Chapter 9: Battle of Minds and Bodies!

Last time on Baby Lincoln, a year has past since Lincoln arrived on Planet Vampa and began training with Paragus as Lincoln and Baby talked about what has happened Watching the sunset over the horizon, Lincoln chuckled to himself as he saw the moon start to rise "What's so funny?" Baby asked as he tossed his empty leg

"Nothing, just that we would be in trouble if I didn't train in Oozaru control half a year ago," Lincoln replied as he reached for another leg after chucking the one he held

"Yeah, that would be pretty bad," Baby said as he reached for another leg. But they soon started to fight over food when Broly stopped them and told them to get some sleep "Father said it would be best to go to bed, we've got to train early tomorrow," Broly said as he let his arms fall to his sides

"Alright, alright, I'll go to bed," Lincoln said as Baby sighed

"Fine... but that doesn't mean I don't get to play my games," Baby said as he whispered the last part. Hours later, Lincoln awoke to find himself in a dream-like realm of Royal Woods where he encounters Luna begin possessed by Baby's 'sister' "You know, I think it would be best if you stopped running... would make thing s a whole lot easier," said a voice similar to Baby's as Lincoln and Luna turned in the direction of the voice. Standing there was female Baby with white in place of yellow and she had white hair! Her eyes where a shiny black as she walked over to Luna, completely ignoring Lincoln "Hmph, seems you actually took my advice and stopped running, now hold still," the female Baby stated as she extended a finger and shot a ki blast at Luna's right arm. Luna cried out in pain as she held her right arm, which now held a large cut. The female Baby then began to laugh as she turned into a silver liquid and started to take over Luna's body "LINCOLN! SAVE ME! PLEASE!" Luna shouted as her voice was drowned out

"LUNA!" Lincoln shouted as he ran to help her. As Lincoln stretched out his hand to give her the help she cried out for... his hand passed through her. Lincoln's whole body then phased through as if he was a ghost "W-what's going on?!" Lincoln said as he looked back and saw that it was too late

"Hehehehehehehe, perfect... now to find him," the now possessed Luna said as she began to walk away. He was about to try and save the vision when Evil Baby stopped him in his tracks "My, my, hard to believe that it would be your sister to carry on MY burden," Evil Baby said. But Baby managed to save Lincoln as they ran and Baby explained how Evil Baby came to be "About time I got outta there, now finish the job you can't!" he said

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, really,"

"You might wanna think about that again," Baby replied as he cracked his knuckles. And just as Baby finished his story, Evil Baby launched an attack at the two in hopes of killing them "I was thinking Baby Black, but yeah, Evil Baby would do ju~~st fine," said another voice as they both looked outside and saw Evil Baby with a giant orb of ki above him "REVENGE DEATH BALL!" he shouted as he brought it down on them

"OH SHI~~~~~~~T!"

And Now a Battle of Minds and Bodies! Begins Now! (Play Intro!):

As Evil Baby launched the giant black ki sphere at Lincoln and Baby, the building they were in was starting to disintegrate as the Death Ball came down on them "We need to get outta here!" Baby shouted as Lincoln blasted a hole in the wall

"Made a way out! Let's go!" Lincoln screamed as they turned around to see the ki ball. The building exploded as they were sent flying in opposite directions. Lincoln and Baby were sent through buildings as Lincoln landed in a store on a vegetable stand while Baby landed in a mattress store. Evil Baby chuckled as he floated over Lincoln "Look at you, so weak and pathetic, I can't believe you even managed to resist my control," Evil Baby commented as he landed in front of Lincoln. Walking toward Lincoln, Evil Baby grabbed Lincoln's leg as he pulled on it and slammed Lincoln into the ground. Lincoln bounced off the ground as Evil Baby then round-housed him into the wall "So weak and pathetic, killing you would be a mercy. Like killing a wounded animal," Evil Baby stated as Lincoln struggled to stand up. Evil Baby slowly walked toward Lincoln as he took his time. Lincoln finally stood up as he shook his head and raised his fists. Pushing off one foot, Lincoln cocked back a fist as he launched at Evil Baby and socked him in the jaw. This pushed Evil Baby back a bit as Lincoln continued with a left hook and kicked him in the ribs with a right kick. Evil Baby gritted his teeth as he punched Lincoln in the stomach, causing Lincoln to gasp; he then kneed Lincoln in the nose and kicked him across the head. Lincoln rolled across the ground as Evil Baby fired a volley of magenta ki blasts at him. Large dust could surround Lincoln as he was struck by a majority of ki blasts. Evil Baby smirked as he was attacked from behind "You think that'll take me down?!" Baby shouted as he leg swept Evil Baby and double axe handled him into the ground. This caused a large crater to be made as buildings toppled to the ground. Baby was about to slam a foot down on Evil Baby when Evil Baby shouted: "EYE FLASH!" and blinded Baby

"GAH! MY EYES!" Baby shouted

"Now you know what it's like!" Evil Baby commented as he pushed off the ground and struck Baby in the throat with his foot. Baby was sent flying into the air as Evil Baby then shouted: "REVERSE SHOT!" and fired a stream of magenta ki blasts. Baby didn't even bother to wait to see again as he flew wildly in hopes that he wouldn't get hit. But it was useless as the ki balls tracked him and each on struck him. He was shot out of the sky as he fell to the ground with a crash "Man, this is easier than I thought," Evil Baby said to himself as he walked over to Lincoln, who came out of the rubble with right kick and sent Evil Baby flying. Lincoln then brought his hands together and shouted "LOUD CRASHER!" and fired a massive orange ki wave. The blast was large enough to destroy a good portion of the city. Lincoln then let his arms fall to his side as he fell to his knees with tattered breathing "D-did I get him?" Lincoln asked as he was struck in the chest and sent through several buildings

