight from their patrols, and this goes double to your droid as well."
"¿Disculpe?" >Excuse me?< Lopez looks at Rex questioningly and alarmed. Even Omega is concerned.
"Wait, why? I understand our presence is unwelcome here but why is Lopez getting a double warning?" Omega questioned Rex, who looked at her.
"...Well, Omega, if they see your droid in the open, they will scrap it for parts or sell it to the black market. Furthermore, you have a Tactical Droid, and they can be sold at a high price." Rex explained and from how Lopez flinched, he didn't take it well and started ranting.
"¡¿Qué diablos?! ¡¿Y me estás diciendo esto ahora?!" >What the fuck?! And you're just telling me this now?!< Rex looks at the upset Droid and tilts his head slightly in amusement at the upset tone of the droid.
"From that tone alone, I think you're upset. Didn't think I'd see a Tactical Droid be this upset on an emotional level." Rex mused as Lopez glared at him if his optics would even glare or narrow.
"¡No jodas, pendejo! ¡Claro que estoy molesto! ¡Estoy literalmente en un mundo donde puedo morir simplemente por existir! ¡¿Puedo quedarme con el barco en su lugar?!" >No shit, asshole! Of course, I'm upset! I'm literally in a world where I can die for merely existing! Can I stay with the ship instead?!< Lopez begged Rex, but he misinterpreted,
"Well, how you feel about it doesn't matter. We better get moving otherwise we'll be spotted." Rex said, misinterpreting Lopez's complaints, "Let's go!"
The clones move out with Lopez's slight hesitation. He looks back at where they parked their ship and then at the group heading on without him. He looks back to the hanger and then the group.
Hanger, group, hanger, group, hanger, group...
With a grumble, he decided to follow the group not before cursing to himself.
"Hijo de puta." >Son of a Bitch.<
As the clones move deeper into the wreckage, Rex begins to tell Hunter about Fives warning him of the chips. But Lopez drowned most of the conversation out since he didn't care what they were talking about and just looked at the wreckage around him. Needless to say it unnerves him, especially with the warning that he'd be scrapped for parts if he's discovered.
Already, he didn't like Rex. He might consider killing him when his back is turned but he'd rather be in the good graces of these meat bags than make himself look bad.
Omega senses Lopez's unease and she turns to look at the Tactical Droid who's looking around nervously. She walks back to Lopez and the group stops as she reaches for the Droid, grasping his hand.
"Hey, Lopez. You don't need to worry. We'll make sure you don't get hurt." Omega assures the droid.
Lopez looks at Omega stunned. He didn't expect this little girl to assure him of any danger of being scrapped. He was so used to the Red and Blues' antics that he'd so used to any concerns regarding his unease being brushed aside but no, Omega was assuring him and calming his nerves.
Lopez felt touched by this and nodded, "Gracias, Omega. Eso me hace sentir mejor." >Thank you, Omega. That makes me feel better.<
The group watches the droid and young clone interact before they continue on their path Rex then said, "Omega seems fond of that Droid."
"It did save her last time." Hunter reminded Rex.
"And you trust it? It's a Separatist Tactical Droid, after all. You don't know what it's saying or thinking." Rex voiced his concerns regarding the droid.
"Trust me, I have my worries as well. But it's best not to dwell on it too much." Hunter said, "While I don't trust it, the droid has been a big help so far. Despite its odd behavior."
Rex looks back to see Lopez now giving Omega a piggyback ride.
"Hehehe! This is fun!" Omega said as she enjoys the piggyback ride from the droid.
"Awww! Can I try too?!" Wrecker pleads as he wants to try.
"¡Eres demasiado pesado y me romperías!" >You're too heavy and you'd break me!<
Rex hums in consideration at this and just continues with the journey along with the rest of the Bad Batch.
The clones clamber up a partially submerged wrecked ship. Omega, still getting a piggyback ride from Lopez, gazes at the wreckage of the Venator, amazed at how big it is up close.
"It is so big up close!" she said in awe they got close to the Venator.
Rex then explains to Omega, and Lopez, as if giving a history lesson to his class, "This is an original Venator-class ship. The first batch of its class off the line."
