Episode 3: Lincoln Blasts Off!

On The Second episode of Baby Lincoln, Baby tries to take over Lincoln's body on multiple occasions, but Lincoln is resisting "What's g-going on?!" Baby shouted in alarm
"Lincoln? You alright, bro?" Luna shouted as Baby grabbed his head
"Y-you! Th-this is your doing!"
"W-who are you?! W-why do you want my body?!" Lincoln said as he was taking back control
"You stupid brat! Give me back your body!" Baby shouted in anger
"I swear! Once I get back control of your body, I'll kill everyone you hold dear! Just like they did with me!" Baby screamed as Lincoln fell to the ground, the lines on his face vanishing and the crosses in his eyes disappearing too. But every time, baby so far has failed

"What did you say?" Lincoln asked in alarm
"I, like, said nothing... didn't I?" Leni replied
'You heard me you little shit! Don't pretend I'm not here!'
"B-Baby?" Lincoln asked
"Baby? OH! You want Lily?" Leni asked
'So you remember my name. Good job, you get a gold star! Now sit back and relax as I take control of your body! AGAIN!' Baby shouted in Lincoln's mind as Lincoln hunched over
"Linky?!" Leni shouted as Lincoln fell to the ground
"S-stay back!" Lincoln said as he heard Baby continue to taunt him in his head
'What the hell! Why isn't this working?! What did you do! I swear that I ju- AH HA! GOT IT!' Baby said as Lincoln could feel his body wasn't acting on its own 'Now the first thing I'm gonna do is kill that bitch!'. That was until Lincoln went to school. Ronnie was held up in the air by Baby by her hair "How does it feel? To be powerless? To be beaten?" Baby asked
"Y-you're no-not L-Lincoln," Ronnie said
"You're right, I'm not him. But I can tell you how he feels about you, considering I spent some time in his mind,"
"Wh-what are-are y-you ta-lking about?" Ronnie asked
"When you spend 4 days in a person's mind you learn a lot about them. For instance, did you know that Lincoln still holds resentment toward you, even after the whole 'I'm your girlfriend' thing?"
"Y-YOU'RE LYING!" Ronnie shouted as she managed to land a punch in Baby's face. Baby felt something tap his chin as his smirk was still on his face "You're strong... for a girl, but I think I'm going to have to teach you some manners," Baby said as he lifted Ronnie into the air and turned her around. He reeled back his fist and struck Ronnie in the side saying: "Kidney punch! Kidney punch! Kidney punch!" as he repeatedly punched Ronnie. Lynn stood in front of her brother as he was on the ground "Very funny, man, cut the voice and get rid of the face paint!" Lynn said as Baby struck her with an uppercut. She flew a good 4 feet into the air before she landed back on the ground, her eyes were dull as Baby stood over her with a smirk "So the athletic one is out in one punch? Figures, she was all talk and no bite. But I think I'm going to spare the kid of rape this time and just kill you flat out!" Baby said as he raised his hand and a purple ki orb formed in his hand. He was about to fire it when his other arm grabbed the arm holding the orb "WHAT!?"

"I-I WON'T LET YOU!" Lincoln said


"NEVER! YOU ALREADY CAUSED ENOUGH HARM AS IT IS! I WON'T LET YOU KILL MY SISTER!" Lincoln shouted as he began to take back his body. Soon Baby started screaming as Baby was losing control and Lincoln was controlling his body again. He then started running as fast as he can away from everyone as he said: "I have to get away from people. I have to get away from everyone. I have to... get off this planet!"

