Episode 1: A Frightful Encounter

Age 730 (11 Years Ago):

The king of the Tuffles was running through a science lab. Roars and explosions could be heard outside as he glanced out a window seeing giant great apes destroying his planet. He gritted his teeth in anger as he ran through a door and saw multiple scientists working on a tube filled with a green liquid. Floating in it was a grey humanoid thing with an elongated head and large eyes. The Tuffle king looked at a scientist and said: "Are we ready?"

"Yes, sir, we just need to add your DNA and it'll be complete!" replied a scientist

"Good, get it ready!" shouted the king as they prepared the procedure. As the scientist hooked up their king to a machine, a needle was injected into him and blood filled the syringe. The needle was then injected into the humanoid in the tube. The king then looked at the tube with a grin as the building shook "SIR! WE NEED TO LAUNCH, PROJECT: BABY, NOW!" shouted a scientist

"Do it then! I'm not going to lose to a bunch of monkeys just because we didn't do everything in our power!" shouted the king as a hatch opened up. Machines were beeping as a countdown began "10... 9... 8," the king whispered as the building shook again. The tube was knocked off into an angle as he shouted "FIX THE TUBE! NOW!"


"3... 2... 1... launch,"

"NOOOO!" the king shouted in anguish as the tube was launched off the planet. It rose past the giant apes as some fired ki blasts at it, but they missed. The tube flew through space with no agenda in mind. As it began to slow down, the humanoid slowly opened its eyes and looked down at the planet. Despite its distance, he could see the flames and explosions of the Tuffle side of the planet. The Saiyan side, however, was completely fine as destruction could only be seen for the Tuffles. It was then that something sparked in that creatures heart... rage. But it was short lived as a meteorite was coming toward the tube.

Age 746 (Present Day):

Lincoln Loud was walking down the street back to his house. Next to him was his best friend, Clyde, "Man, what a great day. I finally beat my old high score!" Lincoln said with joy

"Yeah, man, I know what you mean. I still can't believe you did it though," Clyde replied

"It was tough, but I did it!"

"You sure did!" Clyde said as he looked at the time "Oh man, hey, Lincoln, I gotta go. See ya tomorrow?"

"You bet!" Lincoln said as Clyde began to run down the sidewalk

"AND SAY HIGH TO LORI FOR ME!" Clyde shouted

"I WILL!" Lincoln shouted back to his friend with a smile and a wave. Once Clyde was out of his view, he realized just how late it was as he too hurried back home. But before he could, he was stopped by a man "Oops, sorry," Lincoln said as the man looked at him. He looked about in his early 20's with blond hair and glasses. Red eyes looked down at Lincoln as the man asked: "Hey, kid, where are your parents?"

"S-sorry, my family told me not to talk to strangers," Lincoln said as the man smirked

"So they're not around?"

"Uhh, I-I gotta go-AH!" Lincoln said as he suddenly felt something sharp cut his back. He looked back to see the man holding a knife and a wild smile on his face "HAHAHA! COME, KID, SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!" shouted the man in a somewhat high voice as he came at Lincoln with a punch. Lincoln was hit in the jaw as he was sent back a few feet. His head bounced on the ground as the man jumped with the knife ready to stab him. Lincoln rolled to the side as he tried to get away, but he didn't get far as the man kicked him into a trash can "You're doing horribly, I thought you would put up more of a fight," said the man as he walked over with the knife, ready to kill him. But Lincoln saw something in the garbage and just as the man was about to kill him, Lincoln chucked an old can at him. It missed, but the edge of the can cut open the mans cheek, causing him to bleed. The man winced as he touched his cheek, but then grew a smile "Seems I was wrong about you, you got some spunk. But now that I'm getting a good reading on you, you've got potential. More than this guy anyway," he said

