Episode 4: Let's Talk?
On The third episode of Baby Lincoln, Lincoln runs away trying to find a way off the planet. Scene of Lincoln running through the forest as fast as he could. Tears fell off his face as he cried his heart out. 'I swear brat, once I'm in permanent control I'll end everything you hold dear! YOU HEAR ME? EVERYTHING!' Baby said in his head as Lincoln kept on running
"SHUT-UP!" Lincoln shouted as he tripped. He ran for a while until he came upon Capsule Corp, of which was the special day that one Bulma Briefs got to launch a rocket into space "Okay, so I do this?" Bulma asked as she typed in numbers and a picture of a planet appeared on the screen. The planet looked a sickly green with large craters all over it "Huh, a dessert from the looks of things, but this is a test run for you, so the planet doesn't matter. Now just set things up and push this button when you're ready," Bulma's father explained. Lincoln hopped on the same ship as he was blasted into space "GET DOWN FROM THERE! THIS SHIP IS GOING OFF PAST THE MOON!" Bulma shouted
"NO! STOP THE BRAT!" shouted the boy again, but his voice was different and he had red lines on his face
"S-SHUT UP!" the boy said as his voice went back to normal and the line vanished
"STOP HIM! NOW!" the boy shouted
"Think he has Multiple Personality Disorder, Dr. Briefs?" asked the scientist
"I DON'T KNOW! JUST GET HIM DOWN FROM THERE!" Dr. Briefs shouted as they heard
"Launch in 5... 4... 3..."
"HURRY! GET DOWN FROM THERE!" Bulma shouted as the boy looked away from them and entered the ship through a hatch. Bulma then ran at the ship as her father quickly ran after her "2... 1... launch,"
"NO!" Bulma shouted as her father grabbed her and put him in between the rocket and her. The ship flew into the air and past the atmosphere as Bulma watched the ship carrying the boy to the planet she put into the computer. And now Baby has taken over Lincoln's body, but his journey may end soon as the ship heads toward a black hole
Let's Talk Starts Now:
Baby was throwing a tantrum. He beat the ship in his rage as he pummeled the controls, damaging them further. As he destroyed the inside of the ship, the said object continued to float through space as it continued to the black hole in front "DAMN IT, DAMN IT, DAMN IT, MAN IT!" Baby shouted as the ship began to shake "WHAT THE FUCK NOW?!" he asked as he looked over through the front window. Looking outside, he saw the black hole he was heading towards "SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! TURN BACK! TURN BACK YOU STUPID TIN CAN!" he shouted as he tried pushing the destroyed buttons. But it was for nothing as the ship was being pulled in "GOD DAMN I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~T!" he screamed as the ship entered the black hole. The ship shook violently as Baby's screams echoed in rage. Gravity seemed to become heavy, light, normal, and all sorts of things. Baby still screamed as his life flashed before his eyes 'I-Is this where it ends? Is this how I die? Leaving a planet to be destroyed by a Saiyan like mine?' he thought as he quit screaming and tears escape from his eyes, 'At least if I killed this brats family it would've been quick and humane, not slow and savagely like those filthy monkeys! Dear god, was my 11 years to take my revenge.... For nothing?' he continued to think, as he opened his arms for the sweet embrace of death and his body fell limp as the entrance to the black hole... closed behind him.
Baby opened his eyes to find himself inside the ship and alive. He slowly tried stood up as he said: "W-what? I-I'm alive? H-how?". He then fell back down to the floor as he struggled to stand up "Th-this gravity, i-it's took great! I-It'll take me f-forever to ad-adjust," he stated as he crawled over to a chair and grabbed the seat. Picking himself up, he dragged himself onto the chair and laid down on the cushioned seat "T-there, n-now.... T-to t-try and st-and up," he spoke as his legs struggled under the pressure "j-just a l-little more!" he said through gritted teeth as he finally stood up after 10 painful minutes. With a smirk, he slowly raised his fist into the air in victory as he said "I-I did i-t! N-now to-to ge-t adap-ted," as he slowly and painfully walked around the ship
Baby was doing a light jog around the ship as his body had finally adapted to the gravity "Finally! I can move! God that took forever," he said as he sat down "man, oh man, oh man, I'm finally able to move! And since this place acts like a 'Gravity Chamber', I guess this also counts as training this body!" he continued to say as he looked down at the floor "I wonder how the kid's doing?"
"GAH! I'M SO FUCKING BORED!" Baby shouted as he rolled on the ground in dismay "THERE'S NO ONE TO TALK TO! NO ONE TO DO ANYTHING WITH!" he said as he pulled his hair. It was easy to say that 'Baby was bored' would be an understatement. He banged his head against the floor as suddenly, an idea popped into his head "I GOT IT! I'll just have the brat talk to me!" he said as he shook his body "Now let's see here if I just do this," and Baby took a deep breath and fluctuated his power. He fell to the ground as Baby's world went black.