"CLOSE BUT NO CIGAR!" shouted Evil Baby with a smirk as he stood where Lincoln's once was. He had lost an arm and a good size chunk of his torso, but it started to regenerate as a new arm formed and he moved it around to make sure it was working correctly "Stupid fools, don't they know? The longer they take... the stronger I become," he chuckled to himself as another battle was taking place outside

In The Real World (Play Music):

"LINCOLN! SNAP OUT OF IT!" Paragus shouted as Evil Baby threw a punch at him, of which the former dodged

"Old monkey fool! I am not Lincoln! I AM THE ONE TRUE BABY!" Evil Baby shouted from Lincoln's body as he kicked Paragus into the air


"The Baby was a fool to ally himself with your kind! I AM THE TRUE BABY! THE ONE WHO WILL ANNIHILATE THE ENTIRE SAIYAN RACE!" Evil Baby shouted as he fired a barrage of ki blasts. Paragus quickly fired his own volley as they created a giant smoke cloud. Once the smoke settled, Paragus saw that Evil Baby was missing. But before he could do anything, he was struck in the face and sent crashing into a large boulder as Evil Baby smirked "The old and weak will die, you fall under both those categories, monkey," Evil Baby stated as he raised a single hand and fired flurries of large, bright Ki Blasts at where Paragus had landed. A huge explosion erupted as Evil Baby laughed "HAHAHAHAHA! Now to take care of tha-GAH!" was all he said before he was sent flying through the air. He crashed into the ground as a huge crater was created where he landed as Broly floated there "Why? WHY?! I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS, LINCOLN?!" Broly screamed as Evil Baby stood up with cuts and bruises on his body

"CAN'T YOU HEAR, MONKEY? I! AM! BABY! I swear you're all so ignorant," Evil Baby mumbled


"WELL, THINGS CHANGE!" Evil Baby shouted as he raised his hands in the air and started to create a huge ki orb. Once it was done, Evil Baby threw it at Broly while shouting: "REVENGE DEATH BALL!"

Back In Lincoln's Mind:

Baby and Lincoln were throwing punches at Evil Baby as the ladder punched Lincoln in the jaw, sending him flying; he then landed an uppercut on Baby and kicked him to the ground. Lincoln shook his head as Baby was trying to stand up "Uh, hey, Lincoln, do you have anything you can pull outta your ass to beat this guy?" Baby shouted as Lincoln spat out a glob of blood

"I don't think so- WAIT! I GOT IT!" Lincoln said as he concentrated his ki to one of his hands "It's gonna take me some time to get this done! Can you handle him for me?!"

"How long?!"

"A MINUTE OR TWO!" Lincoln shouted as Baby powered up

"ALRIGHT! HAAA!" Baby shouted as he charged at his evil counterpart with a right hook. Baby then kick him in the gut as Evil Baby countered with a left swing. They continued with attacks and counters for the next 2 minutes as Evil Baby was about to punch Baby in the face, but stopped short much to the ladders surprise. Evil Baby then opened his palm as a ki blast exploded in Baby's face, knocking him off balance. Baby was about to continue when Lincoln shouted: "I'M READY!"

"DO IT!" Baby shouted as Lincoln threw a white ki orb at Evil Baby. Evil Baby saw the attack coming and knocked it away "REALLY?! THAT WAS YOUR PLAN?!" Baby shouted as Evil Baby clubbed him to the ground


"I wasn't aiming for you," Lincoln said as Evil Baby raised an eyebrow

"What are you talking about fool? Wasn't that an attack?"

"Oh, it's an attack... just not the most offensive type, take a look," Lincoln said as he pointed at the ki orb, which now hung in the sky. Smirking, Lincoln opened his hand while the orb floated in the air "NOW! BURST OPEN AND MIX!" as it created a bright flash of light. Evil Baby covered his eyes as when he opened them back up again to see a moon-like body in the sky "W-what is that?! What have you done?!" Evil Baby asked as he looked at Lincoln

"Hah hah hah! HAH HAH! You're going to be kicking yourself! You should've finished us off when you had the chance instead of taking your time!" Lincoln replied as he could hear his own heartbeat. He soon started to become more muscular as the pupils in his eyes vanished. Lincoln's teeth grew in size as his features became more feral. He started to grow as he grew fur across his body and his clothes started to tear. Soon, in place of Lincoln, was a giant brown muscular monkey with red glowing eyes

"HAHAHAHAHA! You're screwed now!" Lincoln laughed as something... unexpected happened outside

In The Real World:

Broly tossed around Evil Baby like a rag-doll as he slammed him into the ground. Broly then stomped on him as he punched him further into the ground. Broly was about to continue when Evil Baby started to twitch "GAH! W-What's g-going n-AHHHHHHHH!" Evil Baby shouted as the shout forced Broly back. Evil Baby then started to grow in size as the same transformation the Lincoln underwent occured in Evil Baby "Haha... HAHA! HAHAHAHAHA! This is wonderful! The brat must've undergone a the Oozaru transformation inside the mindscape!" Evil Baby laughed as he looked down at Broly "Now I think it's time you DIE!"

[Hope you enjoyed the sorry if this chapter is confusing. I'm running low on steam and I think that the next chapter is going to be pretty long. Anywho, things are going to be a little hard for me cause I like things short and to the point, so the fight scenes are going to get crappy from here]

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