Lincoln Blasts Off Starts Now!:

Lincoln was running through the forest as fast as he could. Tears fell off his face as he cried his heart out. He wailed on and on as he ran away from the pain he's inflicted upon those he loved. He didn't even notice that he was running into trees and large rocks as splinters shot into his arms and rock shards in his legs. He didn't register the pain as he was already hurting in his heart and mind 'I swear brat, once I'm in permanent control I'll end everything you hold dear! YOU HEAR ME? EVERYTHING!' Baby said in his head as Lincoln kept on running

"SHUT-UP!" Lincoln shouted as he tripped. He rolled down a hill and struck his head on a boulder. The boulder broke in two and Lincoln was bleeding. Standing up slowly, Lincoln rubbed his head as he looked at the blood he got on his hand and wiped it off on his pants "I can't stay here, I-I need to get away," Lincoln whispered to himself

'You can't! I'll always be here! No matter where you go, where you are... I! Will! Be! There!' Baby shouted as Lincoln gritted his teeth

"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP! I WOULDN'T EVEN BE IN THIS SITUATION IF YOU HADN'T JUST APPEARED!" Lincoln shouted as he heard something off in the distance. It sounded like an explosion, but it was long and concentrated. He then looked up to see a ship off in the sky "That's it... that's my ticket outta here," Lincoln said as he quickly started running in the direction of where the rocket had blasted off from. He looked about half-way there before his body froze up. He face-planted into the ground as he heard Baby from his mouth "Oh no you don't, brat, it took me 10 years to get here and I'm going to let you ruin that for me!" Baby said

"N-never! Y-you h-harmed to-too many people!" Lincoln said


"I-I will g-get o-off th-this p-planet, a-and you wo-won't stop me," Lincoln said as he got up, holding his newly broken nose "a-and if I-I can't... th-then I'll s-see you in hell!" Lincoln stated as he fought Baby's control and continued running, even though it felt like he was running through water "Y-you better give me back my b-body! I REFUSE TO BE YOUR PUPPET!"




Later At A Large Launch Site:

A man with a small gray mustache was sitting in front of a computer smoking a cigarette. He donned a white lab coat with a blue undershirt and black pants. He also wore a pair of large, rectangular glasses. His cancer-stick was half-way done when he heard "Daddy! Can you give me some money!?" and he quickly snuffed it out and turned around to see a girl with blue hair in a braided ponytail with a red ribbon and wore a very short pink dress with 'BULMA' on it with blue sneakers and purple socks

"Bulma, what have I told you about coming in here when I'm working?"

"Aww, come on, dad, I just need some money!" Bulma said as she walked toward her father

"Maybe later, I'm setting coordinates to a planet for a ship that I'm hoping will record any life on it," replied Bulma's father

Ohh, can I watch?" Bulma asked

"Sure, just pull up a chair and I'll show you the ropes,"

"Okay!" Bulma replied as she quickly grabbed a chair and set it next to her father. She then sat down and looked at the screen as he typed in numbers "Alright, so first I set the X and Y axis and then I adjust it at an angle, you following?" he asked

"Yup, what next?" Bulma said as she continued to watch him

"Okay, now you just type in the place you want it to go that is nearest to the planet that you want to inspect. As such, for you, how about you sent this rocket to a random planet?"


"Of course, if you're going to be running this place when you're older you need to know how to do these things,"

"Okay, so I do this?" Bulma asked as she typed in numbers and a picture of a planet appeared on the screen. The planet looked a sickly green with large craters all over it "Huh, a dessert from the looks of things, but this is a test run for you, so the planet doesn't matter. Now just set things up and push this button when you're ready," Bulma's father explained

"Okay, dad," Bulma replied as she put in the numbers for the ship to blast off to

"Alright, now for a real quick look, what's on that ship?" Bulma's father asked as he took control of the computer and saw that it was stocked piled with food "Canned food, and stuff we don't even eat. Let's see here, saurkrut, peanut butter, bread, water, beans, and stuff I don't even know how to pronounce. Oh, and some of our instant food capsules, well just push the button and sent it off,"

"Alright, pushing butt~~~on... now!" Bulma said as she pushed a large red button and the countdown began

"Wanna watch?"


