Episode 2: Baby's Rage (Edited)
On The First Episode of Baby Lincoln. 11 years ago the King of the Tuffles gives his DNA to the subject Baby. "Good, get it ready!" shouted the king as they prepared the procedure. But as they were about to send their subject to destroy the Saiyans, a huge explosion from an attacking Great Ape sends the tube at an angle "FIX IT NOW!"
"3... 2... 1... launch,"
"NOOOOO!" the king shouted as the tube was sent into space. As Baby was leaving the atmosphere, he looks down at his former home planet with rage seeing the destruction caused by the Saiyans. 11 years later, Lincoln Loud is walking home when he's attacked by a man possessed by Baby, "Seems I was wrong about you, you got some spunk. But now that I'm getting a good reading on you, you've got potential. More than this guy anyway," Baby said
"W-what are you talking about?" Lincoln asked as Baby started to laugh like a madman. Once Baby was outside of the man's body, he began to possess Lincoln as his own "I'm Baby, and you're my next victim! HA!"
"HELP ME!" Lincoln shouted. But something went wrong as Lincoln awoke in the hospital the next day. So when he got home, Baby started to talk to him... and posses his body once again.
Baby's Rage Starts Now!:
"This would be easier if you just give up, it'll be all over in a bit," said the voice again as Lincoln screamed in pain. Soon red lines began to form on his chin and above his eyes. His eyes themselves gained crosses as Lincoln stopped moving. Lincolns chest then began to move up and down rapidly as high-pitched laughter echoed from his mouth "Finally, it took a day... but baby, we're Baby," said Baby as a smile grew across his face. Baby stood up in Lincolns body as he reached for the door, but he stopped as he took a step back "W-what's g-going on?!" Baby shouted in alarm
"Lincoln? You alright, bro?" Luna shouted as Baby grabbed his head
"Y-you! Th-this is your doing!"
"W-who are you?! W-why do you want my body?!" Lincoln said as he was taking back control
"You stupid brat! Give me back your body!" Baby shouted in anger
"I swear! Once I get back control of your body, I'll kill everyone you hold dear! Just like they did with me!" Baby screamed as Lincoln fell to the ground, the lines on his face vanishing and the crosses in his eyes disappearing too. Lincoln fell with a thud as he screamed in pain. The wound on his back began to bleed through his shirt as Luna came through the door "Hey, wh- LINCOLN!" Luna shouted as she bent down and helped Lincoln up "Bro, what happened?! Speak to me, dude!"
"I-I'm fine, i-it's nothing to w-worry about," Lincoln said as the rest of his sister looked into his room
"You look like you tripped, and by the looks of this room I can see like why," Lori said as she picked up a dirty shirt
"Yeah, sure, GAH! Don't touch it!" Lincoln screamed as Luna touched his back
"Sorry, bro looks like your stitches opened back up again," Luna said
"I got it! Follow me, Linky!" Leni said as she took his hand and dragged him to her room
"Be careful!" Lynn said
"I am, I have lots of practice!" Leni replied as Lincoln followed her in and she closed the door behind them. Leni set Lincoln down on her bed as she got out a sewing kit "You sure you know what you're doing?" Lincoln asked
"Of course I do! I'll just use a simple interrupted stitch to close it back up and you'll be, like, good as new!" Leni said, surprising Lincoln
"How do you know that?" Lincoln asked
"I'm going to a fashion designer, remember? I have to know, like, all kinds of sewing techniques!" Leni explained as Lincoln smiled a bit
"I guess you d- OW!" Lincoln said s she poked him with a needle
"Sorry, did I hurt you?" Leni asked
"A-a little," Lincoln replied
'Big stupid brat, can't handle a little poke!'
"What did you say?" Lincoln asked in alarm
"I, like, said nothing... didn't I?" Leni replied
'You heard me you little shit! Don't pretend I'm not here!'
