Protecting Her

Taeyeon's POV

The next day, Mr. Hwang called me to his office.

"Taeyeon, can you just sleep in Tiffany's room?" He requested. He was still worried about what happened last night. Tiffany was scared of him.

I nodded "Okay Mr. Hwang, no problem."

"Thank you so much Taeyeon. I know it's too much because I'm asking you to do something that's not your job," he sighed. "But I'm worried to Tiffany and she seems comfortable with you."

"It's okay Mr. Hwang, I'm also worried to her so I will just sleep there to look after her," I smiled to reassure him.

"About her nightmare," he frowned. "It's because of those kidnappers, they harassed her." His hands rounded into fists.

I gulped "Did they rape her?" I almost whispered. It was really hard to say those words.

Mr. Hwang shook his head "The kidnappers stated that they didn't but they touched her... her sensitive parts." It was hard for him to tell it. It was completely understandable.

I bowed my head and stared at my hands on my lap, I was trembling. I grasped the hem of my shirt as my hands squeezed into fists. My heart was burning with fury.

"Umm... Mr. Hwang, Tiffany and I will go to the grocery and we will buy ramyun. Is it okay if I take her outside?" I asked changing the subject.

He relaxed a bit and nodded "Of course, yes." He smiled. "Oh wait..." He took something from his drawer then gave it to me. "Here, use it."

I took it and it was a credit card.

"Buy what Tiffany wants and use that," he instructed.

"Okay Mr. Hwang."

"I trust you Taeyeon so I'm giving you the full responsibility to take care of Tiffany when I'm not around."

"I'll do my best Mr. Hwang. I will protect her and take care of her. I promise."

Mr. Hwang nodded "I know I can count on you Taeyeon."


We went to the grocery store, just walking distance from home. I was holding a shopping basket and checking on the items. 5 packs of ramyun, a bag of candies for Tiffany, tea bags for Lisa, some chips and biscuits for me.

"I guess, I have it all," I mumbled to myself.

Then Tiffany came to me running holding two big bars of chocolate, she was ecstatic as she approached me.

"Taetae, I want this chocolates! Please buy me this, pretty please..." She sounded like a real 7 year old kid with her energetic voice.

I smiled "That's pretty big chocolate bars, you can't eat all that," I said disapprovingly.

Tiffany pouted "But I want this," she stomped her feet. "Buy me this!" She grumbled.

I sighed "Okay but you can't eat all that in one go. Understand?"

Tiffany squealed as she jumped in happiness "Yes Taetae, thank you so much!" She put the chocolate bars in the basket then pecked my cheek.

A woman passed by with a glare "Why did she bring that insane girl here? She might hurt us. Obviously, she's mentally retarded."

I turned to the woman to confront her but she walked away so I just ignored it.

"Tae, what is mentally retarded? Is she talking about me?" Tiffany asked innocently as she tilted her head.

"Don't mind that woman, she's not talking about you. Why would she do that? We don't know her," I reasoned. I hope that Tiffany would believe me.

Tiffany nodded "You're right. Oh! I will get some soda!" She excitedly said as she ran to the glass door fridge. I followed her and she took 4 cans of coke.

I saw the woman again and she purposely bumped Tiffany, the cans fell on the floor.

"You're so clumsy!" The woman accused. "Why would someone take you here? You should be locked in a mental institution! You don't belong here!" She taunted Tiffany and the latter seemed afraid.

I quickly took the cans and put it in my basket "Let's go Fany," I held her hand. "Don't mind this ahjumma," I dragged Tiffany to the counter.

I didn't want to argue with those kind of people. They are close minded and stereotype. They are judgmental, opinionated, and full of criticism to others. They say what they want to say to anyone without even knowing what that person is going through. Their mouth is always open for arguments. They are self-righteous and demanding. They think that they are always right.

So I didn't take it personally and just ignored her.

If you encounter those kind of people, better avoid them and I don't like preaching to deaf ears. Duh. Waste of time.

"Why she's mad?" Tiffany asked while we were walking.

"Don't mind her Fany, you should avoid those kind of people," I advised her. "Anyway, you took a lot of soda." I immediately changed the topic.

"I took four, it's not only for me. One for you, for me, for Jennie and for your sister. Daddy doesn't like soda so I didn't get him," she explained. She's really sweet girl. She doesn't deserve that kind of comments.

"Thank you Fany."

At the counter, Tiffany kept humming happily as she was holding her chocolate bars.

Then again, the woman spoke unexpectedly behind us "Next time, don't bring this crazy girl here. She might hurt us and she doesn't belong here with us. Look at her, she's a grown woman but act like a child." She said then I glanced at her and she gave us disgusting look.

Yes, Tiffany is kinda different but that doesn't mean she doesn't belong here. Tiffany has her rights, she's also a human.