Lincoln's sight was black. It was nothing but a void of darkness as a small light shined "Wh-what's that?" he whispered as he walked toward it. He reached out his hand to grab it when he suddenly found himself in the ship. He was on the floor as he looked around in surprise "W-what? How did I get here? Where's my family?! Wh-" he shouted when he was interpreted
"H-hey, a-a l-litt-le he-help here?" said a familiar voice as Lincoln looked around
"Who said that?" Lincoln asked
"D-down h-here," replied the voice as Lincoln looked down to see Baby on the floor
"Wh- wait... YOU! YOU BASTARD!" Lincoln shouted as he kicked Baby across the ship and hitting the wall. The impact from Baby hitting the ship wall was enough to make it shake as Lincoln struggled to stand. He fell to the ground and landed on his back, but he felt something tug on his chest as Baby came barreling back "AHHHHHHH!" Baby shouted as he and Lincoln butted heads. With a sick crack, Baby did a backflip in the air after hitting Lincolns' head and fell to the floor next to Lincoln. Both of them rubbed their heads in pain as Lincoln rolled on the ground "My head, what's yours made out of?" Lincoln said
"Me-tal, wh-what's yours made out of?" Baby asked as Lincoln hopped up from the ground and picked Baby up in the air by the throat "w-what th-the hell?" (Play music if you can while reading)
"H-hold o-on k-kid," Baby begged as Lincoln had tears starting to form in his eyes
"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'VE DONE? DO YOU? I LEFT MY FAMILY! MY PLANET! I-I lost everything," Lincoln said through his tears
"D-don't you th-think I-I've l-lost th-ings too?" Baby managed to say
"I LOST MY PLANET TO A RACE OF MONKEYS, HOW DO YOU THINK THAT MAKES ME FEEL?!" Baby shouted as Lincoln looked at him with questionable watery eyes
"Wh-what are you talking about?" Lincoln asked
"L-Let's talk, k-kid," Baby said as Lincoln dropped him to the ground
"St-start talking then b-before I change my mind," Lincoln ordered as Baby rubbed his throat
"A-alright... wh-where to start,"
"The beginning," Lincoln said
"Okay... *sigh* okay, it was many years ago, in the age 720,"
"Wait, over 2,000 years ago!"
"What? No, it wasn't over 2,000 years ago, I would say no more than 20 years ago, and don't interrupt me again!" Baby said as he managed to sit up, "now it was during that time, a war began,"
"A war?"
"Yes, a war that lasted 10 long years... a war between the Tuffles, and the monkey's called Saiyans,"
"*Sigh* Tuffles were a highly advanced, technological race of beings native to the now named Planet Vegeta. The name was changed once the Saiyans won. A Tuffle is a little taller than me and looks like a normal human, like you,"
"Alright, and the Saiyans?"
"Grrr, Saiyans are a race like the Tuffles, except they're larger, tougher, and less advanced. They were small in numbers, but their destructive potential was unmatched as they thrived of war and bloodshed. They destroyed their previous planet due to this and they wanted to take away the planet... my planet," Baby explained
"Y-you lost your planet?" Lincoln asked as Baby nodded
"Yes, I lost everything. I was created to be their salvation, but instead, I was crafted to be their revenge,"
"So... how did you loose?"
"Once every 100 years, a full moon appears on the planet. And with this, we lost,"
"Why? Why did you lose when a full moon appeared?"
"You remember the giant monkey?"
"Oh yeah, wait... THAT'S WHAT HAPPENED?!"
"Now add over 3 dozen of them and the planet was wiped of all life," Baby stated
"So what did you call it? An Ozaru?"
"Ōzaru, it's called and Ōzaru. It's a times 10 multiplier of their original power. So in a sense, if you can lift a car, you can lift 10 cars,"
"R-really?! A-and how strong were they before they turn into one of those?"
"A single tank shell would just leave a small bruise," Baby said
"Jeeze, so what's your plan now?" Lincoln asked
"I have no idea, I was supposed to infect your planet and make them stronger and eradicate all and any Saiyans on there! And yet, here I am in a black hole!" Baby shouted in rage
"W-we're in a black hole?!"
"Oh yeah, when I was controlling your body the ship got sucked worse than a hooker with no teeth," Baby explained as Lincoln rushed to a window to see nothing but darkness
"H-how are we still alive?!" Lincoln asked
"Hell if I know. Fuck if I know even how long we've been in here. I could've been days, weeks, years! This place is a rip in space-time!"
"S-so we're trapped?" Lincoln asked
"Yup, like rats," Baby replied
"So... what now?"
"I got no clue kid, I've got no clue,"
"Sardine Rook to Spam priest," Lincoln said as he took a piece of meat and put it in his mouth. He ate it and moved a Sardine to take its place "Alright, you win, that's the last piece I can spend and all I have is my king," Baby said as he ate his king
"*Sigh* Man, how long have we been in here?" Lincoln asked
"Hell if I know, don't you remember what I said?"
"Oh yeah, time and space have no rule here," Lincoln said as he stood up and walked over to the pile of food behind them. Reaching into the pile, he pulled out a raw chicken and looked at it "We can't eat that, it's raw," Baby said "throw it back in,"
"What if I... hit it?" Lincoln asked
"What if I hit it?"
"You're stupid! You can't cook a chicken by hitting it,"
"Wait, hear me out! If physical energy can be turned into thermal energy, how hard would I have to punch the chicken to cook it?" Lincoln asked as Baby faced palmed
"*Sigh* I can't believe I'm stuck with you," Baby said, "but if you must know, it would take 23,034 slaps to cook it or you could punch it at a velocity of 3725. 95 miles per hour," Baby replied
"How do you know this?" Lincoln asked
"I'm smart, now put it back an-" Baby started before the ship began to shake
"W-what's going on?" Lincoln asked
"I-I've got no idea! I'm heading back in your body! I'm not dealing with this!" Baby said as he turned into his liquid form and went back inside Lincoln
"YOU BASTARD!" Lincoln shouted as he ran over to the front window and saw that they were exiting the black hole. They shot out at high speeds as Lincoln was blown back to the end of the ship. The force on his body was heavy as they sped towards a planet
[Hope you enjoyed the chapter and I don't own the music. Also sorry it took so long to update]
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