"First on the line huh? Just like you Rex! Ha!" Wrecker quips to Rex as they pass by a low-lying area filled with water, unaware of what is submerged below.
Overhead, large avian creatures glide over them as the droid and clones navigate up the wreckage, and they enter with Rex leading the way across an improvised bridge. Lopez follows behind with Omega holding onto them tight on Lopez's back so she wouldn't fall.
Once they enter, they traverse the ship's corridors, Rex says, "The last time I was aboard one of these, it did not end so well."
"If the Inhibitor Chip is something you can't control, how did you get yours out?"
Rex replies, "I... had help."
He stops abruptly when the group encounters a large gap in the wreckage, leading down to the water below. Lopez puts Omega down as he then walks to the edge and gazes downwards.
"Esa es una gran caída..." >That's a big fall...< Lopez said, looking at the length and distance of the gap.
Rex then says to the group, "...the medical bay is on the other end." He looks at the brute clone, "Wrecker, grab that cable."
Wrecker picked it up and asked, "This? What are we going to do with it?"
Lopez gets the idea and mutters, "This is such a bad idea..."
Later the group uses the large cable as a makeshift zipline capable of crossing the bridge. The clones and droids cross the gap by crawling along the cable, but Wrecker is the last to go.
"You're up Wrecker!" Hunter calls out to his brother.
However, Wrecker is nervous as he takes a few steps back, "Um... you know what, my head doesn't hurt anymore, I'm fine! You guys can go without me!"
"¿Este tipo tiene miedo a las alturas?" >Is this guy seriously scared of heights?< Lopez asked, bemused by this fact, especially that someone who has more muscle than a brain is scared of heights. Hell, even Caboose wouldn't be that scared of heights!
Omega encourages him, "You can do it! Just keep your eyes on the cable!"
Wrecker hesitantly obliges as he finally begins to cross, but his weight causes the cable to sag, "T-that was close!"
Lopez looked quite concerned and said to the group, "Creo que deberíamos haber pensado en esto. Podría ser más pesado que Grif..." >I think we should have thought this through. He might be heavier than Grif...<
No one understands him again but can't help but agree that Lopez is referring to Wrecker's weight.
However, due to his said weight, the cable eventually snapped, leaving Wrecker to fall, "Wrecker!" Hunter shouts as Wrecker falls and bumps onto some of the wreckage and finds himself dangling by one leg just above the water.
Lopez quips after that happened, "We really should have taken account of his weight..."
"Are you alright?!" Rex calls out to him as Omega flashes the flashlight on where Wrecker fell.
"No! It's awful down here!" Wrecker shouts back as he dangles over the water.
Omega and Lopez spot a dark shape in the water below. The former stuttered, "W-what's that?!"
While the latter is nervous, he pulls out his blaster and says to Hunter as he pointed at the dark shape underneath the water, "¡Hunter, hay algo ahí abajo! ¡Y no creo que sea amistoso!" >Hunter, there's something down there! And I don't think it's friendly!<
Hunter looks at where Lopez is pointing and he too spots it. He immediately orders Wrecker to start climbing, "Wrecker! There's something on the water! Start climbing!!"
"Wait! What?!" Wrecker exclaims in fright until the tentacle of a dianoga erupts from the water and grabs him and tries to pull him underwater.
"Wrecker!!" Omega shrieked as Lopez and the other then grabbed the cable and attempted to pull Wrecker.
Said person getting attacked by a tentacle hentai monster cuts it off with his vibro-knife as the group continues to Wrecker out.
"Pull faster!" Rex shouted to the group as they tried their hardest to pull him out. Lopez meanwhile lets go of the cable and runs to the edge, the others notice this and Rex shouted, "Droid! What are you doing?! Help us out here!"
Lopez ignores them and just stares at the bottom where Wrecker continues to struggle for his life against the tentacles of the monster. Lopez then grabs the RPS-6 Launcher from behind and aims it downwards at the creature. Omega turned to Lopez and was in shock at what Lopez was planning to do.
"Lopez! What are you doing?!" Omega exclaims seeing the droid aiming the rocket launcher at where Wrecker is. The other clones noticed this and none were too pleased with the idea.
"You stupid scrapheap! You'll hit Wrecker!" Rex shouted angrily as the rest of the bad batch continued to struggle to pull the cable back.