"W-what are you talking about?" Lincoln asked as the man began laughing like a mad man. The man then hunched over in pain as the laughing continued. It echoed throughout the neighborhood as the man's eyes began to glow in a multi-colored pattern. Green lights shot off him as the man screamed in pain, but laughter was still heard underneath. The man fell to the ground as Lincoln was scared to no end. Soon, the man's body started to buldge as the light-show became even brighter. Soon, a figure started to form from the green light. Once Lincoln was able to see again, he saw a blue boy-like humanoid with yellow and red stripped shoulder pads, wrist guards, and ankle guards. The figure was about Lincoln's hight as he began to walk toward Lincoln "W-ho o-or w-what are you?" Lincoln asked

"I'm Baby, and you're my next victim, HA!" replied Baby as he turned into a silver-like liquid and landed on Lincoln

"HELP! HELP ME!" Lincoln shouted in desperation as his cries were muffled by Baby covering his mouth in liquid form. Soon, Lincoln started to choke as the liquid entered through his mouth and the large cut on his back. Lincoln's world then started to become black as he reached out for help, but none came.

The Next Day:

Lincoln awoke to the sound of beeping and a white light blinded him. He raised a hand to cover his face as he sat up "I-I'm alive?" Lincoln asked himself

"LINCOLN!" he then heard as he could barely breathe. His eyes adjusted to the light to see his family hugging him to death "Linky, are you alright? What happened?" his sister Leni asked

"I-I don't know... everything's.... Fuzzy," Lincoln replied

"So do you, like, not remember being attacked?" Lori asked


"Yeah, dude, why else would you have a nasty gash on your back?" Luna said

"What are yo- AH!" Lincoln said as he felt pain in his back

"Don't move, brother unit, they just finish stitching you up," Lisa said as she adjusted her glasses

"Man, I knew I should have just run home with Clyde," Lincoln mumbled to himself

"So mind telling us what happened, dude?" Luna asked. Lincoln grabbed his head as he tried to remember "I-I don't know, I was walking home with Clyde when I bumped into this guy," Lincoln said

"Did he have blond hair?" Lynn asked

"Y-yeah, how did you know?"

"They have the guy in a waiting cell, son," his father, Lynn Sr., said

"R-really?" Lincoln asked

"You bet they do! If he wasn't in that cell I would be beating him to a pulp myself!" Lynn shouted in anger

"H-hey, calm down, I'm alive. That's all that matters, right?" Lincoln spoke in a calm tone. His sisters all nodded in agreement, except for Lynn, who was seething over the thought that her brother got attacked. As they all talked, a doctor came into the room with an officer "Are you all the Loud family?" the doctor asked

"Yes, we are, who are you?" asked Rita, Lincoln's mother

"My name is Dr. Doe, and this is Officer Ron," Dr. Doe said as he made a motion toward the officer

"Howdy," he said

"Oh, a-are you here to question my son?" Lynn Sr. asked

"I'm afraid so, now I understand if you want to stay all things considering, but it's up to the boy here if he wants it," said Ron

"It's fine," Lincoln said

"Are you sure, bro?" Luna asked

"Yes, I'm sure,"

"Alright, son, now tell me what happened," Ron asked as he sat down with a pencil and pad

Sometime Later:

Lincoln was home after being discharged from the hospital. He was in his room reading a comic when he heard "You little brat!"

"WHOA!" Lincoln shouted as he fell to the ground "W-who said that?"

"So you can hear me? Good, now don't resist, it won't take long," repeated the voice

"I-it's you! Y-you're the- AHH!" Lincoln shouted as he grabbed his head in pain

"This would be easier if you just give up, it'll be all over in a bit," said the voice again as Lincoln screamed in pain. Soon red lines began to form on his chin and above his eyes. His eyes themselves gained crosses as Lincoln stopped moving. Lincolns chest then began to move up and down rapidly as high-pitched laughter echoed from his mouth "Finally, it took a day... but baby, we're Baby," said Baby as a smile grew across his face.

[Hope you enjoyed the first chapter and sorry it sucked. I was busy with other things and as we know this is going to have story arcs, so the first few 'episodes' are going to involve Lincoln getting off planet]

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