"Alright, alright, calm down, just follow me and w-"

"DR. BRIEFS! DR. BRIEFS!" shouted a scientist as he ran into the room

"What's the matter? Something wrong?" Bulma's father asked


"WHAT?!" Bulma and her father shouted

"COME QUICKLY!" the scientist shouted as Bulma and Dr. Brief rushed down to the launch site. When they got there, they saw a boy a little younger than Bulma climbing onto the ship. He had a red shirt on with blue jeans and white hair "HEY KID! GET OFF! IT'S DANGEROUS!" Dr. Brief shouted

"NO! STAY AWAY FROM ME!" shouted the boy



"NO! STOP THE BRAT!" shouted the boy again, but his voice was different and he had red lines on his face

"S-SHUT UP!" the boy said as his voice went back to normal and the line vanished

"STOP HIM! NOW!" the boy shouted

"Think he has Multiple Personality Disorder, Dr. Briefs?" asked the scientist

"I DON'T KNOW! JUST GET HIM DOWN FROM THERE!" Dr. Briefs shouted as they heard

"Launch in 5... 4... 3..."

"HURRY! GET DOWN FROM THERE!" Bulma shouted as the boy looked away from them and entered the ship through a hatch. Bulma then ran at the ship as her father quickly ran after her "2... 1... launch,"

"NO!" Bulma shouted as her father grabbed her and put him in between the rocket and her. The ship flew into the air and past the atmosphere as Bulma watched the ship carrying the boy to the planet she put into the computer. But she then got an idea "The computer," Bulma whispered

"What are you talking about?" Dr. Briefs asked

"THE COMPUTER! We can turn it around? Right?"

"I think so, let's just hope he didn't mess with anything on the ship!" Dr. Briefs said as he ran alongside his daughter back to the computer room.

With Lincoln:

"Now to make sure we don't go back," Lincoln said as he raised his fist into the air. He brought it down onto the computer and sparks flew past his face 'NOOOOOO! YOU LITTLE BASTARD!' Baby shouted in Lincoln's head as Lincoln walked to the end of the ship and curled up into a ball

"Finally... away from people, we could hurt," Lincoln whispered

'YOU IGNORANT LITTLE SHIT! TURN BACK! TURN BACK!' Baby continued to shout as Lincoln saw something out of the window. A good distance away in the woods, he could see a large brown something rampaging on the land 'Oh no... not again,' Baby said

"Again? AGAIN!? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Lincoln shouted, "WHAT IS THAT?!"

'That, you little fucker, is a Great Ape! An Ozaru! This is just great! *sigh* Oh well, guess my revenge against your friends and family is out the window,'

"W-what's an Ozaru?"

'A giant, monkey-like creature that those blasted Saiyans can transform into on a full moon!'

"Like a werewolf?"


"S-so what does this mean?"

'NOT ONLY ARE MY PLANS RUINED! YOUR PLANET IS SCREWED! THAT'S WHY WE NEED TO GO BACK! SO I CAN THOSE BASTARDS AND GET MY REVENGE! NOW GIVE ME YOUR BODY!' Baby screamed at the top of his lungs as Lincoln fell onto his back. It didn't take too long before Baby was in control and he moved Lincolns body around "Good riddance, brat! Now to turn this rust bucket around and I'll take over the planet and kill the Saiyan the next morning," Baby said as he walked over to the controls "SON OF A BITCH!" he shouted as he kicked the already ruined controls. Everything was destroyed as Baby through a fit "GREAT! JUST GREAT! STUCK ON A SHIP GOING WHO KNOW'S WHERE AND I'M STUCK WITH THIS BODY! DAMN IT!" Baby complained as the ship continued its way through space. But as Baby had a tantrum, he failed to notice that the ship was already past the moon... and heading for a black hole.

[Hope you enjoyed the chapter and sorry it took so long to update. I had other things to do and as for the last chapter, I was hoping to do a Future (insert Lincoln X Ronnie Child Name Here) Saga, but you all didn't like what happened. So I'm going to have to change a few things here and there. But hope you enjoyed the chapter and see you all next time]

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