"Lopez! Stop!" Echo shouted.
Lopez ignored their protest and after quickly calculating the trajectory and possibilities of success of hitting the creature, he pulled the trigger and the rocket was fired from its launcher. Everything slowed down for everyone. Omega watched in terror as the rocket flew downwards where Wrecker was. The brute clone saw this and was stunned as the rocket grew closer and closer.
Fortunately, Lopez had the high ground and had Fallout VATS Bullshit on his side and the rocket instead whizz past Wrecker and submerged under the water. What followed next was an explosive blast underwater that created a makeshift water geyser below Wrecker as tentacles he slacked.
"Woah!!" Wrecker exclaims in surprise as he hangs onto the cable for dear life. He looks back down to see the floating dead body of the dianoga. Wrecker stared at it and let out a whistle, "That thing nearly ate me! Hahaha!"
He looked up at Lopez and gave a thumbs up, "Good job, Lopez!"
Lopez nodded in return as the group was able to finally pull Wrecker to safety. Rex and Hunter walk over to the edge and they see the floating remains of the dianoga. Needless to say, they're quite impressed by Lopez's initiative.
"What do you know, looks like you're good at something." Rex quipped at Lopez.
"Todavía no me gustas, imbécil." >I still don't like you, asshole.< Lopez said, still upset with being called a scrap heap.
"I wonder what it tastes like..." Wrecker questioned seeing the burned-up remains of the dianoga from the explosion the group looks at him weirdly and he just shrugs, "What? I'm just curious!"
"Por favor sea otro Grif." >Please be another Grif.< Lopez sighs.
~Small Timeskip~
The clones travel down a dark corridor and approach a chamber sealed by a partially opened blast door. Rex kneels to look into the room, and several rodents scatter as they lift the door as they enter, Rex and Tech shine their torches around the derelict medical bay.
"This will do nicely," Rex said after looking around the derelict medical bay.
"I would no longer call this medical facility a sterile environment," Tech said bluntly to Rex after taking a good look at the mess around him.
"Do you prefer to use the facility in Kamino?"
"This will do nicely." Tech quickly said.
"I'll calibrate the surgical pod," Echo said as he begins calibrating the surgical pod with his mechanical arm while Tech prepares the equipment.
Tech puts his pack down and pulls out the scanner. He turns to Wrecker, "Time to get scanned Wrecker."
"Let's... get this over with," Wrecker grunted as he held his head in pain. Hunter then grabs the squad's backpacks and helmets, including Wrecker's before handing them to Lopez.
The Droid was unamused being treated like a Butler but he digressed. He grabs them from Hunter and puts them on the side of the room. He walks back to the group Omega watches with concern, Tech fits his chip scanner over Wrecker's head.
Hunter then looks at Lopez and orders, "Lopez, go outside and stay on guard. Keep an eye out for any unwanted attention."
"Lo tengo jefe." >Got it, boss.< Lopez nodded as he strolled outside with his blaster in hand while Bad Batch worked on their inhibitor chip surgery. Omega follows behind briefly and says to Lopez.
"Be careful, Lopez!" Omega said to the droid, who nodded in acknowledgment. Omega heads back inside to the medical bay as Lopez continues his patrol.
Lopez continues his patrol as he looks at each end of the corridor. Nothing so far except for the space rats and dark corridors that haunt the place. He is just only a considerable distance from where the medical bay is located. Looking through the wreckage of the Venator's corridor,
"Vale, hasta ahora no ha pasado nada malo." >Okay, so far nothing bad has happened yet.<
Then he hears the sound of blaster fire coming from the Medical Bay.
"Y tengo que maldecirlo." >And I have to fucking jinx it.< Lopez quickly ran back. As he ran he and when he turned the corner, bumps onto Omega.
"Ah!" The young girl shrieked and fell to the ground as Lopez looked down at her.
"¡¿Omega, qué pasó-?!" >Omega, What happened-?!<
"Lopez! It's Wrecker! He's-"
Speaking of the devil, Omega was cut-off when Wrecker came around the corner of the corridor and stopped upon seeing Lopez. He snarls at the sight of the droid, "Krffing Clanker... conspiring with the enemy and traitors will be guilty of treason!"
