Once and For All (For real, this time) {Part 2}

I found another one of Spot's smaller shirts and quickly changed out of my current and grimy shirt. Spot walked out just as I finished pulling the shirt onto me. I whistled for Quicksilver to lie down on the ground next to the bed on my side, then promptly flopped onto the bed and instantly fell asleep.

Spot laid down on the bed next to me, and buried his face in my hair. It became habit that he would do that every time I slept with him. But I'm not complaining, because it's Spot, and plenty of girls would kill to be in my position.

"You'se look prettier wit ya hair down." he remarked sleepily. "Did I eva tell ya dat?"

"No, I's don't think so." I mumbled back.

"Well, you'se prettier wit ya hair down." he repeated.

"Eva da romantic one." I muttered under my breath. "Now shaddup, Spot." I said louder for Spot to hear. "I's tired, an' we's gotta big day tamorrow, so I's wanna sleep."

"What's so big about tamorrow?" Spot wondered.

"The 'Hattan newsies are plannin' on makin' dere own pape an givin' it ta da odda woikin' kids a New Yawk." I blurted out sleepily, then my eyes widened in realization and covered my mouth.

"σκατά!" I cursed.

"Whadja say?"

"Nothing!" I hurriedly replied.


I walked away towards Manhattan, Quicksilver by my side. I pass by many street vendors until I recognize an fruit seller I would always walk by on my walks in Manhattan.

Suddenly, I heard a shout from an alley. I race over to the sound, and see the Delancey brothers and Sarah. I sigh. Just as I thought. I ran in to help her, tackling Morris to the ground. Oscar whipped around and saw me.

"Aww, back for more?" he taunted me. 

"No. I just want you to leave my friend alone." I snarled. Quicksilver snarled in agreement.

Sarah's eyes widened as I whipped out my bow and notched an arrow. I let it fly, and it grazed the side of Oscar's head, leaving a thing line of blood on his temple. I went up to him and punched him for good measure. I looked up at Sarah, who looked surprised and a bit triumphant. I heard a scuffle behind me and turned around and saw Jack and Morris. Jack wrestled with Morris before head-butting him. I quietly laughed, remembering this part. Morris tumbled to the ground and Jack helped Sarah up.

"You alright?" he asked her, and she nodded.

Oscar slowly groaned and slowly got up, and helped his brother up. They started running out of the alley, looking back at Jack as they did so.

"You'd better run, Cowboy. We're gonna tell Uncle Weas. You'll be back in the Refuge before suppertime." Morris told him.

Jack started to pull away from Sarah and the two goons started to run away faster.

"Run, you lousy coward, run!" Oscar added.

Jack lost it and advanced toward them, but Sarah pulled him back. The two left, and I cupped my hands around my mouth and yelled after their retreating forms.

"Ya don't run when ya tellin' somebody ta run, ya morons!" I turned to Jack. "What? Ya couldn't stay away?"

"Well I guess I couldn't be somethin' I ain't."

"What, smart?"

Jack looked shocked. "Yeah. I was gonna say dat."


Race came by the next day with Mush. A wagon was parked and waiting several feet back with a bunch of newsies and Jack and Sarah on it. I smirked, knowing what the wagon was for. They had come to deliver the word.

"Give dese ta any workin' kids ya see." Race instructed Spot and I. I nodded while Spot read the paper, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

"Uh, Spot?"

I waved my hand dismissively. "It's okay. He gets really focused on somethin' at certain times. Don't worry 'bout it." I reassured him.

"You sure?" Mush asked skeptically.

I nodded. "I's sure."

"Eh. It don't matta. But Arrow, come by sometime, will ya? Da boys miss ya company." Race told me, then turned around and walked back to the wagon with Mush, climbing onto it. It drove off, and I watched as it retreated into the street.

"Hey, ya wanna get rid--I mean, give dese papes ta da kids?" Spot asked from behind me.

I turned around and saw Spot had picked up half of the papers that Race and Mush had delivered. I walked over to him and picked up the other half.

"Come on. We's gotta find a high enough roof to throw dese offa." I told him, walking away and to another building I knew was the highest in Brooklyn. 

As we walked, I handed papers (read: shoved papers) to any working kid. "Read this." I told them, then hurried away, leaving them to scramble to hold the paper. By the time we reached the building, half of my stack was already gone. I ran up the stairs to the roof, Spot on my heels. I opened the door to the roof and took a deep breath, a smile on my face as I took in the view. I turned to Spot.

"Papes, please." I said, holding out an arm. 