"B-Baby?" Lincoln asked
"Baby? OH! You want Lily?" Leni asked
'So you remember my name. Good job, you get a gold star! Now sit back and relax as I take control of your body! AGAIN!' Baby shouted in Lincolns mind as Lincoln hunched over
"Linky?!" Leni shouted as Lincoln fell to the ground
"S-stay back!" Lincoln said as he heard Baby continue to taunt him in his head
'What the hell! Why isn't this working?! What did you do! I swear that I ju- AH HA! GOT IT!' Baby said as Lincoln could feel his body wasn't acting on its own 'Now the first thing I'm gonna do is kill that bitch!'
"NEVER!" Lincoln shouted as he tried taking back control. Beads of sweat came down his face as he fought for control of his body. Leni had no idea what to do, but before she could go get help, Lincoln said: "S-stop! I-I'm fine... j-just a panic attack," as he stood up
"W-what?" Leni asked
"I-It was just a panic attack. I'm fi-fine, really," Lincoln replied
"You sure, Linky?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just promise you won't tell anyone, alright?"
"I promise on my word as a Loud!" Leni said
"Thanks, now let's go," Lincoln said as he walked out of the door
"Wait, you need a new shirt!" Leni said as she got into her dresser and tossed Lincoln a crimson tank top
"What's this?" Lincoln asked
"Just in case you bleed again!" Leni said cherry as Lincoln sweatdropped
"Wow, that's... huh, very kind of you. Wait, why do you have this in your dresser?"
"Oh, that's one of Hugh's shirts!" Leni replied with a smile as Lincoln finished putting on the shirt. He looked at the camera with a very scared expression as he just shook his head 'Perfect, I'll give her thanks by killing her quickly,' Baby said in Lincoln's mind
"Oh no, you don't!" Lincoln said through gritted teeth
"What was that?" Leni asked
"It's nothing, thank's for the shirt!" Lincoln said as he quickly left back to his room. But as he was about to enter he heard "DUCK!" and saw a ball coming at him. He quickly went to catch the ball, but when he caught it, it popped! Lincoln's eyes widened as he looked at the popped soccer ball in his hand "What the? Why's my ball popped?!" Lynn asked as she snatched it from his hand
"I-I didn't do it! I swear!" Lincoln shouted
"Of course you didn't do it, even I'm not able to pop a ball with my bare hands, there must have been a hole or something. I'm going to ask dad for a new one," Lynn said, blowing off the fact that Lincoln popped her soccer ball
'DAMN IT! HOW? HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?' Baby shouted in Lincoln's mind
"You're the cause of this, aren't you!?" Lincoln whispered with surprise
'Another gold star! I swear kid if you keep this up I might run out of paper and give you the prize!'
"W-what did you do to me?"
'What's it look like, brat? I was planning on taking over your body and added my power to yours to suit my needs! But now since you're in control my power is being shared by the both of us!' Baby explained in rage as Lincoln clutched his head again 'Now! Don't! Resist!'
"NEVER!" Lincoln shouted as he caught himself on the wall. Lincoln took several deep breaths as his hand started to dig into the wall. He kneeled on the ground as he held a piece of the drywall in his hand. His jaw quivered as he started to sweat again. He then punched the ground with clenched teeth as the whole building shook "WHAT WAS THAT?!" everybody in the house shouted as Lincoln quickly stood back up and wiped his forehead
"M-My bad!" Lincoln said
"You alright, bro?" he heard Luna shout from her room
"Yeah, it really shook me to the core. HAHAHA, but seriously, what happened?" Luan asked
"I fell... again, but it was on my side this time, no need for alarm! I-I'm just going back to my room!" Lincoln said as he quickly rushed inside
'I will have your body, brat! If it's the last thing I do!' Baby shouted in anger as Lincoln clenched his teeth again
"Get out of my head!" Lincoln shouted as he grabbed his head and banged his against the wall
3 Days Later:
Lincoln was sitting in class as he looked at the window. He still had the tank top from Leni as he took the blood thing to heart and decided that it would be best. He was also wearing dark blue jeans as he couldn't find any other pants to wear. He sighed as the bell rang, meaning school was over. He quickly rushed to his locker to get his things when he felt thing tap his shoulder. He raised an eyebrow to see Ronnie Ann "What the? Hey lame-o, why didn't you flinch?" she asked
"Huh, what are you talking about? Didn't you tap my shoulder?" Lincoln asked
"No, I punched you," she replied
"Oh, u-uh. W-well I better get going, I have lots of things to do," Lincoln said as he hurried
"Like what?"