Based on the tone, Omega's distress, Wrecker's sudden mood shift, and the lack of presence from the rest of the squad. It is safe to assume that the Inhibitor Chip from Wrecker has been activated, which is not a good thing.
Lopez grabs Omega and puts her behind him as he stands protectively over the young girl with his blaster at hand and ready to fire. He aims his E-5C Heavy Blaster at Wrecker, ready to fire in self-defense.
"Wait! Lopez! Don't hurt him! It's the inhibitor controlling him!" Omega informs him hastily.
...Fuck. Lopez cursed in his mind. Unfortunately, the droid's weaponry doesn't have the stun feature like the rest of the Bad Batch Weapons and he's certain that Wrecker's weapons that Omega is currently holding in her hands even lacked those features.
Plus, if what Omega said is true that Wrecker is not himself, then he has to go with another alternative...
~Play Half Life 2 OST You're Not Supposed To Be Here~
Lopez puts his weapon away and gets into a boxing stance. Instead of blaster rounds, he will use his fist.
He looked at Omega and ordered, "¡Sal de aquí!" >Get out of here!<
Omega was hesitant to leave Lopez alone to face Wrecker. She's unwilling to leave Lopez behind. But Wrecker bellows in a rage and has already charged toward Lopez with the intent to dismantle and kill as he did to all other Tactical Droids from the Clone Wars.
But one thing that Wrecker failed to realize...
...Lopez ain't your run-and-a-mill Tactical Droid from said Clone Wars.
Wrecker was sent staggering on his feet after receiving a punch in the face by Lopez. He grabs his face in pain and glares at the tactical Droid who has his arm stretched.
Lopez then gets back into his stance which is similar to that of a certain cyan-colored spartan from his team.
While he's not as proficient in hand-to-hand combat as Agent Washington and Carolina, he at least takes the time to analyze how the former-Freelancer fight. He kind of motion captured how the two of his friends fought, and he implemented this into his databases should the need for close-quarters combat become apparent.
After Wrecker gets back on his feet, Wrecker bellows and lunges at him with fist raised while Lopez does the same. Wrecker throws a punch to Lopez's head but he ducks from the swung fist and then sends an uppercut to Wrecker's chin staggering him as the droid continues his barrage of punches at the brute clone to the face since it's the only place where it lacks protection.
But the punches seem somewhat ineffective due to Wrecker's mutation giving him enhanced strength and durability. Wrecker intercepts the fist and punches Lopez in the face, which fortunately didn't punch his head off like the many times it happened to him.
As Lopez staggered, Wrecker lunged at him. They both fall on the ground with Wrecker on top of Lopez. Wrecker raises his fist and brings it down to Lopez's head but the droid tilts his head as the punch impacts where his head was, before he then retaliates by punching Wrecker in the face, hence forcing Wrecker off him as Lopez gets back up.
Wrecker fights like a brute. An uncontrolled beast that needs to be tamed. His fighting style is predictable so Lopez can keep up with Wrecker. But it would be a matter of time before Wrecker would overpower him.
Lopez grabs Wrecker by the side of the head and smashes it against the wall of the Venator's corridor, leaving a dent. Wrecker falls onto his knees and growls before he attempts to lunge at him again only for Lopez to kick him in the face, causing Wrecker to stagger and fall on the ground.
Wrecker held his bloody nose and glared up at Lopez before he charged at him and grabbed onto Lopez and slammed him on the side of the wall, leaving a dent. Lopez grunts as he feels the damage done to him by the brute. Wrecker then punches Lopez in the face over and over again, his enhanced strength damaging the droid's head.
"¡Ay! ¡No la cabeza!" >Ow! Not the head!<
As another punch is about to connect, the brown tactical droid intercepts the fist and grabs it before he retaliates with his punch. Wrecker staggers and is then kicked on the other side of the wall by Lopez, who then returns the favor and grabs Wrecker by the neck and slamming him against the wall and bashing his face with his fist before he tosses Wrecker aside. He knows simple punches won't be able to knock the brute unconscious, perhaps he needs to be resourceful.
He turned to the wreckage around him and saw a couple of parts from the ship on the ground. That would do.