Spot put his papers in my arm and I walked to the edge of the building. I hoisted my stack of papers in front of me, then tossed it over the edge. I did the same with Spot's stack and I watched the papers fall to the ground like snow.

I turned back around and dragged Spot behind me. "All done. Let's go."

"Where to?"

"Ta 'Hattan, dummy." I replied. "Are ya comin' or not?"

"I'm comin'. I'm comin'. Eeesh. Calm down." Spot complained, grabbing his cane and summoning all of his newsies. The spies all came running. 

"Tell all the work kids ya see ta join Spot Conlon in da strike against Pulitzer. We's headin' ta 'Hattan."


A few minutes later, everyone from Brooklyn was marching into Manhattan. I remembered from the movie that before that happened, Race and Blink grabbed each other and pointed behind each other with wide eyes and shocked expressions. Made me kind of sad that I missed that scene, but the part where Spot yells, "BROOKLYN!" made up for it.

I waved at Race, who smiled and tipped his hat in reply. I broke away from Spot and fought my way through the crowd. When I reached Race, I hugged him.

"We did it!" I yelled happily.

"Yeah, and Jack betta talk ta Pulitzer right now or else I'm going ta poisonally drag him ta da Woild building." he said, narrowing his eyes and cracking his knuckles. 

I laughed. "Relax, Race." I told him. "Jack's going in now, see?" I pointed to Jack who had just disappeared behind the doors of the World building. Race nodded.

I knelt down to Quicksilver's level. "Go find a place to hide, girl. This is gonna be a chaotic scene. You probably don't want to get caught in the midst of it."

She yipped and ran off.

After what seemed like an eternity--but was actually probably only 5 minutes--Jack came out with David. 

"Hey, fellas, dey're ova he-ah!" Spot called. I joined him and held his hand.

Jack bent down and whispered something in Les' ear, something that caused him to smile. I inwardly smirk, knowing what he said. Jack lifts Les' onto his shoulders and shouts out to the crowd.

"We beat 'em!" he yells, causing a loud cheer to erupt from all the children.

I looked at Spot, who was beaming. He pulled me in for a kiss, which I gladly returned, and an even louder cheer came out from the newsies around us.

When he pulled away, he was smiling even harder--if that was even possible. His face might've cracked from all of that smiling.

"Ya gonna move ta Brooklyn wit me?" 

"Maybe." I replied, shrugging.

I turned back to Jack, and saw that he was running away, then Denton came and stopped him, and said a few things to him. I smiled. This is the part that Jack would ask to go to Santa Fe.

"Yeah, if that's what you want." I heard Denton tell Jack.

They make their way to Roosevelt's carriage, and Jack shakes Roosevelt's hand before jumping in. He waves to everybody was the carriage pulls away and to the train yards. All the newsies watch sadly as he leaves. Then, the circulation bell starts ringing in the distance.

Try Bottle Alley or da harbor. Mush starts to sing.

The others sing along, but in a more melancholy manner.

Race: Try Central Park, it's guaranteed

Crutchy: Try any banker, bum, or barber

Blink: They almost all knows how ta read

Boots: Summer stinks

Skittery: And winter's waiting

Specs, Bumlets, & Snipeshooter: Welcome ta New Yawk

Snoddy, Pie Eater, Swifty, Itey & Jake: Boy ain't nature fascinating

Newsies: When you'se gotta walk!

They all walk towards the distribution center and David's at the front of the line. 

"100 papes." he says, slamming down his money.

The newsies cheer and clap him on the back in approval. Then, a loud cheer is heard from outside of the distribution center. We all turn to see Roosevelt's carriage making its way back.

"Thanks for the advice, Governor. Like you said, I still got things ta do. 'Sides, I got family here." he said, finding me and winking. He gets out of the carriage and the newsies crowd around him and clap him on the back. 

"So, how's da headline taday?" he asks David.

"Headlines don't sell papes. Newsies sell papes." David replies as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. The newsies cheer and clap him on the back again.

In the midst of all the cheering and shoving and rejoicing, I see Sarah push her way through the boys out of the corner of my eye. She reaches Jack and he pulls her in for a kiss, earning cheers and shouts from the boys. Suddenly I'm pulled into a kiss of my own, and the newsies cheer yet again. Happy day, ain't it?

When we pulled away, Spot was beaming. I raised an eyebrow at him, and he just chuckled. "Couldn't let Jacky-boy get all da attention." he simply said.

"Yeah, ya won't gotta deal wit dat. I's comin' ta Brooklyn." I told him.

Spot smiled at me and wrapped his arms around me. "Love you'se."

"Love you'se more." I replied with a smile on my face.

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