"I-I just have things I'm dealing with right now,"
"Like your outfit? Seriously, what's with the red?" Ronnie asked
"I don't have any other shirts cause they're covered in blood, now I need to go," Lincoln said as he turned around. But before he could, Ronnie grabbed the back of his shirt and slammed him into the lockers "Now you're pulling my leg, Linc, what's wrong? Why are you trying to avoid me?" Ronnie asked
"A-avoid you? What are you talking about?" Lincoln asked
'Alright, kid, time for our 3- wait, is this your girlfriend! Sweet! Now I finally have a chance! Now don't resist this time!' Lincoln heard Baby shouted with glee in his head
"I-I really need to g-AHHH!" Lincoln started to say as he grabbed his head in pain
"Lincoln?" Ronnie asked as she let go of him and he fell to the ground in pain. Clutching his head tighter, he screamed at the top of his lungs as a burst of energy caused the building to shake and blowback Ronnie a bit. Lincoln continued to scream as his voice started to change "LINC! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" Ronnie shouted as red lines began to appear on his face. Crosshair-like lines appeared on his eyes again as his voice got higher and higher "I-I WON'T LET YOU TAKE CONTROL!" Lincoln shouted as he hunched over. Soon the shaking stopped as Ronnie was able to get close "Lincoln? Are you alright?" she asked with worry as Lincoln stood up and looked at her. A smile was on his face as she saw the red-lines and disfigurement in his eyes "Was all the really necessary? You scared me for a minute just to put on red face paint and contact- GAH!" Ronnie said as she found a fist in her gut
"You really think I'm the pathetic boyfriend of yours, girl?" Baby asked as Ronnie fell to the ground, holding her stomach. She then began to vomit as Baby stood over her with an evil smirk "Look at you, the strongest girl in the school, beaten with one punch. I sure do hope Lincoln is watching as I beat his girlfriend to a pulp!" Baby said as he kicked Ronnie in the jaw, sending her into the lockers. Ronnie's head struck the metal, causing a concussion. The impact was enough to make the lockers shake violently as Baby slowly walked over. The evil smirk still plastered on his face as he picked Ronnie up by the hair "How does it feel? To be powerless? To be beaten?" Baby asked
"Y-you're no-not L-Lincoln," Ronnie said
"You're right, I'm not him. But I can tell you how he feels about you, considering I spent some time in his mind,"
"Wh-what are-are y-you ta-lking about?" Ronnie asked
"When you spend 4 days in a person's mind you learn a lot about them. For instance, did you know that Lincoln still holds resentment toward you, even after the whole 'I'm your girlfriend' thing?"
"Y-YOU'RE LYING!" Ronnie shouted as she managed to land a punch in Baby's face. Baby felt something tap his chin as his smirk was still on his face "You're strong... for a girl, but I think I'm going to have to teach you some manners," Baby said as he lifted Ronnie into the air and turned her around. He reeled back his fist and struck Ronnie in the side saying: "Kidney punch! Kidney punch! Kidney punch!" as he repeatedly punched Ronnie. She screamed in pain as by the 13th punch she was about to pass out "Don't fall asleep just yet. We're just getting started. I want the brat to know just how much he pissed me off by preventing me from taking control of his body," Baby whispered into her ear as he turned her back around to face him. He headbutted her in the nose as he let go, letting her head his the broken lockers again. Baby then started to kick her repeatedly, over and over and over again. Soon, Ronnie had a broken nose, black eyes, blood seeping from her mouth, and cuts and bruises all over her body. Baby was taking deep breaths as he'd been kicking her for a good 5 minutes before he got bored "Hmph, out already? I was expecting more... oh well, time to get back t-"
'YOU BASTARD!' Lincoln shouted mentally
"YOU? YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE GONE!" Baby shouted as he hunched over
"Y-YOU BASTARD! H-HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HER?!" Lincoln shouted in a voice that combined both his and Baby's
"GRAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Lincoln shouted as the red lines on his face began to disappear. Lincoln continued to scream as the building began shaking again. It continued to shake as Lincoln screamed to the point where he thought his voice-box would give out. When he finally stopped screaming, the building stopped shaking and Lincoln stood up with buckets of sweat rolling off him. With tears in his eyes, he looked at a bloody and beaten Ronnie. Walking over he cried as he hugged her "I-I'm sorry... I-I'm so sorry," he whispered as he pulled her out of the lockers and set her on the floor. He could still feel her heartbeat as he heard "Lincoln?" and saw behind him Clyde "I-Is that Ronnie? What happened?!" Clyde asked as Lincoln ran. He didn't even look behind him as the wind rushed through his hair as he passed by doors and lockers. He put his arms in front of him as he surprisingly shattered through the glass on the school doors. He ran past people and cars as he made it to his house. Tears ran down his face as he busted down his door and ran into his room. He cried as he packed his things into a small bag "I-I'm a mo-monster... I-I'm we-weak! I-I cou-ldn't st-stop him," Lincoln said through his tears
"HEY! WHO EVE BUSTED DOWN THE DOOR, YOU BETTER BE READY FOR A LYNN LOUD SPECIAL!" he heard Lynn shout as he finished packing his small bag. His lips quivered as he heard her run up the stairs as he rushed out "Lincoln?" she asked
"I-I'm sorry," he said as he ran past her and jumped the whole way down the stairs
"I-I'M TOO DANGEROUS! I'M WEAK!" Lincoln shouted back as Lynn rushed to the garage and hopped on her bike. She raced after Lincoln as he had tears streaming down his face. The race went on for nearly a mile until Lynn jumped off her bike and tackled Lincoln to the ground "What the hell, dude! Why are you running?!" Lynn asked as he pushed her off
"I-I'm sorry, I-I'm just too weak," Lincoln said as she grabbed him by the leg
"Too weak? What are you talking about?" Lynn asked
"I WAS TOO WEAK TO STOP HIM!" Lincoln shouted with tears
"STOP WHO?! YOU'RE SPEAKING NONSENSE!" Lynn shouted as Lincoln clutched his head
"N-NO! STAY OUT OF MY HEAD! STAY OUT OF MY BODY!" Lincoln shouted as he kicked Lynn away with enough force to send her 6 feet away. She was used to taking hits as she held her chest and saw Lincoln screaming in agony. She rushed to his side as a burst of wind caused her to raise her arms and prevent herself from falling over. His screams stopped as Lynn saw Lincoln stand up "Who's he?! What are you talking about? ANSWER ME!" Lynn shouted
"I believe I can answer that," Baby said as Lynn looked at him
"Very funny, man, cut the voice and get rid of the face paint!" Lynn said as Baby struck her with an uppercut. She flew a good 4 feet into the air before she landed back on the ground, her eyes were dull as Baby stood over her with a smirk "So the athletic one is out in one punch? Figures, she was all talk and no bite. But I think I'm going to spare the kid of rape this time and just kill you flat out!" Baby said as he raised his hand and a purple ki orb formed in his hand. He was about to fire it when his other arm grabbed the arm holding the orb "WHAT!?"
"I-I WON'T LET YOU!" Lincoln said
"NEVER! YOU ALREADY CAUSED ENOUGH HARM AS IT IS! I WON'T LET YOU KILL MY SISTER!" Lincoln shouted as he began to take back his body. Soon Baby started screaming as Baby was losing control and Lincoln was controlling his body again. He then started running as fast as he can away from everyone as he said: "I have to get away from people. I have to get away from everyone. I have to... get off this planet!"
[Alright, chapter fixed, but I have a few words to say. First, do you honestly think that one thing that happened is the worst thing to happen in the Dragon Ball Universe? Goku killed the entire Red Ribbon Army as a kid, Frieda and his father enslaved an entire race, the Saiyan's eraticated dozens of planets and wiped out entire species, and Yamcha has robbed dozens of not hundreds of people before meeting Goku. So if you say I got too dark for you, which I did, then go watch Dragon Ball through GT and Super again and tell me what you think]
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