As Wrecker recovers from the beating he received he turns to his opponent only to be met with the pipe to his face.
Lopez held the pipe like a makeshift bat, he swung his makeshift at Wrecker multiple times, able to hit the clone brute's head giving him at least multiple concussions but was mitigated by the clone's mutations.
Wrecker is dazed from the many attacks and tries to recover but as his vision blurs the last thing he sees is a metal canister to the face before everything went dark for the brainwashed clone.
~End Music~
Lopez stands over the unconscious Wrecker as the metal canister rolls from the side. He holds his head in slight pain from the damage he received from the clone but he might be able to fix it.
"Lopez!" Omega's voice is heard from behind. Lopez turned to see the young female clone run up to him after the fight had ended. Omega looks at the downed and unconscious clones before hugging Lopez's leg. Omega saw everything, Lopez protected her once more and he was the one who was able to stop Wrecker from causing her harm.
She's more grateful that Lopez is a part of their group. The sound of footsteps is heard and immediately Lopez pulls his weapon from his back and aims at the corridor waiting for who is coming at them as Omega did the same with Wrecker's DC-17m blaster rifle.
But to their relief, it's just Rex who has recovered from his unconsciousness.
"Finally you're here!" Lopez puts his weapon away, "What took you so long?"
The Clone Captain looks at the unconscious Wrecker and then at Lopez, who has stopped aiming his blaster at him. Rex was getting some sort of PTSD, seeing the Tactical Droid standing over one of his brothers. He nearly aimed his DC-17 Hand Blaster rifle at the tactical droid out of instant or habit but the sight of Omega being safe and alright stopped him from doing so.
"Droid... is he?"
"Está inconsciente, no te preocupes por eso." >He's unconscious, don't worry about it.< Lopez shrugged but Rex didn't understand him. Omega was quick to tell him.
"He means to say Wrecker is unconscious." Omega interpreted.
Rex nodded to this as he looked at the conscious form of Wrecker, who only groans at his state.
~Small Timeskip~
Later after that whole fiasco that happened with Wrecker, said clone brute is in the surgical pod lying inside while the Bad Batch surrounds the pod with Lopez, who fixed himself, have his one of the Bad Batch Blasters on hand with a stunning setting should Wrecker go on a rampage again.
The machine operating on Wrecker was taking too long and Echo asks Rex, " it supposed to take this long??"
Rex says to him, "I'm not sure. I have never been on the opposite end of."
Omega looks distraught while Hunter watches vigilantly. Lopez notices Omega's distraught expression and goes to comfort the girl by kneeling to her level and placing a hand on her shoulder. Omega looks at Lopez, who gives her a reassuring nod and she nods back at the gestures before turning to the pod once more.
As seconds go by, Tech announces to the team, "The procedure is complete."
The Surgical Pod slides Wrecker out as Lopez stands back up and aims his Blaster in case he goes crazy again.
Omega walked up to Wrecker's side and said, "Wrecker!" but he doesn't respond. She tries to wake him up by shaking him but remains unresponsive, "Wrecker?"
Confused and concerned, she looks at Tech, "He should be awake by now!"
Tech checks the control system of the pod and says, "He is alive, but his vitals have not yet stabilized. Plus the brawl he had with Lopez might have played a factor in his unconscious state."
"¡Ey! ¡No le eches la culpa, imbécil!" >Hey! Don't pin the blame on him, asshole!< Lopez complained to him.
"We won't know, no more until he regains consciousness," Tech explained to the group, as said group looks at Wrecker worryingly minus Lopez.
Rex and Hunter walk away and stop behind the group, Rex tells him, "it could be a while, why don't you Omega topside for some air."
"Claro, buena idea, mientras los chatarreros están ahí fuera. ¡Seguro que no pasaría nada malo!" >Oh sure, good idea, while the scrappers are out there. Surely nothing bad would happen!< Lopez sarcastically remarks at the clone captain. The clone captain looks at him with a frown, deducing what he just heard is a snide or insult towards him. Before he could say a word, Omega interrupts.
"No..." Omega said, "I'm staying until he wakes up."
She pulls up a chair to sit next to him as Lopez continues to keep an eye on the clone.