This woman really made my blood boil. I tried my best to ignore her but she was too much.

She doesn't know what happened to Tiffany yet, she still judged her because of her condition. A narrow minded woman, she needs her lesson.

I turned around to the woman "You're too much ma'am, stop insulting her," I said trying to keep it cool but deep inside I want to grab her hair and beat the shit out of her.

"Too much? You're ridiculous! Next time, don't bring her to public place and better locked her in her room," she eyed Tiffany.

Tiffany heard what she said and she was sad about it.

"Did she hurt you or something?" I asked annoyed.

But she didn't answer. Of course, Tiffany would never hurt someone.


The woman cut me off "Ahjumma?!" She asked irritated. "Don't call me that! I'm only in my 30's! I'm not that old!" Her voice raised, she seemed offended but I didn't give a fudge about it.

"But you look like one," I countered. I just wanted her to realize what she had done to Tiffany. She insulted my kid, that served her right.

The woman's face scrunched up "What?!" She yelled in face "You disrespectful twat! You will pay for this!" Then she slapped me and Tiffany hugged me. I kept her out of reach from the woman. "You'll get more than that as you wished for it! You don't know me!" She made a scene and people started to watch us.

I laughed mirthlessly. Disrespectful huh? Does she know the meaning of it?

"I thought she's the only crazy here but I think you're also crazy sick bastard!" She added.

It was my cue to burst.

"Disrespectful? How about you? Aren't you being disrespectful talking behind our back? Yes there's freedom of speech but it has limitation," I replied as I balled my hands into fists.

"I'm just saying the truth lunatics," she mocked as she glared at me trying to intimidate me.

"There are kinds of words that are restrained, people like you who are not careful of such limits shall be held accountable for abusing this free will. You don't know us, how could you know the truth? I know my rights madam and clearly you don't," I said as I gritted my teeth.

"What do you mean?" She looked at me from head to toe.

"Because you have no rights to hurt someone no matter what your reason is," I explained. "I can file a criminal case here and put you in jail because you hurt me, that's an assault and you threatened me. I have my witnesses here, this is public humiliation!" I firmly said standing my ground. She was too much!

I was fuming already.

I know I should control my emotions but her words hit me hard. Words are really powerful so I will also use it to protect the people I value.

The woman gulped as she looked around, people were looking at her. She became tense and conscious.

"You should apologize," a real ahjumma told her. "You're too much."

The woman scowled "Never!" She yelled as she threw her grocery cart on the floor. "This place is so cheap! I will never come back here!" She announced as she stomped her feet rushing out of the store.

People were glaring at her.

I hugged Tiffany and kissed her crown "Don't mind her, she doesn't know you Fany."

"That woman is evil, she's the real crazy here," the ahjumma said then took a lollipop from her pocket and gave it to Tiffany.

Tiffany smiled widely and accepted the lollipop "Thank you ahjumma!"

I was glad because she already forgot what happened.

"I like your grounds kid, you have smart mouth," the ahjumma complimented me.

I bowed to her "Thank you ahjumma."

Tiffany also bowed to her "Thank you so much ahjumma," she gave her eyesmile.

People have differences, indeed, every one is different.

I will just try to understand the woman, maybe she's going through something tough.

But still, you have no right to hurt others just because you are hurt.

And you have to think before you say something to someone because even if it means nothing to you, it means a lot to them.

People receive message differently so we must be careful with our words.


A/N: Freedom of speech is our right and as such, limited. We should be careful and control ourselves. Many of us just say what they want to say, post what they want to post, unaware of the result that will impact to others.

We should do our best practicing our freedom of speech.

Sulli, I hope you're happy wherever you are and may you rest in peace. I still can't believe what happened to you. It feels surreal.

Thank you for being an inspiration. We love you.

Q: Where are my active readers? I'm kinda sad because of the silence. It makes me think that this story is uninteresting. Should I continue this? Your comments are important to me because it helps me to get ideas. ☹



Philippine Law

RA 9442 - An Act Amending Republic Act No. 7277, Otherwise Known As The "Magna Carta For Disabled Persons, And For Other Purposes"

Republic Act No. 7277 Section 39 "Public Ridicule. For purposes of this chapter, public ridicule shall be defined as an act of making fun or contemptuous imitating or making mockery of persons with disability whether in writing, or in words, or in action due to their impairment/s."


Public humiliation - the act of embarrassing someone in the eyes of other people - can create a civil cause of action if the victim experiences damage to his reputation, finances or physical body. Public humiliation can be a type of defamation, which is the tort of making false statements that cause damage to someone else, as long as the statements were made with at least a negligent disregard for their truth. If a prank causes physical harm, there may be a case for an assault or battery charge.

Legal Beagle
Reviewed by: Rebecca K. McDowell, J.D.
December 20, 2018
By: Cara O'Neil

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