"Esto se está poniendo aburrido..." >This is getting boring...< Lopez said bemusedly as it has been perhaps a couple of hours since the procedure has since then been completed. Rex stands alone at the door of the medical bay, gazing pensively at his helmet, while the others are gathered around Wrecker, some of them have fallen asleep.
But then Wrecker moves in his sleep which caught Lopez's attention, he looks over Wrecker as the clone groans and groggily opens his eyes. He sees Lopez looking down at him and he mutters, "...Lopez?"
"Finalmente estás despierto, me preguntaba cuándo despertarás a la mierda." >Finally you're awake, I was wondering when you will wake the fuck up.< Lopez mused to the Clone.
Their little interaction has awakened Omega from her slumber and when Wrecker wakes up, she delightedly says to the rest, "He's awake!"
The Bad Batch hastily wakes up as Tech gives a simple, "Oh... you made it."
Lopez deadpans at Tech's response, "¿En realidad? ¿Eso es todo lo que podrías decir? Casi suenas como Sarge cada vez que ve a Grif vivo y bien." >Really? That's all you could say? You almost sound like Sarge whenever he sees Grif alive and well.<
As the squad welcomes their comrade back, Rex approaches and holds up Tech's scanner, Rex says, "One chip down and three to go. Who is next?"
Later, Tech emerges from the operating tunnel, touching his bandaged head.
Wrecker was talking to Lopez about the fight they had, needless to say, the brown Tactical Droid has earned the respect of the clone, "Lopez! You were awesome back there! The little brawl we have was something I didn't expect from your kinds of droids! I didn't think I'd be beaten by a Tactical Droid, you sure know how to fight! Hahaha! If only they were as much fun fighting from the war!"
Omega sees this and said, "I thought you'd be angry for losing to a droid... since you have told me how much you and the rest hate droids."
"Yeah, but Lopez here is an exception!" Wrecker said as he wrapped his arm around Lopez, "He's part of the team now! Plus if it weren't for him, I'd hurt you." Wrecker said guiltily, he looked at Lopez, "Lopez, thank you for stopping me, I'd probably hurt Omega if it weren't for you."
Lopez looks touched by this. He never expects someone to treat him with some respect since he's so used to the Red and Blue's disregarding him, whether it is intentional or not, so he returned the gesture kindly, "De nada." >You're welcome.<
Omega smiles at this interaction and pulls out something from her pocket and treats him to some Mantell Mix. Wrecker beams at the sight of the good.
"The mission is over, we can't break tradition."
"Thanks, kid!" Wrecker kneels and picks some of the Mantel Mix and eats as Omega does the same. Wrecker decides to be generous and picks up one of the Mantel Mix and gives it to Lopez as a sign of gratitude, "Here, Lopez! Take one!"
Lopez looks puzzled once more. He didn't expect Wrecker to give him something in return. This never really happens when he's with the Red and Blues, and this is a change he's still getting used to with all the respect he is receiving from these clones. Perhaps Sarge's accident turns out to be a blessing in disguise.
Lopez nodded and took the Mantell Mix from Wrecker before he tapped it against his mouthpiece. Omega smiles and laughs as did Wrecker at the gesture. Lopez internally smiles at this and laughs alongside them. As the laughing died down, Omega looks at Lopez and asks him something.
"Lopez..." Lopez looks at her expectantly, " wouldn't mind if you teach me Español?"
Lopez looks puzzled, "¿Qué? ¿Por qué?" >What? Why?<
"If you teach me Español, I could understand you better and maybe help translate what you're saying so the people don't misunderstand you or perhaps understand you better," Omega explained, much to Lopez's shock as well as Wrecker's.
"Woah, you're going to team him with this... uh, Espanyol?" Wrecker mispronounced.
"Es español, y sí, podría enseñarte a hablar mi idioma Omega." >It's Español, and yes, I could teach you how to speak my language Omega.< Lopez nodded to her, which Omega took as a sign of affirmation.
"Yes!" Omega cheers at this, which warms Lopez's power core.
Perhaps the Bad Batch isn't all as bad as he previously thought.
Well, this chapter is done! I'm grateful for your patience for the chapter and I hope you all enjoy and stay tuned for the next chapter! Thank you!
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